Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineers

Country: United States
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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Maintain two heaps(max-heap and min-heap). Total purchase for each customer will go to both the heaps. Finally pick the top 1/4 entries from both the heaps for the top and bottom purchasers.

- Pravash August 23, 2015 | Flag Reply
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What's the time complexity of popping 1/4 of the elements in a heap? O(n/4*log n)? If so, we can sort the whole array with O(n log n) cost and obtain the upper/lower quartile.
Can we do better than O(n*log n) asymptotically?

- Pyramid August 27, 2015 | Flag
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This python code first tallies the purchases for each customer ID, then sorts the customer IDs based on total purchases. The sorted IDs are used to display the results based on (lower) 25% or (upper) 75%:

CustomerTally = { }

Purchases = [
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 22.10, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 5, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 6, 'purchase': 11.45, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 12.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 2, 'purchase': 16.60, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 3, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 21.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 3, 'purchase': 11.25, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 4, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 7, 'purchase': 12.25, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 5, 'purchase': 22.30, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 11.25, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 2, 'purchase': 33.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 6, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 12.10, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 4, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" }

def TallyPurchases(PurchaseList):
	global CustomerTally

	# Use CustomerTally dictionary to record purchase totals per customer ID
	for purchase in PurchaseList:
		if (purchase['id'] in CustomerTally):
			CustomerTally[purchase['id']] += purchase['purchase']
			CustomerTally[purchase['id']] = purchase['purchase']

def SortIDs( ):
	global CustomerTally

	SortedIDs = [ ]
	# A simple insertion sort to order the customers by spend-total
	for customer in CustomerTally.keys( ):
		if (SortedIDs):
			# Locate this new item's place in the list
			iID = 0
			while ((iID < len(SortedIDs)) and (CustomerTally[SortedIDs[iID]] < CustomerTally[customer])):
				iID += 1
			# Insert the next item into the sorted location
			SortedIDs.insert(iID, customer)

	return (SortedIDs)

def run( ):
	global Purchases
	global CustomerTally

	# Tally and sort the purchase data
	IDList = SortIDs( )
	# Now print out the customer IDs and totals, indicating a 25% or 75% spend rate
	iShopper = 0
	percent25 = (len(IDList) * 0.25)
	percent75 = (len(IDList) * 0.75)
	while (iShopper < len(IDList)):
		id = IDList[iShopper]
		if (iShopper <= percent25):
			print "25 %s $%s" %(id, CustomerTally[id])
		elif (iShopper >= percent75):
			print "75 %s $%s" %(id, CustomerTally[id])
			print "-- %s $%s" %(id, CustomerTally[id])
		iShopper += 1

run( )

- Mark E. August 24, 2015 | Flag Reply
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This code first tallies the individual purchases and then sorts the IDs based on purchase total. The sorted list is used to identify the (lower) 25% and the (upper) 75%:

CustomerTally = { }

Purchases = [
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 22.10, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 5, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 6, 'purchase': 11.45, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 12.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 2, 'purchase': 16.60, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 3, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 21.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 3, 'purchase': 11.25, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 4, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 7, 'purchase': 12.25, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 5, 'purchase': 22.30, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 11.25, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 2, 'purchase': 33.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 6, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 1, 'purchase': 12.10, 'e-mail': "" },
	{ 'id': 4, 'purchase': 10.50, 'e-mail': "" }

def TallyPurchases(PurchaseList):
	global CustomerTally

	# Use CustomerTally dictionary to record purchase totals per customer ID
	for purchase in PurchaseList:
		if (purchase['id'] in CustomerTally):
			CustomerTally[purchase['id']] += purchase['purchase']
			CustomerTally[purchase['id']] = purchase['purchase']

def SortIDs( ):
	global CustomerTally

	SortedIDs = [ ]
	# A simple insertion sort to order the customers by spend-total
	for customer in CustomerTally.keys( ):
		if (SortedIDs):
			# Locate this new item's place in the list
			iID = 0
			while ((iID < len(SortedIDs)) and (CustomerTally[SortedIDs[iID]] < CustomerTally[customer])):
				iID += 1
			# Insert the next item into the sorted location
			SortedIDs.insert(iID, customer)

