Microsoft Interview Question for Computer Scientists

Team: Bing
Country: United States
Interview Type: In-Person

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bool findElement(int a[], int length, int expectedNum)
	int i = 0;
	while(i < length)
		if(a[i] == expectedNum)
			return true;
			int diff = abs(expectedNum - a[i]);
			i = diff + i;
	return false;

- ming June 12, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Great answer ming. Essentially the worst case will be O(n) but by using the heuristics average case can be improved.

- itscool June 14, 2012 | Flag
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Gud answer ming, but i would want to include one more condition in the code, get the maximum and minimum value that can be present in an array i.e max=a[i]+n and min=a[i]-n and expected num should be present within this limit otherwise we can say that num does not exist this improves the efficiency of the code.let me know if it's wrong.

- Narayan June 14, 2012 | Flag
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I think this won't work for:

a[5] = {25,10,20,30,55}
and my expectedNum is "20"

- Yellaiah June 14, 2012 | Flag
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Do you even understand the question. A[i+1] can only be either A[i]+1 or A[i]-1

- itscool June 14, 2012 | Flag
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Narayan: That check would be unnecessary. If the number is so far off in value that it can't possibly be present in the array anymore, the element skipping logic will skip to an i >= length, at which point the loop will immediately terminate. So implicitly, that's all already taken into account.

- eugene.yarovoi June 15, 2012 | Flag
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Thanks eugene.yarovoi, i got it...:)

- Narayan June 15, 2012 | Flag
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Correct me if i am wrong,but why should i increment to i+ diff only?Isnt it the case that expectedNum could be in range i-diff as well?This is the case when since i-diff the next value has always been 1 less then before

- sushanth September 14, 2012 | Flag
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never it

- sushanth September 14, 2012 | Flag
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Assume A[0]=m then
A[1]=m-1 or m+1
A[2]=m-2 , m, m+2
So A[n] can be any one of these
A[n] = m-n, m-(n-2) , .......... , m+(n-2) , m+n
So A[i] belongs to m-i to m+i for i=1 to n
Hence we can perform a binary search at every level
Time:O(lg1)+O(lg2)+O(lg3)+....+O(lgn) = O(n) similar to construction of binary heap
if A[0]=m then the codemight look like this:

public static boolean bsearch(int start, int end, int ele) {
		int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
		if (start > end)
			return false;
		if (ele == mid)
			return true;
		if (ele < mid)
			return bsearch(start, mid - 1, ele);
			return bsearch(mid + 1, end, ele);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13};
		int m = arr[0];
		int k=12;
		for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
			boolean found=bsearch(m-i,m+i,k);
				System.out.println("index "+i+" = +k);
		System.out.println("Not Found");

- salvo4u June 13, 2012 | Flag Reply
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How can you judge if a[]={100,99} and k=99 your solution is giving wrong answer

- Vikash June 13, 2012 | Flag
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the code is running fine for{100,99}
it says index as 1 here .........

- salvo4u June 13, 2012 | Flag
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@salvo4u Can you explain what could be the time complexity for this. In worst case, wouldn't it be greater than O(n)

- GingerBreadMan June 13, 2012 | Flag
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Wrong analysis: O(lg1)+O(lg2)+O(lg3)+....+O(lgn) is actually O(n lgn). It's simple to see this because: lg(1)+lg(2)+lg(3)+....+lg(n)> lg (n/2)+lg(n/2 + 1)+ ... + lg(n)> (n/2) * lg (n/2) = (n/2)* (lg(n) - 1) = O(n lg(n)).

I don't know why you would use binary search here. The data isn't ordered in any way.

- eugene.yarovoi June 14, 2012 | Flag
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No but the binary search is being done for every index not on the whole array
Try going thru my explanation once u will get the answer why can u perform the binary search .....

- salvo4u June 14, 2012 | Flag
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I'm afraid the logic makes no sense at all. Why would you begin by doing a binary search from between indexes arr[0]-1 and arr[0]+1? Those are not even guaranteed to be in bounds! You've probably misunderstood the question.

