Qualcomm Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Interview Type: In-Person

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For each index, calculate what the tallest point in the histogram preceding that index is. This is easy and O(n) because max_before[n] = max (max_before[n-1], histogram[n]). Now, also for each index, calculate a similar max_after array (calculate from the back using max_after[n] = max (histogram[n], max_after[n+1])). Now, for each index n, water_height[n] = min (max_before[n], max_after[n]). At this point, loop over the indices i = 0...n-2 and do:

if (water_level[i].floatingPointEquals(water_level[i+1]))
{    area += (water_level[i] - (histogram[i] + histogram[i+1]) / 2);    }
//on a water level transition we have to be careful about where a water level ends
else {
    //this all makes sense if you draw it out
    double lowerWaterHeight = min (waterLevel[i], waterLevel[i+1]);
    double lowerLandHeight = min (histogram[i], histogram[i+1]);
    double waterHeightFromBase = lowerWaterHeight - lowerLandHeight;
    double fractionOfTile = waterHeightFromBase  / abs(histogram[i+1] - histogram[i]);
    area += (fractionOfTile * waterHeightFromBase  / 2);

Edit: This calculation is for the case when the histogram is represented as a line graph, not a bar graph. In the case of a bar graph, you can use the same technique and the logic will be very similar (the formula will actually be simpler).

The algorithm is linear time overall.

- eugene.yarovoi February 16, 2012 | Flag Reply
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The first solution takes O(n) space as well as O(n) time. By doubling the time (the time complexity will still be O(n)), we can also find out the volume.
For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that the area of cross-section of each histogram is 1 square unit. Then, the volume of water = Total height of water above all the towers cubic units. The height of water above any given tower is determined by the following formula:
heightOfWater[i] = max(min(LeftMax[i],RightMax[i]) - height[i], 0).

Now, we can look at it as follows. Move from left to right. Start from the left most maximum (the first tower), and move right. All the towers that have lesser height than that will have some amount of water above it, provided there is another tower of height >= it. Consider two towers this way, i and j, such that i < j, and height[i] < height[j] and for all k < j and k > i, height [k] < height[j]. Then, the height of water above each tower is calculated using the formula:
heightOfWater[k] = height[i] - height[k].
totalHeightOfWater += height[i] - height[k].
Then set i = j and find the next j. If there is no j, then stop.

Now, start moving from the right to the left and do the same, with i > j, and height[i] < height[j] and for all k < i and k > j, height [k] < height[j]. Then, the height of water above each tower is calculated using the formula:
heightOfWater[k] = height[i] - height[k].
totalHeightOfWater += height[i] - height[k].
Then set i = j and find the next j. If there is no j, then stop.

We can calculate the total height of water, while we are calculating individual heights.

- Sandeep Mathias June 02, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Awesome explanation! Thx dude :-)

- rahul December 19, 2012 | Flag
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No need to double the time. Can be done in one pass.

- Anonymous December 06, 2014 | Flag
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of 1 vote

Here is a solution which I believe should be more readable

Credits to Tristan (Tristan's collection of Interview Question) for his approach

int FillWater(int* histogram, int length)
    int waterCollected = 0;
    int *maxLeft = new int [length];
    int *maxRight = new int [length];

    //For each values, calculate the maximum value to its left
    maxLeft[0] = 0;
    for(int i = 1; i < length; i++)
        maxLeft[i] = max(histogram[i-1], maxLeft[i-1]);

    //For each values, calculate the maximum value to its right
    maxRight[length-1] = 0;
    for(int i = length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
        maxRight[i] = max(histogram[i+1], maxRight[i+1]);

    //At each index, water collected will be collected, if it is a dip
    //Amount of water collected will be [min(maxLeft[i], maxRight[i]) - value at that index]
    for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        if(maxLeft[i] > histogram[i] && maxRight[i] > histogram[i])
            waterCollected += (min(maxLeft[i], maxRight[i]) - histogram[i]);
    delete[] maxLeft;
    delete[] maxRight;
    return waterCollected;

- sanrag83 March 03, 2014 | Flag Reply
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The above solution takes constant space, if we don't store the intermediate values of height[k]. However, it requires 2 passes of the array, and hence double the time.

