Google Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers Site Reliability Engineers

Country: United States
Interview Type: In-Person

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public static String getPath(int w, char[] str) {
		int i = 0;
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		int curR = 0;
		int curC = 0;
		while (i < str.length) {
			int destR = (str[i] - 'a') / w;
			int destC = (str[i] - 'a') % w;

			while (curC > destC) {

			while (curR > destR) {

			while (curC < destC) {

			while (curR < destR) {

		return sb.toString();

- Anonymous October 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 1 vote

Love your solution! small and elegant (and works)

- Eran Medan October 11, 2013 | Flag
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of 1 vote

Too many loops.

- Anonymous October 11, 2013 | Flag
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of 0 votes

Number of loops is irrelevant considering that it's run time is good. Some times the simplest answer is the most correct.

- Anonymous October 12, 2013 | Flag
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Number of loops is a factor in what is simple and what is not and it does not affect the (asymptotic) runtime here.

The comment was more about simplicity rather than runtime...

- Anonymous October 12, 2013 | Flag
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of 0 votes

Cool, that's what I thought.

- SJ Park October 18, 2013 | Flag
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of 0 votes

what is 'w' please

- Orion arm, Laniakea December 10, 2015 | Flag
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of 3 vote

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

	char myArray[6][5];
	char findMovie[] = {"UP"};
	char findch;
	int ipos[10][2];
	int iChar = 65;
	int iCurRow = 0;
	bool bDone = false;
	char AddMoves[10] = "";
	char MoVedirection;
	bool bver = false;
	bool bhor = false;

	for (int i =0; i<6;i++)
		for ( int j =0;j <5;j++)
			myArray[i][j] = (char)iChar;

	for ( int l=0; l <strlen(findMovie); l++)
		findch = findMovie[l];
		for ( int i = 0; i<6  && !bDone; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j<5;j++)
				if ( myArray[i][j] == findch)
					ipos[iCurRow][0] = i;
					ipos[iCurRow][1] = j;
					findch = findMovie[l];
					if ( findch != NULL) 
						i = 0;
					   bDone = true;

	int curR = 0;
    int curC = 0;
	for ( int i = 0 ; i< iCurRow ; i++)
		int destR = ipos[i][0] ;
		int destC = ipos[i][1] ;
		while (curC > destC) 
		while (curR > destR) {

		while (curC < destC) {

			while (curR < destR) {
	return 0;

- rgregory October 20, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 1 vote

void printSteps(int a, int b, char key)
	while(a < b) {
		cout << key;

void printMoves(const char *movie, int w)
	int x = 0, y = 0;

	while(*movie) {
		int tx = (tolower(*movie) - 'a') % w;
		int ty = (tolower(*movie) - 'a') / w;

		printSteps(tx, x, 'l');
		printSteps(ty, y, 'u');
		printSteps(x, tx, 'r');
		printSteps(y, ty, 'd');
		cout << '!'; // select
		x = tx; y = ty;
	cout << endl;

- vos October 21, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

def str2moves(cs):
    """Convet string to moves in matrix

    | a b c d e
    | f g h i j
    | k l m n o
    | p q r s t
    | u v w x y
    | z

    Returns string of moves encoded as follows:
        R - right
        L - left
        D - down
        U - up
        O - ok

        >>> str2moves('con')
        >>> str2moves('conz')
        >>> str2moves('conza')
    def i2xy(i):
        y, x = divmod(i, 5)
        return x, y

    char2xy = {chr(ord('a') + i): i2xy(i)
               for i in range(ord('z') - ord('a') + 1)}

    def move(cx, cy, x, y):
        """Moves required to get from (cx, cy) to (x, y)
        if y - cy > 0:
            moves.extend('D' * (y - cy))
        elif y - cy < 0:
            moves.extend('U' * (cy - y))
        if x - cx > 0:
            moves.extend('R' * (x - cx))
        elif x - cx < 0:
            moves.extend('L' * (cx - x))
        return x, y
    moves = []

    cs = cs.lower()
    cx, cy, z = 0, 0, False
    for c in cs:
        x, y = char2xy.get(c, (None, None))
        if x is None:
            raise ValueError('invalid char: {}'.format(c))
        if z == True:
        if y == 5: # 'z'
            cx, cy = move(cx, cy, x, y - 1)
            z = True
            cx, cy = move(cx, cy, x, y)
    return ''.join(moves)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

- Pavel Aslanov September 27, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 0 votes

I think there's actually a bug in your implementation here. The string ``zyz`` does something weird:


By my reckoning this works out to "zyu"

Also the string ``azyaz`` turns out strange:


That last "U" takes the "cursor" off the grid.

I think what it is is that you've got the "z" node's coordinates wrong or something.

- bananabread100 December 01, 2013 | Flag
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of 4 vote

Nice question

My solution (Scala)

import scala.annotation.tailrec

object Tests2 {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {

  def solution(word: String) = {
    word.foldLeft('a')((current, target) => {
      pathToChar(current, target)

  def pathToChar(start: Char, target: Char): Unit = {
    val move = nextMove(start, target)
    val dir = move._1
    val nextChar = move._2
    if (dir != '!') pathToChar(nextChar, target)

  private def nextMove(current: Char, target: Char): (Char, Char) = {

    def row(c: Char) = (c - 'a') / 5
    def col(c: Char) = (c - 'a') % 5

    val cr: Int = row(current)
    val cc: Int = col(current)
    val tr: Int = row(target)
    val tc: Int = col(target)
    val rowDist: Int = tr - cr
    val colDist: Int = tc - cc
    if (rowDist > 0) {
      ('d', (current + 5).toChar)
    } else if (rowDist < 0) {
      ('u', (current - 5).toChar)
    } else if (colDist > 0) {
      ('r', (current + 1).toChar)
    } else if (colDist < 0) {
      ('l', (current - 1).toChar)
    } else {
      ('!', current)

- Eran October 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 2 votes

what will be the output for "yzy"?

- Anonymous October 10, 2013 | Flag
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of 0 votes

Yep, those edge cases :)


gotta handle the last row...

- Eran Medan October 10, 2013 | Flag
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of 1 vote

Apparently all I had to do is change the priorities / precedence (left before down, up before right) to solve the last row edge case

import scala.annotation.tailrec

object Tests2 {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {

  def solution(word: String) = {
    word.foldLeft('a')((current, target) => {
      pathToChar(current, target)

  def pathToChar(start: Char, target: Char): Unit = {
    val move = nextMove(start, target)
    val dir = move._1
    val nextChar = move._2
    if (dir != '!') pathToChar(nextChar, target)

  private def nextMove(current: Char, target: Char): (Char, Char) = {

    def row(c: Char) = (c - 'a') / 5
    def col(c: Char) = (c - 'a') % 5

    val cr: Int = row(current)
    val cc: Int = col(current)
    val tr: Int = row(target)
    val tc: Int = col(target)
    val rowDist: Int = tr - cr
    val colDist: Int = tc - cc
    if (colDist < 0) {
      ('l', (current - 1).toChar)
    } else if (rowDist < 0) {
      ('u', (current - 5).toChar)
    } else if (colDist > 0) {
      ('r', (current + 1).toChar)
    } else if (rowDist > 0) {
      ('d', (current + 5).toChar)
    } else {
      ('!', current)

- Eran Medan October 10, 2013 | Flag
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of 2 vote


int strlen(char *str)
	int i=0;
	while(str[i++] != '\0');
	return i-1;

void print_path(int new_x, int new_y, int prev_x, int prev_y)
	while(new_x != prev_x)
		if(new_x < prev_x)
	while(new_y != prev_y)
		if(new_y < prev_y)

void lookup_movie(char *movie, int width)
	int len = strlen(movie);
	int new_x, new_y;
	int prev_x, prev_y;
	int loop=0;
	prev_x = prev_y = 0;
	while(loop < len)
		new_x = ( movie[loop] - 'a' ) / width;
		new_y = ( movie[loop] - 'a' ) % width;
		print_path(new_x, new_y, prev_x, prev_y);
		prev_x = new_x;
		prev_y = new_y;