Besides, suppose it were correct. By what you say, the algorithm's NlogN, which means it's considerably worse than simply checking every single element in the array for the element you want to find.

- eugene.yarovoi June 15, 2012 | Flag
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If we follow A[i+1] = A[i]+1 OR A[i]-1 condition. So we can have an Array which have a least number and a greatest number and all the numbers in between two number.
Find the least one and greatest one and check for k. if least_num<= K <= greatest_num... then K is existing in Array of numbers.

For Example. {2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9}
so least_num = 2 and greatest_num=9. and you can have all the number in between 2 and 9
.... 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

now check for k(given number)....whether k is in between least_num and greatest_num.
No need to perform binary search and sorting here.
Order is O(n).

Correct me if I am wrong.

- Ashwani June 15, 2012 | Flag Reply
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How you are going to find minimum number. In fact, by running a loop. Why don't you find the desired number in the loop itself instead of performing a lot of overheads.

- tulip June 15, 2012 | Flag
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Also if the ARR={20,19,20,19,20}. and you are finding 19 then this algorithm fails

- Guru June 25, 2012 | Flag
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First, calculate the difference between k and value of first element. This will give the expected index of k (if k was there ). Then check the existence of the k at that index .If not found, then get the new value .Again get the new expected index by calculating difference between k and value at that index. Do it recursively. And yeah,some checks on these indexes is also needed.

Please post if there is any efficient method than this.

- urgoswami June 12, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Can you give an argument for why this finds the correct index at all? I don't believe it is guaranteed to.

- Anonymous June 12, 2012 | Flag
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Lets say Array is { 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9} . So here, as mentioned in the question, value of A[i] = A[i] - 1 OR A[i] + 1. Let k= 6. Start from the first element of array . Check its value . Its 2, so 6 can occur only after 4 elements because it can add maximum of 1 only in next element value.If 6 is not there at that place. Get the new value (ie 2 again ) and determine the next expected index of k. Now expected Index is previousExpectedIndex+newDifference which is 8 .So value at index 8 is 6 as expected.

- urgoswami June 12, 2012 | Flag
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I think urgoswami is correct, it's a O(n) operation, I don't think we can do faster than that

- linda June 13, 2012 | Flag
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This is just what ming implemented in the first post to this question.

- anujarora June 15, 2012 | Flag
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I think in this way:
Let ki=1 or -1

Then K=A[0]+k1+...Kj

Let x be the number of ki=1 and y be the number of ki=-1
K-A[0]=x-y (1)
j=x+y (2)

Then the possible i s.t. A[i]=K can only appear in the solution of (1) and (2)

To make the above equations have a solution, we need

max{0, K-A[0]}<=j<=n-1, and j+K-A[0], j-(K-A[0]) are both even (i.e., j and abs(K-A[0]) the same odd or even)

Then we need check whether those A[j]=K

Is this idea ok?

- Anonymous June 12, 2012 | Flag Reply
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It's not possible to do this faster than linear time in the most general case. Consider the sequence x, x-1,x, x-1, x, x-1, ..., x, x-1, x-2, x-1,x, x-1, x, ...

So all alternating x and x-1 except for that one x-2. Now ask whether the array contains x-2. Since it could validly be in the place of any x in this sequence, you won't know if it's there or not until you look at roughly n/2 entries.

That said, the parity of your target number will allow you to look at only the odd or only the even indexes, cutting running time in half. Note that each number has the opposite parity from its predecessor. Furthermore, if your target value is k and the current value you see is x, you can jump forward Math.abs(k-x) entries.

