Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: India

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int MaxVisitedIndex = 0;

TreeNode ConstructNodes(preOrderList, int index)
	TreeNode n = new TreeNode(); = preOrderList[index].data;
	if(MaxVisitedIndex < index)
		MaxVisitedIndex = index;
	if(preOrderList[index].NodeType == NodeType.Leaf)
		n.Left = null;
		n.right = null;
		n.Left = ConstructNodes(preOrderList, index + 1);
		n.Right = ConstructNodes(preOrderList, MaxVisitedIndex + 1);	
	return n;

- Ran January 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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- pvs January 26, 2012 | Flag
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Why global variable, when you attempt Amazon online test, you don't have access to main function. So when their main function will run it twice, it will fail for second test, and onwards.

- Sachin January 26, 2012 | Flag
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you can use a static variable instead

- P January 26, 2012 | Flag
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shouldn't the recursion call values 2*i and 2*i+1

- scofield January 27, 2012 | Flag
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"preOrderList" is a list storing preorder traversal of the tree. If the current root node is at 'i', left node is always stored at the 'i+1'th position.

We can pass the variable as reference parameter if global is not desired.

- Ran January 27, 2012 | Flag
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You're not going to impress anybody at Amazon with a recursive function.

- Hal January 28, 2012 | Flag
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(Especially one with no error checking.)

- Hal January 28, 2012 | Flag
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Stack s1;
node nList[N];

for (i=0;i<N;i++){
        if (preorderList[i].type=='N' && nList[i].parent==NULL){
                nList[i].parent = pop(s1);
                nList[i].left = i+1;
        else if (preorderList[i].type=='S' && nList[i].parent==NULL){
                nList[i].parent = pop(s1);
                nList[i].parent.right = i;


- coder123 January 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Good solution. Just one more case i guess. check this pre-order:

/ \
l1 n2
/ \
n3 n4
/ \ / \
l2 l3 l4 l5

the preorder for this is n1,l1,n2,n3,l2,l3,n4,l4,l5
by your logic when the loop ends, the stack has still n2 and n0. so after the loop ends, should we connect n2 and n0 (i.e. remaining elements in the stack) as parents and children as well

- Jester January 27, 2012 | Flag
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Thanks for pointing that out! Please check the code once again now.

- coder123 January 28, 2012 | Flag
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Aren't you assuming that there is a parent pointer for each node ?

if it's not the case, the following soln works:

char pre_order[];
int sz = sizeof(pre_order);
stack<node *> S;

note *root, *parent = 0;
for(int idx = 0; idx < sz; idx++) {
    node *t = new node;
    if(parent != 0) {
        if(parent->left == 0)
            parent->left = t;
            parent->right = t;
    } else {
        root = t;
    if(pre_order[idx] == 'N') {
        parent = t;
    } else if(!S.empty()) 
        parent = S.pop();

- 111 February 06, 2012 | Flag
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This is essentially like constructing an expression tree from the prefix expression. The L's are operands and the N's are operators. Parse the string from reverse and push the L's in a stack. For every N, pop two L's, make them the N's children and push it in the stack. Repeat until the string ends.

- Rajesh January 31, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Good thinking

- P January 31, 2012 | Flag
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Good thinking but requires an extra stack.

- Laxmi Narsimha Rao Oruganti February 19, 2012 | Flag
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// getNextvalue is a pointer to a function which reads the next value if present or returns -1 if not present
typedef struct node * link ;
link make_tree(link_to_func getNextvalue )
{  int t;
		return NULL;
link head=new node(t,NULL,NULL);
return head;


//we cannot get the exact tree we can get one of the possible trees which gives the inorder as the given sequence

- Anonymous January 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Please note, that pre-order is given, not in-order.

