Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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My guess is for min. space, mergesort should be applied, which is in-place and
O(N log N).
I am trying to come up with the code.

- hi guys August 31, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Ok, below is the code in Java. Kind of long.

Basicly what it does is trying to sort lists of length 2 first and then lists of length 4 etc. So on so forth.

The only difference from the classical linked list merge sort is that before the merge sort is called all "nextbigger" references are initialized to "next" references. And then the sort is performed by manipulating the "nextbigger" references and the "next" references are not changed.

Just changed the code from "Simon Tatham's Algorithms Page".

- hi guys August 31, 2010 | Flag
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Have a [n,2] array. Copy the list value in one column and the corresponding pointer in another column. Sort it based on value column. Revisit the list, for every value, find the value in array, go to next row, pickup the pointer and assign it to next_large.
Complexity :
Array popuplation = n.
Array sorting = nlogn
Next travel = n.
Array search for n elements = nlogn

Overall complexity is O( 2n+2nlogn)

- Hari August 10, 2012 | Flag
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Best solution i think is...
Considering a BST on given inputs

struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
struct node *next_larger;

So each node has link to next node = (left node if available else NULL) as well as its next highest node = (right node if available else its parent node).


- Sunil October 16, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Awesome solution:
Here's the code in C:
Time complexity : O(nlog(n)), as there are n nodes in list, and inserting each node in BST takes O(log(n)), and finding succesor takes O(log(n)).

typedef struct treenode {
	int data;
	treenode *left;
	treenode *right;
} treenode;

void processList (node *head) {
	treenode *root = NULL;
	node *p, *q;
	p = head;
	while (p != NULL) {
		insertInBst(&root, p->data);
		p = p->next;
	q = head;
	while (q != NULL) {
		q->next_larger = findSuccesor(root, q->data);
		q = q->next;

treenode* successor (treenode* r, int x) {
    treenode* elem = search(r, x);
    if (elem == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    } else if (elem->right != NULL ) {
        return minimum(elem->right);
    } else {
        treenode *p = elem->parent;
        while (p != NULL && p->left != elem) {
            p = p->parent;
            elem = p;
        if (p == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        } else {
            return p;

treenode* minimum (treenode* t) {
    if (t == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    while (t->left != NULL) {
        t = t->left;
    return t;

treenode* search (treenode* r, int x) {
    if (r == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    } else if (r->data == x) {
        return r;
    } else if (r->data > x) {
        return search(r->left, x);
    } else {
        return search(r->right, x);

- amritaansh123 February 10, 2013 | Flag
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class Node <T>{
	public T data;
	public Node<T> next;
	public Node<T> nextLarge; // To point the next large element in the list

	Node (T t)
		data = t; 

	public Node<T> applicationOfMergeSort(Node<T> head)
		if(head == null || == null) return head;
			Node<T> slow = head;
			Node<T> fast = head;

			while( != null)
				fast =;
				if( != null)
					fast =;

				slow =;

			Node<T> List1 = head;
			Node<T> List2 =;
			Node<T> copyL2 = List2; = null;
			// Split complete
			// Recursively Split and then merge until we reach a list of sizes 1
			List1 = applicationOfMergeSort(List1);
			List2 = applicationOfMergeSort(List2);

			//Since List1 will ultimately hold the result of merging do lets reset the head to point to List1, 
			//head will be returned as a result of this function
			head = List1; 

			Node<T> prev = null;

			while(List1 != null && List2!= null)
				if((Integer) < (Integer)
					prev = List1;
					List1 = List1.nextLarge;
					Node<T> nextList2 = List2.nextLarge;
					List2.nextLarge = List1;
					if(prev == null)
						head = List2;
						prev.nextLarge = List2;

					prev = List2;
					List2 = nextList2;

			if(List2 != null)
				prev.nextLarge = List2;
			// Merging Complete

			// Now make the connection of next pointers, broken earlier in the split step = copyL2;
			return head;

- Ashupriya July 06, 2012 | Flag Reply
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store the linked list value in an array. Sort that array. Now for each data value in linked list find the same data value in array using binary search. After getting the index of data value in sorted array, get next value from array.
complexity will be nlogn

- tito August 29, 2010 | Flag Reply
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look at the Question. we have to set that(next_larger) pointer and not the value..
so in this case complexities changes...

- Anonymous August 29, 2010 | Flag
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In the array, store the node address together with the value. Doesn't change complexity.

