Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: India
Interview Type: In-Person

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1. Find all the possible window from str1 and str2
Possible windows from Str1=[ABCD,FGH,KLMNOPQR]
Possible windows from Str2=[DBCA,GFH,RQPONMKL]

2. Sort each window in either asc/dsc order
Possible windows from Str1=[ABCD,FGH,KLMNOPQR]
Possible windows from Str2=[ABCD,FGH,KLMNOPQR]

3. Pick up all the windows from Str2 (Order by Descending Size Order) and one by one check, if it exist as a substring of any of the Str1 window.

In this case max window of str2 KLMNOPQR will match, hence no need to iterate further

- Ashish Shah June 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Updating step 2
Do not sort the window, directly go to step 3

- Ashish Shah June 11, 2013 | Flag
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Repeat step 3 for both the String window

- Ashish Shah June 11, 2013 | Flag
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Good one Ashish....

- PKT June 11, 2013 | Flag
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how to find window itself?

- Anonymous June 12, 2013 | Flag
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@Anonymous. Right question. You have to try all the possible N^2 combinations. of windows. See my implementation below:

- Murali Mohan June 12, 2013 | Flag
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Are they mutated patterns or permuted patterns? Please define what a mutated pattern is.

- Murali Mohan June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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mutated patterns

- Fusa June 10, 2013 | Flag
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a muted pattern is that you can exchange the poations of the characters in the string in the sample given above
A<>D & B<>C
so result is

- Anonymous June 14, 2013 | Flag
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bag[i,j]=for(k=i->j)bag[i.k]&&bag[k,j]&&(bag[i,k] have one edge common with bag[k,j] )

- Anonymous July 02, 2013 | Flag
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Adding to the above answer--3.Once the match is broken you can print out the consecutive match

- ravikanth June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Since you are looking for sequences, I do not think sorting will give you the right answer!

- Sharath June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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public class MaxWindowPattern {
	private static String pattenStr1 = "ABCDFGH";
	private static String pattenStr2 = "GHFDCBA";
	private static String reversePatternString = "";
	static {
		reversePatternString = reverseSubStr(pattenStr1);

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {

	private static String reverseSubStr(String str) {
		String resString = "";
		StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder(str);
		resString = sBuilder.toString();
		return resString;

	private static String binarySearchWindowStr(String str) {
    if ("".equals(str)||str==null) {
	 System.out.println("empty string cannot find any window substring!");
	}else if (pattenStr2.contains(str)){
		System.out.println("max windows is "+str.length()+"window String from B is "+str);
    int [][] strArray=new int[str.length()][pattenStr2.length()];
    int lenth=0;
    int end=0;
    char[] strArray1=str.toCharArray();
    char[] strArray2=pattenStr2.toCharArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < pattenStr2.length(); j++) {
			int n =(i-1>0&&j-1>0)?strArray[i-1][j-1]:0;
				end =i;
    return str.substring(end-lenth+1,end+1);

- lizq June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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1. For both of the input strings S1 and S2, for all their N^2 substrings with beginIndex = i & endIndex = j, compute their integral values V1 and V2 just by summing up their charAt(k) values. [i<=k<=j]
2. Compare V1 and V2. If they are equal, sort the substrings S1.substring(i,j) and S2.substring(i,j) and compare if they are equal.
3. Save (i,j) that contains the maxlength substring and print it.

Full java implementation is given below. Provide in the console, the input strings one after the other.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class MaxMatchingPermutedStringWindow {
	static String input1, input2;
	static	int min= 1, max = 0;
	private static boolean cmpStrVal(int i, int j) {
		int sum=0;
		for (int k = i; k <=j ; k++) {
			sum += input1.charAt(k) - input2.charAt(k);			
		return 0 == sum;
	private static boolean compareStr(int i, int j) {
		boolean equal = true;
		char[] arr1 = input1.substring(i, j + 1).toCharArray();
		char[] arr2 = input2.substring(i, j + 1).toCharArray();
		for (int k = 0; k < arr1.length; k++) 
			equal &= arr1[k] == arr2[k];
		return equal;
	private static void findMaxMatSubString() {
		int len = input1.length();
		for (int k = 0; k < input1.length(); k++)
			for (int l = k; l < input1.length(); l++) 
				if (cmpStrVal(k,l) && compareStr(k,l) && (l-k+1) > (max - min + 1)) {					
					min = k; max = l;
		System.out.println("Substring from 1st string:" + input1.subSequence(min,  max+1));
		System.out.println("Substring from 2nd string:" + input2.subSequence(min,  max+1));

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
		Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(System.getProperty("line.separator"));

		if (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
			input1 =;
		if (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
			input2 =;
		} else {
			System.out.println("Please provide both the strings");
		if (input1.length() != input2.length()) 
			System.out.println("The strings are not of equal length!");

- Murali Mohan June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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if (cmpStrVal(k,l) && compareStr(k,l) && (l-k+1)
You are assuming that the strings will appear in the same place from k to l,
which may not be the case always.