And we can get the exact tree, considering the other constraint given. (0 and 2 children)

- P January 24, 2012 | Flag
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I think it is correct for pre-order . when i am printing the tree using pre-order i am getting the initial input sequence

- Anonymous January 25, 2012 | Flag
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void insert(node **root, char aa[], int &cnt) // cnt starts from zero
   *root = new node;
   (*root)->data = aa[cnt];
   (*root)->left = (*root)->right = NULL;
   if(aa[cnt] == 'N')
      insert(&(*root)->left, aa, ++cnt);
      insert(&(*root)->right, aa, ++cnt);

- Anonymous January 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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struct Node
char val;
Node* left;
Node* right;

// p/P -non-leaf node and L/l - leaf node
Node* createBinaryTree(string str)
stack<Node*> stk;
size_t length = str.length();
Node * root = new Node();
cout<<"Error: invalid Input"<<endl;
return NULL;
root->left = NULL;
root->right = NULL;
root->val = str[0];

for(int i = 1; i < length; i++)
Node * newNode = new Node();
newNode->left = NULL;
newNode->right = NULL;
newNode->val = str[i];
cout<<"Error: invalid Input"<<endl;
return NULL;
Node* tmpNode =;
if (tmpNode->left == NULL)
tmpNode->left = newNode;

if (tmpNode->right == NULL)
tmpNode->right = newNode;
tmpNode =;
if(str[i] == 'P' || str[i] == 'p')
return root;

- sheldon January 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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1. Calculate number of Leafs (i.e. L) in preorder say it is nL
2. if nL =1, there is only one node i.e root
3. if nL>1 && nL is even , left and right subtree is of height nL/2
4. if nL>1 && nL is odd, one subtree is of height 1 and other is of height (nL-1)/2 (There are two trees possible in this case)

Once we have height of both subtrees we can construct trees.

- loveCoding January 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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One can construct multiple trees if we have to satisfy just pre-order traversal.

Example: Pre-Order Traversal Result: A B D E C F G

         /     \
        B       C
      /   \   /   \
      D   E   F    G

         /   \
        B     D
            /   \
            E    C
               /   \
               F   G

It is also not clear what other nodes are possible than N & L in a binary tree?

To conclude, question is incomplete or the interviewer is expecting you to prove that question leads to multiple answers :).


- Laxmi Narsimha Rao Oruganti January 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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By N and L, I mean, node names can be only N or L
{ N
/ \
/ \

Pre-Order will be NNLLL

- P January 24, 2012 | Flag
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Thanks for clarification. Now I read it again, I can see how my reading comprehension is low.


- Laxmi Narsimha Rao Oruganti January 24, 2012 | Flag
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Because for a tree with 0 or 2 children, number of leaf = Number of Non-leaf + 1.

we can separate left and right tree with this fact.

I have the following code

Node *BuildTree(char A[ ], int size)
     if (size == 1){
          if (A[0] == 'L') {
                Node *root = new Node(A[0]);
                root ->left = NULL;
                root->right = NULL;
                return root;
                return NULL;

      Node *root = new Node(A[0]);
      root ->left = NULL;
      root->right = NULL;
      int N_count = 0;
      int L_count = 0;
      int i = 1;
      while (L_count <=N_count){
             if(A[i] == 'N')  N_number ++;
             else L_Number ++;
       root ->left = BuildTree(A+1, i-1);
       root->right = BuildTree(A+i+1, size - i- 1);
       return root;

- hanks January 25, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Here is the working code link: h t t p://

0) The length of the string (or count of nodes) with given restrictions will always be odd
1) For every 'N' visited, call the create function to populate left sub-tree and right sub-tree.