- Uma Sankar October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote


int strlen(char *str)
	int i=0;
	while(str[i++] != '\0');
	return i-1;

void print_path(int new_x, int new_y, int prev_x, int prev_y)
	while(new_x != prev_x)
		if(new_x < prev_x)
	while(new_y != prev_y)
		if(new_y < prev_y)

void lookup_movie(char *movie, int width)
	int len = strlen(movie);
	int new_x, new_y;
	int prev_x, prev_y;
	int loop=0;
	prev_x = prev_y = 0;
	while(loop < len)
		new_x = ( movie[loop] - 'a' ) / width;
		new_y = ( movie[loop] - 'a' ) % width;
		print_path(new_x, new_y, prev_x, prev_y);
		prev_x = new_x;
		prev_y = new_y;

- Uma Sankar October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

In Java:

public class MovieTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(new MovieTest().lookupMovie("up"));

    public String lookupMovie(String movieName){
        String returnString = "";
        int[] currentPosition = new int[]{0,0};
        for(char c: movieName.toCharArray()){
            int v = normalizeCharVal(c);
            int y = v/5;
            int x = v % 5;
            int xdiff = x - currentPosition[0];
            int ydiff = y - currentPosition[1];
            char moveY = (ydiff > 0? 'D': 'U');
            char moveX = (xdiff > 0? 'R': 'L');
            for(int i=0; i< Math.abs(ydiff); i++){
                returnString += moveY;
            for(int i=0; i< Math.abs(xdiff); i++){
                returnString += moveX;
            returnString += '!';
            currentPosition[0] = x;
            currentPosition[1] = y;

        return returnString;

    //returns -1 if invalid
    //returns 0 to 25 if valid alphabet
    private  int normalizeCharVal(char c){
        int i = c;
        if(i > 96){
            i -= 97;
        } else {
            i -= 65;
        if(i < 0 || i > 25){
            return -1;
        return i;

- check39 October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

class DVRAI
        public static void Do()
            char[,] matrix = 

            SimpleDo(matrix, "hello");

        public static void SimpleDo(char[,] matrix, string name)
            int xStart = 0, yStart = 0, xNext = 0, yNext = 0;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (char ch in name)
                GetPosition(ch, ref xNext, ref yNext);

                if (xNext > xStart)
                    for (int i = xStart; i < xNext; i++)

                if (xNext < xStart)
                    for (int i = xNext; i < xStart; i++)

                if (yNext > yStart)
                    for(int i = yStart; i < yNext; i++)

                if (yNext < yStart)
                    for (int i = yNext; i < yStart; i++)


                xStart = xNext;
                yStart = yNext;


        private static void GetPosition(char ch, ref int x, ref int y)
            int i = ch - 'a';
            x = i / 5;
            y = i % 5;

- allanchanly October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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If we observe grid carefully, they are in sorted order (rows an columns individually). So, I guess, interviewer is expecting binary search on row wise and/or column wise.

Forgive me, if somebody is already noticed this point and above programs are already have this logic (little lazy to read all programs :))

- Kallu October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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No need. If you have an array 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., n , you can find out if/where some k is in O(1). It's only slightly harder in a 2D array.

- S O U N D W A V E October 12, 2013 | Flag
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My solution would be to give each letter an index like a[0,0] b[0,1] and so on..then for the text entered find the difference between the character indexes and based on that define
up = if row difference is negative
down = if row difference is positive
left = if column difference is negative
right = if column difference is positive

public String lookUp(String str)
    char currentChar = 'a';
    int rowDiff, colDiff;
    String result;
    for(int i=0;i<str.length;i++)
	 if(str.charAt(i) >= 'a' && str.charAt(i) <= 'z')
         rowDiff = (int) (str.charAt(i) - currentChar)/5;
         colDiff = (int) (str.charAt(i) - currentChar)%5 - 1;
         for(int j=0;j<rowDiff;j++)
		if(rowDiff < 0)
			result += "l";
			result += "r";
	 result += "!";
	 for(int j=0;j<colDiff;j++)
		if(colDiff < 0)
			result += "u";
			result += "d";
	 result += "!";
	 currentChar = str.charAt(i);
    return result;

- Nik October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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public class LetterGrid {
char movieName[];
int maxLetterPerRow = 5;
int currDIV=0;
int currMOD=0;
String allMoves = "";

LetterGrid(String movieName){
movieName = movieName.toUpperCase();
this.movieName = movieName.toCharArray();
for(int i=0;i<movieName.length();i++){
allMoves += getMove((int)this.movieName[i]-65);
public String getMove(int x){
int newDIV = x/maxLetterPerRow;
int newMOD = x%maxLetterPerRow;
int dirUD = newDIV - currDIV;
int dirLR = newMOD - currMOD;
char up_down = 'd';
char left_right = 'r';
int mult = 1;
String move ="";
if(dirUD <0) { mult = -1;up_down = 'u'; }
for(int i=0;i<(dirUD*mult);i++) move+=up_down;
if(dirLR <0) {mult = -1;left_right='l'; }
for(int i=0;i<(dirLR*mult);i++) move+=left_right;
currDIV = newDIV;
currMOD = newMOD;
return move+"!";
public static void main(String [] args){
new LetterGrid("MEGAMIND");

- irasul October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote


private static string ComputePath(int width, string name)
            var moves = new StringBuilder();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                string aName = 'a' + name; // start on a
                for (int i = 1; i < aName.Length; i++)
                    int colMoves = (aName[i - 1] - 'a') % width - (aName[i] - 'a') % width;
                    int rowMoves = (aName[i - 1] - 'a') / width - (aName[i] - 'a') / width;
                    moves.Append(new string((colMoves < 0 ? 'r' : 'l'), Math.Abs(colMoves)));
                    moves.Append(new string((rowMoves < 0 ? 'd' : 'u'), Math.Abs(rowMoves)));
            return moves.ToString();

- Five October 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 6 vote

Java Code,

Logic first try to move vertically up or down then horizontally towards left or right.

public class GridPrint {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		int current  = 0;
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
		String text = sc.nextLine();
		int n = sc.nextInt();
		// check it's only contains a-z.
		for(int i = 0; i < text.length() ; i++)
			int goal  = text.charAt(i) - 'a';
			int r = goal / n - current / n;
			if(r > 0)
				print(r, 'D');
			else if( r < 0)
				print(Math.abs(r), 'U');
			current = current + r * n;
			r = current - goal;
			if( r < 0)
				print(Math.abs(r), 'R');
			current = goal;
	public static  void print(int n , char c)
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		if(c == 'L' || c == 'R')


- cooldude October 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 1 vote

I don't think this will work. We are not supposed to move to spot where there is no alphabet. Try


- nondescript October 12, 2013 | Flag
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of 1 vote

here is my code. Please let me know if there are any errors.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int getRow(char a, int w){

	return (a-97)/w;

int getCol(char a, int w){

	return (a-97)%w;

void printPathFromStartEnd(char s, char e, int w){

	if(s == 'a' && e == 'a') {
		cout << "!";

int start_row = getRow(s, w);
int start_col = getCol(s, w);

int end_row = getRow(e, w);
int end_col = getCol(e, w);


8 total configuration is possible



e 0 0 
0 s 0 
0 0 0


if(end_row<start_row && end_col<start_col){

	int up = abs(start_row-end_row);
	int left = abs(start_col - end_col);

	while(up--) cout << "u";
	while(left--) cout << "l";

		cout << "!";



0 0 0 
0 s 0 
e 0 0


else if(end_row>start_row && end_col<start_col){

	int left = abs(end_col-start_col);
	int down = abs(end_row - start_row);

	while(left--) cout << "l";
	while(down--) cout << "d";

			cout << "!";



0 0 e 
0 s 0 
0 0 0


else if(end_row<start_row && end_col>start_col){

	int up = abs(end_row - start_row);
	int right = abs(start_col-end_col);

	while(up--) cout << "u";
	while(right--) cout << "r";

			cout << "!";



0 0 0 
0 s 0 
0 0 e


else if(end_row>start_row && end_col>start_col){

	int down = abs(start_row-end_row);
	int right = abs(start_col - end_col);

	while(down--) cout << "d";
	while(right--) cout << "r";

		cout << "!";