- Hello world August 15, 2013 | Flag
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Based on two Strings (InputA and InputB) - create two Sets or ordered sequences.

Once I have two Sets of ordered sequences find the intersection. I'm using BST to build by ordered sequence since I still need to find the possible sequences. As I build the sequence I also expand the BST and essentially reset it once I'm working on the next set of sequences.

package amazon;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Set;

public class MatchingMutatedSequence {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new MatchingMutatedSequence().run();

	private final String _inputA = "ABCDEFG";
	private final String _inputB = "DBCAPFG";

	 * Create two Sets containing all ordered sequences. From there just find
	 * the largest intersection.
	 * @author MReyes
	public void run() {
		Set<String> _setA = createSet(_inputA);
		Set<String> _setB = createSet(_inputB);


		String maxValue = "";
		Iterator<String> iter = _setB.iterator();
		while (iter.hasNext()) {
			String s =;
			if (s.length() > maxValue.length()) {
				maxValue = s;


	 * Create a Set of ordered sequences.
	 * @param input
	 * @return
	 * @author MReyes
	public Set<String> createSet(String input) {
		Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>();
		for (int x = 0; x < input.length(); x++) {
			SortedChar sc = new SortedChar();
			for (int y = x; y < input.length(); y++) {
		return s;

	 * Character based BST. Also supports duplicates.
	 * @author MReyes
	public static class SortedChar {
		private static class Node {
			private char _data;
			private Node _left;
			private Node _right;

			public Node(char data) {
				_data = data;

			public Node getLeft() {
				return _left;

			public void setLeft(Node left) {
				_left = left;

			public Node getRight() {
				return _right;

			public void setRight(Node right) {
				_right = right;

			public char getData() {
				return _data;

		private Node _root;

		public String toString() {
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
			_traverse(sb, _root);
			return sb.toString();

		private void _traverse(StringBuilder sb, Node node) {
			if (node == null)

			_traverse(sb, node.getLeft());
			_traverse(sb, node.getRight());

		public SortedChar insert(char data) {
			_root = _insert(_root, data);
			return this;

		public Node _insert(Node node, char data) {
			if (node == null)
				return new Node(data);

			if (data < node.getData())
				node.setLeft(_insert(node.getLeft(), data));
				node.setRight(_insert(node.getRight(), data));

			return node;


- marvince.reyes June 09, 2013 | Flag Reply
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public static void sequenceMatching(StringBuffer seq1, StringBuffer seq2){
		int size = seq1.length();
		while(size != 0){
			char[] seq1array = seq1.toString().toCharArray();
			char[] seq2array = seq2.toString().toCharArray();
			if(Arrays.equals(seq1array, seq2array)){
			seq1 = new StringBuffer(seq1.substring(0,size));
			seq2 = new StringBuffer(seq2.substring(0,size));

- anony June 09, 2013 | Flag Reply
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If I get the question right, the following would work.
1. Sort the characters in both the string O(n log n).
2. Use two pointers(strPtr1 and strPtr2) pointing to start of the string, in a loop of 1..N. Store the windows in an array. And later find the greatest from windows array. O(n)
If string1 char is > string2 char
if(window>0){windows[arr++] = window; window = 0 }; str2ptr++; continue;
If string1 char == string2 char window++
strPtr1++;str2ptr++; continue;
if string1 char < string2 char
if(window>0){windows[arr++] = window; window = 0 }; strPtr1++; continue;

n log n + n

- JDev June 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Can someone please explain what does this means
"Patterns can be mutated"

- DashDash June 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Whatever "mutated" means, this approach should solve it:
1. Create a hashtable H1 out of the first string: key = char (i.e. "a", "b", etc); value = position in the string (1, 2, etc.)
2. Create another hashset S2 out of the second string by iterating over it and taking values matching from H1 (i.e. for the given example it would be: 4,2,3,1,6,7).
3. Go over S2 and find the longest consecutive sequence of numbers by removing each next number and its neighbors left and right . For the given example that would be 4,2,3,1 or 6,7 => 4,2,3,1

- Anonymous June 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I think that following approach should work.