	return (SortedIDs)

def run( ):
	global Purchases
	global CustomerTally

	# Tally and sort the purchase data
	IDList = SortIDs( )
	# Now print out the customer IDs and totals, indicating a 25% or 75% spend rate
	iShopper = 0
	percent25 = (len(IDList) * 0.25)
	percent75 = (len(IDList) * 0.75)
	while (iShopper < len(IDList)):
		id = IDList[iShopper]
		if (iShopper <= percent25):
			print "25 %s $%s" %(id, CustomerTally[id])
		elif (iShopper >= percent75):
			print "75 %s $%s" %(id, CustomerTally[id])
			print "-- %s $%s" %(id, CustomerTally[id])
		iShopper += 1

run( )

- Mark E. August 24, 2015 | Flag Reply
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1. Calculate ceil(25%) from size of the list, let this be m. m customers with highest spending receive msg1, m customers with least spending receive msg2, (n-m) customers receive msg3.
2. use quick select to find i = index of m highest customers, j = index of m lowest customers - these 2m customers receive msg's 1 and 2
3. rest of the customers from i+1 to j-1 receive msg 3

- codewarrior August 24, 2015 | Flag Reply
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The problem can be divided in 2 parts:
1. Accumulation of customer data. For this each transaction has to be searched according to customer id. If space is no constraint; we can do that using hash-tables otherwise either black-red tree or binary heap tree can be used to build list for customer data.
2. Now you have accumulated data for each customer; we can build array of that data.
3. As codewarrior has explained we can use quick_select procedure to calculate n/4 least transactions. --> message 2
3. And then another quich_select to find m/3 th index to seperate customers needed to send message 1 and 2.

- Girish August 24, 2015 | Flag Reply
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class Solution
	public static void main(string[] argv)
		ArrayList<CustomerPurchase> customerPurchases=new ArrayList<CustomerPurchase>();
		HashMap<int, CustomerPurchase> custPurMap=new HashMap<int, CustomerPurchase>();
		BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
		int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine().trim());
		for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
			string[] words=br.readLine().trim().split(" ");
			int id=Integer.parseInt(words[0]), amount=Integer.parseInt(words[1]);
				custPurMap[id]=new CustomerPurchase(id, amount);
		foreach(string key in custPurMap.Keys)
		int twenty5Per=(int)(customerPurchases.Count*0.25);		
		for(int i=0; i<twenty5Per; i++)
			System.out.println("message 1: "+customerPurchases.get(i).id);
		for(int i=twenty5Per; i<customerPurchases.Count-twenty5Per; i++)
			System.out.println("message 2: "+customerPurchases.get(i).id);
		for(int i=customerPurchases.Count-twenty5Per; i<customerPurchases.Count; i++)
			System.out.println("message 3: "+customerPurchases.get(i).id);

- spiderman August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Here is working c# program for this problem.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication5

public class Custmer
public int CustId { get; set; }
public int Amount { get; set; }
public string CustName { get; set; }

class Program
public static string Message1 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend most";
public static string Message2 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend least";
public static string Message3 = "Target the rest of the customer";
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Custmer> lstCust = new List<Custmer>();
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 100, Amount = 100, CustName = "Shoeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 101, Amount = 200, CustName = "Amin" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 102, Amount = 300, CustName = "Ahad" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 103, Amount = 400, CustName = "Zakir" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 104, Amount = 500, CustName = "Munawer" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 105, Amount = 600, CustName = "Anjum" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 106, Amount = 700, CustName = "Najeeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 107, Amount = 800, CustName = "Aslam" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 108, Amount = 900, CustName = "Shakeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 109, Amount = 1000, CustName = "Asim" });

Dictionary<int, string> lstCustResult = new Dictionary<int, string>();

int CustCount = lstCust.Count();
List<Custmer> lstCustMost = new List<Custmer>();
List<Custmer> lstCustLeast = new List<Custmer>();
List<Custmer> lstCustRemaing = new List<Custmer>();

int Max25 = (CustCount * 25) / 100;
int Min = Max25;

int Reminaing = CustCount - (Max25 + Min);

lstCustMost = lstCust.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();
lstCustLeast = lstCust.OrderBy(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();