In more detailed manner:
1) Let us assume CreateTree is a function that takes the input string, string length, parent node reference, and an index into the string about current node
2) When the index surpasses the string length, it means we are expecting more nodes as per restrictions but the input given does not have. Which means, invalid input. Bail out
3) Create a node with current index data
4) If current node data is 'L', no more children for this node. just return success
5) If current node data is 'N', it means we have two children for this node.
5.1) Increment the current node index, call the CreateTree function to populate left sub-tree
5.2) Increment the current node index, call the CreateTree function to populate right sub-tree
6) Set the root at this level to this node and return success

- Laxmi Narsimha Rao Oruganti January 25, 2012 | Flag Reply
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{{{ class Node { Node* left; Node* right; char value; Node() : left(NULL), right(NULL) {} public: void set_value(char c) { value = c } static create_node( char c ) { Node* n = new Node(); n->set_value(c); } }; main () { char array[] = "NNLNLLNNLLL"; int i = 0; Node* current_node = NULL, *node = NULL; while( array[i++] != '\0' ) { if (current_node == NULL) { current_node = Node::create_node( array[i] ); } else if( current_node->value == 'N' ) { if( current_node->left != NULL) { node = Node::create_node(array[i] ); current_node->left = node; if ( node->value == 'N' ) { push(current_node); current_node = node; } } else if (current_node->right == NULL ) { node = Node::create_node(array[i]); current_node->right == node; if( node->value == 'N') { push(current_node); current_node = node; } } else { current_node = pop(); } } // current_node->value == 'N' } // while() } - coder January 25, 2012 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.Stack;

public class PreOrderConstruction {

public static void main(String[] args) {

char[] preOrderList = new char[]{'N','N','L','L','L'};
Stack<Node> stck = new Stack<Node>();

Node inNode = null;
for(int i=preOrderList.length-1; i>=0; i--){
if(preOrderList[i]=='L'){//If leaf node
stck.push(new Node(preOrderList[i]));
Node left = stck.pop();
Node right = stck.pop();
inNode = new Node(preOrderList[i]);
inNode = stck.pop();


class Node{

Node left = null;
Node right = null;
char data;

public Node(char data){ = data;

public void setLeftNode(Node n){
this.left = n;

public void setRightNode(Node n){
this.right = n;


- Panda January 26, 2012 | Flag Reply
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node* GenerateTree(char *input, int stIndex, int endIndex)
	if(stIndex > endIndex) return null;
	if(input[stIndex] == 'L')
		node *tempnode =(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
		tempnode->data = 'L'; // I have just put here some data
		return tempnode;
	else if (input[stIndex] == 'N' && stIndex +2 <= endIndex)
		node *tempnode = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
		tempnode->data = 'N';
		tempnode->left = GenerateTree(input,stIndex + 1, endIndex);
		tempnode->right = GenerateTree(input, stIndex+ 2, endIndex);
		if(tempnode->left == null || tempnode->right == null)
			return null;
			return tempnode;
		return null; // Invalid format

- Anonymous January 26, 2012 | Flag Reply
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node* GenerateTree(char *input, int stIndex, int endIndex)
	if(stIndex > endIndex) return null;
	if(input[stIndex] == 'L')
		node *tempnode =(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
		tempnode->data = 'L'; // I have just put here some data
		return tempnode;
	else if (input[stIndex] == 'N' && stIndex +2 <= endIndex)
		node *tempnode = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
		tempnode->data = 'N';
		tempnode->left = GenerateTree(input,stIndex + 1, endIndex);
		tempnode->right = GenerateTree(input, stIndex+ 2, endIndex);
		if(tempnode->left == null || tempnode->right == null)
			return null;
			return tempnode;
		return null; // Invalid format

- Anonymous January 26, 2012 | Flag Reply
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int count = 0;

treeNode * createNode(char val){
	treeNode * node = malloc(sizeof(treeNode));
	node->value = val;
	node->lChild = NULL;
	node->rChild = NULL;
	return node;

//treeString is the pre-order representation of tree,i.e.-"NNLLL"
treeNode * makeTree(char * treeString, int *count){
treeNode * temp = NULL;
if(*(treeString + *count) != '\0'){
	temp = createNode(*(treeString + *count));
	if(*(treeString+ *count) == 'N'){
		*count += 1;
		temp->lChild = makeTree(treeString,count);
		*count += 1;
		temp->rChild = makeTree(treeString,count);
return temp;

So, the function is called as:
int main(){
	char * treeString = "NNLLNNLLL";
	treeNode * root = NULL;
	root = makeTree(treeString,&count);