0 0 0 
e s 0 
0 0 0


else if(end_row==start_row && end_col<start_col){

	int left = abs(end_col - start_col);

	while(left--) cout << "l";

			cout << "!";



0 0 0 
0 s e 
0 0 0


else if(end_row==start_row && end_col>start_col){

	int right = abs(end_col-start_col);

	while(right--) cout << "r";

			cout << "!";



0 e 0 
0 s 0 
0 0 0


else if(end_row<start_row && end_col== start_col){

	int up = abs(end_row-start_row);

	while(up--) cout << "u";

		cout << "!";



0 0 0 
0 s 0 
0 e 0


else if(end_row>start_row && end_col == start_col)

	int down = abs(end_row-start_row);
	while(down--) cout << "d";

			cout << "!";



void printPath(string s, int w){

//first we print from a to the first char in the string
printPathFromStartEnd('a', s[0], w);

//then we print the rest
for(int i=0;i<(s.length()-1);i++){

printPathFromStartEnd(s[i], s[i+1], w);



- nondescript October 12, 2013 | Flag
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of 1 vote

There was a slight problem. Here is the updated code.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int getRow(char a, int w){

	return (a-97)/w;

int getCol(char a, int w){

	return (a-97)%w;

void printPathFromStartEnd(char s, char e, int w){



9 total configuration is possible



if both start and end is the same char

0  0   0 
0  s/e 0 
0  0   0


if(s == e) {
		cout << "!";

int start_row = getRow(s, w);
int start_col = getCol(s, w);

int end_row = getRow(e, w);
int end_col = getCol(e, w);


e 0 0 
0 s 0 
0 0 0


if(end_row<start_row && end_col<start_col){

	int up = abs(start_row-end_row);
	int left = abs(start_col - end_col);

	while(up--) cout << "u";
	while(left--) cout << "l";

		cout << "!";



0 0 0 
0 s 0 
e 0 0


else if(end_row>start_row && end_col<start_col){

	int left = abs(end_col-start_col);
	int down = abs(end_row - start_row);

	while(left--) cout << "l";
	while(down--) cout << "d";

			cout << "!";



0 0 e 
0 s 0 
0 0 0


else if(end_row<start_row && end_col>start_col){

	int up = abs(end_row - start_row);
	int right = abs(start_col-end_col);

	while(up--) cout << "u";
	while(right--) cout << "r";

			cout << "!";



0 0 0 
0 s 0 
0 0 e


else if(end_row>start_row && end_col>start_col){

	int down = abs(start_row-end_row);
	int right = abs(start_col - end_col);

	while(down--) cout << "d";
	while(right--) cout << "r";

		cout << "!";



0 0 0 
e s 0 
0 0 0


else if(end_row==start_row && end_col<start_col){

	int left = abs(end_col - start_col);

	while(left--) cout << "l";

			cout << "!";



0 0 0 
0 s e 
0 0 0


else if(end_row==start_row && end_col>start_col){

	int right = abs(end_col-start_col);

	while(right--) cout << "r";

			cout << "!";



0 e 0 
0 s 0 
0 0 0


else if(end_row<start_row && end_col== start_col){

	int up = abs(end_row-start_row);

	while(up--) cout << "u";

		cout << "!";



0 0 0 
0 s 0 
0 e 0


else if(end_row>start_row && end_col == start_col)

	int down = abs(end_row-start_row);
	while(down--) cout << "d";

			cout << "!";



void printPath(string s, int w){

//first we print from a to the first char in the string
printPathFromStartEnd('a', s[0], w);

//then we print the rest
for(int i=0;i<(s.length()-1);i++){

printPathFromStartEnd(s[i], s[i+1], w);



int main(){

cout << "aaaddd "; 
printPath("aaaddd", 5);
cout << endl;



- nondescript October 12, 2013 | Flag
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of 0 vote

Why nobody try to solve this with finding the shortest path in the graph?

- Anonymous October 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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First, note that we need to hit each character in order.

If the "graph" is just a 2D matrix the shortest path to any character is just trivially moving to the row the character is on, and then the column. Think about it for a second.

So everyone in this thread is in fact finding the shortest path on the graph, it's just not with a "shortest path algorithm" as you'd expect.

- Aasen October 13, 2013 | Flag
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of 0 vote

{package nb;

import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
public class bit
public static int i = 0;
public static StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
public static int curR = 0;
public static int curC = 0;
public static int destR=0;
public static int destC=0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
char a[]={'a','b','c','d','e'};
getPath(5, a,0);
public static void getPath(int w, char[] str,int i) {

destR = (str[i] - 'a') / w;
destC = (str[i] - 'a') % w;
if (curC > destC) {
getPath(w, str,i);

else if(curR > destR) {
getPath(w, str, i);

else if(curC < destC) {
getPath(w, str, i);

else if(curR < destR) {
getPath(w, str, i);
getPath(w, str, i+1);


- TerrorGeek October 14, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Solution using BFS. Running time - length of string * O(V+E)

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <list>
#include <queue>

#define G 5
using namespace std;

list<int> *nei;
list <char> *out;

void addEdge(){
	for(int v=1; v<=26; v++) {
		if(v-1 >= 1 && (v-1)%G !=0) nei[v].push_back(v-1);
		if(v+1 <= 26 && v%G != 0) 	nei[v].push_back(v+1);
		if(v+G >=1 && v+G <= 26) 	nei[v].push_back(v+G);
		if(v-G >=1 && v-G <= 26)	nei[v].push_back(v-G);

void print(int l){
	list<char>::iterator it;
	for(int i=0; i<l; i++) {
		for( it=out[i].begin(); it!=out[i].end(); it++) 

void find(int s, int end, int pos){
	bool visited[27] = {false};
	int parent[27] = {-1};
	queue<int> q;
	list<int>::iterator it;
	visited[s] = true;
	parent[s] = 0;

	while(!q.empty()) {
		int cur = q.front();
		for(it = nei[cur].begin(); it!=nei[cur].end(); it++){
			if(visited[*it] == false) {
				visited[*it] = true;
				parent[*it] = cur;
				if(*it == end) {
					while(parent[end] !=0) {
						if(parent[end]+1 == end) out[pos].push_front('r');
						if(parent[end]-1 == end) out[pos].push_front('l');
						if(parent[end]+G == end) out[pos].push_front('d');
						if(parent[end]-G == end) out[pos].push_front('u');
						end = parent[end]; 
					} return;

int main() {
	string s = "up";
	nei = new list<int>[27];
	out = new list<char>[s.length()];
	find(1, s[0]-96, 0);
	for(int i =1; i<s.length(); i++){
		if(s[i-1]-96 !=  s[i]-96)
			find(s[i-1]-96, s[i]-96, i);
		else out[i].push_front('!');

	return 0;

- pxe October 17, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Fully functioning Java-code with correct boundary analysis. Let me know your comments :)

import java.util.Scanner;

class grid_layout
  public String movie_name;
  public int grid_size;
  public int rows = 0, cols = 0;
  public int rows_count, cols_count;
public static void main(String args[])
  grid_layout obj = new grid_layout();  
  System.out.println("Input the movie name");
  System.out.println("Input the grid size");
public void display_grid()
  int count=0;
  char i = 'a';
  int j,flag = 0;
  cols_count = grid_size;
  rows_count = 26/grid_size +1;
  char [][] alpha = new char[rows_count][cols_count];
  System.out.println("The grid size is   : "+ grid_size);
  System.out.println("The grid is    :\n");
  for(rows = 0; rows < rows_count; rows ++)
    for(cols = 0; cols < cols_count; cols++)
	  alpha[rows][cols] = i;
	  count ++;
	  if(count == 26)
  for(rows = 0; rows < rows_count; rows ++)
    for(cols = 0; cols < cols_count; cols++)
	  System.out.print(" " + alpha[rows][cols] + " ");
  // --------------Computation starts---------------------------
  rows = 0;
  cols = 0;
  j = 0;
     System.out.print("\n" + movie_name.charAt(j) + " " + rows_count + cols_count  );
	for(; rows < rows_count;  )
      for(; cols < cols_count; )
		if( movie_name.charAt(j) == alpha[rows][cols])
			  flag = 1;
	    else if(movie_name.charAt(j) > alpha[rows][cols_count-1] && (rows+1 != rows_count) )
		    if( alpha[rows+1][cols] != '\0')
			    rows ++;
			  cols --;
		else if(movie_name.charAt(j) < alpha[rows][0])
			rows --;
		else if(movie_name.charAt(j) < alpha[rows][cols]  )
			cols --;
        else if(movie_name.charAt(j) > alpha[rows][cols]) 
			  cols ++;
		if(flag == 1)
			if (j == movie_name.length())
  //------------Computation Ends----------------

public void input_movie()
  Scanner input = new Scanner(;
  movie_name = input.nextLine();
  System.out.println("The movie name   : " + movie_name);  

public void input_grid_size()
  Scanner input = new Scanner(;
  String answer = input.nextLine();
  grid_size = Integer.parseInt(answer);

