Microsoft Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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I think that the easiest thing to do is to go over each vertex( point i ) and draw the line with point i+2(mod n) until going overall the points. By this, we draw the star whether it is odd or even.
For example, the 5 pointed star can be drawn as follows:
- draw a line between point 0 and 2
- draw a line between point 1 and 3
- draw a line between point 2 and 4
- draw a line between point 3 and 0
- draw a line between point 4 and 1

and the 6 pointed star:

- draw a line between point 0 and 2
- draw a line between point 1 and 3
- draw a line between point 2 and 4
- draw a line between point 3 and 5
- draw a line between point 4 and 0
- draw a line between point 5 and 1

- Hamza April 01, 2006 | Flag Reply
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Excellent idea hamza. simple but efficient.

- J.C. March 03, 2007 | Flag
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excellent idea!

- Anonymous October 01, 2007 | Flag
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This is a very easy problem. Just start from the first point in the move 2 points counter clockwise (i-2)mod N. As you keep moving, join points if they are not visited. If after moving you reach a visited point (you completed a cycle), so you can just move to the next element in the array.

For(n = 5, 7, 9 etc) you never end up moving to a visited point until the whole star is drawn.

For (n=6,8,10 etc.) you do come to a point which is already visited and then you have to move to the next element in the array and repeat.

- stardrawer June 23, 2005 | Flag Reply
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Actually it is a simple problem only if the star has odd number of points. Here is the code.

//not sure how it works for an even number pointed star
if(n/2 == 0)

for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
int j = (i + 2 > n - 1) ? (i + 2) - n : i + 2;
drawLine(i, j);

- Seshagiri July 24, 2005 | Flag Reply
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that is a wrong assumption, you can draw a star with 6 points...try it

- TheGreatOne September 08, 2007 | Flag
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For an even number of points, I think you'll want to do the odd drawing and then repeat starting at 1 instead of at 0.

- SomeCoder July 25, 2005 | Flag Reply
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"SomeCoder" your idea is not clear to me. Only with an odd number of points it is possible all the points will have two edges.

- Seshagiri July 25, 2005 | Flag Reply
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that's stupid. When you have an even number of points, just do the same thing, but jump over two points at a time...

- whatever September 28, 2005 | Flag Reply
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Try n=5.


Try n=6.
1 triangle. Do same, starting at 1, for other triangle. Star of David, my favorite star :o)

Try n=7.
14%7=0. Print.

There seems to be a pattern. When is odd, do modulo iteratively. When n is even, you draw separate triangles. Since the case for odd is easy to do, let's exam even more closely and see what's up...

We know that a triangle has 3 points. Two triangles have a total of 2*3 pts. Three triangles have a total of 3*3 points. Hence if n%3==0, then we draw separate triangles. 8 is even but 8%3 != 0 so let's try n=8...

8%8=0. quadrilateral!

9%8=1. quadrilateral!

Again it seems that odds are easy to draw, but evens are trickier. Based on this evidence, if n%3==0, you can draw separate triangles iteratively. You know how many triangles to draw by n/3. Each triangle's vertex is 1 apart from the prev triangle. Continuing, if n%2==0 and n%3!=0, do the same as for n%3==0 except that you will be different shapes.

- Jack February 15, 2006 | Flag Reply
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assume n >= 3.
n = 4, 6 are special cases.


int k = 2;
if( n % 2 == 0){
k = 3;

for(i = 0 ; i <= n * k; i += k){
drawLine(i % n , (i + k) % n );


- Hemant March 06, 2006 | Flag Reply
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I think we are forgetting what a star is. look at the five pointed star for an example. You are basically drawing a line from the start to an adjacent point accross from the starting point in some sort of pattern. The basic pattern is (number_points - 1)/2. Now lets look at special cases (6, 10, 14, 18, 22, etc). Each of these special cases would require to stars. The reason is that the number of points is even and the number of points skipped(based on previous equation) are both even. So in these cases we would need to draw two stars. So my algorithm would be to store my number of points to skip: (number_points -1)/2. store my starting point: head_of_star, initialize both points (int indexOne to head_of_star (starting point), int indexTwo ((number_points - 1)/2) ). I then draw the line, check to see if indexTwo is equal to head_of_star, if not set indexOne to indexTwo and indexTwo to indexOne plus my jump value and draw another line.