- Anonymous June 02, 2012 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

Time complexity: O(N)

int findTrappedWater(int* H,int size)
        int i,j,water=0,temp;
                while(j<size && H[i]>H[j])
                if(j!=size) // decreasing length histogram
        return water;

Complete code here: ideone.com/xCsHn

- Aashish August 04, 2012 | Flag Reply
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i think you are missing the case when going from left to right you don't find any H[j] > H[i]. But even in that case we might have water getting collected and the way to do it completely would be to traverse the array once more from right to left using the same logic.

- mr August 07, 2012 | Flag
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@mr, Can you provide one counter example?

- Aashish August 07, 2012 | Flag
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This is also a neat solution.. the tricky part being the condition

if(j!=size) // decreasing length histogram

which ensures that if the histogram is decresing order (either in its entirity or portion of it) then that section is skipped while calculating the trapped water.

- sanrag83 March 04, 2014 | Flag
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3,2,1,2 Breaks this. As:

i = 0
H[0] > all other numbers

But there is 1 unit of water held between the two columns with 2.

- Anonymous April 01, 2014 | Flag
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On similar lines, this should work

/* Set previous and next values for all buildings */
void SetPrevNext()
    int i, max_height = -1;
    prev[0] = -1;
    next[n-1] = -1;
    /* Set previous values */
    for (i=1;i<n;i++)
        if(h[i-1]>h[i])            /* If height of prvious building is more */
            prev[i] = i-1;
        else if(h[i]<h[prev[i-1]]) /*Check previous height */
        else if(max_height > -1 && h[i]<h[max_height])  /* Local Maximum height */
            prev[i] = max_height;
        else                                            /* heighest tower */
            prev[i] = -1;
            max_height = i;

    /* Set next heights */
    max_height = -1;
    for (i=n-2;i>=0;i--)
        if(h[i+1]>h[i])             /* height of next tower is more */
            next[i] = i+1;
        else if(h[i]<h[next[i+1]])
            next[i]= next[i+1];
        else if(max_height > -1 && h[i]<h[max_height]) /* local maximum tower height */
            next[i] = max_height;
        else                                           /* heighes tower */
            next[i] = -1;
            max_height = i;

int FillWater()
    int i, total_water = 0;
    int height, width;
    for (i=1;i<n-1;i++)
        if(prev[i]>0 && next[i]>0)
            /*height of water based on smaller next or previous tower */
            height = (h[prev[i]]<h[next[i]])?(h[prev[i]]-h[i]):(h[next[i]]-h[i]);

            /* Width spanning the previos and next towers */
            width = (next[i]-prev[i]-1)*W;

            //printf("\nHeight : %d, Width : %d for %d",height, width, h[i]);
            total_water += (height * width);
    return total_water;

- rksaxena November 26, 2013 | Flag Reply
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 * find water captured between towers
 * works perfactly and complexity is O(n)
long int getWaterStorage(std::vector<long int> const & towers) {
  if(towers.size() < 3) return 0;
  int i = 1;
  long int water= 0;

  while(i<towers.size()) {
    //first find last element in ascending order
    while(i<towers.size() && towers[i-1]<=towers[i]) ++i;
    int s = i-1;
    //second find last element in discending order
    while(i<towers.size() && towers[i-1]>=towers[i]) ++i;
    int m = i -1;
    if(s == m) break;
    //third find last element in ascending order
    while(i<towers.size() && towers[i-1]<=towers[i]) ++i;
    int e = i -1;
    if(m == e) break;
    water += std::min(towers[s], towers[e]) - towers[m];

  return water;
int main() {

  std::vector<long int> v;
  int n;
  //read size of v
  //read v array
  for(int i =0;i<n;++i)
    long int e;


  return 0;

areeb$ ./a.out 
3  << this is size of the array
2 1 3 << these are element separated by space
1  << output

areeb$ ./a.out 
1 2 3

areeb$ ./a.out 
3 2 1

areeb$ ./a.out 
3 1 2

- areeb007 October 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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 * find water captured between towers
 * works perfactly and complexity is O(n)
long int getWaterStorage(std::vector<long int> const & towers) {
  if(towers.size() < 3) return 0;
  int i = 1;
  long int water= 0;

