Facebook Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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I think it is a weighted interval scheduling. It can be solved by Dynamic Programming i O(N) time. Given a set of DNA substrings --> intervals (structured in term of <bgn,end,score>). I[j] is not overlapped with I[k] if end_j < bgn_k. The trick is to sort the interval in earliest finish. We shall have an array of interval I of size N. Given OPT(j) be the optimal path defined on the first jth interval. OPT(j) has two options; one that include I[j] and one doesn't.

For the path that include I[j], the problem is down to OPT(prev(j)) where prev(j) is the closest interval to the left of I[j] which does not overlap I[j].
For the path that exclude I[j], the problem is down to OPT(j-1).
So the pseudo code is:
1. Sort(I) by the earliest finish (last DNA position)
2. Given a function prev(j) begin at I[j] and move to the left of I[j] until I[k].end < I[j].bgn this is a previous non-overlap of I[j].
3. The recursion will look like this;
int OPT(int j){
   if(j < 0) return 0; //base case
   else {
      return Max(OPT(j-1), OPT(pre(j)));
For DP, create an OPT table of size N and initialize OPT[0] to I[0].score. For j=1 to N-1 simply call OPT(j). This is an O(N) complexity.

- Saimok July 04, 2011 | Flag Reply
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shouldn't it be
return Max ( OPT( j-1 ) , I[j].score+OPT ( pre( j ) ) );

- Abhishek July 16, 2012 | Flag
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You are right this is a weighted interval scheduling problem. But the time complexity is not linear. You can't do better than O(n*logn) time and O(n) space where n is the number of intervals ("gene predictions"). Just sorting the intervals takes more than linear time...

- Safi December 13, 2014 | Flag
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IMO its a good variation of longest increasing sub sequence.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct
	int start;
	int end;
	int score;
void readInputFromFile(char* fileName, int* pNumOfGenePred, genePred_t** ppGenePred)
	FILE* fp = 0;
	char* pFilePtr=0, *pGene=0, *token=0;
	int len=0, curLen=0,bytes=0,index=0, geneLen=0, numOfGenePred=0;
	genePred_t* pGenePred = 0;
	/*open the file*/
	fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
	/*get length of gene*/
	len = getline(&pFilePtr, &bytes, fp);
	geneLen = atoi(pFilePtr);
	/*get the gene*/
	pGene = (char*)malloc(geneLen+1);
		curLen = getline(&pFilePtr, &bytes, fp);
		len += curLen-1;
	/*get the number of gene predection*/
	len = getline(&pFilePtr, &bytes, fp);
	numOfGenePred = atoi(pFilePtr);
	/*get Gene predection*/
	pGenePred = (genePred_t*)malloc(sizeof(genePred_t)*numOfGenePred);
		curLen = getline(&pFilePtr, &bytes, fp);
		token = strtok(pFilePtr," ");
		pGenePred[index].start = atoi(token);
		token = strtok(0," ");
		pGenePred[index].end = atoi(token);
		token = strtok(0," ");
		pGenePred[index].score = atoi(token);		
	*pNumOfGenePred = numOfGenePred;
	*ppGenePred = pGenePred;
void addScore(int maxIndex, int* pPrev, genePred_t* pGenePred, int* Score)
	printf("[%d]", pGenePred[maxIndex-1].score);
	*Score = *Score + pGenePred[maxIndex-1].score;
int addAllScore(genePred_t* pGenePred, int* pIncSeq, int* pPrev, int numOfGenePred)
	int maxIndex=0,i=0,score=0,max=0;
			maxIndex = i;
	addScore(maxIndex, pPrev, pGenePred, &score);
	return score;
int compare (void* arg1, void* arg2)
	genePred_t* pGenePred1 = (genePred_t*)arg1;
	genePred_t* pGenePred2 = (genePred_t*)arg2;
	return (pGenePred1->start > pGenePred2->start)?(1):(-1);
void computeMaxScore(genePred_t* pGenePred,int numOfGenePred)
	int i=0,j=0,max=0,score=0, maxScore=0, curScore=0;
	int* pIncSeq=0,*pPrev=0,*pScore=0;
	qsort(pGenePred, numOfGenePred, sizeof(genePred_t),compare);
	pIncSeq = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(numOfGenePred+1));
	pPrev = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(numOfGenePred+1));
	pScore = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(numOfGenePred+1));
			if(pGenePred[i].start > pGenePred[j].end)
					curScore = pScore[j]+pGenePred[i].score;
					if(maxScore < curScore)
						pPrev[i+1] = j+1;					
	score = addAllScore(pGenePred,pIncSeq,pPrev,numOfGenePred);
	printf("Score: %d\n",score);
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
	int numOfGenePred=0;
	genePred_t* pGenePred=0;
	if(argc < 2)
		printf("Invalid Input !!\n");
		return 0;
	readInputFromFile(argv[1],&numOfGenePred, &pGenePred);
	return 0;

I didn't run the code other than the input given in this post. Please let me know if there is a bug or mistake in logic. Code expects valid input text file with newline in the end.
I'll explain the detailed logic latter.

- Tulley June 30, 2011 | Flag Reply
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lengthy question lengthy code !!
I understood something but can u plz explain the logic completely?

- Anonymous June 30, 2011 | Flag
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would u mind to state your logic. As I can understand that u r using DP in function computeMaxScore similar to longest increasing sub sequence but can u explain more about your DP recursive equation.

