Google Interview Question for Developer Program Engineers

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I can think of an nlog(n) solution. Thought is: for each guest, say his time span is [a, b], we reorgnize this data to: [a, in] and [b, out], which means at time a, a guest came in, and at time b, a guest left. Do this for all guests, we have a bunch of data like [x, in] and [y, out]. Sort all these data by the time part in ascending order. Then traverse from the earliest time, if the data is [in], have a counter++; if it is [out], have the counter--. After all, the max of counter is the answer.

- papaya September 11, 2010 | Flag Reply
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something is not rigth. won't it be always 0. same in and same outs?

- guestMB September 11, 2010 | Flag
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You're right. If there is same time for in and out, then the order of updating MAX is important. E.g. If we see multiple IN's and OUT's at one same time, then 1) update MAX, 2) decrease counter by OUT's, 3) increase counter by IN's, 4) update MAX again.

- papaya September 12, 2010 | Flag
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This doesn't work, it will be always 0

- gang September 15, 2010 | Flag
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that's why you take the max.

- Anonymous September 20, 2010 | Flag
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This is also the approach I took. I define a class that contains the time as well as a boolean indicating entry/exit. I throw them into a heap (PriorityQueue in Java) and start popping them. For each event, I first set the current time to the time of this event. Then I increment or decrement the count depending on whether it's an entry or exit. I also keep track of the max guests (and the time at which that occurs).

The only confusing part is why in the example the answer is t=5, because at that time there's also 1 exit event. But you can handle that easily in the compareTo method used for sorting.

class Event implements Comparable<Event> {
  int time;
  boolean entry;
  public Event(int _time, boolean _entry) {
    time = _time;
    entry = _entry;
  public int compareTo(Event e) {
    if(time < e.time)
      return -1;
    else if(time > e.time)
      return 1;
    else if(entry)
      return -1;
    else if (e.entry)
      return 1;
    else return 0;

class MostGuests {
  static int timeMax(int[] arr) {
    boolean entry = true;
    PriorityQueue<Event> heap = new PriorityQueue<Event>();
    for(int t : arr) {
      heap.add(new Event(t, entry));
      entry = !entry;

    int maxGuests = 0;
    int timeMax = 0;
    int guests = 0;
    int time = 0;
    while(!heap.isEmpty()) {
      Event e = heap.poll();
      time = e.time;
      if(e.entry) {
        if(guests > maxGuests) {
          maxGuests = guests;
          timeMax = time;
      } else {

    return timeMax;

- Sunny December 28, 2012 | Flag
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I the sorting part if two guests arrive at same time then they've to be sorted on the basis in<out

- Anonymous December 27, 2013 | Flag
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I wrote this naive solution. Comments are welcome.

1) Have an integer array of size 24 initialize to 0. lets call it t.
2) for each pair of start and end times, increment the t array corresponding indices from start to end
3) Finally check for the maximum in the t array and return corresponding index.

int getmax(const vector<pair<int,int> >& vp){
  vector<int> t(24,0);
  pair<int, int> p;
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<vp.size();i++){
    p = vp[i];
    for(int j = p.first;j<=p.second;j++){
  int currmax = -1;
  for(int i=0;i<24;i++){
    if(t[i] > currmax){
      currmax = i;
  return currmax;

- Balaji September 11, 2010 | Flag Reply
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The max checking part in above code is wrong. Fixed as below.

int currmax = -1;
int currindex = -1;
  for(int i=0;i<24;i++){
    if(t[i] > currmax){
      currmax = t[i];
      currindex = i;
  return currindex;

- Balaji September 11, 2010 | Flag
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it was not 1-24 range of numbers. tht would be so easy.say the time limit is 10000..
there is some DP approach of O(n) tht dont require extra space but i was not able to recall tht at that time :(
i am looking for that one

- career.baghel September 11, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Do you have any other questions that were asked during the DPE interview?

Also - was this on site or over the phone? Do you remember your phone screen?


- Billy December 26, 2010 | Flag
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On top of my mind, It seems problem of identifying max-clique in graph?

consider each person as node in graph, draw edge if two person overlaps in time inclusive of arrival and departure - O(n^2)
find max-clique, O(??) nodes in max clique will be present at party.