DisplayListElement(lstCustMost, Message1);
DisplayListElement(lstCustLeast, Message2);


var resultRemaiing = lstCust.Except(lstCustMost).ToList();


public static void DisplayListElement(List<Custmer> lst, string Message)
foreach (Custmer Cust in lst)
SendMessage(Cust.CustName, Cust.Amount, Message);

public static void SendMessage(string CustName,int Amount, string Message)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CustomerName={0}, you'r amount is ={1} and your message={2}", CustName, Amount, Message));


- Mohammad Shoeb August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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{{using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication5

public class Custmer
public int CustId { get; set; }
public int Amount { get; set; }
public string CustName { get; set; }

class Program
public static string Message1 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend most";
public static string Message2 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend least";
public static string Message3 = "Target the rest of the customer";
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Custmer> lstCust = new List<Custmer>();
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 100, Amount = 100, CustName = "Shoeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 101, Amount = 200, CustName = "Amin" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 102, Amount = 300, CustName = "Ahad" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 103, Amount = 400, CustName = "Zakir" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 104, Amount = 500, CustName = "Munawer" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 105, Amount = 600, CustName = "Anjum" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 106, Amount = 700, CustName = "Najeeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 107, Amount = 800, CustName = "Aslam" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 108, Amount = 900, CustName = "Shakeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 109, Amount = 1000, CustName = "Asim" });

Dictionary<int, string> lstCustResult = new Dictionary<int, string>();

int CustCount = lstCust.Count();
List<Custmer> lstCustMost = new List<Custmer>();
List<Custmer> lstCustLeast = new List<Custmer>();
List<Custmer> lstCustRemaing = new List<Custmer>();

int Max25 = (CustCount * 25) / 100;
int Min = Max25;

int Reminaing = CustCount - (Max25 + Min);

lstCustMost = lstCust.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();
lstCustLeast = lstCust.OrderBy(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();

DisplayListElement(lstCustMost, Message1);
DisplayListElement(lstCustLeast, Message2);


var resultRemaiing = lstCust.Except(lstCustMost).ToList();


public static void DisplayListElement(List<Custmer> lst, string Message)
foreach (Custmer Cust in lst)
SendMessage(Cust.CustName, Cust.Amount, Message);

public static void SendMessage(string CustName,int Amount, string Message)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CustomerName={0}, you'r amount is ={1} and your message={2}", CustName, Amount, Message));


- Mohammad Shoeb August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication5

    public class Custmer
        public int CustId { get; set; }
        public int Amount { get; set; }
        public string CustName { get; set; }

    class Program
        public static string Message1 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend most";
        public static string Message2 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend least";
        public static string Message3 = "Target the rest of the customer";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Custmer> lstCust = new List<Custmer>();
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 100, Amount = 100, CustName = "Shoeb" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 101, Amount = 200, CustName = "Amin" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 102, Amount = 300, CustName = "Ahad" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 103, Amount = 400, CustName = "Zakir" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 104, Amount = 500, CustName = "Munawer" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 105, Amount = 600, CustName = "Anjum" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 106, Amount = 700, CustName = "Najeeb" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 107, Amount = 800, CustName = "Aslam" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 108, Amount = 900, CustName = "Shakeb" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 109, Amount = 1000, CustName = "Asim" });


            Dictionary<int, string> lstCustResult = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            int CustCount = lstCust.Count();
            List<Custmer> lstCustMost = new List<Custmer>();
            List<Custmer> lstCustLeast = new List<Custmer>();
            List<Custmer> lstCustRemaing = new List<Custmer>();

            int Max25 = (CustCount * 25) / 100;
            int Min = Max25;

            int Reminaing = CustCount - (Max25 + Min);

            lstCustMost = lstCust.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();
            lstCustLeast = lstCust.OrderBy(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();

