Apple Interview Question for Software Engineer in Tests

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cat <filename> | tr -s [:space:] '\n' | grep -v "^\s*$" | sort | uniq -c | sort -bnr

- David February 26, 2015 | Flag Reply
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there is more efficient way because sorting hashmap based on values is not optimised way , manage heap sort with hashmap , top of heap will give the most occured word. Also, since heap will be based on number of occurence, each node of heap can maintain the list of words with same number of occurence and keep it sorted.

- Anonymous September 11, 2014 | Flag Reply
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- Create a hash map to put the search words in.
- Loop through each word in the document, if the word is in the hash map. Then I increase the count of the map
- Loop through the map and sort based on its occurrence

- Anonymous September 11, 2014 | Flag Reply
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HashMap[word] = occurence count , if word does not exist , else occurence++

- shukad333 September 11, 2014 | Flag Reply
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from collections import defaultdict

hashmap = defaultdict(int)

def countWords(words):
     for word in words:
        hashmap[word] += 1

- Tony September 11, 2014 | Flag Reply
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2 functions. One sort occurrence. One sort alphabet.

 * Suppose we are given an array of strings over some finite alphabet(say the 
 * letters a to z). Each string can have a different number of characters, but 
 * the total number of characters in all the strings is n. Show how to sort 
 * the strings in alphabetical order in O(n) time.
function linearSort($s, $p) {
    $t = [];
    foreach ($s as $u) {
        if (!isset($u[$p])) $c = 0;
        else $c = $u[$p];
        if (!isset($t[$c])) $t[$c] = [];
        $t[$c][] = $u;
    $s = isset($t[0]) ? $t[0] : [];
    foreach (range('a', 'z') as $c) {
        if (!isset($t[$c])) continue;
        if (count($t[$c]) == 1) {$s[] = $t[$c][0]; continue;}
        $u = linearSort($t[$c], $p + 1);
        $s = array_merge($s, $u);
    return $s;

$s = ['test', 'something', 'test', 'apple', 'what'];

var_dump(linearSort($s, 0));

 * There are several words in a file. Get the occurrence of every word and sort 
 * it based on the occurrence, if more than one word is having same occurrence 
 * then sort it alphabetically.
function occurrenceSort($s) {
    $t = [];
    foreach ($s as $u) {
        if (!isset($t[$u])) $t[$u] = 0;
    $p = [];
    $max = 1;
    foreach ($t as $u => $c) {
        if (!isset($p[$c])) $p[$c] = [];
        $p[$c][] = $u;
        $max = $max < $c ? $c : $max;
    $s = [];
    for ($i = $max; $i > 0; $i--) {
        if (!isset($p[$i])) continue;
        if (count($p[$i]) == 1) {
            $s[] = $p[$i][0];
        $t = linearSort($p[$i], 0);
        $s = array_merge($s, $t);
    return $s;


- paul4156 September 25, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Node{word, count}

- Anonymous October 06, 2014 | Flag Reply
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sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 
		[](const node &a, const node &b) -> bool{
			if(a.val == b.val) return a.str <= b.str;
			else return a.val < b.val;

- Eric October 27, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Unix file solution :
grep -i -o -E '\w+' txtfile | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sort -f | uniq -c | sort

- iwanna November 15, 2014 | Flag Reply
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 * @author Dany
 *There are several words in a file. Get the occurrence of every word and sort it based on the 
 *occurrence, if more than one word is having same occurrence than sort it alphabetically.
 * 1. Get the input list
 * 2. Put it in a hashmap and update the word occurrence count as value in the map
 * 3. Iterate through the hash map and add word and count to the max heap which is implemented based on count priority
 * 3. Iterate through the max heap and sort the words which has same occurrence count. 
 * 	  Then add the words to result list.
 * 4. return the result list
public class SortListBasedOnOccurrance {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ArrayList<String> wordList = new ArrayList<String>();
		ArrayList<String> res = new SortListBasedOnOccurrance().getSortedWordList(wordList);
		for(String word : res)

	class WordObj{
		String word;
		int count;
		public WordObj(String word, int count)
			this.word = word;
			this.count = count;

	public PriorityQueue<WordObj> implementMaxHeap()
		PriorityQueue<WordObj> pq = new PriorityQueue<WordObj>(11, new Comparator<WordObj>() {
			public int compare(WordObj o1, WordObj o2)
				int p1=o1.count;
				int p2=o2.count;
				return (p2-p1); 
		return pq;
	public ArrayList<String> getSortedWordList(ArrayList<String> wordList)
		ArrayList<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>();
		HashMap<String, Integer> wordMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
		//HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> valueWordMap = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>();
		for(String word : wordList)
				wordMap.put(word, wordMap.get(word)+1);
				wordMap.put(word, 1);
		PriorityQueue<WordObj> maxHeap = implementMaxHeap();
		for(String word : wordMap.keySet())
			int count = wordMap.get(word);
			maxHeap.add(new WordObj(word, count));
		int lastCountValue =0;
		ArrayList<String> wordArrList = new ArrayList<String>();
		WordObj firstWord = maxHeap.poll();
		lastCountValue = firstWord.count;
			WordObj wObj = maxHeap.poll();
				lastCountValue = wObj.count;
				wordArrList = new ArrayList<String>();
				lastCountValue = wObj.count;
		return resultList;

