Dropbox Interview Question for Software Engineers

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What you can do here is a recursive solution where each "level" handles a single pattern key (handles a single index in the pattern key string - for instance, level 1 handles 'a', than level 2 handles 'b', than level 3 handles 'a').

Each level is responsible to create a string (substring) candidate for the pattern key if the later hasn't appeared before or to look for the same substring if the partner key has appeared before.

Here is a python solution

def match(pattern, str):
    matches = dict()
    return _match(pattern[:], str, 0, 0, matches), matches
def _match(pattern, str, current_ptrn, str_start, matches):
    if current_ptrn == len(pattern):
        if str_start == len(str): 
            return True
            return False

    if pattern[current_ptrn] in matches:
        for str_end in range(str_start + 1, len(str) + 1):
            if matches[pattern[current_ptrn]] == str[str_start:str_end]:
                if _match(pattern, str, current_ptrn + 1, str_end, matches):
                    return True
        for str_end in range(str_start + 1, len(str) + 1):
            matches[pattern[current_ptrn]] = str[str_start:str_end]
            if _match(pattern, str, current_ptrn + 1, str_end, matches):
                return True
            del matches[pattern[current_ptrn]]
    return False

- daniel.a.p March 03, 2015 | Flag Reply
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we can use a 2-d char. array to store strings and map to the array for each character present in the pattern string
for ex-
arr[0]- 'r' 'e' 'd' '\0' '\0'
arr[1]- 'b' 'l' 'a' 'c' 'k'
and in main program replace it accordingly...

- Navneetnadha March 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I think using array is a good suggestion. However, if we use 2-D array as yours, it is error-prone because you need to make sure arr[i] have the same length. Instead, why don't you use array of String.

- truongkhanh March 03, 2015 | Flag
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// Global hash table to hold the keys and values
public static Hashtable<Character, String> table = new Hashtable<Character, String>();

public static void main(String[] args) {
	// Test
	String pat = "aba";
	String str = "rocktreerock";
	System.out.println(foo(pat, str));

public static boolean foo(String pattern, String str) {
	// Check for base cases
	if (pattern.length() == 0 && str.length() == 0) {
		return true;
	} else if (pattern.length() > str.length() || pattern.length() == 0) {
		return false;
	// Check if the first char in pattern exists as a key in the hash table
	String val = table.get(pattern.charAt(0));
	if (val != null) {
		// If it does exist, check if it matches with the beginning of str
		if (val.equals(str.substring(0, Math.min(val.length(), str.length())))) {
			// If it's a match, check the rest of the pattern / string
			return foo(pattern.substring(1), str.substring(val.length()));
	} else {
		// Go through every possible value for the first char in pattern
		for (int i = 1; i <= str.length() - pattern.length() + 1; i++) {
			// Values should be unique so only use it if it's not already in the hash table
			if (!table.contains(str.substring(0, i))) {
				table.put(pattern.charAt(0), str.substring(0, i));
				// Move on to the rest of the problem to see if this key-value pairing works
				if (foo(pattern.substring(1), str.substring(i))) {
					return true;
				} else {
					// If the key-value pairing doesn't work, remove it from the hash table
	return false;

- Corbin March 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I think the code is correct. I only have some minor suggestions. You should not name the function as "foo". Try to make the function name meaning.

In your program, whenever you call recursive foo(), you create new String. This is not memory efficient. You should update the start index for each string.

- truongkhanh March 03, 2015 | Flag
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public boolean checkPattern (String target, String pattern){
		HashMap<Character, List<String>> map = new HashMap<> ();
		HashMap<Character, Integer> compare = new HashMap<> ();
		for (char c : pattern.toCharArray()) {
			int count = compare.containsKey(c) ? compare.get(c) + 1 : 1 ;
			compare.put(c, count);
		return helper (target, pattern, 0 , 0, map, compare);

