Amazon Interview Question for Applications Developers

Country: India
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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Depending on what we know about input, I have one solution if all values are positive and another solution if values can be negative.

Case All positive:

Do basic sanity checks.

check for array size:

<3 return error;

==3 return product of 3 values

> 3 : get the largest three values and return their product as answer

To get the largest 3 values, sorting is bad because of O(nlogn) complexity. Instead, initialize a min-heap array with first 3 values. Iterate through the rest of array, check each value against the top(min) value of heap, if current value is smaller, discard it but if greater then remove the min from heap and insert the current value. In the end you will have largest three in the heap. The complexity is O(n * log3). Using customized heap, we can reduce log3 as well.

Case Negative values are present:
Do basic sanity checks.

check for array size:

check for array size:

<3 return error;

==3 return product of 3 values

> 3 do two things:

1) Find largest three positive values - take their product say P1
2) Find largest (by absolute value) two negative values & one largest positve value - take their product P2

Then answer = Max (P1, P2);

The idea is, two negative values when multiplied gives positive value. Since we have three, we need to check for possibility of two negative and one positive combination.

NOTE: Handle edge cases when 1) & 2) cannot happen: e.g. if all are negative values in the array, then take product of 3 smallest (by absolute) negative values.

- Dilbert Einstein May 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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@Dilbert Einstein

Won't heaps use O(n) extra space? Or is it possible to create max and min heap using the same input array?

If heaps require extra space, won't O(n) be a large number for extra space?

- arun_lisieux May 12, 2013 | Flag
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@Dilbert Einstein
I understand heap has better time complexity, just wanted to understand the space complexity. I'm not very familiar with heaps.

- arun_lisieux May 12, 2013 | Flag
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@Siva Chidambaram Somu

Few things:

1) Heap space complexity in this case is 3 and not n. I am only storing 3 solution candidate values in heap at any time, not entire array

2) We can just create heap on pointers instead of actual data itself (here data is just primitive integers so hard to see this advantage, but if we were dealing with large structs, we can just maintain heap of the pointers)

3) Trade off with alternate solutions a) To check the 3 values independently => does not scale b) To sort the elements - in place sorting is time complexity wise horrible performance

- Dilbert Einstein May 12, 2013 | Flag
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@Dilbert Einstein - there is one more case - the largest 3 nos include 1 -ve and 2 +ve values. so you have to scan the array multiple time.

- Vin May 13, 2013 | Flag
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@Vinod K
I think you misunderstood my algorithm (or misunderstood the problem - he is asking for maximum product, not maximum absolute value of product). I am separating positive values and negative values and then determining the largest values in each group. Please go through the solution I gave again. The case you are mentioning should not occur in the case of >3 elements.

If you still think there is an issue, give me a test input where my logic breaks and we can take our discussion from there.


- Dilbert Einstein May 13, 2013 | Flag
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for [-5,-10,1,2,3] it would give 1*2*3 => 6 as max_product while max_product is -5*-10*3 => 150

- Knuth May 17, 2013 | Flag
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Killer input by Knuth, though Dilbert's solution can be extended to use a min-heap to store the top 3 +ve values(p1>=p2>=p3) and use a max-heap to store bottom 2 -ve values (n1<=n2). The max3 product can be computed as below:

if ( n1 * n2 > p1 * p2)
return n1 * n2 * p3
return p1 * p2 * p3

- Murali Mohan May 18, 2013 | Flag
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@Knuth & @Dumbo

Dilbert's solution is still right for this input. He clearly said take two values P1 & P2 and then take max(P1, P2). In your example, max two values by absolute value are -5, -10 so P2 = (5*10*3) = 150. Max(6,150) = 150.

- Anonymous May 21, 2013 | Flag
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Sort the array.
1) If all are positive numbers then take largest 3 numbers.
2) If some of them are negative the see which of the following is grater
i. three largest positive numbers
ii. two smallest numbers (negative extreme) and one positive largest number

- dadakhalandhar May 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Find the 3 largest number in array viz. n1 > n2 > n3 and 2 smallest number in array viz m1 < m2.