- Zzzzzz.... July 01, 2011 | Flag
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {
    long start, finish, weight;
} Interval;
Interval  *I;
long *M;
long *P;

#define MAX(x, y)  (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))

int compare(const void * left, const void * right) {
	return (((Interval *)left)->finish - ((Interval *) right)->finish);

int IntervalSearch(int start, int high){
	if (high == -1) return -1;

	int low = 0;
	int best = -1;
	int mid;
	int finish;

	while (low <= high) {
		mid = (low + high) /2 ;
		finish = I[mid].finish;
		if (finish >= start) {
			high = mid-1;
		} else {
			best = mid;
			low = mid + 1;
	return best;

long Compute_Opt(long j) {
	if (j == 0)
		return 0;
	if (M[j] != -1l) {
		return M[j];
	M[j] = MAX(I[j].weight + Compute_Opt(P[j]), Compute_Opt(j - 1));
	return M[j];

int main( int argc, char **argv) {
    if ( argc <= 1 ) {
        return 0;
    std::ifstream dnaInput(argv[1]);
    if ( dnaInput.peek() == EOF ) {
        return 0;
    int lenDnaStr;
    dnaInput >> lenDnaStr ;
    for(int index = 0; index <= std::ceil(((float)lenDnaStr)/80.0); index++) {
        dnaInput.ignore( lenDnaStr + 1, '\n');
    int numOfIv = 0;
    dnaInput >> numOfIv;
    if ( numOfIv == 0 ) {
        return 0;
	numOfIv = numOfIv + 1;

	I = (Interval *) malloc (sizeof(Interval) * numOfIv);
	M = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long) * numOfIv);
	P = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long) * numOfIv);

	Interval t;
	t.start     = 0;
	t.finish    = 0;
	t.weight    = 0;
	I[0] = t;

    for ( int index = 1; index < numOfIv; index++) {
        int start = 0, finish = 0, weight = 0;
        dnaInput >> start >> finish >> weight;
		Interval t;
		t.start     = start;
		t.finish    = finish;
		t.weight    = weight;
		I[index] = t;
	qsort(I, numOfIv, sizeof(Interval), compare);

	int best;
	for (int index = 1; index < numOfIv; index++){
		M[index] = -1l; 
		best = IntervalSearch(I[index].start,index - 1);
		if (best != -1) {
			P[index] = best;
		} else {
			P[index] = 0;
	long res = Compute_Opt(numOfIv - 1);

	free ( P );
	free ( I );
	free ( M );
    std::cout << res << std::endl;

- dongre.avinash August 03, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Seriously, is this a Facebook interview question? I could be wrong, but this sounds more like the puzzles on Facebook than an interview question.

- Is this an interview question or an FB puzzle? September 09, 2011 | Flag Reply
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#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

struct Endpoint {
  int loc;
  int score;
  int best_score;
  Endpoint * other;

  Endpoint (int _loc, int _score) : loc(_loc), score(_score), best_score(0) {}

bool comp_endpt_ptr(Endpoint * e1, Endpoint * e2) {
  return e1->loc < e2->loc;

int N, G;
vector<Endpoint *> endpts;

int main() {
  // ignore actual DNA sequence... we only need this if we want to               
  // print results                                                               
  string s;
  cin >> N;
  for (int i = 0; i < (N - 1)/80 + 1; i++)
    cin >> s;

  cin >> G;
  for (int i = 0; i < G; i++) {
    int start, end, score;
    cin >> start >> end >> score;
    Endpoint * left = new Endpoint(start, score);
    Endpoint * right = new Endpoint(end + 1, score);
    left->other = right;
    right->other = left;

  sort(endpts.begin(), endpts.end(), comp_endpt_ptr);

  for (int i = 1; i < endpts.size(); i++) {
    Endpoint * pt = endpts[i];
    if (pt->other->loc > pt->loc)
      pt->best_score = endpts[i - 1]->best_score;
      pt->best_score = max(endpts[i - 1]->best_score,
                           pt->score + pt->other->best_score);
    //    cout << pt->loc << ": " << pt->best_score << endl;                     

  cout << endpts.back()->best_score << endl;

- arghbleargh September 30, 2011 | Flag Reply
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1) What is the use DNA string given in the input ?
2) The order of algorithm is O(nlogn) not O(n)

- Chuchu October 24, 2011 | Flag Reply
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<pre lang="" line="1" title="CodeMonkey8253" class="run-this">code in C#

class DNA : IComparable<DNA>
public int Start { get; set; }
public int End { get; set; }
public int Score { get; set; }

public DNA( int s, int e, int ds )
this.Start = s;
this.End = e;
this.Score = ds;

public int CompareTo( DNA d )
return this.End.CompareTo( d.End );

public static void FindMaxScore()
List<DNA> dnas = new List<DNA>();
// read input

int N = 100;
int[] scores = new int[N];
int[] seleceted = new int[N];

for (int i = 0; i < dnas.Count; i++)
DNA d = dnas[i];
if (d.Score + scores[d.Start] >= scores[d.End - 1])
scores[d.End] = d.Score + scores[d.Start];
seleceted[d.End] = i+1;
scores[d.End] = scores[d.End - 1];
seleceted[d.End] = seleceted[d.End - 1];

int iEnd = N;
if (i < dnas.Count - 1)
iEnd = dnas[i + 1].End;
for (int j = d.End + 1; j < iEnd; j++)
scores[j] = scores[j - 1];
seleceted[j] = seleceted[j - 1];

//output max score
Console.WriteLine( scores[N - 1] );

//output selected DNA strings
int idx = seleceted[N - 1];
while (idx > 0)
Console.WriteLine( idx - 1 );
idx = seleceted[dnas[idx - 1].Start];
}</pre><pre title="CodeMonkey8253" input="yes">

- jingtianjiang November 27, 2011 | Flag Reply
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"weighted interval scheduling" question takes time O(n*log(n)).

- Samson December 04, 2011 | Flag Reply

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