- omega1991 October 17, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Simple modular version. Little bit longer then others but very clear.

public static String multLetters(int amount, char letter)
        String s = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
            s += letter;
        return s;
    public static String getMoves(int i1, int j1, int i2, int j2)
        String s = "";
        if (i1 > i2)
            s += multLetters(i1 - i2, 'l');
        else if (i1 < i2)
            s += multLetters(i2 - i1, 'r');
        if (j1 > j2)
            s += multLetters(j1 - j2, 'u');
        else if (j1 < j2)
            s += multLetters(j2 - j1, 'd');
        s += '!';
        return s;
    public static String movieGrid(String movie, int width)
        int curri = 0;
        int currj = 0;
        String s = "";
        String lowerCaseMovie = movie.toLowerCase();
        for (char c : lowerCaseMovie.toCharArray())
            if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
                int charVal = c - 'a';

                int nexti = charVal % width;
                int nextj = charVal / width;

                s += getMoves(curri, currj, nexti, nextj);
                curri = nexti;
                currj = nextj;
                return null;
        return s;
    public static void main(String [] args)
        System.out.println(movieGrid("up", 5));


- houseUrMusic October 17, 2013 | Flag Reply
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In Java:

private static String buildPath(String name, int width)
        String path = "";
        char c;
        int x = 0, y = 0, xChar = 0, yChar = 0, xLastChar = 0, yLastChar = 0;
        name = name.toLowerCase();
        char lastChar = 'a';
        for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++)
            c = name.charAt(i);
            xChar = (c - 'a') / width;
            yChar = (c - 'a') % width;
            xLastChar = (lastChar - 'a') / width;
            yLastChar = (lastChar - 'a') % width;
            x = xChar - xLastChar;
            y = yChar - yLastChar;
            if (x > 0)
                for (; x > 0; x--)
                    path += "d";
                for (; x < 0; x++)
                    path += "u";
            if (y > 0)
                for (; y > 0; y--)
                    path += "r";
                for (; y < 0; y++)
                    path += "l";
            path += "!";
            lastChar = c;
        return path;

- Thor October 18, 2013 | Flag Reply
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In Java,,,

public class MovieName {
	final static int gridWidth = 5;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] movie = { "up", "hello", "movie" };

		for(String name : movie) {
			System.out.println("Input : " + name);
			String str = moveGrid(name);
			System.out.println("Command : " + str);
			str = nameGrid(str);
			System.out.println("Output : " + str);
	public static boolean isInRange(int col, int row) {
		int ch = 'a' + (row * gridWidth) + col;
		return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z');		
	public static String moveGrid(String name) {
		StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
		int curRow = 0;
		int curCol = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) {
			char ch = name.charAt(i);
			if(ch < 'a' || ch > 'z')
			ch -= 'a';

			int destRow = ch / gridWidth;
			int destCol = ch % gridWidth;
			while(curRow != destRow || curCol != destCol) {
				while(curCol < destCol && isInRange(curCol + 1, curRow)) {
				while(curCol > destCol && isInRange(curCol - 1, curRow)) {
				while(curRow > destRow && isInRange(curCol, curRow - 1)) {
				while(curRow < destRow && isInRange(curCol, curRow + 1)) {
		return sbuf.toString();
	public static String nameGrid(String move) {
		StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
		char charIndex = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < move.length(); i++) {
			switch(move.charAt(i)) {
			case 'l':
			case 'r':
			case 'u':
				charIndex -= gridWidth;
			case 'd':
				charIndex += gridWidth;
			case '!':
				char ch = (char)('a' + charIndex);
				if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {

		return sbuf.toString();

Input : up
Command : dddd!u!
Output : up
Input : hello
Command : rrd!rru!llldd!!rrr!
Output : hello
Input : movie
Command : rrdd!rr!llldd!rruuu!ru!
Output : movie

- SJ Park October 18, 2013 | Flag Reply
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In Java with results according to the instruction.

public class CharacterSequence {

	final static int gridWidth = 5;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] givenWords = { "CON", "OzOfZo", "xyZoo" };

		for(String word : givenWords) {
			System.out.println("\nGiven Word : " + word);
	public static void findGridSequence(String word) {

		int curX = 0;
		int curY = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
			char ch = word.charAt(i);
			if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
				ch -= 'a';
			else if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
				ch -= 'A';

			int destX = ch % gridWidth;
			int destY = ch / gridWidth;
			while(curY != destY || curX != destX) {

				while(curX < destX && inRange(findChar(curX+1, curY))) {
					System.out.println("Right//now at " + findChar(curX, curY));
				while(curX > destX && inRange(findChar(curX-1, curY))) {
					System.out.println("Left//now at " + findChar(curX, curY));
				while(curY < destY && inRange(findChar(curX, curY+1))) {
					System.out.println("Down//now at " + findChar(curX, curY));

				while(curY > destY && inRange(findChar(curX, curY-1))) {
					System.out.println("Up//now at " + findChar(curX, curY));
			System.out.println("OK//to select ---> '" + word.charAt(i) + "'");
	private static boolean inRange(char ch) {
		return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z');		
	private static char findChar(int col, int row) {
		return (char)('A' + (row * gridWidth) + col);

Given Word : CON
Right//now at B
Right//now at C
OK//to select ---> 'C'
Right//now at D
Right//now at E
Down//now at J
Down//now at O
OK//to select ---> 'O'
Left//now at N
OK//to select ---> 'N'

Given Word : OzOfZo
Right//now at B
Right//now at C
Right//now at D
Right//now at E
Down//now at J
Down//now at O
OK//to select ---> 'O'
Left//now at N
Left//now at M
Left//now at L
Left//now at K
Down//now at P
Down//now at U
Down//now at Z
OK//to select ---> 'z'
Up//now at U
Up//now at P
Up//now at K
Right//now at L
Right//now at M
Right//now at N
Right//now at O
OK//to select ---> 'O'
Left//now at N
Left//now at M
Left//now at L
Left//now at K
Up//now at F
OK//to select ---> 'f'
Down//now at K
Down//now at P
Down//now at U
Down//now at Z
OK//to select ---> 'Z'
Up//now at U
Up//now at P
Up//now at K
Right//now at L
Right//now at M
Right//now at N
Right//now at O
OK//to select ---> 'o'

Given Word : xyZoo
Right//now at B
Right//now at C
Right//now at D
Down//now at I
Down//now at N
Down//now at S
Down//now at X
OK//to select ---> 'x'
Right//now at Y
OK//to select ---> 'y'
Left//now at X
Left//now at W
Left//now at V
Left//now at U
Down//now at Z
OK//to select ---> 'Z'
Up//now at U
Up//now at P
Up//now at K
Right//now at L
Right//now at M
Right//now at N
Right//now at O
OK//to select ---> 'o'
OK//to select ---> 'o'

- SJ Park October 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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public static void getCode(int m, String str) {
int index = 0;
int i;
int n = str.length();
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int dest = str.charAt(i) - 'a';
while(index != dest) {
if(index + m <= dest) {
index += m;
} else if(index - m >= dest) {
index -= m;
} else if(index > dest) {
index -= 1;
} else {
index += 1;