	private boolean helper (String target , String pattern , int j , int index, HashMap<Character,List<String>> map, HashMap<Character,Integer> compare){		
		if (j == pattern.length() - 1) {
			char p = pattern.charAt(j) ;
			String word = target.substring(index, target.length()) ;	
			boolean f = false ;
			if (!map.containsKey(p)) {						
				List<String> set = new ArrayList<> ();
				set.add(word) ;
				map.put(p, set);
				f = checkResult (compare, map, pattern) ;
			} else{				
				String pre = map.get(p).get(0) ;			
				if (word.equals(pre)) {								
				f = checkResult (compare, map, pattern) ;
			return f ;
		if (j == pattern.length()) return false ;
		boolean flag = false ;
		char p = pattern.charAt(j) ;
		for (int i = index ; i < target.length() ; ++i) {
		    String word = target.substring(index, i + 1) ;				  
		    if (!map.containsKey(p)) {		    
		    	List<String> set = new ArrayList<> ();
		    	map.put(p, set) ;		    	
		    	flag = helper (target, pattern, j + 1, i + 1 ,map ,compare);
		    	map.remove(p) ;
		    } else{
		    	String pre = map.get(p).get(0) ;		    
		    	if (word.equals(pre)) {				    		
		    		map.get(p).add(word) ;
		    		flag = helper (target, pattern, j + 1, i + 1, map, compare);		    		 			    	
		    if (flag) {
		    	return flag ;
		return flag ;
	private boolean checkResult (HashMap<Character,Integer> compare, HashMap<Character, List<String>> cache, String pattern){
		for (char c : pattern.toCharArray()) {
			if (compare.get(c) != cache.get(c).size()) {
				return false ;
		return true ;

- Scott March 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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The code is nice. However, it is not efficient when the character in the pattern already has the translation. For example, if the translation of the current character is "red", then the suffix from "index" must start with "red". Otherwise, return invalid.

- truongkhanh March 03, 2015 | Flag
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what's the time complexity for these recursive backtracking solutions?

- zd March 03, 2015 | Flag Reply
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should be 2^n

- Scott March 03, 2015 | Flag
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It should be F(P) = L^k

- truongkhanh March 03, 2015 | Flag
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Assume L is the length of the string and P is the length of the pattern. Then, we can try to split the string in P substrings and verify the translation. So the size of the problem is C(L, P) ~ L^P.
More precisely, for each character in the pattern, if it already appears earlier, checking is O(L). So we only need to care the unique characters. Assume there are k unique character in the pattern. For each new character, there is maximum L candidates for its translation. Therefore, the complexity is F(P) = L^k.

- truongkhanh March 03, 2015 | Flag
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Python solution:

translations = {}

def patternIsValid(pattern, string):
    if len(pattern) == 0 and len(string) == 0:
        return True
    elif len(pattern) == 0 or len(string) == 0 or len(pattern) > len(string):
        return False
    # Iterate through pattern 1 char at a time.
    # If pattern char is defined already:
    if pattern[0] in translations:
        translation = translations[pattern[0]]
        if ((len(translation) <= len(string)) and (translation == string[:len(translation)])):
            return patternIsValid(pattern[1:], string[len(translation):])
    # Pattern character not defined.  Test all possibilities for this new pattern char
        for pSize in range(1, len(string) - len(pattern) + 1):
            if string[:pSize] not in translations.values(): # make sure it's unique
                translations[pattern[0]] = string[:pSize]
                if patternIsValid(pattern[1:], string[pSize:]):
                    return True
                del translations[pattern[0]]
    return False

- adam March 03, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I came up with something similar to the other solutions

bool PatternMatch(char* pPattern, char* pString, std::string* pMap)
   if (!*pPattern || !*pString)
      return (!*pPattern && !*pString);
   int mappedSz = pMap[*pPattern].size();
   if (mappedSz)
      if (mappedSz > (int)strlen(pString))
         return false;
      const char* pMapped = pMap[*pPattern].c_str();
      for (int i = 0; i < mappedSz; i++)
         if (pMap[*pPattern][i] != pString[i])
            return false;
      return PatternMatch(pPattern+1, pString + mappedSz, pMap);
   for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(pString); i++)
      pMap[*pPattern].assign(pString, i+1);
      if (PatternMatch(pPattern+1, pString + i + 1, pMap))
         return true;
   return false;

void main()
   char buf[128], buf2[128];
      printf("Enter string:");
      printf("\nEnter pattern:");
      std::string patMap[256];
      if (PatternMatch(buf2, buf, patMap))
         printf("Passed: ");
         for (int i = 0; i < (int)strlen(buf2); i++)
            printf("%s,", patMap[buf2[i]].c_str());