1. call a function int cmp(str a,str b) to compare strings a,b which return max common len.
2. inside function:
a. set all flags of string a' characters to 1. alen=strlen(a);
b. iterate on b till it is not null.
I check b' ith charactor's flag. if its set increment count if count == alen return count
continue. (maintain a start variable for b string).
II if some flag is not set -> make that chat NULL and recursive call to our function with
strings role reversed and b being only this portion from last cmp(&b[start],a)
III store this returned value and maintain a max_len variable to be returned.

above example a=ABCDEFG, b=DBCAPFG
first char in b not to match P so call (DBCA,ABCDEFG) - returns 4 as all initial 4 match full string
calls again (FG,ABCDEFG) A is not set , shall not call with null. puts null at BCDE and calls (FG,FG) return 2.
return 4 to main func.

1 more example dbpcalm, bdacemp
e is not set in str b-> calls (bdac,dbpcalm)
p is not set in str b-> calls (db,bdac) returns 2
l is not set -> (ca,bdac) -> will finally return 2
next calls (mp,dbpcalm) which finally will return 1
answer max(2,1) 2

- ishwar kumar June 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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char* GetMaxWindow(char* seq1, int seq1Len, char* seq2, int seq2Len)
    if(!seq1 || !seq2)
        return 0;
    int maxSeqLen = seq1Len;
    if(seq2Len < maxSeqLen)
        maxSeqLen = seq2Len;
    // search all window lengths
    for(int i = maxSeqLen; i > 0; i--)
        hash_multimap h;
        // search all window locations in seq1
        for(int j = 0; (j + i) <= seq1Len; j++)
            // add all letters to this set
            for(int k = j; (k + i) <= seq1Len; k++)
                // fill a hash table with i letters
            // search all window locations in seq2
            for(int m = 0; (m + i) <= seq2Len; m++)
                hash_multimap hCopy = h;
                // add all letters to this set
                for(int k = m; (k + i) <= seq2Len; k++)
                    // fill a hash table with i letters
                if(hCopy.size() == 0)
                    return i;
    return 0;

- Brian June 20, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Whoops- need to return int on that not char*

- Brian June 22, 2013 | Flag
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1) Convert substrings to sums
2) Compare sums
3) Sort subString
4) Compare subStrings

import java.util.Arrays;

class Solution {
	public void solution(String A, String B) {
		int sumA,sumB;
		String subA,subB;
		int largestSub = 0;
		int largestI = 0,largestJ = 0,largestI2 = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < A.length(); i++){
			for(int j = i+1; j < A.length(); j++){
				subA = A.substring(i,j);
				sumA = sumSubString(subA);
				for(int i2 = 0; i2+(j-i) < B.length(); i2++){
					subB = B.substring(i2,i2+(j-i));
					sumB = sumSubString(subB);
					if (sumA == sumB) {

						char[] charsA = subA.toCharArray();
						String sortedA = new String(charsA);

						char[] charsB = subB.toCharArray();
						String sortedB = new String(charsB);

						if (sortedA.equals(sortedB)) {
							if(largestSub<subB.length()) {
								largestSub = subB.length();
								largestI = i;
								largestJ = j;
								largestI2 = i2;
							System.out.print("subA=" + subA + " subB=" + subB);
							System.out.print(" sumA=" + sumA + " sumB=" + sumB);
							System.out.println(" sortedA=" + sortedA
									+ " sortedB=" + sortedB);
		System.out.println("\n Result: A="+A+" B="+B);
		System.out.println(" Result: subA="+A.substring(largestI,largestJ)+" subB="+B.substring(largestI2,largestI2+(largestJ-largestI)));
	private int sumSubString(String str){
		int result = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++){
		return result;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String A = "ABCDEFG";
		String B = "DBCAPFG";