Once this is done, I check to see if my number of points and my jump value are both even. If so I add one to my head_of_star, reset my indexes and draw the second star. Problem solved and you actually have something that will still look like a star no matter how many points.

given: intNumPoints

int intStartHead = 0;
int intJumpValue = (intNumPoints - 1) /2;
int indexOne = intStartHead;
int indexTwo = indexOne + intJumpValue;

while(indexTwo != intStartHead)
drawLine(indexOne, indexTwo);
indexOne = indexTwo;
indexTwo = indexOne + intJumpValue;
if (intNumPoints % 2 == 0 && intJumpValue % 2 == 0)
int indexOne = intStartHead;
int indexTwo = indexOne + intJumpValue;

while(indexTwo != intStartHead)
drawLine(indexOne, indexTwo);
indexOne = indexTwo;
indexTwo = indexOne + intJumpValue;

I believe this should work.

- studying for the MS interview March 09, 2006 | Flag Reply
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I think we are forgetting what a star is. look at the five pointed star for an example. You are basically drawing a line from the start to an adjacent point accross from the starting point in some sort of pattern. The basic pattern is (number_points - 1)/2. Now lets look at special cases (6, 10, 14, 18, 22, etc). Each of these special cases would require to stars. The reason is that the number of points is even and the number of points skipped(based on previous equation) are both even. So in these cases we would need to draw two stars. So my algorithm would be to store my number of points to skip: (number_points -1)/2. store my starting point: head_of_star, initialize both points (int indexOne to head_of_star (starting point), int indexTwo ((number_points - 1)/2) ). I then draw the line, check to see if indexTwo is equal to head_of_star, if not set indexOne to indexTwo and indexTwo to indexOne plus my jump value and draw another line.

Once this is done, I check to see if my number of points and my jump value are both even. If so I add one to my head_of_star, reset my indexes and draw the second star. Problem solved and you actually have something that will still look like a star no matter how many points.

given: intNumPoints

int intStartHead = 0;
int intJumpValue = (intNumPoints - 1) /2;
int indexOne = intStartHead;
int indexTwo = indexOne + intJumpValue;

while(indexTwo != intStartHead)
drawLine(indexOne, indexTwo);
indexOne = indexTwo;
indexTwo = indexOne + intJumpValue;
if (intNumPoints % 2 == 0 && intJumpValue % 2 == 0)
int indexOne = intStartHead;
int indexTwo = indexOne + intJumpValue;

while(indexTwo != intStartHead)
drawLine(indexOne, indexTwo);
indexOne = indexTwo;
indexTwo = indexOne + intJumpValue;

I believe this should work.

- Jason Foust March 09, 2006 | Flag Reply
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Sorry, I do have a small edit to that.

Whenever you are setting your second index it should look like this:

indexTwo = (indexOne + intJumpValue) % intNumPoints;

It's late and I forgot.

- Jason Foust March 09, 2006 | Flag Reply
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the above answer seems to be correct and most likely to be the answer.
(i+2)(mod n)

- visitor April 19, 2006 | Flag Reply
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private void DrawStar(int n)
int i = 0;
int[] Points = new int[n];
for(i = 0 ; i <= n-1 ; i ++)
if(Points[i] != 2)
Console.WriteLine("Draw Line From" + i.ToString() + " To " + ( (i+2) % n));

- Altaf Al-Amin Najwani April 22, 2006 | Flag Reply
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As i understand it:
if we have 2 vertexes than the lines will be:
0 to 1
if we have 4 vertexes than the lines will be:
0 to 2
1 to 3
if we have 6 vertexes than the lines will be:
0 to 3
1 to 4
2 to 5

Meaning, the rule might be (for even n)
0 to n/2
1 to n/2+1
2 to n/2+2

in case of odd number of edges we will leave the last one unconnected.
Anyway, its a case to deal alone (need to be clarify in the interview). Line takes 2 edges, therefore in case of odd number of edges, you will always get one that is unconnected

the code in that case is:

oddFlg = FALSE;
if ((N%2)==1) than
oddFlg = TRUE;

int count = (N-1)/2;
int destIndx;
for (int =0; i<count; i++)
if oddFlg connect it as instructed (if any)

- Eila May 27, 2006 | Flag Reply
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Hamza's solution is the most elegant.