Regarding above solution if max(depart time) > 2^n, it will O(2^n) solution.

- Anonymous September 11, 2010 | Flag Reply
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OP are we looking at only start-end times?

For sample:
[1,4] [2,6] [9,12] [5,9] [5,12]
is answer still same? t=5

- guestMB September 11, 2010 | Flag Reply
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This problem is similar to problem BYTESE2 on spoj.Here is the Acc. O(NlogN) solution:

using namespace std ;
#define MAXN 105
int n,a[MAXN],b[MAXN] ;
 int i,j,runs ;
 scanf("%d",&runs) ;
  scanf("%d",&n) ;
  for(i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d%d",&a[i],&b[i]) ;
  sort(a,a+n) ;
  sort(b,b+n) ;
  int cur = 0,p1 = 0,p2 = 0,ret = 0 ;
  while(p1 < n && p2 < n)
   if(a[p1] <= b[p2]) cur ++,p1 ++ ;
   else cur --,p2 ++ ;        
   ret >?= cur ;
  printf("%d\n",ret) ;

- cool September 11, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Is this really an acceptable answer? You sort two arrays separately...

- jimmyzzxhlh September 14, 2010 | Flag
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(in, out) is a pair, a( in ) and b( out ) separately do not hold the same information

- Anonymous September 24, 2010 | Flag
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Hey geniuses, separating them into two arrays is just fine. All you need to know is that when the timeline hits a number in the first array, someone enters, and when the timeline hits the a number in the second array, someone leaves. Think about it.

- Ryan October 03, 2010 | Flag
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Note that it doesn't require extra space(arrays 'a' and 'b'are for storing intervel end points)...

- cool September 11, 2010 | Flag Reply
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we can have a hashtable and enter the time as a key and value as num of persons. For each entry and exit time modify the value for each same time. return the key having maximum num of people as value.

- dev September 12, 2010 | Flag Reply
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@dev I agree with you, I would use hashtable... and if it's the time limit is 100000 then I would use mapreduce =D

- markos September 28, 2010 | Flag
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Does ret return the number of maximum guests or the time? Can you explain the logic of comparison after sorting both arrays?

- Metta September 12, 2010 | Flag Reply
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@cool indeed i have seen the same problem on z-training too thats why i am saying that there is some DP solution exist for this problem.well anyways nlogn solution seems gud enof and i actually gave that solution in the interview.lets see if the google guy knows the O(n) solution ^^

- career.baghel September 12, 2010 | Flag Reply
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- iu September 12, 2010 | Flag Reply
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I guess the problem would be more interesting if the interval of time where most people were present in the party was asked...
Though the solution would be not very involved, it'd using Interval trees; mapping each interval in the tree and increasing counts on the intervals already visited. At the end, traverse the entire tree to find the max count interval node.
This data structure could be tweaked to find solution to stated problem as well..

- Canon September 12, 2010 | Flag Reply
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I first think of a naive approach.

Let's say there are m time slots and n guests. The input will be a list of entry in form of [x, y], where 0 <= x <= y <= m. The input is not sorted in any favor.

We create an array of size m. Initialize each element to be value 0. Then scan the input; for each input [x, y], perform the following:

for i in [x...m) array[x]++
    for j in [y...m) array[y]--

Finally, output the index of the largest element in the array.

The code works below (Java):

// Assume we have the following data type
public class Entry {
     public int enterTime;
     public exitTime;

public int maxGuest(Entry[] entries, int m) {
     int[] table = new int[m];
     for (Entry e : entries) {
          for (int i = e.enterTime; i < m; i++) table[i]++;
          for (int i = e.exitTime; i < m; i++) table[i]--;
     int max = 0;
     for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {
          if (table[i] > table[max]) max = i;
     return max;

O(n^2) time, O(m) space.

- Ryan September 14, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Okay. Improve the solution to O(n) time, O(m) space.

Just keep three variables: currentTime, currentNumOfGuest, and maxNumOfGuest.

For each currenTime in [0, m), we are essentially asking: do we have guests entering the room? do we have guests leaving the room?