- Anonymous June 25, 2013 | Flag Reply
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count_cache = {}

def has_match(s1, s1o, s2, s2o, length):
  if not s1[s1o:s1o+length] in count_cache:
    counts = [0] * 256
    for i in range(s1o, s1o+length):
      counts[ord(s1[i])] += 1
      count_cache[s1[s1o:s1o+length]] = counts

  counts = count_cache[s1[s1o:s1o+length]][:]

  for i in range(s2o, s2o+length):
    counts[ord(s2[i])] -= 1
    if counts[ord(s2[i])] < 0:
      return False
  return True

def longest_match(s1, s2):
  if len(s1) > len(s2):
    tmp = s1
    s1 = s2
    s2 = tmp
  for length in range(len(s1), 0, -1):
    for s1o in range(0, len(s1)-length+1):
      for s2o in range(0, len(s2)-length+1):
        if has_match(s1, s1o, s2, s2o, length):
          return length
  return 0

- Dan July 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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private static int maxWindow(String source, String target) {
		if(source==null || target==null) return -1;
		HashMap<Character, Integer> smap = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
		for(int i=0; i<source.length(); i++){
			smap.put(source.charAt(i), i+1);
		int[] t = new int[target.length()+2];
		ArrayList<Integer> notPresentCount = new ArrayList<Integer>();
		for(int i=1 ;i<target.length()+1; i++){
				t[i] = smap.get(target.charAt(i-1));
			else {
		int maxWindow = 0;
		for(int j=0; j<notPresentCount.size()-1; j++){
			int temp = getMaxWindow(t,notPresentCount.get(j), notPresentCount.get(j+1));
			if(temp > maxWindow){
				maxWindow = temp; 
		return maxWindow;

	private static int getMaxWindow(int[] t, int start, int end) {
		//start with index start. end with index end-1
		Arrays.sort(t, start, end);
		int max=1, localmax=1;
		for(int i=start+1; i<end; i++){
			if(t[i] == t[i-1]+1) localmax++;
			else localmax=1;
			if(localmax > max) max=localmax;
		return max;

- Pulkit October 26, 2013 | Flag Reply
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A solution in Python. It's not the fastest solution, but it's pretty straighforward to code

def maxmatching(seq1, seq2):
    window = ""
    maxwindowsize = 0
    for i in range(len(seq1)):
        # keep increasing window
        for j in range(i, len(seq2)):
            windowsize = j - i
             # move window through seq2 to see if there is match
            for k in range(len(seq2)-windowsize):
                if sorted(seq1[i:j]) == sorted(seq2[k:k+windowsize]):
                    if windowsize > maxwindowsize:
                        maxwindowsize = windowsize
                        window = seq1[i:j]
    return window

- J. Luis Medina May 27, 2014 | Flag Reply
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One Idea can be to find the character in seq2 which is not present in seq1. It means this is the place before which we have finished one range and after which we’ll start another range. Let’s rephrase the logic.
Find the first character in seq2 which is not present in seq1.
Now get seq2 string before this non-matching character (and previous non-matching, if present).
The number of characters in this cut string are the matching window. Do this till the end and return the maximum matching window value.

Complexity: For each character in seq2, we are matching if it is present in seq1 or not. So n characters of seq2 will be machted with m characters of seq1 making complexity as O(n*m).

Issues: How to deal duplicate characters in seq2? Depends over the interviewer's view otherwise a simple check for duplicate will do the job.

- Anonymous September 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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package MaxWindow;

public class MaxWindow {
	int maxWindow(String seq1, String seq2) {

		int count = 0;
		if (seq1 == null || seq1.isEmpty() || seq2 == null || seq2.isEmpty())
			return count;
		else {
			for (int i = 1; i <= seq1.length(); i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < seq1.length() && j + i <= seq1.length(); j++) {
					String temp1 = seq1.substring(j, j + i);
					for (int k = 1; k <= seq2.length() && k <= i; k++) {
						for (int l = 0; l < seq2.length()
								&& k + l <= seq2.length(); l++) {
							String temp2 = seq2.substring(l, l + k);
							boolean flag = permute(temp1, temp2);
							if (flag) {
								count = k - l;

		return count;

	boolean permute(String seq1, String seq2) {
		if (seq1.length() != seq2.length())
			return false;
		int[] count = new int[256];
		char[] seqChar = seq1.toCharArray();
		for (char s : seqChar) {
		for (int i = 0; i < seq2.length(); i++) {
			int c = (int) seq2.charAt(i);
			if (--count[c] < 0)
				return false;
		return true;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String seq1 = "abcdefgh";
		String seq2 = "hfg";
		MaxWindow maxWindow = new MaxWindow();
		System.out.println(maxWindow.maxWindow(seq1, seq2));

