Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: India
Interview Type: In-Person

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Overkill O(n^2) solution.

Preprocess for Range Minimum and Maximum queries. (O(n)) time.

For each sub-array, figure out in O(1) time whether max-min = length - 1. O(n^2) time.

- Anonymous August 08, 2012 | Flag Reply
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public static void question1(int []input)
		int[] longest=new int[input.length];
		for(int i=1;i<input.length;i++)
			int longest_=1,min=input[i],max=input[i];
			Set<Integer> set=new HashSet<Integer>();
			for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j--)
				max=Math.max(max, input[j]);
		int longestValue=1,longestIndex=0;
		for(int i=1;i<longest.length;i++)
		int startIndex=longestIndex-longestValue+1;
		for(int i=startIndex;i<=longestIndex;i++)
		System.out.println("longestValue: "+longestValue+" longestIndex: "+longestIndex);

- Vincent August 05, 2012 | Flag Reply
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my Algorithm: complexity O(N^2).I think it can be improved

- Vincent August 05, 2012 | Flag
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can u explain the solution??

- sam August 06, 2012 | Flag
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You shouldn't just give code with no explanation.

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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I stand by my previous comment, but after reading your code, it does make sense and seem correct to me. I took a very similar approach.

You could change longest_=Math.max(longest_,i-j+1); to longest_=i-j+1; since it's always the case that i-j+1 > longest_ when the enclosing if statement's condition evaluates to true.

I don't know how to improve beyond O(n^2) either. This problem's a bit tricky.

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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I think I can explain his solution as I came up with an algorithm similar to his with O(N*N) time. At least my idea goes like:
Outer loop: Loop through each element and find the longest possible sequence starting at that location.
Inner loop/sub method (Find longest sequence): Maintain a min and a max variable; and for each element you visit starting from the index, i, update the min and max, and add this element to a HashSet. The exit condition is whenever your HashSet's length is equal to max - min + 1. Or when the HashSet's length did not change after you have added another item in the set, ie. duplicate has found.

I could hash out some pseudo-code if you guys want.

-- GarukuN

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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If Garuku's explanation is what the code is doing, +1.

And, -1 for just posting code without explanation.

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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very nice...

- Novice August 17, 2012 | Flag
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if i understood the question correctly, for : 1,3,3,2
we do have a sequence - 1,2,3,3 which i think will be skipped by your solution.

- anon August 23, 2012 | Flag
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Guys, sry tat I did not provide a explanation.... so busy =^_^=

- Vincent September 07, 2012 | Flag
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This code doesn't work for {4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 4, 1}.
The result is 4,2,1,5,7,6,8,4 instead of 5, 7, 6, 8, 4, 1

- Rally December 19, 2013 | Flag
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Wrong comment above.
This code doesn't work for {4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 4, 1}.
The result is 4,2,1,5,7,6,8,4 instead of 5, 7, 6, 8, 4

- Rally December 19, 2013 | Flag
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The approach I took was to start from the first element in the array. I would look from the other end of the array to find the next adjacent element if one exists. I defined adjacent as n, n-1, or n+1. If I found an adjacent element, I made a subarray of elements between my starting an ending points and checked to see if the elements inside were all consecutive. (To test this I used a built-in sort and walked up the subarray to see if there were any gaps.) If it was valid, I compared it against my previous best, and stored the answer if necessary. If the subarray was invalid, I searched for the next adjacent element for my current index and repeated the process.

This took me about an hour to get a working solution and for the record I think this would make a terrible interview question. :) As a coding puzzle it was kinda fun I guess...

There are some optimizations I could make, for example, I could stop searching if array.length - current index < bestEnd - bestStart. My algorithm complexity is something like O(n^2) + time for the inner-array sorting.

static int[] findLongest(int[] array)
            int bestStart = 0, bestEnd = 0;

            // Example {4, 5, 1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 4, 1}
            // Result {5, 7, 6, 8, 4}

            // from the start, find border numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                bool validRange = false;

                int furthestAdjacent = indexOfAdjacent(array, i, array.Length - 1);
                while (furthestAdjacent != -1 && !validRange)
                    // Check to see if this range is worth investigating
                    if (furthestAdjacent - i > bestEnd - bestStart)
                        List<int> subarray = CopyAndSort(array, i, furthestAdjacent);
                        validRange = ValidateSub(subarray);

                    if (!validRange)
                        furthestAdjacent = indexOfAdjacent(array, i, furthestAdjacent - 1);