- Dany January 27, 2015 | Flag Reply
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3 step solution:
1. build the 1st hashmap with <word,occurrence> pair.
2. build the 2nd hashmap with <occurrence,array of words> pair.
3. Print 2nd hashmap on increasing order of occurrence.

- saumya.wipro April 09, 2015 | Flag Reply
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simple groovy solution.

def myFile ="""hola como esta esa hola que viene por esa casa de casa asi lo queria con aaa\nNext line aaa"""

Map strMap = myFile.replaceAll('\n',' ').split(' ').countBy{it}

strMap.sort{a, b -> b.getValue() <=> a.getValue() ?: a.getKey() <=> b.getKey()}.each{
    println it

- smith May 07, 2015 | Flag Reply
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@import Foundation;

int main() {
@autoreleasepool {
NSMutableDictionary *wordsCount = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSArray *words = @[@"john", @"doe", @"jane", @"doe"];
for (NSString *s in words)
NSNumber *count = [wordsCount objectForKey:s];
wordsCount[s] = [NSNumber numberWithInt: count ? [count intValue] + 1 : 1];
NSLog(@"%@", wordsCount);
} return 0;

- Dan Marinescu June 06, 2015 | Flag Reply
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public static SortedSet<WordCount> computeWordCount(BufferedReader reader) {
		SortedSet<WordCount> wordCounts = new TreeSet<>();
		Map<String,WordCount> map = new HashMap<>();
		try {
			while(reader.ready()) {
				String line = reader.readLine();
				StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "\t ");
				while(st.hasMoreTokens()) {
					String token = st.nextToken();
					token = token.trim();
					WordCount wordCount =null;
					if(map.containsKey(token)) {
						wordCount = map.get(token);
					} else {
						wordCount = new WordCount(token);
					map.put(token, wordCount);
			for(Entry<String,WordCount> wc: map.entrySet()) {
		} catch (IOException e) {
		return wordCounts;

- Ganesh Bhat June 12, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Use TreeMap

public static void main(String[] args){
        try {
            TreeMap<String,Integer> tree = new TreeMap<>();
            FileReader fd = new FileReader("input_file.txt");
            BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(fd);
            String line;
            while((line =file.readLine())!=null){

                for(String temp: line.split("\\s+")){

            for(String temp:tree.keySet()){
                System.out.println(String.format(temp + " : " + tree.get(temp)));

        catch ( IOException e){

- Aparna March 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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1. Make a HashMap of word,count
2. Create a WordObject class as [word, count]
3. Create a Max heap (Priority Queue), which is fort sorted by count and then by word alphabetically
4. One by one add from Map to PQ
5. One by One remove from PQ to get the result

import java.util.*;

public class WordCount {
	public static void getWordCount(List<String> list){
		HashMap<String,Integer> wordToCountMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();

		//Build word,count map
		for(String word : list){
				int count = wordToCountMap.get(word);
				wordToCountMap.put(word, count+1);
				wordToCountMap.put(word, 1);
		//Make max count Priority Queue which is sorted by counts and then by string alphabetically
		PriorityQueue<WordObject> maxPQ = new PriorityQueue<WordObject>(new Comparator<WordObject>(){
			public int compare(WordObject o1, WordObject o2){
				// sort on count and the alphabetically
				if(o1.count > o2.count){
					return -1;
				}else if(o1.count < o2.count){
					return 1;
					return o1.word.compareTo(o2.word); // sort alphabetically
		//add one by one to Max PQ
		for(String word : wordToCountMap.keySet()){
			maxPQ.add(new WordObject(word, wordToCountMap.get(word)));
		//Build the result
		List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<String> wordList = new ArrayList<String>();
class WordObject{
	String word;
	int count;
	WordObject(String word , int count){
		this.word = word;
		this.count = count;

- Mayank Jain August 21, 2017 | Flag Reply
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collector = {}
import operator
from operator import itemgetter
with open('test.txt') as fh:
    for lines in fh:
        lines = lines.split()
        for words in lines:
            words = words.lower()
            collector[words] = collector.get(words,0) + 1
coll_sort = sorted(collector.items(),key=lambda x:(-x[1],x[0]))

- ajaanbaahu February 02, 2018 | Flag Reply
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Use a binary heap DS

- Anonymous April 14, 2019 | Flag Reply

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