- TheGhost January 26, 2012 | Flag Reply
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

string str="NNLLL";
int i = 0;
typedef struct node
char val;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
tree root;
void construct_tree(tree current)
if(i < (int)str.length() - 1 && current->val=='N')
tree temp_l = new node;
temp_l->val= str[++i];
current->left = temp_l;
tree temp_r = new node;
temp_r->val = str[++i];
current->right = temp_r;

void print(tree current)
if(current != NULL)
cout<<current->val<<" ";
int main()
tree tmp = new node;
root = tmp;
if(str.length()-1 > 0)
tmp->val = str[0];
return 0;

- kk.nitrkl January 27, 2012 | Flag Reply
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it works fine but is recursive .. need to think about non-recursive implementation

- kk.nitrkl January 27, 2012 | Flag
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public static Node buildTree(Node[] preorder) {
Stack s = new Stack();
Node lastNode = null;
for(int i=0;i<preorder.length;i++) {
Node node = preorder[i];
if(lastNode == null) {

} else if (lastNode.type.equals("N")) {
lastNode.left = node;
} else {//node type if L
s.pop().right = node;

lastNode = node;
return preorder[0];

- Ming January 31, 2012 | Flag Reply
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public static Node buildTree(Node[] preorder) {
		Stack s = new Stack();
		Node lastNode = null;
		for(int i=0;i<preorder.length;i++) {
			Node node = preorder[i];
			if(lastNode == null) {
			} else if (lastNode.type.equals("N")) {
				lastNode.left = node;
			} else {//node type if L
				s.pop().right = node;
			lastNode = node;
		return preorder[0];

- Ming January 31, 2012 | Flag Reply
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node* create_from_preorder(char *s)
static int count=0;
node * temp=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
printf("enter here");

if(s[count]== '1')
printf("got 1\n");

else if(s[count]== '0')
printf("got 0\n");
temp->data =0;

printf("not a valid input");
return NULL;
return temp;


- kunal gupta January 31, 2012 | Flag Reply
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node* create_from_preorder(char *s)
static int count=0;
node * temp=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
printf("enter here");

if(s[count]== '1')
printf("got 1\n");

else if(s[count]== '0')
printf("got 0\n");
temp->data =0;

printf("not a valid input");
return NULL;
return temp;


- kunalgupta January 31, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Pair<TreeNode<Character>, Integer> preorderToTree(char[] a, int index) {
    if (index < a.length) {
      TreeNode<Character> n = new TreeNode<>();
      n.value = a[index];
      if (a[index] == 'L') { // leaf
        return new Pair<>(n, index+1);
      else {
        n.value = 'N';
        Pair<TreeNode<Character>, Integer> lp = preorderToTree(a, index+1);
        if (lp != null) {
          Pair<TreeNode<Character>, Integer> rp = preorderToTree(a, lp.snd);
          n.left = lp.fst;
          n.right = rp.fst;
          return new Pair<>(n, rp.snd);
        return new Pair<>(n, index+1);
    return null;
  public void testPreorderToTree() {
    Pair<TreeNode<Character>, Integer> p = preorderToTree(
        "NNLLL".toCharArray(), 0);

- amshali February 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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stuct node *constructTree(char *preorder, int *index)
// Return null if the array is empty
if (!preorder || *index == n)
    return NULL;

// Create a node from the array at that index
struct node *new = NewNode(preorder[*index];

// If the node is a leaf node, terminate the funtion and return a pointer to that node
if (new->data == ā€˜Lā€™) 
    return node;

// Move the index pointer ahead by one cell
*index = *index + 1;

// Construct the node's left pointer
new->left = constructTree(preorder, index);

// Move the index pointer ahead by one cell
*index = *index + 1;

// Construct the node's right pointer
new->right = constructTree(preorder, index);

// Return the current node's pointer to its caller funtion
return node;

Time Complexity O(n)

- Dragon March 08, 2012 | Flag Reply

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