Google Interview Question for Applications Developers

Country: United States
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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flood fill algo.
was asked same question in google years back.

- annon July 04, 2013 | Flag Reply
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It can be done with recursion. Just check for adjacent elements while also keeping track of out of bounds of array. Here is the code. You can test it:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void convertToNextColor(char arr[4][6],int i,int j)
    else if(i>5||j>5)
int main()
    char a[4][6]={{'W','B','W','W','B','W'},{'B','B','W','W','B','W'},{'W','B','B','B','W','B'},{'W','B','W','W','B','B'}};
    int i,j;
            printf(" %c ",a[i][j]);

- vgeek July 05, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

So what's exactly is required yo be done?

- pavi.8081 July 04, 2013 | Flag Reply
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i think,you need to convert the screen into any 1 color completely by clicking on pixels..find a way to do so..m not sure...

- Amit July 04, 2013 | Flag
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IMO, You will be given number of clicks. You need to give the answer after 'N' clicks.

- dhaval6244 July 10, 2013 | Flag
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That's the simple flood fill algo, for which the iterative implementation is given below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>

using std::queue;
using std::vector;

typedef vector<int> ivec;
typedef vector<ivec> itab;

struct coord {
    int x;
    int y;
    coord(int cx, int cy) : x(cx), y(cy) {};

void print(const itab& tab)
    for (int j = 0; j < tab.size(); ++j){
        int cc = tab[j].size();
        for (int i = 0; i < cc; ++i){
            printf("%-3d ", tab[j][i]);

void init_table(int* dat, int cy, int cx, itab& tab)
    for (int j = 0; j < cy; ++j){
        for (int i = 0; i < cx; ++i){
            int v = dat[j * cx + i];
            //printf("%d ", v);
            tab[j][i] = v;

void flood_fill(itab& dat, int py, int px, int color)
    int rc, cc;
    if (dat.size() == 0)
    if (dat[0].size() == 0)
    rc = dat.size();
    cc = dat[0].size();
    if (px < 0 || px >= cc)
    if (py < 0 || py >= rc)

    int val = dat[py][px];
    std::queue<coord> q;
    q.push(coord(px, py));
        coord c = q.front();
        dat[c.y][c.x] = color;
        // now add the neighbours of this cell to the queue
        // if the neighbour has the same color as this cell
        if (c.x - 1 > 0 && dat[c.y][c.x - 1] == val)
            q.push(coord(c.x - 1, c.y));

        if (c.x + 1 < cc && dat[c.y][c.x + 1] == val)
            q.push(coord(c.x + 1, c.y));
        if (c.y - 1 > 0 && dat[c.y - 1][c.x] == val)
            q.push(coord(c.x, c.y - 1));

        if (c.y + 1 < rc && dat[c.y + 1][c.x] == val)
            q.push(coord(c.x, c.y + 1));

int main()
    int dat[] = {
                  1,  1,  3,  4,
                  5,  1,  1,  8,
                  9,  1,  10,  12,
                  13, 1,  4,  16,
                  17, 1,  1,  1
    itab tab;
    init_table(dat, 5, 4, tab);
    flood_fill(tab, 0, 0, 0);
    return 0;


1   1   3   4
5   1   1   8
9   1   10  12
13  1   4   16
17  1   1   1

0   0   3   4
5   0   0   8
9   0   10  12
13  0   4   16
17  0   0   0

- ashot madatyan July 05, 2013 | Flag Reply
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All the neighbours of the pixel (x,y) selected have to be changed including the current pixel.
There are 8 neighbours for a pixel.
(x-1, y-1)
(x-1, y)
(x-1, y+1)
(x, y-1)
(x, y+1)
(x+1, y-1)
(x+1, y)
(x+1, y+1)
for all these pixels the color will be the same as the new color of the clicked pixel at (x,y)

- subahjit July 05, 2013 | Flag Reply
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forget one thing, need to check for the boundary conditions.

- subahjit July 05, 2013 | Flag
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Here's my implementation of the algorithm. I used the recursive approach since it's much easier to understand. It is important to change the value in cell (i,j) BEFORE diving into the recursive calls, because if not you can end up with infinite recursive calls. Here's the C++ implementation:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void PrintMat(int ** matrix, int height, int width)
	for(int r = 0; r < height;r++)
		for(int c = 0; c < width;c++)
			cout<<matrix[r][c]<<" ";


void ChangeColor(int & val)
		val = 0;
		val = 1;

void ChangePixels(int ** matrix, int rows, int cols, int r, int c)
	if(r<0 || r >= rows || c<0 || c>=cols)

	int val = matrix[r][c];

	if(r>0 && val == matrix[r-1][c])
		ChangePixels(matrix, 5, 5, r-1, c);
	if(r<rows-1 && val == matrix[r+1][c])
		ChangePixels(matrix, 5, 5, r+1, c);
	if(c>0 && val == matrix[r][c-1])
		ChangePixels(matrix, 5, 5, r, c-1);
	if(c<cols-1 && val == matrix[r][c+1])
		ChangePixels(matrix, 5, 5, r, c+1);

void main(void)
	int **matrix = new int*[5];
	int height = 5;
	int width = 5;

	int a[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0};
	int b[] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, 1};	
	int c[] = { 1, 1, 0, 0, 1};	
	int d[] = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 1};	
	int e[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 1};	

	matrix[0] = a;
	matrix[1] = b;
	matrix[2] = c;
	matrix[3] = d;
	matrix[4] = e;