Process the n inputs, and create two mappings. The first map maps time slot to number of guest entering the room. The second map maps time slot to number of guests leaving the room.

Then scan each time slot and compute num of guest based an previous num of guest, adjusted by num of entries and num of leaves.

The code works:

public class Entry {
     public int enterTime;
     public int exitTime;

public int maxGuest(Entry[] entries, int m) {
     int[] map1 = new int[m];
     int[] map2 = new int[m];

     for (Entry e : entries) {

     int maxGuest = 0, currentGuest = 0;
     for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) {
          currentGuest += map1[i];
          currentGuest -= map2[i];
          if (currentGuest > maxGuest)
               maxGuest = currentGuest;
     return maxGuest;

- Ryan September 14, 2010 | Flag
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Are the IN times sequential?

- Anonymous September 19, 2010 | Flag Reply
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what's the best? O(N)? or O(nlgn)?

- skygragon September 21, 2010 | Flag Reply
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One approach using DP:

Maintain two arrays Entry and Exit.
Scan the input and populate these two arrays.

for example:
For input [1,4],[2,7],[3,5]
the values will be Entry: 1,1,1,0,0,0,0
Exit: 0,0,0,1,1,0,1

Num(i) - Number of guests present at time i;

Num(i) = Num(i-1) + Entry(i) - Exit(i-1);

i with Maximum (Num(i) will be the final answer.

Time: O(n) and space O(3n)(~ O(n))

- Anonymous September 25, 2010 | Flag Reply
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you really think its O(n)??
at least read the other comments :)

- career.baghel September 25, 2010 | Flag
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Why is anonymous' solution not O(N)
It consumes space as we expand the input to denote the arrival and departure of the guests.
But then the DP approach of his gets it in O(N)

- Anonymous October 19, 2010 | Flag
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There is the same approach as some of the previous comments, but hopefully more clear.

Assume we have m intervals (e.g. m=57). First, go through all the intervals and check that the arrive time is smaller or equal to the leave time (always check your input).

Create an array of length 2*m (114), and put in the array both the arriving and the leaving times. Keep a bit for each time to know if this is an arriving time, or a leaving time. Sort the array by the time. In case of a tie, ALWAYS put all the arriving times before all the leaving times (only if there is a tie).

This takes O(m*log(m)), but if you know that the times are integers , or that they are in a certain interval, you can do it in O(m) using radix sort, count sort, etc.

Go through this array of length 2*m. For each element which is marked as an ival, add 1 to a counter. For each person that leaves, subtract one. The maximal value of the counter gives you the maximal number of people at the party.

You can also keep a separate stack. When a person comes to the party, you push one element in the stack; when someone leaves, you pop it. The maximum height of the stack is your answer. (This also assumes the existence of the sorted array of length 2*m).

- Stefan September 25, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Why cant we just use an array of integers and just increment each integer by one for the interval that a person is present at the party? Then just return the largest interval?

- Jeremy September 26, 2010 | Flag Reply
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I meant return largest integer, not interval.

- Jeremy September 26, 2010 | Flag Reply
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I meant return largest integer, not interval.

- Jeremy September 26, 2010 | Flag Reply
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check wikipedia for Marzullo's algorithm. It solves the exact same problem.

- Anonymous November 04, 2010 | Flag Reply
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I have a O(n) solution. First we must see that for each interval [a,b], based on specification, the guest doesn't leave at time b, i.e. we count the that guest at time b, we make a modification that the guest leaves at b+1, therefore, the interval becomes [a,b+1].

Next, sort the intervals all together. For example, [1,4], [2,5], [9,12], [5,9], [5,12] becomes 1 2 5 5 5 6 9 10 13 13 (remember we add one to each leaving time). Then we iterate this series, for each number we encounter, if it is entry time, the guest number +1, if it is the leaving time, the guest time -1. We maintain the maximal number along the process. In this example, it is easy to see that the maximal guest number is 3 and it happens at two time spot 5, and, 9.

- Julian November 07, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Sorting will take order O(nlogn) time

- googlybhai February 26, 2012 | Flag
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"For example, [1,4], [2,5], [9,12], [5,9], [5,12] becomes 1 2 5 5 5 6 9 10 13 13 (remember we add one to each leaving time)." huh??