- venkat kondeti December 02, 2014 | Flag Reply
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My solution. We first need to generate all the possible windows of each string, and after SORTING, we will store it in a hashMap for each string.
Once we have all the possible windows, we need to check if any window from string1 is present on the hash of the second, and we return the biggest.

string getMaxWindow(string s1, string s2){
    HashMap <string, bool> firstHash = new HashMap <string, bool>;
    HashMap <string, bool> secondHash = new HashMap <string, bool>;
    string firstWord, secondWord;
    for(int i = 0; i < string.size(); i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < string.size(); j++) {
            firstWord = s1.substring(i,j+1).sort();
            secondWord = s1.substring(i,j+1).sort();
            firstHash.insert(firstWord, true);
            secondHash.insert(secondWord, true);
    List<string> firstHashKeys = firstHash.keys(); // keys returns all the keys in unsorted order, we dont care
    int maxSize = 0;
    string result = "";
    for(int i = 0; i < firstHashKeys.size(); i++){
            if(maxSize < firstHash[firstHashKeys[i]].size()){
                result = firstHash[firstHashKeys[i]];

- david.sanchez.plaza September 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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1.Sort strings in alphabetical order first.
2.Use two pointers and compare each alphabet one by one and if match is found place it in a array.

- ravikanth June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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what if the two strings are:

Would your solution return "ABCD"

- Anonymous June 08, 2013 | Flag
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Continuing on from Anonymous's test case, in general if there are intervening characters which break the window, this algorithm as I would understand it would seem to give the wrong answer since it does not at all consider the position of the characters.

In the simplest case, for:
it would return ab (since the sorted strings are abx and aby) even though this won't work since these windows would include x in the first case and y in the second.

- Anonymous June 09, 2013 | Flag
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Here is a simple code with Recursion

void generate_alphabets(char *num,char *str,int start,int depth)
       printf("\n %s",str);

         int result=(num[start]-'0')*10+(num[start+1]-'0')-1;



int main()
    char str[50]={'\0'};
    char num[10]="1123";

- Arunkumar Somalinga June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Sorry Wrong post!!!

- Arunkumar Somalinga June 08, 2013 | Flag
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You can delete this post if you want to. That would avoid confusion to others.

- Murali Mohan June 08, 2013 | Flag
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All the position which are not matching character of str2


max index of String =17

17-8=9(RQPONMKL)-1 = 8 (Window Size)
8-4=4 (GFH) -1 =3(Window Size)
4-0=4 (DBCA)=4(Window Size)

max(8,3,4) = 8 Answer

Please validate above solution.


- Ashish Shah June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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What if we have repeated char in strings?
What if seq1= ABCDEFGHI and seq2= BAHPG?
ans should be 2 as only AB abd BA are matching in both string, H should not be countable I guess...

- PKT June 08, 2013 | Flag
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Yes, above solutiin is not correct

- Ashish Sha June 09, 2013 | Flag
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@PKT read the question the two strings must be of equal length N

- himanshu June 21, 2013 | Flag
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I thinkk the best solution is ordered windows. Here is the python code

def findMaxWindow(s1, s2):
	s1 = sorted(s1)
	s2 = sorted(s2)
	count = 0
	for i, s in enumerate(s1):
		if s == s2[i]:
			count += 1
	return count

- turan.emre June 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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sort seq2, and maintain pointers to original positions
A->2 B->4 C->3 D->1 F->9 G->10 H->6,11 P->5 Q->7 R->8

scan seq1, and for each match, store the index values at appropriate positions

index- > 4 1 3 2 0 8 0 0 6 7 8

sort subarrays between 0's

1 2 3 4 0 8 0 0 6 7 8

longest sequence willl give the answer ...

- Anonymous June 09, 2013 | Flag Reply
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How the index comes out to be 41320800678..plz can u explain it in detail

- vgeek June 10, 2013 | Flag
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the index is index of another seq.

does this solution work also when same character is repeated in one OR both sequences?

- hs February 05, 2015 | Flag
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Since both the sequences are of equal length,

a. Start with the complete sequence, sort and check for equlity
b. if not equal, sort and check the sub-sequence of 0 to n-1 and check for equality

As soon as two patterns match, then that is the longest sequence matching.

- anony June 09, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Above solution also work if we have repetative character in the string.
str1.contans("KLMNOPQR")--> true

- Anonymous June 11, 2013 | Flag Reply

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