                // If we found a valid range, store it
                if (validRange)
                    if ((furthestAdjacent - i) > (bestEnd - bestStart))
                        bestStart = i;
                        bestEnd = furthestAdjacent;

            int[] result = new int[bestEnd - bestStart + 1];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = bestStart; i <= bestEnd; i++)
                result[index] = array[i];

            return result;

        private static bool ValidateSub(List<int> subarray)
            if (subarray.Count <= 0)
                return false;

            int last = subarray[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < subarray.Count; i++)
                if (subarray[i] == last || subarray[i] == last + 1)
                    last = subarray[i];
                    return false;

            return true;

        private static List<int> CopyAndSort(int[] array, int i, int furthestAdjacent)
            List<int> list = new List<int>();
            for (; i <= furthestAdjacent; i++)

            return list;

        static int indexOfAdjacent(int[] array, int lowest, int highest)
            // TODO validate params

            for (int i = highest; i > lowest; i--)
                // lowest is the element we're comparing against
                if (array[i] <= array[lowest] + 1 && array[i] >= array[lowest] - 1)
                    return i;

            return -1;

- bichuga August 15, 2012 | Flag Reply
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ur logic will fail.u r taking a number and checking for its adjacent and then in between them you are checking for the adjency.what if your array is sorted.ur logic break.think over it.

- jai August 17, 2012 | Flag
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Fails for {1 3 4 5 2 6 }
Answer is {1 3 4 5 2 6 }, but your soln will return: {1 3 4 5 2}

- AlgChamp May 26, 2014 | Flag
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void getLongestContSeq(int a[], int n){
     int lStart = 0, lEnd = 0;
     int start = 0, end = n-1;
     // Sort the array
     sort(a, a+n);
     // remove the duplicates
     int *r = new int[n];
     int cnt = 0;
     r[cnt++] = a[0];
     for (int i=1;i<n;i++){
         if ( a[i] - a[i-1] != 0 ) r[cnt++] = a[i];
     // Find the subsequence
     for (int i=0;i<cnt;i++){
         if ( (r[i+1] - r[i] != 1) || (i == cnt-1)) {
              end = i;
              if ( (end - start) > (lEnd - lStart) ){
                  lStart = start;
                  lEnd = end;
              start = i+1;
     lEnd = lEnd+1;
     for ( int i=lStart;i<lEnd;i++ )
         cout << r[i]<<", ";

- SS August 06, 2012 | Flag Reply
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I don't think you can remove duplicates since it has to be CONSECUTIVE. This case is because you have {4, 5, 1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 4, 7}, what if you have something like {4, 5, 1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 7, 1, 4}? You shouldn't count 4 in your result array.

- Malluce August 06, 2012 | Flag
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Take two pointers A at start and B at the end.
a. Transverse through the array and find out the min max ,sum of array and number of elements.
b. check the possibility of the array is consecutive i.e sum of integers upto MAX element - sum of integers up to MIN-1 is equal to sum of array using N(N+1)/2. If yes check Digits are non repeating. If yes store the indexes and count of sub array and do A++. Else do B--. Sum = Sum-B. if B is not MIN or MAX nothing to do else look for MIN and MAX between A and B.

repeat the step B until it reached A + Max array length found..

Do A++, B=length of array

- Sanjay Kumar August 06, 2012 | Flag Reply
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1. Match the value with index. Create another array (let's say, Boolean indexArr) that has size of the max value of the given array. Using the given example, the size should be 8 + 1. Run through the given array (let's say, valArr), mark TRUE the indexArr[valArr[i]]. At the end you will get a array looking like this {F, T, F, F, T, T, T, T, T}.
2. Create an empty vector (let's say, resultVec).
3. Loop through valArr, if (indexArr[valArr[j]] == true) then result.add(valArr[j]), else (meaning it's not consecutive) result.clear() to start over again.

- Malluce August 06, 2012 | Flag Reply
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And How Does it suppose to handle the element repeated ..