- lupuslupus August 30, 2010 | Flag
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1) Sort the list ( keeping the original unaltered) : n log n
2) Hash the sorted list ( Key = value, Value = Next pointer in sorted list)
3) Walk through the original list, looking up the hash and setting the next->larger to point to the value in the hash.

Time Complexity: O(n log n) Space = 2n

Or you could do an n2 algorithm walking through the list and finding the next larger element for all the elements

- Anonymous August 29, 2010 | Flag Reply
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seems good !!
but they ask me to write the code...

and they asked me about different approach by reducing the space as well as time complexity.

hope to see some code from you with hashing !!

- Anonymous August 29, 2010 | Flag
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A solution no better than above :

1) Make a binary tree(same structure) out of the given LL.(Structure has two child pointer)
2) For node with data find it in tree.lets sa its 'n' the child greater than n is min(n->right).

Complexity O(nlogn) + O(nlogn) = O(nlogn) for optimum BST
Space O(n)

- Rocco August 30, 2010 | Flag
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class Node {
    int value;
    Node next;
    Node nextbigger;

public void listSort(){

    Node list, current, q, e, tail=null;
    int insize, merges, psize, qsize, i;

    current = this;
    while(current != null){
        current.nextbigger =;
        current =;
    if(this == null)

    insize = 1;

    list = this;
        current = list;
        list = null;
        tail = null;
        merges = 0;

        while (current != null) {
            q = current;
            psize = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < insize; i++) {
            q = q.nextbigger;
            if (q == null)

            qsize = insize;

             while (psize > 0 || (qsize > 0 && q!=null)) {

                /* decide whether next element of merge comes from p or q */
                if (psize == 0) {
		    /* p is empty; e must come from q. */
		    e = q; q = q.nextbigger; qsize--;

		} else if (qsize == 0 || q == null) {
		    /* q is empty; e must come from p. */
		    e = current;
                    current = current.nextbigger;

		} else if (current.value <= q.value ) {
		    /* First element of p is lower (or same);
		     * e must come from p. */
		    e = current; current = current.nextbigger; psize--;

		} else {
		    /* First element of q is lower; e must come from q. */
		    e = q; q = q.nextbigger; qsize--;


                if (tail != null) {
		    tail.nextbigger = e;
		} else {
		    list = e;

                tail = e;
            current = q;

        tail.nextbigger = null;

        if (merges <= 1)   /* allow for merges==0, the empty list case */
            return ;

        /* Otherwise repeat, merging lists twice the size */
        insize *= 2;




- hi guys August 31, 2010 | Flag Reply
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For each node let next_larger = next, and sort the linked list treating next_larger pointer as next pointer, I think this problem is just sorting a linked list, the interviewer was just being wise, which I think is pretty stupid. It is exactly like following: I have following data structure, where initial_next pointer points to its next element while next pointer all points null, sort the list.

struct node
    int data;
    struct node *initial_next;
    struct node *next;

- Anonymous September 02, 2010 | Flag Reply
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The above understanding of the problem is correct.

Here's code to sort the list using merge sort in C. Simple merge sort routine has been modified to sort a linked list. Its a no brainer. The quality of the code isn't great.

typedef struct node
	int i;
	struct node* nxt;
	struct node* nxt_higher;
} Node;

Node * mergeSortList(Node *list){
	int len,count;
	Node *trav,*L2,*L1;
	L1 = list;
	len = listlen(list);
	if (len ==2)
		if (list->i > list->nxt->i)
			list->nxt->nxt = list;
		return list;
	if (len == 1){
		return list;
	count =1;
	while ((trav != NULL) && (count <= len/2))
	return mergelist(mergeSortList(L2), mergeSortList(L1));

Node * mergelist(Node *L1, Node *L2)
	Node *L3=NULL, *tempnode=NULL,*lastnode=NULL;
	while((L1!=NULL) && (L2!=NULL))
		tempnode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
		if (L3 == NULL)
		if (lastnode != NULL)
			lastnode->nxt = tempnode;
		if ((L1->i) < (L2->i))
			*tempnode = *L1;
		else if ((L1->i) == (L2->i))
			*tempnode = *L1;
			*tempnode = *L2;
		lastnode = tempnode;
	Node *travel =  NULL;
	if (L1 == NULL)
		travel = L2;
	else if (L2 == NULL)
		travel = L1;
	while (travel !=NULL)
		tempnode = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
		*tempnode = *travel;
		if (L3 == NULL)
		if (lastnode != NULL)
			lastnode->nxt = tempnode;
		lastnode = tempnode;
	return L3;

int listlen( Node *head )
	int count =0;
	while( head !=NULL)
		head = head->nxt;
	return count;

- Neo September 19, 2010 | Flag Reply
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fuck you man fuck...