- career.baghel November 07, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Here is another one.

1. sort the intervals non decreasingly on start time.
2. maintain a min heap of end times as we scan the sorted intervals sequentially. insert the end time of an interval t(start, end) into the min queue q as follows

while (start > q.min())

3. we keep a max size of the min queue during insertion, also the time t for the max size. return t after we are done insertion.

Runtime is O(nlogn). Sorting is O(nlogn), min queue removal and insertion takes O(logn) each. Total scan of intervals also takes O(nlogn). Space is O(n) if all intervals overlap.

Here is the logic for the algorithm. A set of intervals overlap if all the intervals start before the earliest end time of these intervals. The min queue maintains the end time of the current overlapping intervals. Since intervals are sorted on the start time, when we process the next interval t(start, end), if

(a) t starts before any overlapped interval ends, i.e, end < q.min(), then t overlaps with these intervals.

(b) t starts after some overlapped intervals end which means t doesn't overlap with these intervals. In this case, we keep remove q.min() until start <= q.min(), i.e., t overlaps with the intervals whose end time is still in q.

- db August 15, 2012 | Flag Reply
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- Anonymous August 15, 2012 | Flag
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Since the example in the question seems to suggest that we should consider entry time before exit time, I just got an idea from reading Julian's answer that proposes incrementing the exit time. Let's first multiply all the entry/exit time by 2. Furthermore, add 1 to each exit time. So [1, 4] [2, 5] [9, 12] [5, 9] [5, 12] becomes [2, 9] [4, 11] [18, 25] [10, 19] [10, 25].

This has 2 benefits. First we respect the implicit rule that entry should be accounted for before exits. Secondly, we can now use even/odd to indicate whether it's an entry/exit event. So at t=10 we have the max guests, and we simply divide that by 2 to get t=5 as the final answer.

static int timeMax2(int[] arr) {
  int len = arr.length;
  int times[] = new int[len];
  for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
    times[i] = 2*arr[i] + (i%2 == 0 ? 0 : 1);


  int maxGuests = 0;
  int timeMax = 0;
  int guests = 0;
  for(int time : times) {
    if(time%2 == 0) {
      if(guests > maxGuests) {
        maxGuests = guests;
        timeMax = time;
    } else {

  return timeMax/2;

- Sunny December 28, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Its Algorithmic crush , Hackerrank. Can be done in O(1) .. Crazy technique/

- Sandy November 15, 2017 | Flag Reply
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function getMaximumGuests(entryTimes) {
var hoursArray = new Array(25);
for (var i = 0; i < entryTimes.length; i++) {
var entryTime = entryTimes[i];
hoursArray[entryTime[1] + 1]--;
var maxSum = 0;
var currentSum = 0;
for (var j = 1; j < hoursArray.length; j++) {
currentSum += hoursArray[j];
currentSum > maxSum ? maxSum = currentSum : "";
return maxSum;

var entryTimes = [[1, 4], [2, 5], [9, 12], [5, 9], [5, 12]];

console.log("Maximum entry time is ", getMaximumGuests(entryTimes));

- naveenatiitk July 18, 2018 | Flag Reply
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function getMaximumGuests(entryTimes) {
  var hoursArray = new Array(25);
  for (var i = 0; i < entryTimes.length; i++) {
    var entryTime = entryTimes[i];
    hoursArray[entryTime[1] + 1]--;
  var maxSum = 0;
  var currentSum = 0;
  for (var j = 1; j < hoursArray.length; j++) {
    currentSum += hoursArray[j];
    currentSum > maxSum ? maxSum = currentSum : "";
  return maxSum;

var entryTimes = [[1, 4], [2, 5], [9, 12], [5, 9], [5, 12]];

console.log("Maximum entry time is ", getMaximumGuests(entryTimes));

- naveenatiitk July 18, 2018 | Flag Reply
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public static void register(int entry, int exit) {
    while (entry <= exit) {
      if (hourlyCount[entry]>hourlyCount[maxGuestIndcator]){
  private static int hourlyCount[] = new int[13];
  private static int maxGuestIndcator;

- ds July 30, 2018 | Flag Reply

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