- Sanjay Kumar August 06, 2012 | Flag
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If the repeated is part of the consecutive sub-array it will catch it. If not, the next number will trigger the else and reset the vector.

- Malluce August 06, 2012 | Flag
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You solution would not be so nice when the max of the array is a very big number, and the longest sequence ended up being 2 or 3....

- Anonymous August 06, 2012 | Flag
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That is correct...but this takes two separate loops so the time complexity is O(n).

- Malluce August 07, 2012 | Flag
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This solution is BS.

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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for the array [1, 100000000 trillion], my computer crashes for some reason.

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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I'm not sure if this solution works at all:


is always going to be true from the way you defined it.

- Garukun August 16, 2012 | Flag
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How about this (code in Python):

def longest_subarray(array):
    # Make the array a *set* to remove duplicate and to make ``in`` operator 0(1).
    array = set(array)
    longest = []
    # Loop over all element of array in 0(n).
    for val in array:
        # Get all consecutive value of ``val`` that are in ``array``.
        tmp = []
        while val in array:
            val += 1
        # Check if the new list is the biggest.
        if len(tmp) > len(longest):
            longest = tmp
    return longest

- mouad August 07, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Probably fails on 132.

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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Here is an idea of O(n*logm) amortized time. n = "length of the array" and m = "length of longest continuous sequence".
Here is the array A[]= {4,5,1,5,7,6,8,4,1} (from the example)

The idea is to use a HashMap<Integer, TreeNode> hMap (TreeNodes will be sorted by the index in the array). Here are steps:
1.) start traversing A[i], i = 1..n, and add it in the hMap as follow:
1.1.) if hMap.contains(A[i])
1.1.1) traverse the tree in A[i] and check if this is currently longest result. (here we do versioning of the Tree so if we have already checked the tree previously do not do it again.)
1.1.2) cut the left subtree at A[i]
1.2) else
1.2.1) If hMap.contains(i-1/i+1) merge the Trees A[i - 1] + A[i] + A[i + 1]
1.2.2) else just add the value to hMap
2.) Finally iterate the hMap and do 1.1.1) point

- GKalchev August 07, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Can you please explain your idea?

Also, talking about amortized time does not really make sense...

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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this can be done by o(n) complexity...

void main()

int a[]={1,2,-5,6,-5};
int i,j,k,l;
int max=0,count;



printf(" group size =%d max value=%d strating=%d end=%d",l-k+1,max,k,l);
printf(" group size =1 max value=%d starting=%d",max,k+1);

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag Reply
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- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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ll you please explain the code.?

- dojo August 10, 2012 | Flag
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int[] input; //original input
int[] sortedInput; //contains input array sorted in non-decreasing order
int[] originalIndices //originalIndices[i] contains the original index in the input for any element sortedInput[i] (0 < i < input.length)
int[] startsAt; //inititialized to startsAt[i] = i (0 < i < input.length)
int[] endsAt; //initialized to endsAt[i] = i (0 < i < input.length)
int[] startsAtLastValue; //initialized to startsAtLastValue[i] = input[i] (0 < i < input.length)
int[] endsAtLastValue; //initialized to endsAtLastValue = input[i] (0 < i < input.length)

for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
	int originalIndex = originalIndices[i];
	int value = sortedInput[i];
	if(originalIndex > 0 && (value - endsAtLastValue[originalIndex - 1]) == 1) {
		endsAtLastValue[originalIndex] = value;
		endsAt[originalIndex] = endsAt[originalIndex - 1];
		startsAt[endsAt[originalIndex]] = originalIndex;
		startsAtLastValue[endsAt[originalIndex]] = value;

	if(originalIndex < (input.length - 1) && (startsAtLastValue[originalIndex + 1] - value) == 1) {
		startsAtLastValue[originalIndex] = value;
		startsAt[originalindex] = startsAt[originalIndex + 1];
		endsAt[startsAt[originalindex]] = originalIndex;
		endsAtLastValue[startsAt[originalindex]] = value;

//Find i such that startsAt[i] - i is maximum. For this i, input[i...startsAt[i]] will have output.