- Anand October 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Algorithm: a 2-D array
2.Search for row
3.If row is greater than the previous row value,move down otherwise move up.In case of no changing in row donot move up or down.
4.Now look for column and move right or left correspondingly....
Remember initial position to be (0,0)
I have implemented in C using turbo C++ compiler

void main()
	char a[6][6]={"abcde","fghij","klmno","pqrst","uvwxy","z"};
	char b[10],*p;
	static int i,j,k,l,s,r,t;

	printf("Enter the word to be accesed:");





- Md Shahjahan October 21, 2013 | Flag Reply
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import java.lang.Math;

class DVRtext{

public static void main(String[] args){

String movieName = "ipz";
int gridSize = 5, numCol = gridSize, numRow = (int) Math.ceil(26.0/numCol);

char thisChar;
int m,n,mL,mR,mU,mD,k;

int a_ascii = (int) 'a';

for(int i=0; i< movieName.length(); i++){

  thisChar = movieName.charAt(i);
  m = ((int) thisChar - a_ascii )/numCol;
  n = ((int) thisChar - a_ascii )%numCol;
//  System.out.println(thisChar + " m:" + m + " n:" + n + " numRow:" + numRow);

  if(m >numRow/2){ mU = numRow-m;mD =-1;}  else {mU=-1; mD = m;}
  if(n >numCol/2){ mL = numCol-n;mR =-1;}  else {mL=-1; mR = n;}

  //System.out.println(mL + " " + mR + " " + mU + " " + mD);




- ra October 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Solution A:
Construct graph. Then do the BFS for each word.

Solution B:
But there is no need to BFS, if we see z is the special case of u.
if the word is z , search path for u and we can add DOWN + OK
if the previous word is z , add UP then use u as start point.

Let's work on B

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class CharSeq {
	public static String map = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy";
	public static int cols = 5;

	public static void addNTimes(List<String> list, String word, int times) {
		for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {

	public static List<String> charSeq(String word) {
		int x = 0;
		int y = 0;
		List<String> answer = new ArrayList<String>();
		word = word.toLowerCase();
		for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
			char c = word.charAt(i);
			if (c == 'z') {
				c = 'u';
			int index = map.indexOf(c);
			int cx = index % cols;
			int cy = index / cols;
			if (cy < y) {
				addNTimes(answer, "Up", y - cy);
			} else if (y < cy) {
				addNTimes(answer, "Down", cy - y);
			if (cx < x) {
				addNTimes(answer, "Left", x - cx);
			} else if (x < cx) {
				addNTimes(answer, "Right", cx - x);

			if (word.charAt(i) == 'z') {
				if (i + 1 < word.length()) {
			} else {
			x = cx;
			y = cy;
		return answer;

	public static void main(String[] argv) {

- kuroobi October 30, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I can seemany people propose a table/map while that's just an alphabet and is already part of the language, just calculate the offset.
To avoid "z" trap (z to right) and down to "z" empty string you need to rotate clockwise - you'll always have max 2 directions out of 4, and never get stuck if doing that clockwise.

void printPath(std::string &word) {
    assert(word.size() != 0);
    std::transform(word.begin(), word.end(), word.begin(), ::tolower);

    char position = 'a';
    for(const char &c : word) {
        assert(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
        char diffX = ((c - 'a') % 5) - ((position - 'a') % 5);
        char diffY = ((c - 'a') / 5) - ((position - 'a') / 5);

        for(int i = diffX; i < 0; ++i) std::cout << "LEFT" << std::endl;
        for(int i = diffY; i < 0; ++i) std::cout << "UP" << std::endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < diffX; ++i) std::cout << "RIGHT" << std::endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < diffY; ++i) std::cout << "DOWN" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
        position = c;

- Iuri Covalisin November 01, 2013 | Flag Reply
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public static void getCode(int m, String str) {
	    int index = 0;
	    int i;
	    int n = str.length();
	    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	        int dest = str.charAt(i) - 'a';
	        while(index != dest) {
	            if(index + m <= dest) {
	                index += m;
	            } else if(index - m >= dest) {
	                index -= m;
	            } else if(index > dest) {
	            	if(index % m < dest % m) {
	            		index -= m;
	            	} else {
	            		index -= 1;
	            } else {
	            	if(index % m > dest % m) {
	            		index += m;
	            	} else {
	            		index += 1;

- Anand November 02, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Another Python implementation. I've focused on clarity & explicitness (in other words, this won't win code golf). Docstrings, PEP 8 & 257, etc.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import string
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import izip_longest, tee

VALUES = string.lowercase

# Using a namedtuple for readability & ease of debugging.
Coords = namedtuple("Coordinates", "x y")

def rows(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
    """Generator function that yields a single row of the matrix."""
    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    results = izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)
    for row in results:
        yield [i for i in row if i]

def positions_dict():
    """Returns a dictionary mapping characters to coordinates."""
    lookup = {}

    for i, row in enumerate(rows(VALUES, NUM_ROWS)):
        for j, elem in enumerate(row):
            lookup[elem] = Coords(j, i)

    return lookup

def node_cmp(start, next_move):
    """Returns a list of 'instructions' for moving around the graph.

    Precedence is given to 'Up' and 'Left' moves since there is a
    constraint on the x-axis. 'z' being on a row by itself will create
    weirdness with strings like 'zxz' or 'xzx'.

    instrs = []

    if start.y > next_move.y:
        instrs += ["Up"] * (start.y - next_move.y)
    if start.x > next_move.x:
        instrs += ["Left"] * (start.x - next_move.x)
    if start.y < next_move.y:
        instrs += ["Down"] * (next_move.y - start.y)
    if start.x < next_move.x:
        instrs += ["Right"] * (next_move.x - start.x)

    return instrs

def pairwise(iterable):
    """Returns a list of coordinate pairs. This enables windowing over
    the set of coordinates to consider them two at a time.


    >> pairwise('dogs')
    [('d', 'o'), ('o', 'g'), ('g', 's')]

    a, b = tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return zip(a, b)

def main(target):
    target = target.lower()
    positions = positions_dict()
    coords = [positions[i] for i in target]
    instrs = []

    # If our first letter isn't 'a', we need to inject the coordinates for that
    # letter at the head of the list. Otherwise, we need to make sure our first
    # instruction is 'OK'.
    if target[0] != 'a':
        coords.insert(0, positions['a'])
        instrs += ['OK']

    for pair in pairwise(coords):
        instrs += node_cmp(*pair)

    return instrs

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    from pprint import pprint
        word = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        raise IndexError("You need to provide a word to build.")

    [pprint(i) for i in main(word)]

- bananabread100 December 01, 2013 | Flag Reply
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace SimplePlays
   public class PathFinder
       private readonly char[][] m_Board = new char[][]
           new char[] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'},
           new char[] {'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'},
           new char[] {'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o'},
           new char[] {'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't'},
           new char[] {'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y'},
           new char[] {'z', ' '}
       Dictionary<char, Position>  m_NavigationBoard = new Dictionary<char, Position>();

       public PathFinder()

       private void initNavigationBoard()
           for (int i = 0; i < m_Board.Length; i++)
               for (int j = 0; j < m_Board[i].Length; j++)
                   m_NavigationBoard.Add(m_Board[i][j], new Position(i, j, m_Board[i].Length - 1));

       public void PrintPath(string input)
           if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))