The largest product will be either n1 * n2 * n3 or n1 * m1 * m2

Take care of 0

- Nitin Gupta May 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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static int maxproduct(int[] array) {
		if (array == null)
			return 0;
		if (array.length < 3)
			return 0;
		int len = array.length;
		int max1 = array[0] * array[1] * array[len - 1];
		int max2 = array[len - 3] * array[len - 2] * array[len - 1];
		return max2 > max1 ? max2 : max1;


- gags May 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Find out the 3 max non negative nos and 2 most negative nos. Now check for maximum product among:
1) the product of the non negative nos
2) the product of the most non negative no with the two negative nos.

the greater one is the ans

- alex May 13, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Hi All,

I can see four different cases for 3 numbers, + represents positive number and - reps negative number assuming numbers are sorted in decreasing order.

+ + + + + ...
+ + - - - ...
+ - - - - ...
- - - - - ...

For the first and third case direct multiplication of max 3 nos will do (i.e. a[0] a[1] a[2]).
For the second case if array size is > 3 we have to multiply the a[0] a[2] a[3]
For the fourth case we should use the first two numbers and the last number i.e. a[0] a[1] a[n-1]

We should return max of these three numbers which we calculated.
In all four cases we should make sure '0' is nor present.

Please let me know if there is anything wrong here.


- Arun May 15, 2013 | Flag Reply
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public static Integer maxProduct(Integer[] myarray){
        Integer max,secondmax,thirdmax,min,secondmin,temp;

        Integer maxproduct ;
        if(myarray.length < 3){
            return -1;
        if(myarray.length == 3){
            maxproduct = 0;
            for(int i=0;i<myarray.length;i++){
                maxproduct = maxproduct + myarray[i];
          return maxproduct;  
         max = myarray[0];
        secondmax = myarray[1];
        if(secondmax < thirdmax){
            temp = secondmax;
            secondmax = thirdmax;
            thirdmax = temp;
            temp = max;
            max = secondmax;
            secondmax = temp;
        min = thirdmax;
        secondmin = secondmax;
        for(int i=3;i<myarray.length;i++){
            if(myarray[i] > max){
                secondmax = max;
                max = myarray[i];
           if(myarray[i] > secondmax){
                 thirdmax = secondmax;
                 secondmax = myarray[i];
            if(myarray[i] > thirdmax){
                 thirdmax = myarray[i];
            if(myarray[i] < min){
                 secondmin = min;
                 min = myarray[i];
            if(myarray[i] < secondmin){
                 secondmin = myarray[i];
        maxproduct = max*secondmax*thirdmax;
        if( (min*secondmin*max) > maxproduct){

            return (min*secondmin*max);
        return maxproduct;

- Anonymous May 15, 2013 | Flag Reply
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int main()
{int a[]={5,2,1,-4,3,8,6,5,-9};
int n=9;
int pass,i;
int temp;
int maxprod;

- Anonymous May 15, 2013 | Flag Reply
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int main()
{int a[]={5,2,1,-4,3,8,6,5,-9};
int n=9;
int pass,i;
int temp;
int maxprod;

The logic is to sort the array regardless of positives and negatives,
perform the sanity checks like no of elements<3 return error, elements==3 then return the product, lastly if number of elements >3 then 1.sort them 2.take product of first two elements and last element and also product of last three elements
find maxmum of these two products and that will be max product; reason is that if all elements are positive then simply last three elements after sorting will give us the answer and if some of them are negative then product of first two elements of sorted array will either produce a negative answer or positive ( if both are negative the product will be positive and if one is negative then product is negative) in either case we will compare this product with product of last three elements and the greater of these two will be the maxproduct.
I 've tried it all positive case (-6,-5,4,6,9,11} and also (-6,4,7,8,9,11,13} and also (-6,0,1,4,5,7,8,11} this logic holds in all the above cases!

- Maashu May 15, 2013 | Flag Reply
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what abt if all are -ves ?

- Vin May 15, 2013 | Flag
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public static void test(){

int a[]= new int[]{ -1 ,3,7,-88,2,10,45,11,2,75,60};

int fMax= Integer.MIN_VALUE+2;
int sMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE+1;
int tMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){

if(a[i] > tMax && tMax < sMax && tMax < fMax){
tMax = a[i];
}else if(a[i] > sMax && sMax < fMax) {
sMax = a[i];

}else if(a[i] > fMax){
fMax = a[i];


System.out.println(" " + fMax + " " + sMax + " " + tMax);
System.out.println("MaxProduct " + (fMax*sMax*tMax));