            DisplayListElement(lstCustMost, Message1);
            DisplayListElement(lstCustLeast, Message2);


            var resultRemaiing = lstCust.Except(lstCustMost).ToList();


        public static void DisplayListElement(List<Custmer> lst, string Message)
            foreach (Custmer Cust in lst)
                SendMessage(Cust.CustName, Cust.Amount, Message);

        public static void SendMessage(string CustName,int Amount, string Message)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CustomerName={0}, you'r amount is ={1} and your message={2}", CustName, Amount, Message));


- Mohammad Shoeb August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication5

    public class Custmer
        public int CustId { get; set; }
        public int Amount { get; set; }
        public string CustName { get; set; }

    class Program
        public static string Message1 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend most";
        public static string Message2 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend least";
        public static string Message3 = "Target the rest of the customer";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Custmer> lstCust = new List<Custmer>();
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 100, Amount = 100, CustName = "Shoeb" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 101, Amount = 200, CustName = "Amin" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 102, Amount = 300, CustName = "Ahad" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 103, Amount = 400, CustName = "Zakir" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 104, Amount = 500, CustName = "Munawer" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 105, Amount = 600, CustName = "Anjum" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 106, Amount = 700, CustName = "Najeeb" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 107, Amount = 800, CustName = "Aslam" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 108, Amount = 900, CustName = "Shakeb" });
            lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 109, Amount = 1000, CustName = "Asim" });


            Dictionary<int, string> lstCustResult = new Dictionary<int, string>();

            int CustCount = lstCust.Count();
            List<Custmer> lstCustMost = new List<Custmer>();
            List<Custmer> lstCustLeast = new List<Custmer>();
            List<Custmer> lstCustRemaing = new List<Custmer>();

            int Max25 = (CustCount * 25) / 100;
            int Min = Max25;

            int Reminaing = CustCount - (Max25 + Min);

            lstCustMost = lstCust.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();
            lstCustLeast = lstCust.OrderBy(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();

            DisplayListElement(lstCustMost, Message1);
            DisplayListElement(lstCustLeast, Message2);


            var resultRemaiing = lstCust.Except(lstCustMost).ToList();


        public static void DisplayListElement(List<Custmer> lst, string Message)
            foreach (Custmer Cust in lst)
                SendMessage(Cust.CustName, Cust.Amount, Message);

        public static void SendMessage(string CustName,int Amount, string Message)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CustomerName={0}, you'r amount is ={1} and your message={2}", CustName, Amount, Message));


- Mohammad Shoeb August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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public static void DisplayListElement(List<Custmer> lst, string Message)
foreach (Custmer Cust in lst)
SendMessage(Cust.CustName, Cust.Amount, Message);

- Mohammad Shoeb August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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public static void DisplayListElement(List<Custmer> lst, string Message)
foreach (Custmer Cust in lst)
SendMessage(Cust.CustName, Cust.Amount, Message);

- Shoeb August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication5

public class Custmer
public int CustId { get; set; }
public int Amount { get; set; }
public string CustName { get; set; }

class Program
public static string Message1 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend most";
public static string Message2 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend least";
public static string Message3 = "Target the rest of the customer";
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Custmer> lstCust = new List<Custmer>();
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 100, Amount = 100, CustName = "Shoeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 101, Amount = 200, CustName = "Amin" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 102, Amount = 300, CustName = "Ahad" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 103, Amount = 400, CustName = "Zakir" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 104, Amount = 500, CustName = "Munawer" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 105, Amount = 600, CustName = "Anjum" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 106, Amount = 700, CustName = "Najeeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 107, Amount = 800, CustName = "Aslam" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 108, Amount = 900, CustName = "Shakeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 109, Amount = 1000, CustName = "Asim" });

Dictionary<int, string> lstCustResult = new Dictionary<int, string>();

int CustCount = lstCust.Count();
List<Custmer> lstCustMost = new List<Custmer>();
List<Custmer> lstCustLeast = new List<Custmer>();
List<Custmer> lstCustRemaing = new List<Custmer>();

int Max25 = (CustCount * 25) / 100;
int Min = Max25;

int Reminaing = CustCount - (Max25 + Min);

lstCustMost = lstCust.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();
lstCustLeast = lstCust.OrderBy(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();