           Position lastKnownPosition = new Position(0,0, 0);
           foreach (char chr in input)
               Position newPosition = m_NavigationBoard[chr];
               PrintDirections(lastKnownPosition, newPosition);
               lastKnownPosition = newPosition;

       private void PrintDirections(Position from, Position to)
           // for example, from Z to N
           if (from.ColumnIndex < to.ColumnIndex && (to.ColumnIndex > from.MaxColumnIndex))
               PrintRowsDirections(from, to);
               PrintColumnDirections(from, to);
               PrintColumnDirections(from, to);
               PrintRowsDirections(from, to);


       private void PrintRowsDirections(Position from, Position to)
           int tempIndex = from.RowIndex;
           int tempDirection = from.GetRowDirection(to);

           while (tempIndex != to.RowIndex)
               // Do step
               tempIndex += tempDirection;
               PrintStep((tempDirection > 0) ? Directions.Down : Directions.Up);

       private void PrintColumnDirections(Position from, Position to)
           int tempColumnIndex = from.ColumnIndex;
           int tempColumnDirection = from.GetColumnDirection(to);

           while (tempColumnIndex != to.ColumnIndex)
               // Do step
               tempColumnIndex += tempColumnDirection;
               PrintStep((tempColumnDirection > 0) ? Directions.Right : Directions.Left);

       private void PrintStep(Directions step)

       enum Directions

       [DebuggerDisplay("RI: {RowIndex}, CI: {ColumnIndex}")]
       class Position
           public Position(int rowIndex, int columnIndex, int maxColumnIndex)
               RowIndex = rowIndex;
               ColumnIndex = columnIndex;
               MaxColumnIndex = maxColumnIndex;
           public int RowIndex { get; set; }
           public int ColumnIndex { get; set; }
           public int MaxColumnIndex { get; set; }

           public int GetRowDirection(Position newPosition)
               if (newPosition.RowIndex >= this.RowIndex)
                   return 1;

               return -1;

           public int GetColumnDirection(Position newPosition)
               if (newPosition.ColumnIndex >= this.ColumnIndex)
                   return 1;

               return -1;

- Lem December 02, 2013 | Flag Reply
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No algorithms are involved. Only some coding.

def pos(a):
  """Compute coordinate for a
     ---- x
  code = ord(a) - ord("a")
  return (code // 5, code % 5)

def line(a, b, less, bigger):
    diff = abs(b - a)
    if diff == 0: return
    if a < b:
      arrow = less
    elif a > b:
      arrow = bigger
    print(arrow * diff)

# Move in x axis
def move_x(a, b):
  line(a, b, "Right ", "Left ")

# Move in y axis
def move_y(a, b):
  line(a, b, "Down ", "Up ")

# Move from a to b
def move(a, b):
  (a_y, a_x) = pos(a)
  (b_y, b_x) = pos(b)
  # if a is above b, move in x axis and then in y axis. Otherwise, move in y
  # axis and then in x axis. It is for handling invalid movements when "z" is
  # involved.
  if a_y <= b_y: 
    move_x(a_x, b_x)
    move_y(a_y, b_y)
    move_y(a_y, b_y)
    move_x(a_x, b_x)
  print("Select {}".format(b))

def traverse(start, word):
  print("From {} to traverse {}".format(start, word))
  seq = start + word
  n = len(seq) 
  for i in xrange(n - 1):
    move(seq[i], seq[i + 1])

traverse("b", "con")
traverse("u", "zq")
traverse("c", "zza")

- yaojingguo December 16, 2013 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class SetTopBox {

// chars per line
public static final int N = 5;

public static void printDirection(int dx, int dy) {
	String targetXString = "Right";
	if (dx < 0) targetXString = "Left";

	String targetYString = "Down";
	if (dy < 0) targetYString = "Up";

	for (int i=0; i < Math.abs(dx); ++i) {
	for (int i=0; i < Math.abs(dy); ++i) {

       public static void printInstructions(String word, char initialCharacter) {
	int initialPosition = initialCharacter - 'a';
	int currentX = initialPosition % N;
	int currentY = initialPosition / N;

	for (char target : word.toCharArray()) {
		if ((target < 'a') || (target > 'z')) {
		int targetPos = target - 'a' ;
		int tx = targetPos % N;
		int ty = targetPos / N;
		int dx = tx - currentX;
		int dy = ty - currentY;

		printDirection(dx, dy);	
		currentX = tx;
		currentY = ty;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		try {
		  Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("input.txt"));
		  String word = scanner.nextLine().toLowerCase();
		  char initialCharacter = scanner.nextLine().charAt(0);

		  printInstructions(word, initialCharacter);
		catch(IOException e) {


- eth0 January 07, 2014 | Flag Reply
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void findRoute(char* word, char loc)
    if (strlen(word) == 0 )
    char w = word[0];

    int pr = row(loc);
    int pc = col(loc);
    int r = row(w);
    int c = col(w);
    if( w == loc )
        return findRoute(word+1, loc);        
    else if( w == 'z' && pc != 0 )
        return findRoute(word, loc - 1);
    else if( r > pr )
        return findRoute(word, loc + 5);
    else if( r < pr )
        return findRoute(word, loc - 5);
    else if( c > pc )
        return findRoute(word, loc + 1);        
    else if( c < pc )
        return findRoute(word, loc - 1);

int main()
    findRoute("yzy", 'a');

    return 0;

- Recursive Solution January 08, 2014 | Flag Reply
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public static void map(String str){
str = "a" + str;
char[] ar = str.toCharArray();

for(int i = 0; i<ar.length-1; i++){
int difference = ar[i+1] - ar[i];

if(difference <0 && difference > -5){
difference +=1;}

else if(difference >0 && difference <5){
difference -=1;}

else if(difference >= 5){
difference -=5;

else if(difference <=5){
difference +=5;}

if(difference == 0)


- slumdogbillionaire April 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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public static void printSeq(char[] word) {
		int xPos = 0;
		int yPos = 0;
		char c;
		for (int i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
			c = word[i];
			for (int j = xPos; j < (c - 'a') / 5; j++) {
			for (int j =  (c - 'a') / 5; j < xPos; j++) {
			for (int j = yPos; j < (c - 'a') % 5; j++) {
			for (int j =  (c - 'a') % 5; j < yPos; j++) {
			xPos = (c - 'a') / 5;
			yPos = (c - 'a') % 5;

- Patrick December 06, 2014 | Flag Reply
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#include <stdio.h>

inline char lowercase(char c)
    if (c >= 65 && c <=90) return c + 32;
    return c;

inline void tell_coordinate(char c, int *row, int *col)
    int d = c - 'a';

    *row = d / 5;
    *col = d % 5;

int control(const char *input)
    int curr_row = 0, curr_col = 0, row, col, n = 0;
    const char *p = input;
    char c;

    for (; *p != '\0'; p++) {
        c = lowercase(*p);
        tell_coordinate(c, &row, &col);
        printf("%c: (%d,%d)\n", *p, row, col);

        if (curr_row < row) {
            do {
            } while (curr_row < row);
        } else if (curr_row > row) {
            do {
            } while (curr_row > row);

        if (curr_col < col) {
            do {
            } while (curr_col < col);
        } else if (curr_col > col) {
            do {
            } while (curr_col > col);

        printf("SELECT %c\n", *p);

    return n;

int main()
    int n = control("CON");
    printf("%d steps\n", n);
    return 0;

- Microwish December 23, 2014 | Flag Reply
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class NavigateSetTopBox
   public static void navigate(String s)
      int x = 0; y = 0; 
      for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
         Char c = s[i];
         // assume a map from char -> int
         // a - 0, z - 25
         int index = alphaMap.get(c);
         if(index <0 && index > 25)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid char at input " + index);
         int newX = c/5;
         int newY = c%5;
         navigate(x, y, newX, newY);

         oldX = newX;
         oldY = newY;

   public static void navigate(int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy)
      boolean yDir = dy > sy; 
      navigateDirection(sy, dy, yDir ? 1 : -1, yDir : "Down" : "UP");

      boolean xDir = dx > yx;
      navigateDirection(sx, yx, xDir ? 1 : -1, xDir : "Right" : "Left");

   private static void navigateDirection(int s, int d, int inc, String info)
      while(s != d)
         s = s + inc;