- Guru May 15, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Here is a tested O(n) algorithm:

public static int getMaxProduct(int[] a) throws IllegalArgumentException{
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return a[0]*a[1]*a[2];

int[] min= new int[3];
int[] max = new int[3];
for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++){
for(int j=0; j<3; j++){
//shift rest values
for(int k=2; k>j; k--){
min[j]= a[i];
for(int j=0; j<3; j++){
for(int k=2; k>j; k--){
max[j]= a[i];

int product= Math.max(min[0]*min[1]*min[2], Math.max(max[0]*max[1]*max[2], min[0]*min[1]*max[0]));

return product;


- Xihui May 15, 2013 | Flag Reply
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int MaximumProduct(int * arr)
    int * a = NULL;
    int * b = NULL;
    int * c = NULL;
    int * d = NULL;
    int * e = NULL;
    for (int i =0 ; i < sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); i++) {
        if (arr[i] < 0)  {
            if (NULL == d) { 
               d = new int (a[i]);
            else if (NULL == e) {
                if (*d > a[i]) {
                    e = new int(*d);
                    *d = a[i];
                else {
                   *e = arr[i];
           else if (arr[i] < *d) {
                *e = *d;
                *d = arr[i];
            else if (arr[i] < *e) {
                *e = arr[i];
        } // end of negative number check
        else {
        if (a!=NULL && b!=NULL && c!=NULL) {
            if (arr[i] > *a) {
                *c = *b;
                *b = *a;
                *a = arr[i];
            else if (arr[i] > *b) {
                *c = *b;
                *b = arr[i];
             else if (arr[i] > *c) {
                 *c = arr[i];
            if (NULL == a)  {
                a = new int (arr[i]);
            else if (NULL == b) {
                if (arr[i] > *a) { 
                    b = new int(a);
                    *a = arr[i];
             else if (NULL == c) {
                 if (arr[i] > *a) {
                    c = new int(*b);
                    *b = *a;
                    *a = arr[i];
                else if(arr[i] > b) {
                    c = new int(*b);
                    *b = arr[i];
                else {
                    c = new int (arr[i]);
      return ( (a*b)*c > (a*d)*e ? (a*b)*c : (a*d)*e);

- sumit.083 May 20, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Can't this be solved in O(n), only iterating the array twice?

step1 . try to find biggest 3 positive numbers in one iteration.

if there are biggest 3 positive numbers
try to find smallest 2 negative numbers in one iteration
return bigger one of biggest positive * two smallest negative and three biggest positive

if there are only one or two positive,
find two smallest negative and multiple with biggest positive

if there isn't any positive,
find three biggest negative or try to find 0.

- James May 20, 2013 | Flag Reply
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In case sorting is allowed:
sort the array in ascending order
possible pattern we will get like below:

1. + + ........................ + + +
2. - - .......................... - - +
3. - - .......................... + + +
4. - - .......................... - + +
5. - + .........................+ + +
6. - - ......................... - - -

For 1st, 5th and 5th case product of last three number(most +ve) will be highest

For case 2nd and 4th product of most -ve two number and max positive number will be highest

For case 3 find [product of most -ve two number and max positive number] and [product of last three number(most +ve)] and which ever is max will be max in all.

- PKT June 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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- Anonymous June 13, 2013 | Flag Reply
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private int MaxProduct(int[] arr) {
int maxProd=0;
int num1=0,num2=0, num3=0;
for(int i=0;i<arr.length-1;i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<arr.length;j++){
int prod=arr[i]*arr[j];
num2=arr[j];//These nos num1 and num2 gives maximum product of 2 nos in arr
int prod=maxProd;
for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
int temp=arr[i]*prod;
num3=arr[i];//this no give maximum product of 3 digit num1*num2*num3=maximum Product


return maxProd;

- Anonymous October 24, 2013 | Flag Reply
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sort it and then last 3 numbers will give you maximum product, won't it?

- aka May 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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No, there might be negatives.

- bunnybare May 13, 2013 | Flag
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check this out::

int MaxTripleProduct(int arr[], unsigned int len)
		case 0:
		case 1:
			return arr[0];
		case 2:
			return arr[0] * arr[1];
		case 3:
			return arr[0] * arr[1] * arr[2];
			//sort array with 0(n) sorting algorigthm
			countingSort(arr, len);
			if (arr[len - 1] < 0)
				return arr[0] * arr[1] * arr[2];
				return max(arr[0] * arr[1], arr[len-3] * arr[len-2]) * arr[len - 1];

- coding.arya May 13, 2013 | Flag Reply

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