Although you don't know what rule a child follows when drawing a five or six point start. Because it is both 1) connecting every 2 vertices and 2) connecting a vertex with j = floor( (n-1) /2 ) away from it. For larger n, any value between 2 and j could possibly work as the distance bewteen two vertices to connect. There is no standard way to form a star. For example, I could form a 8 vertice star by connectiong 0 and 3, 1 and 4 and so on.

- zaose July 10, 2006 | Flag Reply
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drawLine(i, (i+2)%n);

- Prakash October 21, 2006 | Flag Reply
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Hamza's Algo:

void drawStar( int n ){
int index = 0;
while( index < n )
drawline( index, (index+2)%n )

Other Algo:

void drawStar( int n ){
int index = 0;
while( index < n ){
for(int i=0; i<n-2; i++)
drawline( index, (index+i+2)%n]

- Rastan October 30, 2006 | Flag Reply
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void DrawStar(int starPt)
if (starPt > 5 )
throw new invalidOperationException("Need minimum of 5 pts);

int placeHolder = 0;

if(!((startPt % 2) == 0))
for(int i = 0; i < starPt; i++)
drawLine(placeHolder, (placeholder + 2));
placeHolder += 2;

if((startPt % 2) == 0)
placeHolder = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < starPt/2; i++)
drawLine(placeHolder, (placeholder + 2));
placeHolder += 2;

placeHolder = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < starPt/2; i++)
drawLine(placeHolder, (placeholder + 2));
placeHolder += 2;


- dorkyMe January 25, 2007 | Flag Reply
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- J.C. March 14, 2007 | Flag Reply
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The increment to add to i is a function of n:

int increment = n / 2 + (n + 1) % 2;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
drawline(points[i], point[(i + increment) % n];

- CM February 03, 2008 | Flag Reply
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The parameters of drawline should have had the indices of the points as parameters (i and (i + increment) % n) instead of the actual points in an array.

- CM February 03, 2008 | Flag
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Here's my solution. The goal here is to draw each line without redrawing it. Imagine a three pointed star. Imagine further that all lines from point 0 have been drawn to all other points i.e. (0,1) and (0,2) have been drawn. We are drawing lines from point 1. Therefore, we only need to draw lines to points which are greater than current. Once we hit point 2, we have no points greater so we know all lines have been drawn. Fortunately we don't have to worry about the x,y location of the points. :)

void DrawStar(int howManyPoints)
if (howManyPoints < 3)
// error, exception, return, whatever
for (int i = 0; i < howManyPoints; i++) // outer loop. For each point...
for (int j=i+1; j < howManyPoints; j++)
{ // inner loop, for each point > currentPoint, draw line
DrawLine(i, j);

- Josh March 31, 2008 | Flag Reply
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<2 minutes later>

Shoot my answer is wrong, i just realized you don't want to draw lines to any neighboring point.

lets try this instead :)

void DrawStar(int howManyPoints)
if (howManyPoints < 5)
// error, exception, return, whatever
for (int i = 0; i < howManyPoints; i++) // outer loop. For each point...
for (int j=i+2; j < howManyPoints; j++)
{ // inner loop, for each point > currentPoint, draw line
DrawLine(i, j);

- Josh March 31, 2008 | Flag Reply
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Bah, this draws a line from point 0 to point n which is incorrect (if easy to avoid). :)

- Josh March 31, 2008 | Flag
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How can you guys assume that the points are in a clockwise or counter-clockwise order?

- Tracy April 07, 2008 | Flag Reply

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