- Anonymous September 21, 2010 | Flag
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well i feel better idea would be to use max-heap as a priority queue
Insert all the nodes into the list.
Use an additional variable to store the popped node.
Initially its null

for the given list 3-> 1-> 6-> 5-> 4

Pop the first one 6 and point it to the variable so 6-> null
replace the variable with the current node

then pop next.. here 5 and point 5 to the variable so it is 5-> 6
and so on

overall complexity to add and remove from heap is log n and to traverse the list to push it into the tree is n

therefore it is n + logn = n

- ketz November 12, 2010 | Flag Reply
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then u need to have left child pointer and right child pointer in the element struct which is not allowed in the problem !

- rya November 18, 2010 | Flag
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Actually you don't need left and right child pointers in order to build a heap. Because heaps have the property of always being complete, you can use an array. Node i's left child would be i*2+1 in the array, and it's right child would be i*2+2. And even if you couldn't use an array, you can still create a new class called "Node" that encapsulates the struct to build your temporary tree.

I agree with ketz that a max-heap is definitely a very nice solution, but I don't agree on its complexity. It's correct that push and pop is logn, but you need to do push/pop for n nodes. If you're pushing/popping nodes n-number of times, that's actually n*logn complexity.

- Hello the World April 22, 2011 | Flag
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I think BST is a good solution.

If list is 3->1->6->5->4 then we ll make a BST out of it.

next / \nxt_bigger
1 6

After creating we'll traverse the tree using inorder then we ll get

This is the desired result.

- Ans January 05, 2011 | Flag Reply
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The problem can solve in space with time complexity of nlogn.

list* merge(list* l1,list *l2){
if(!l1) return l2;
if(!l2) return l1;
l1->next_larger = merge(l1->next_larger, l2);
return l1;
l2->next_larger = merge(l1, l2->next_larger);
return l2;


//use the above merge code

list* sort(list* l){
//split l into 2 parts l1,l2
//merge and return the list

- madhav January 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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list* sort(list* l){
//split l into 2 parts l1,l2
//call sort function on l1 and l2 separately
//merge and return the list

- madhav January 28, 2011 | Flag
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Does not it look like you have a infinite loop of nodes coming and you need to do insert sorted

1) traverse the list
2) update the Nexthigher pointer based on the insertsorted link list logic

- Jagdish April 17, 2011 | Flag Reply
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1) Copy the Next pointer value to Greater pointer
2) Sort using mergesort based upon greater pointer

- pup May 07, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Use min Priority Queue (PQ)
1. Put all number in the PQ - store the node pointer and the data. Min on data
2. Take the min (top most element - say "node")
3. Set the "node"->nextbigger to the top element in the PQ (peek the next element in the PQ)
4. Repeat 2-4 till one element is left in PQ.

- MS June 26, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Node* merge(Node* first, Node* second)
    Node* result = NULL;
    if (!first)
        return second;
    if (!second)
        return first;
    if (first->data() <  second->data()) {
        result = first;
        result->setNextLarger(merge(first->nextLarger(), second));
    else {
        result = second;
        result->setNextLarger(merge(first, second->nextLarger()));
    return result;

Node* sort(Node* root, int listLength)
    if (!root || !root->next() || listLength <= 1)
        return root;
    int middle = listLength / 2;
    int index = 0;
    Node* middleNode = root;
    while (index < middle) {
        middleNode = middleNode->next();
        index += 1;
    return merge(sort(root, middle), sort(middleNode, listLength - middle));

- Anonymous July 09, 2011 | Flag Reply
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it is really easy but asked by smartness hats off to interviewr to ask such easy question with different way good one :)

- geeks July 17, 2011 | Flag Reply
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1. Traverse the link list & do next_large = next; //Means next_large points same next node.
2. Now assume its a single link list, which is having one pointer next_large.
3. Now sort this single link list in ascending order.

- Braja October 14, 2012 | Flag Reply
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You could copy the value of next into next_larger, then sort the list using nlogn algo, then swap values of next and next_larger.

- Sachin February 16, 2013 | Flag Reply

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