DisplayListElement(lstCustMost, Message1);
DisplayListElement(lstCustLeast, Message2);


var resultRemaiing = lstCust.Except(lstCustMost).ToList();


public static void DisplayListElement(List<Custmer> lst, string Message)
foreach (Custmer Cust in lst)
SendMessage(Cust.CustName, Cust.Amount, Message);

public static void SendMessage(string CustName,int Amount, string Message)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CustomerName={0}, you'r amount is ={1} and your message={2}", CustName, Amount, Message));


- mohsho10 August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Below is a C# working code for this.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication5

public class Custmer
public int CustId { get; set; }
public int Amount { get; set; }
public string CustName { get; set; }

class Program
public static string Message1 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend most";
public static string Message2 = "This is for targeting 25% customer who spend least";
public static string Message3 = "Target the rest of the customer";
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Custmer> lstCust = new List<Custmer>();
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 100, Amount = 100, CustName = "Shoeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 101, Amount = 200, CustName = "Amin" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 102, Amount = 300, CustName = "Ahad" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 103, Amount = 400, CustName = "Zakir" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 104, Amount = 500, CustName = "Munawer" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 105, Amount = 600, CustName = "Anjum" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 106, Amount = 700, CustName = "Najeeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 107, Amount = 800, CustName = "Aslam" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 108, Amount = 900, CustName = "Shakeb" });
lstCust.Add(new Custmer { CustId = 109, Amount = 1000, CustName = "Asim" });

Dictionary<int, string> lstCustResult = new Dictionary<int, string>();

int CustCount = lstCust.Count();
List<Custmer> lstCustMost = new List<Custmer>();
List<Custmer> lstCustLeast = new List<Custmer>();
List<Custmer> lstCustRemaing = new List<Custmer>();

int Max25 = (CustCount * 25) / 100;
int Min = Max25;

int Reminaing = CustCount - (Max25 + Min);

lstCustMost = lstCust.OrderByDescending(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();
lstCustLeast = lstCust.OrderBy(x => x.Amount).Take(Max25).ToList();

DisplayListElement(lstCustMost, Message1);
DisplayListElement(lstCustLeast, Message2);


var resultRemaiing = lstCust.Except(lstCustMost).ToList();


public static void DisplayListElement(List<Custmer> lst, string Message)
foreach (Custmer Cust in lst)
SendMessage(Cust.CustName, Cust.Amount, Message);

public static void SendMessage(string CustName,int Amount, string Message)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CustomerName={0}, you'r amount is ={1} and your message={2}", CustName, Amount, Message));


- mohsho10 August 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

import java.util.*;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<>();

List<Purchace> purchases = new ArrayList<>();

IntStream.range(1, 101).forEach(item -> {
Purchace purchace =new Purchace(new Customer(item), (int)(Math.random()*1000));

List<PercentageDS> purc = new ArrayList<>(3);
PercentageDS ds = new PercentageDS((purchases.size()));
int index = 0;
for(Purchace purchace:purchases) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
PriorityQueue<Purchace> ddds = purc.get(0).customers;

while(!ddds.isEmpty()) {



class PercentageDS {
int capacity;
PriorityQueue<Purchace> customers;
public PercentageDS(int capacity) {
this.capacity = capacity;
this.customers = new PriorityQueue<>(capacity);
void add(Purchace customer) throws RuntimeException{
if(this.capacity == this.customers.size())
throw new RuntimeException("Max reached");

class Customer {

private int id;

public Customer(int id) { = id;

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("Customer [id=");
return builder.toString();


class Purchace implements Comparable<Purchace>{

private Customer customer;
Integer purchase;
public Purchace(Customer customer, int purchase) {
this.customer = customer;
this.purchase = purchase;
public Customer getCustomer() {
return customer;
public void setCustomer(Customer customer) {
this.customer = customer;

public int getPurchase() {
return purchase;
public void setPurchase(int purchase) {
this.purchase = purchase;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("Purchace [customer=");
builder.append(", purchase=");
return builder.toString();
public int compareTo(Purchace o) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return this.purchase.compareTo(o.purchase);


- spiroso February 12, 2019 | Flag Reply

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