- eugene.yarovoi June 12, 2012 | Flag Reply
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in A[n] , A[i+1] = A[i]+1 or A[i]-1
for that to happen , A[n] has to be continuos,
eg , if A[4+1] = 20 , then A[4] has to be either 19 or 21 .
and so on ..
if we have find the valve K =15,

Solution ,
go to A[n] , get the value if it <= 15 , then K is in A[],

- Ur237 June 13, 2012 | Flag Reply
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The value depends of A[n] depends on A[0]
A[i] can have i+1 possible values A[0]-i to A[i]+i in intervals of 2

- salvo4u June 13, 2012 | Flag
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public boolean isInArray(int[] arr, int value) {
 boolean result = false;
 int nextIdx = 0;
 while (nextIdx < arr.length && !result) {
  if (value == arr[nextIdx])
   result = true;
  nextIdx += Math.abs(value - arr[nextIdx]);
 return result;

- GKalchev June 13, 2012 | Flag Reply
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When the equation is done it is impossible to get a binary with the 2 last digits being 00 or 01. It took me a while to get to this. You can go through the logic on what will happen to the number of it is even or if it is odd.

public boolean isInArray(int value){
return ((value%4)==2 || (value%4)==3);

- Anonymous June 13, 2012 | Flag Reply
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What are you talking about?

- Anonymous June 14, 2012 | Flag
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#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#define abs(a) (a)>=0?(a):-(a)

using namespace std;

int steps = 0;
int find(int a[], int n, int k) {
	int i = 0;
	while (i < n) {
		if (a[i] == k) {
			return i;
		i += abs(a[i] - k);
	return -1;

int main() {
	int a[]{2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9};
	int n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(int);
	int k = 6;
	cout << find(a, n, k) << endl;
	cout << "Total steps :: " << steps << endl;
	return 0;

- kartikaditya June 14, 2012 | Flag Reply
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//The following function returns the index if the element is found otherwise -1

// Where a is the array, n is the number of elements and k is the required element.
int found( int a[], int n, int k) 
  int i = 0;
  if( k < ( a[0]-n+1 ) || k > ( a[0]+n-1) )
      return -1;
  while( i < n) {
       if( a[i] == k )
           return i;
       i =  i + ( ( a[i] > k ) ? ( a[i]-k ) : ( k-a[i] ) );

- WeAreBack June 14, 2012 | Flag Reply
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int find_K(int array[],size n, int k)
int diff;
if( (k < a[0]-n-1) || ( k > a[0]+n-1) )
return 0; // not found
while(i < n )
diff = (k < a[i] )? a[i]- k : k- a[i]);
return 1; // found
return 0; // not found

- prateekjain12 June 15, 2012 | Flag Reply
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The would be sorted in alternate fashion. So, it boils down to finding the element in each array using binary search.

- Aashish June 20, 2012 | Flag Reply
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I would look for the mininum and maximum, and if the number is between that range, is almost sure that the number is in the array. This would be the code in Java.

public static int[] findMinMax( int[] arr, int start, int end ){
    if( end - start + 1 == 1 ){	//an array part of length 1
	int[] minMax = { arr[ start ], arr[ start ] }; //end and strt are the same
	return minMax;
    int mid = (end - start)/ 2;
    int[] mMLeft = findMinMax(arr, start, start + mid); //recursion on 1st half of arr[]
    int[] mMRight = findMinMax(arr, start + mid + 1, end); //recursion on 2nd half of arr[]
    int[] minMax = { Math.min( mMLeft[0], mMRight[0] ), Math.max( mMLeft[1], mMRight[1]) };	//find min and max of both left and right results
    return minMax;

public static Boolean containsSpecial( int[] arr, int k ){
	int[] minMax = findMinMax(arr, 0, arr.length-1);
	int min = minMax[0];
	int max = minMax[1];
	if( k > min && k < max ){
		return true;
	return false;

if we check min and max one by one would take O(n), so is the same looking for the actual number, instead I split min and max problem in half and got a recursive solutions that solves the problem in O(log n) time, much more efficient in time (not so much in memory) for this problem.

- Alder Matus October 24, 2015 | Flag Reply

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