- JD August 07, 2012 | Flag Reply
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//Here is the dp solution

# define disp(a,n,s)  for (int i=s;i<n;i++) cout<<a[i]<<" "; 
using namespace std;

int mem[100]={0};

void max(int a[],int n,int *start,int *end)
    int max=a[0];
    for (int i=1;i<n;i++)
    for(int i=*end;i>=0;i--)

void dp(int a[],int n,int i)

int main()
    int a[]={4,5,1,5,7,6,8,4,1},x=0,y=0;
    int n;
    return 0;

- getDcode August 07, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Check your solution before posting..

- Sanjay Kumar August 07, 2012 | Flag
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void maxsize(char *s);
void fill(char *,int*,int,int);
int sequence(int*,int);
char s[100];
printf("enter string\n");

void fill(char *s,int *table,int j,int k)
int i;

void maxsize(char *s)
int gap,k,j,max,start;
int n;
int table[26];


int sequence(int *table,int size)
int i;
int count=0,found=0;
if(!found && table[i])
else if(found && !table[i])
else if(table[i])

return count==size;

- Anonymous August 09, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Pseudo code (Sliding subarray of decreasing size):
1. Start with a subarray whose size = arrays length.
2. Check if this subarray is a valid contiguous subarray (algo to check follows)
3. If yes, print it.
4. If no, reduce the subarray size by 1 and start with index 0 of main array, slide the subarray until last element of main array is part of the subarray
5. Repeat step 2-4 until subarray.length > 1
6. No subarray exists if nothing found so far.

Pseudo-code for checking any given subarray is valid or not:
1. For a subarray, set starting index as 0 do the following
2. If subarray[index] > subarray.length, fail test - Number at index pos is too large to fit in this subarray; return
3. Else Check value at subarray[subarray[index]-1]. If value is same as subarray[index]-1, there is a repeating number in this subarray so fail test - return.
4. Else capture subarray[subarray[index]-1] as newIndex; set subarray[subarray[index]] = subarray[index]-1. Set index = newIndex
5. Repeat from 2.

- Anonymous August 16, 2012 | Flag Reply
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void longestSubarray(int a[])
    int n=sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);   //length of array
    int max=0,*hash;
    int subArray_start=0,subArray_end=0;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)         //get maximum and minimum in array
    hash=new int[max+1]();  //array values initialized to zero
           delete hash;
           hash=new int[max-min+1]();
           subArray_start=i--;    //initialize start of subarray
    int tmp_strt=0,tmp_end=0;
       if(hash[i]==1 && (hash[i-1]==0|| i>=0))
       if(a[n]<=tmp_end || a[n]>=tmp_strt)
         subArray_end=n;      //initialize end of subarray

    for(i=subArray_start;i<=subArray_end;i++)   //print output
     cout<<a[i]<<" ";


Time Complexity - O(4n)
This code will give a problem with negative numbers...Any ideas of improvement??

- coderBon August 22, 2012 | Flag Reply
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when u find a repeating elemnt check if min+max-1 is equal to number of elemnts encounterd!!
if so then it was a consecutive sequence..

thn clear thee hash table used to check the repetition..check for forward..

- shivirocks2909 October 11, 2012 | Flag Reply
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This is my solution,
1)find the max value, create and array of that size and make each value present to one.
2) now find the sequence of 1's and find the rage of the indexes.
3) print the output.
Here is the below code.


int main()
	int array[9] = {4,5,1,5,7,6,8,4,1},i,max = array[0],maxindex,minindex,count = 0,maxcount = 0;
	/*finding the max*/
	for(i = 0; i<9;i++) {
		if(array[i] > max)
			max = array[i]; 
	int  *array1 = (int *)calloc(max,sizeof(int));
	for(i = 0; i<9 ; i++) 
		array1[array[i]] = 1;
	for(i=0; i<9; i++) {/*find the range index*/
		count = 1;
		if(array1[i] == 1) {
			while(array1[i] == array1[i+1]) {
			if(count > maxcount) {
				maxcount = count ;
				minindex = i - count;
				maxindex = i - 1;
	for(i=minindex; i<=maxindex; i++) /* print the outpupt*/
		printf("output : array[%d] = %d\n",i,array[i]);
	printf("count = %d\n",count);
	printf("maxindex = %d minindex = %d\n",maxindex,minindex);
	return 0;