- larrydavid2003 May 20, 2015 | Flag Reply
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#!/usr/bin/env python

import string

# First, create a hash map where a letter is the key, index is the value.
# for instance, letter o is at 14.
# using division and mod, find row and column.
# row = 14 / 5 = 2
# column = 14 % 5 = 4
# then find the difference in rows and columns
# print that many up/down or left/right

look_up_letters = {}

for i, c in enumerate(string.ascii_lowercase):
    look_up_letters[c] = i

look_up_letters[' '] = 26

def key_pad(s):
    initial_pos = [0, 0]

    for c in s:
        pos = look_up_letters[c]
        row  = pos / 5
        column = pos % 5
        # how many ups or downs?
        diff_in_row = row - initial_pos[0]
        # how many lefts or rights?
        diff_in_column = column - initial_pos[1]

        if diff_in_row > 0:
            move_row = "down"
            move_row = "up"

        for n in range(0, abs(diff_in_row)):
            print move_row

        if diff_in_column > 0:
            move_column = "right"
            move_column = "left"

        for n in range(0, abs(diff_in_column)):
            print move_column

        print "ok"
        initial_pos = [row, column]

key_pad('con na')

- Anonymous September 21, 2015 | Flag Reply
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#!/usr/bin/env python

import string

# First, create a hash map where a letter is the key, index is the value.
# for instance, letter o is at 14.
# using division and mod, find row and column.
# row = 14 / 5 = 2
# column = 14 % 5 = 4
# then find the difference in rows and columns
# print that many up/down or left/right

look_up_letters = {}

for i, c in enumerate(string.ascii_lowercase):
    look_up_letters[c] = i

look_up_letters[' '] = 26

def key_pad(s):
    initial_pos = [0, 0]

    for c in s:
        pos = look_up_letters[c]
        row  = pos / 5
        column = pos % 5
        # how many ups or downs?
        diff_in_row = row - initial_pos[0]
        # how many lefts or rights?
        diff_in_column = column - initial_pos[1]

        if diff_in_row > 0:
            move_row = "down"
            move_row = "up"

        for n in range(0, abs(diff_in_row)):
            print move_row

        if diff_in_column > 0:
            move_column = "right"
            move_column = "left"

        for n in range(0, abs(diff_in_column)):
            print move_column

        print "ok"
        initial_pos = [row, column]

key_pad('con na')

- Ustun September 21, 2015 | Flag Reply
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#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::vector<char> row1 { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' };
    std::vector<char> row2 { 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j' };
    std::vector<char> row3 { 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o' };
    std::vector<char> row4 { 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't' };
    std::vector<char> row5 { 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y' };
    std::vector<char> row6 { 'z' };

    std::vector< std::vector<char> > screen;


    const int ROWS = 6;
    const int COLUMNS = 5;

    std::string searchString = "con";
    int searchIndex = 0;
    int column = 0;
    int row = 0;
    while( searchIndex < searchString.size() )
        char currentChar = screen[row][column];
        char searchChar = searchString[searchIndex];   

        if ( currentChar == searchChar )
            std::cout << "OK\n";
        else if ( searchChar > (currentChar + (COLUMNS - column) - 1) )
            std::cout << "DOWN\n";
        else if ( searchChar < (currentChar - column) )
            std::cout << "UP\n";
        else if ( searchChar < currentChar )
            std::cout << "LEFT\n";
            std::cout << "RIGHT\n";
        if( row > ROWS ||
            column > COLUMNS ||
            row == ROWS && column > 0 )
            std::cout << "ERROR with row:" << row << " column:" << column << " currentChar:" << currentChar;


- merlinme May 18, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Basically turning the char array into an int array to make easier decisions
which direction to move next. The decision is based on the following conditions:

RIGHT If current_char < target_char and target_char is within upper_bound
example, current_char=c, target_char=d
DOWN If current_char < target_char and upper_bound < target_char
example, current_char=c, target_char=x

UP If current_char > target_char and lower_bound > target_char
example, current_char=w, target_char=b
LEFT If current_char > target_char and target_char is within the lower_bound
example, current_char=e, target_char=b

current_char is the char you are currently traversing on in the array
target_char is the destination char you want to reach
lower_bound is determined based on the currently traversed row, these would be (a, f, k, p, u, z)
upper_bound is determined the same way, except these are on the opposite border (e, j, o, t, y).

def row_bounds(row, dimension, maxx=26):
    upper = (row+1)*dimension
    lower = upper-dimension+1
    if upper > maxx:
        upper = maxx
    return (lower, upper)

def direction(array, row, col, target, dimension, max=26):
    next_move = (-1, -1)
    current = array[row][col]

    # Get the row bounds
    lower, upper = row_bounds(row, dimension)

    # Figure out where your current position is
    # w.r.t the target.
    if current < target:

        # Either move right or down
        if upper < target:
            # Special case, you can't move dow from v, w, x or y
            # to reach "z". Instead move left to reach "z".
            if row == (len(array) - 2) and (col >= 1):
                next_move = (row, col-1, "LEFT")
                # Not on the same row, move down
                next_move = (row+1, col, "DOWN")
            # On the same row, move right
            next_move = (row, col+1, "RIGHT")
        # Either move left or upward
        if lower > target:
            # Not in the same row, so move up
            next_move = (row-1, col, "UP")
            # On the same row, move left
            next_move = (row, col-1, "LEFT")

    return next_move

def trail(array, charseq, start_position):

    # Convert character box array to num box array to do easy calculations
    count = 1
    array_num = []
    char_dict = {}
    for row in range(len(array)):
        for col in range(len(array[row])):
            val = array[row][col]
            if val == "":
            char_dict[val] = count
            count += 1

    row, col = start_position
    current = array[row][col]
    result = []

    # Find the character sequence
    for t_char in charseq:
        # Keep traversing until target is found
        t_num = char_dict[t_char]
        while current != t_char:
            next_move = direction(array_num, row, col, t_num, len(array[0]))
            row, col, move = next_move
            result.append((current, move))
            current = array[row][col]
            if current == t_char:
                result.append((current, "OK"))

    return result

def test():
    array = [
        ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"],
        ["f", "g", "h", "i", "j"],
        ["k", "l", "m", "n", "o"],
        ["p", "q", "r", "s", "t"],
        ["u", "v", "w", "x", "y"],
        ["z", "",   "",  "",  ""]
    result = trail(array, "con", (0,1))
    assert result == [
        ('b', 'RIGHT'), ('c', 'OK'), ('c', 'DOWN'), ('h', 'DOWN'),
        ('m', 'RIGHT'), ('n', 'RIGHT'), ('o', 'OK'), ('o', 'LEFT'), ('n', 'OK')

    result = trail(array, "coz", (0,1))
    assert result == [
        ('b', 'RIGHT'), ('c', 'OK'),
        ('c', 'DOWN'), ('h', 'DOWN'), ('m', 'RIGHT'), ('n', 'RIGHT'), ('o', 'OK'),
        ('o', 'DOWN'), ('t', 'DOWN'), ('y', 'LEFT'), ('x', 'LEFT'), ('w', 'LEFT'), ('v', 'LEFT'), ('u', 'DOWN'), ('z', 'OK')
    ], result
    result = trail(array, "cozy", (0,1))
    assert result == [
        ('b', 'RIGHT'), ('c', 'OK'),
        ('c', 'DOWN'), ('h', 'DOWN'), ('m', 'RIGHT'), ('n', 'RIGHT'), ('o', 'OK'),
        ('o', 'DOWN'), ('t', 'DOWN'), ('y', 'LEFT'), ('x', 'LEFT'), ('w', 'LEFT'), ('v', 'LEFT'), ('u', 'DOWN'), ('z', 'OK'),
        ('z', 'UP'), ('u', 'RIGHT'), ('v', 'RIGHT'), ('w', 'RIGHT'), ('x', 'RIGHT'), ('y', 'OK')
    ], result


- dsouza.judepk May 30, 2018 | Flag Reply
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Assign (x, y) coordinates to each character according to its position. For example,

a (0,0) b (0,1)...
f (1, 0)... etc.

We can then get to a char from any char, by incrementing/decrementing x (up/down) or y (right/left).