	ChangePixels(matrix, 5, 5, 2, 1);

	PrintMat(matrix, 5, 5);

- arturo July 05, 2013 | Flag Reply
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This was great ... Flood fill algorithm .. hmm

i came with a totally different approach but I think it will work well though.
Can anybody comment about my approach.
Make each entry as a vertex in graph and make its adjacent elements as adjacent nodes.
Push the clicked vertex to the queue.

while(queue not empty)
pop the element from queue
push the adj nodes which are only B in to the queue (and toggle their color)

- Pras July 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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My comment is that you are building a large graph to represent a data structure that already could be considered this way and also needing to creating vertices and edges that the traditional algorithm would ignore. If you want to think of your matrix or bitmap as analogous to a graph where each pixel is a vertex and each neighboring pixel is connected to it by an edge then go crazy. Literally recreating the bitmap as a graph is not a good idea.

- Jose Cuervo July 10, 2013 | Flag
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flood fill algorithm....its beautiful..

- shsf July 07, 2013 | Flag Reply
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{{//first we need to check what the color is at a particular index..

void colorat(int *matrix[], int m, int n, int x, int y) //m, n are dimensions of the matrix, and x,y is //the current position
if(x<=0 || x>=m) return ;
if(y<=0 || y>=n ) return;

char color = matrix[x][y];

changecolor(matrix, x-1,y-1, color);
changecolor(matrix, x,y-1, color);
changecolor(matrix, x+1,y-1, color);
changecolor(matrix, x-1,y, color);
changecolor(matrix, x+1,y, color);
changecolor(matrix, x-1,y+1, color);
changecolor(matrix, x,y+1, color);
changecolor(matrix, x+1,y-1, color);


void changecolor(int *matrix[], int x, int y, char color)
else return;


- bob July 09, 2013 | Flag Reply
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package com.zhuyu_deng.test;

import java.util.Stack;

public class Test

	private static void printMatrix(char[][] a)
		for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
			for (int j = 0; j < a[i].length; ++j)
				System.out.print(a[i][j] + "  ");
	private static void floodFill(char[][] a, int x, int y)
		class Node
			public Node(int x, int y)
				this.x = x;
				this.y = y;

			int x;
			int y;

		char orgColor = a[x][y];
		char revColor = a[x][y] == 'W' ? 'B' : 'W';
		int size = 0;
		Node stack[] = new Node[a.length * a[0].length];
		stack[size] = new Node(x, y);
		while (size >= 0)
			Node cur = stack[size];
			a[cur.x][cur.y] = revColor;
			if (cur.x - 1 >= 0 && orgColor == a[cur.x - 1][cur.y])
				stack[++size] = (new Node(cur.x-1, cur.y));
			if (cur.x + 1 < a.length && orgColor == a[cur.x + 1][cur.y])
				stack[++size] = (new Node(cur.x+1, cur.y));
			if (cur.y - 1 >= 0 && orgColor == a[cur.x][cur.y - 1])
				stack[++size] = (new Node(cur.x, cur.y-1));
			if (cur.y + 1 < a[0].length && orgColor == a[cur.x][cur.y + 1])
				stack[++size] = (new Node(cur.x, cur.y + 1));

	public static void main(String args[])
		// int[] a = {-2,11,-4,13,-5,-2};
		int[][] b = { { 0, -2, -7, 0 }, { 9, 2, -6, 2 }, { -4, 1, -4, 1 },
				{ -1, 8, 0, -2 } };
		int[][] matrix = { { 2, 3, 4, 1 }, { 1, 1, 3, 9 }, { 2, 2, 3, 1 },
				{ 2, 2, 3, 1 } };
		char a[][] = new char[][] { { 'W', 'B', 'W', 'W', 'B', 'W' },
				{ 'B', 'B', 'W', 'W', 'B', 'W' },
				{ 'W', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'W', 'B' },
				{ 'W', 'B', 'W', 'W', 'B', 'B' } };

		floodFill(a, 2, 2);