- tjcbs2 March 03, 2015 | Flag Reply
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def findPattern(pattern, str):
p = pattern[0]
if p in currentPattern:
pstr = currentPattern[p]
if str.find(pstr) == 0:
if len(pattern)==1:
if len(pstr)==len(str):
return True
return False
return findPattern(pattern[1:len(pattern)], str[len(pstr):len(str)])

return False
for i in xrange(len(str)):
pstr = str[0:i+1]
if p not in patternMap:
patternMap[p] = [pstr]
if pstr in patternMap[p]:
currentPattern[p] = pstr
ret = findPattern(pattern[1:len(pattern)], str[i+1:len(str)])
if ret==True:
return ret

return False

- simcbr March 16, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Adding a Java implementation:

public static boolean matches(String pattern, String str) {
        return matches_rec(pattern, str, new HashMap<>());

    private static boolean matches_rec(String pattern, String str, HashMap<Character, String> dict) {
        if ("".equals(pattern) && "".equals(str)) {
            return true;
        } else if ("".equals(pattern) && !"".equals(str) || !"".equals(pattern) && "".equals(str)) {
            return false;
        char currPattern = pattern.charAt(0);
        String translation = dict.get(currPattern);
        if (translation == null) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= str.length(); i++) {
                dict.put(currPattern, str.substring(0, i));
                boolean matches = matches_rec(pattern.substring(1), str.substring(i, str.length()), dict);
                if (matches) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        if (str.startsWith(translation)) {
            return matches_rec(pattern.substring(1), str.substring(translation.length()), dict);
        return false;

- Henry Abra February 10, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public static bool T(string pattern, string word)
            if (pattern.Length == 1)
                if (dict.ContainsKey(pattern))
                    if (dict[pattern] == word)
                        return true;
                        return false;
                    return true;

            var s = "";

            for (int i = 0; i <word.Length-1 ; i++)
                s += word[i];

                if (!dict.ContainsKey(pattern[0].ToString()))
                    dict.Add(pattern[0].ToString(), s);
                else if (dict[pattern[0].ToString()] != s)

              var res =  T(pattern.Substring(1), word.Substring(i + 1));

                if (res)
                    return true;

            return false;


- Sahnawaz Khan(khan.wazi@gmail.com) July 20, 2016 | Flag Reply
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simple c# implementation

public static bool T(string pattern, string word)
            if (pattern.Length == 1)
                if (dict.ContainsKey(pattern))
                    if (dict[pattern] == word)
                        return true;
                        return false;
                    return true;

            var s = "";

            for (int i = 0; i <word.Length-1 ; i++)
                s += word[i];

                if (!dict.ContainsKey(pattern[0].ToString()))
                    dict.Add(pattern[0].ToString(), s);
                else if (dict[pattern[0].ToString()] != s)

              var res =  T(pattern.Substring(1), word.Substring(i + 1));

                if (res)
                    return true;

            return false;

- Sahnawaz Khan (khan.wazi@gmail.com) July 20, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Leetcode 291. Word Pattern II. use backtracking.

- Anonymous April 01, 2017 | Flag Reply
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def findPattern(pattern, str):
p = pattern[0]
if p in currentPattern:
pstr = currentPattern[p]
if str.find(pstr) == 0:
if len(pattern)==1:
if len(pstr)==len(str):
return True
return False
return findPattern(pattern[1:len(pattern)], str[len(pstr):len(str)])

return False
for i in xrange(len(str)):
pstr = str[0:i+1]
if p not in patternMap:
patternMap[p] = [pstr]
if pstr in patternMap[p]:
currentPattern[p] = pstr
ret = findPattern(pattern[1:len(pattern)], str[i+1:len(str)])
if ret==True:
return ret

return False

- Anonymous March 16, 2015 | Flag Reply

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