- agmegharaj December 02, 2013 | Flag Reply
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int findLength(int arr[], int n)
    int max_len = 1;  // Initialize result
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
        // Initialize min and max for all subarrays starting with i
        int mn = arr[i], mx = arr[i];
        // Consider all subarrays starting with i and ending with j
        for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
            // Update min and max in this subarray if needed
            mn = min(mn, arr[j]);
            mx = max(mx, arr[j]);
            // If current subarray has all contiguous elements
            if ((mx - mn) == j-i)
                max_len = max(max_len, mx-mn+1);
    return max_len;

- Aditya Goel July 03, 2016 | Flag Reply
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This comment has been deleted.

- Administrator August 05, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Did not get you?How sorting will help.We have to find continous subarray

- grave August 05, 2012 | Flag
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1. sort the array in extra space..
2. find the max length of consecutive range, min and max of that range.. here length = 5, max = 8, min= 4
3. create an array[length (or) max-min+1]... here array[5]..
4. now traverse the original input with count = 0
a) if the element is within the calculated range, increase the count and array[element-min] set to 1
b) if the element is repeated(which is already set in the array[]) or out of range.. check whether the element in array[] are consecutively set to 1.. if it is, store that temporary output with count.. reset count and array[] to zero
c) repeat a).. if the count exceeds the previous count.. update it..

Note: we have to iterate through all range of values..
for example: {1,2,3,51,7,52,8,53,9,54,10,55}
i)first process with 51..55
ii)next with 7...10
iii)next with 1..3
if i) is found to be continous in input with length = 5 then no need to see for ii) and iii) as they have length less than 5..

- cobra August 05, 2012 | Flag Reply
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why can't we traverse it and also maintain count on longest continuous subarry and return that ?

- danger August 05, 2012 | Flag
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consider the array[] = {1,1000,2,999,998}
here longest sorted sequence is {998,999,1000} which can only be taken for count..
if 1,2 are continuous then 998,999,1000 are also continuous with long length..
in either case {1,2} doesnt affect the answer.. so we can leave {1,2} while traversing..

- cobra August 05, 2012 | Flag
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The question is about find the continous subarray . here it will be 998,999

- grave August 05, 2012 | Flag
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ya.. i too say the same.. :)

- cobra August 05, 2012 | Flag
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didnot get your b) step

- grave August 05, 2012 | Flag
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take {1,2,3,1,4,2,3,7,5,6}
range : only one range.. 1...7
first consecutive: 1,2,3 as the next 1 repeated and cannot be taken into account and length = 3
1,4,2,3,7,5,6.. and length = 7 greater than previous one.. so update it..

if there is any out of range value eg: 10.. counting is stopped and checked for consecutiveness(whether '1' in array[] is continuous) and previous count..

Note: you have to update the count only the array[] is of the form {1,1,1,0,0,0..} not {1,0,1,0,1,1} because numbers should be consecutive

- cobra August 05, 2012 | Flag
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Yet another BS solution.

- Anonymous August 07, 2012 | Flag
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in 4b imagine this input [4,2,1,4,3]. Resetting count of the array count[1,1,0,1] at that point will not return the right value, i.e. 1,2,3,4 as the right answer. So here resetting will not be the right idea. Probably keeping the index where this value has been found(lets call it X) and after that traverse from the start index to that to X and int the count[] clearing only the elements in-between will do the job.

- GKalchev August 07, 2012 | Flag
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"For ex- {4,5,1,5,7,6,8,4,1}
output-{5,7,6,8,4}.Find the longest."
continuous sequence means subarray in some sorted fashion ?? if yes, then how 5,7,6,8,4 is the ans of above example, ?? can you please explain your question

- darkC August 06, 2012 | Flag Reply
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The elements 5, 7, 6, 8, 4 can be written in order as 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

- Anonymous August 06, 2012 | Flag
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of 1 vote

Mark for consideration.

- onpduo August 06, 2012 | Flag Reply

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Our Mock Interviews will be conducted "in character" just like a real interview, and can focus on whatever topics you want. All our interviewers have worked for Microsoft, Google or Amazon, you know you'll get a true-to-life experience.

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