- zhuyu.deng July 09, 2013 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.*;

public class Fill {

	public static void print(char[][] a) {
		for (char[] l : a) {
			for (char c : l) {
				System.out.print(c + " ");
	public static ArrayList<Point> checkAdj(char[][] a, int i, int j) {
		ArrayList<Point> ps = new ArrayList<Point>();
		char c = a[i][j];
		int curI = i-1; int curJ = j;
		if (curI >= 0 && curJ >= 0 && curI < a.length && curJ < a[0].length && (a[curI][curJ] == c))
			ps.add(new Point(curI, curJ));
		curI = i+1; curJ = j;
		if (curI >= 0 && curJ >= 0 && curI < a.length && curJ < a[0].length && (a[curI][curJ] == c))
			ps.add(new Point(curI, curJ));
		curI = i; curJ = j-1;	
		if (curI >= 0 && curJ >= 0 && curI < a.length && curJ < a[0].length && (a[curI][curJ] == c))
			ps.add(new Point(curI, curJ));
		curI = i; curJ = j+1;
		if (curI >= 0 && curJ >= 0 && curI < a.length && curJ < a[0].length && (a[curI][curJ] == c))
			ps.add(new Point(curI, curJ));
		return ps;
	public static void fill(char[][] a, int i, int j, char f) {
		// check adjacent pixels
		ArrayList<Point> ps = checkAdj(a, i, j);
		a[i][j] = f;
		for (Point p: ps) {
			fill(a, p.i, p.j, f);
	public static void main (String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
		char a[][] = new char[][] { { 'W', 'B', 'W', 'W', 'B', 'W' },
				{ 'B', 'B', 'W', 'W', 'B', 'W' },
				{ 'W', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'W', 'B' },
				{ 'W', 'B', 'W', 'W', 'B', 'B' } };
		fill(a, 1, 1, 'L');

class Point{
	int i;
	int j;
	Point(int i, int j) {this.i = i; this.j = j;}

- imaronsu July 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I think BFS can do the job as well. Pass the node that is recently clicked to the BFS as the starting node and then do a simple BFS walk onward. We should keep the previous color of the recently clicked node in a temporary variable, say prevColor. In the main loop of the BFS we should do something like:

if(graph[ClickedNode][i]!=inf && color[i]==prevColor)
color[i]=NewColor; //i.e., ~prevColor

Please correct me if there is a mistake in the above approach.

- Anonymous July 31, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I forgot one condition in the above "if" and an instruction within its body. The correct one would be:

if(graph[ClickedNode][i]!=inf && color[i]==prevColor && visited[i]==0)

- Anonymous August 01, 2013 | Flag
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A solution in Python:

W = 0
B = 1

def f(A, r, c, dir=None):
	Nr = len(A)
	Nc = len(A[0])
	type = A[r][c]
	A[r][c] = W if type == B else B
	if dir!='L' and (c+1 < Nc):
		if A[r][c+1] == type: f(A, r, c+1, dir='R')
	if dir!='R' and (c-1 >= 0):
		if A[r][c-1] == type: f(A, r, c-1, dir='L')
	if dir!='U' and (r+1 < Nr):
		if A[r+1][c] == type: f(A, r+1, c, dir='D')
	if dir!='D' and (r-1 >= 0):
		if A[r-1][c] == type: f(A, r-1, c, dir='U')
A = [[W,B,W,W,B,W],
f(A, 2, 2)
for row in A:
	print row

- Gerard September 22, 2013 | Flag Reply
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A solution in Python:

W = 0
B = 1

def f(A, r, c, dir=None):
	Nr = len(A)
	Nc = len(A[0])
	type = A[r][c]
	A[r][c] = W if type == B else B
	if dir!='L' and (c+1 < Nc):
		if A[r][c+1] == type: f(A, r, c+1, dir='R')
	if dir!='R' and (c-1 >= 0):
		if A[r][c-1] == type: f(A, r, c-1, dir='L')
	if dir!='U' and (r+1 < Nr):
		if A[r+1][c] == type: f(A, r+1, c, dir='D')
	if dir!='D' and (r-1 >= 0):
		if A[r-1][c] == type: f(A, r-1, c, dir='U')
A = [[W,B,W,W,B,W],
f(A, 2, 2)
for row in A:
	print row

- Gerard September 22, 2013 | Flag Reply
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So I am assuming this is simply how to make the pixels change color and there is no end goal (like turn the screen from black to white and count the number of clicks).

1. Initialize 2D array with 0's to represent color 1.
2. Initialize mouse event handler that returns point x,y on mouse click
3. Return x,y to the colorChange function
4. colorChange then flips pixels: (x,y) (x-1,y) (x+1,y) (x,y-1) (x,y+1) to the opposite value (0's to 1's, and 1's back to 0's) as long as their current value matches the value at x,y.
4a. You must utilize edge/corner checking to make sure you do not encounter ArrayOutOfBounds Exceptions.

- masterjaso July 04, 2013 | Flag Reply

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