  while(i<towers.size()) {
    //first find last element in ascending order
    while(i<towers.size() && towers[i-1]<=towers[i]) ++i;
    int s = i-1;
    //second find last element in discending order
    while(i<towers.size() && towers[i-1]>=towers[i]) ++i;
    int m = i -1;
    if(s == m) break;
    //third find last element in ascending order
    while(i<towers.size() && towers[i-1]<=towers[i]) ++i;
    int e = i -1;
    if(m == e) break;
    water += std::min(towers[s], towers[e]) - towers[m];

  return water;

int main() {

  std::vector<long int> v;
  int n;
  //read size of v
  //read v array
  for(int i =0;i<n;++i)
    long int e;


  return 0;

areeb$ ./a.out 
3   << this is number of elements in the array
2 1 3  << array, all element on one line space sparated
1  << output
areeb$ ./a.out 
1 2 3
areeb@$ ./a.out 
3 2 1
areeb$ ./a.out 
3 1 2

- areeb007 October 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

# O(n) time, O(1) space
def area(heights):
ret = 0
cur_valley_area = 0
max_so_far = 0
index_of_max_so_far = -1

for i, h in enumerate(heights):
if h < max_so_far:
cur_valley_area += max_so_far - h
ret += cur_valley_area
max_so_far = h
index_of_max_so_far = i
cur_valley_area = 0

# add everything that comes after (to the right of) the max height in the array
max_right_so_far = 0
for i in xrange(len(heights) - 1, index_of_max_so_far, -1):
h = heights[i]
max_right_so_far = max(h, max_right_so_far)
ret += max_right_so_far - h

return ret

- Anonymous December 06, 2014 | Flag Reply
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# O(n) time, O(1) space
def area(heights):
  ret = 0
  cur_valley_area = 0
  max_so_far = 0
  index_of_max_so_far = -1

  for i, h in enumerate(heights):
    if h < max_so_far:
      cur_valley_area += max_so_far - h
      ret += cur_valley_area
      max_so_far = h
      index_of_max_so_far = i
      cur_valley_area = 0

  # add everything that comes after (to the right of) the max height in the array
  max_right_so_far = 0
  for i in xrange(len(heights) - 1, index_of_max_so_far, -1):
    h = heights[i]
    max_right_so_far = max(h, max_right_so_far)
    ret += max_right_so_far - h

  return ret

- Anonymous December 06, 2014 | Flag Reply
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A solution with linear time (2 passes), constant space.
Loop to find the local maxima (aka towers). A local maximum is bigger than the element before and the element after, or it is an edge element (first / last) and bigger than the one after / before respectively. Take into account maximum with more than one column (columns are equal). Store the maxima locations in a pair vector (if single column maximum, both values of the pair are equal).
If you have less than 2 maxima, return 0 - no water kept.
Loop on the maxima locations, two at a time (looking at the valley between). The water kept between two maxima is the difference between the histogram value and the smaller of the two maxima values, floored by 0.

- Ofer October 24, 2016 | Flag Reply
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A discrete graph can be partitioned into alternating increasing and decreasing runs optionally interspersed with optional runs. Define a valley as a decreasing run followed by an optional number of constant runs followed by an increasing run. The height of the valley is the minimum of its leftmost point (the highest point on the decreasing run) and its rightmost point (the highest point on the increasing run). Its length is the total number of elements in its constituent runs. A valley's basin is its height times its length, which is the amount of water that valley can contain. Draw a picture to see why this makes sense.

Translating this idea into an algorithm is easy. You just traverse the histogram left to right, keeping track of decreasing, constant and increasing runs as you go. If you set it up correctly, you won't need to handle leftmost and rightmost "half-valleys" as special cases; they will just be valleys where the height is zero because one of the two end points has height zero.

- psykotic February 16, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Sorry, my description of calculating the basin area left something out. You also need to calculate the sum of the heights of each of the points in the valley. You then subtract that from the product of the length and min height I already described.

- psykotic February 16, 2012 | Flag
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No need to overcomplicate with increasing and decreasing runs. Simply consider the list of elements which are greater than all elements to its left. Then define anything in between a consecutive pair of such elements as a valley. The water in such a valley is just sum (height of left end of valley - height of bar). Now just handle all the things to the right of the greatest height specially.

- Anonymous December 06, 2014 | Flag

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