- Anon September 26, 2013 | Flag Reply
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void NavigateGrid(char *s)
	int i,j,val;
	int prev_row=0, prev_col=0;
	int cur_row,cur_col;


				printf("Moving Up to %c\n",a[--prev_row][prev_col]);
				printf("Moving Right to %c\n",a[prev_row][++prev_col]);			
				printf("Moving Left to %c\n",a[prev_row][--prev_col]);
				printf("Moving Down to %c\n",a[++prev_row][prev_col]);
				printf("Moving Up to %c\n",a[--prev_row][prev_col]);
		printf("\nOK to pick %c\n\n",a[prev_row][prev_col]);

- Anonymous September 26, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I forgot to include a check to ensure that only characters that actually belong to the given data set are checked. It can be easily fixed by adding the following to the code:

if(s[i]-'a'>=0 && s[i]-'a'<=25) // i.e., if a given character is within the a-z range.
 and the rest of the above code.

- Anonymous September 26, 2013 | Flag
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It can be solved by using DIRECTIONS :
use like,

a, b, c, d, e,
f, g, h, i, j,
k, l, m, n, o
p, q, r, s, t
u, v, w, x, y
z , #, #, #, #

Base cases:
1)if u ever encounter a word in any directions like,

for(search=='a' to search=='z';search++)//for all letters
return 'a' to return 'z';

if(search=='#')//where #=end in any directions
return NULL;

If a word is "CON"(given),then u hav to traverse in matrix like following ,

##starting frm first letter 'a'##
1)if ur word contains 'a' means just return it,Otherwise go next,west++;until u fnd the word..

for(i='a';i<'z';i++) //first u hav 2 set # a to z # values 1 to 26 in any set..
return 'a';
west++;//until they found
i)if 'a' found,look for 'o' in matrix[i][j];
ii)else west++;
i++;//until they found..

2)from the given matrix[i][j],find 'o';this is in far dist from 'o'

i)go down until u reach the char 'o' present row//i thnk it s in 3RD row..
ii)once u reached 3rd row,at 'm' char position,u hav to traverse 2 more to reach 'o';

for(i='o';)//i at curr pos 'm'
i=i+2;//traverse 2 more
west++;//(right++;)to reach 'o';

so on...find 'n' urself..

i hav posted ths concept..if u encnter any err, sorry dude..i tried..

- York2637 September 27, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Good little more specific

- Anonymous September 27, 2013 | Flag
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of 1 vote

simple BFS will do it

- Rannn October 05, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Find the difference between rows and columns of characters
for example A[0,0] B[0,1] C[0,2]
find difference between C-A =[0,2]..that is we need to go two right
then O-C = [2,2] = Two Right and two Down
then N-O = [-1,0] = One Left

- Nik October 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Letter can be thought of as a=1; b=2;.......z=26.
Movie name can be iterated upon character by character.
After calculating/finding the value of a letter, move can be made.
From the grid width we can find out the row and column of the letter.

For an example, movie id "vh". v is 22 and h is 8.
Suppose grid width is 13.
22/13 = 1(r1) (second column) and 22%13 = 9(c1)(9th column)
so, v is drrrrrrrr!.
Now h
8/13 = 0 (r2) and 8%13 = 8(c2)

r2-r1 = 0-1 = -1 means u and c2-c1 = 8-9=-1 means l
so ul!
and vh is drrrrrrrr!ul!

- Rakesh Roy October 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Here is a full Java implementation. It's a bit long because I added utility methods for clarity.

public class DVR {
	 * I need a function that takes the name of the movie to look up and 
	 * the width of the letter grid, and computes the key presses that 
	 * will enter that string on the DVR grid. The output should be a 
	 * string, with "u", "d", "l", "r", and "!" corresponding to up, 
	 * down, left, right, and select. 
	 * For example, with a grid of width 5, 
	 * a b c d e 
	 * f g h i j 
	 * k l m n o 
	 * p q r s t 
	 * u v w x y 
	 * z 
	 * the movie "up" would be "dddd!u!".
	static char[] alphabet = get_alphabet();
	static String UP = "u";
	static String DOWN = "d";
	static String LEFT = "l";
	static String RIGHT = "r";
	static String SELECT = "!";
	static char[] get_alphabet() {
		/* Generates the english alphabet in a char array. */
		char cur = 'a';
		char[] alphabet = new char[26];
		for (int i=0; i<26; i++) {
			alphabet[i] = cur;
		return alphabet;
	static int[] getcoords(char letter, int width) {
		/* Given a character, return it's position
		 * in the alphabet matrix */
		int pos = -1;
		for (int i=0; i<alphabet.length; i++) {
			if (letter==alphabet[i]) {
				pos = i;
		int rownum = (int) Math.floor(pos / width);
		int colnum = pos % width;
		int[] ret = { rownum, colnum };
		// System.out.println(rownum + " " + colnum);
		return ret;
	static String getsequence(String name, int width) {
		 * We must take ceiling because sometimes it's not
		 * a perfect square, we need the extra row. 
		 * I thought the two below vars would be needed, was wrong!
		 * int height = (int) Math.ceil(alphabet.length / width);
		 * char[][] matrix = new char[width][height]; 
		StringBuilder seq = new StringBuilder();
		int[] curcoord = {0, 0}; // y, x
		for (int i=0; i<name.length(); i++) {
			char curnchar = name.charAt(i);
			int[] nextcoord = getcoords(curnchar, width);
			int deltay = nextcoord[0] - curcoord[0];
			int deltax = nextcoord[1] - curcoord[1];
			boolean goup = true;
			boolean goright = true;
			if (deltax < 0) 
				goright = false;
			if (deltay > 0) // tricky, this one is flipped
				goup = false;
			deltax = Math.abs(deltax);
			deltay = Math.abs(deltay);
			for (int j=0; j<deltay; j++) {
				if (goup) seq.append(UP);
				else seq.append(DOWN);
			for (int k=0; k<deltax; k++) {
				if (goright) seq.append(RIGHT);
				else seq.append(LEFT);
			curcoord[0] = nextcoord[0];
			curcoord[1] = nextcoord[1];
		return seq.toString();
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// for (char c : alphabet)	
		//     System.out.println("char " + c);
		System.out.println(getsequence("sex", 5));

- Aasen October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Lol sorry for making my test title name "sex", was bored. Please don't flag me. Mods can remove if its offensive.

- Aasen October 11, 2013 | Flag
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of 3 votes

I guess the answer for "sex" is up down bang up down bang bang bang.

- Anonymous October 11, 2013 | Flag
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C++ code solution

void printCharacter(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
	int x = endX - startX;
	int direction[4];//right, left, down,up
	if(x < 0)
		direction[1] = -1*x;
		direction[0] = x;
	int y = endY-startY;
	if(y< 0)
		direction[3] = -1*y;
	else direction[2] = y;
	while(direction[0]-->0) cout<<"l";
	while(direction[1]-->0) cout<<"r";
	while(direction[2]-->0) cout<<"d";
	while(direction[3]-->0) cout<<"u";

void printMovieName(string name, int n)
	int startX = 0; 
	int startY = 0;
	int endX = 0;
	int endY = 0;
	int n = 5;
	for(int i= 0; i < name.size(); i++)
		char charecter = name[i];
		int value = charecter-'a';
		endX = value%n;
		endY = value/n;
		printCharacter(startX, startY, endX, endY);
		startX = endX;
		startY = endY;

printMovieName("up", 5)

- nkpangcong October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 1 vote

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   int width = 0;
   int row = 0, col = 0;
   char *film = NULL;
   char res[200] = {'\0'};
   char *pRes = res;
   char start = 0;
   if (argc < 3) {
      printf("enter the grid width and the film name\n");
      return EXIT_FAILURE; 
   sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &width );
   film = argv[2];
   if ((width > 26) || (width < 0)) return -1;
   while (*film != '\0')   {
      if (* film == ' ') {film++; continue; }
      if (*film < 'a') start = 'A';
      else start = 'a';
      row = (*film - start) / width;
      col = (*film - start) % width;

      while (row-- > 0) {
         *pRes = 'd'; 
      while (col-- > 0) {
         *pRes = 'r';
      *pRes = '!';
   printf("resulting key buttons sequence: %s\n", res);
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;

- C solution October 11, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 1 vote

Easy enough, you don't even need the matrix for given example

consider a = 0, b=1,....z=25.
we have a 5x5 matrix, coordinate of a = 0,0 , b =0,1 and so on.

coordinate of an alphabet is (n/5, n%5) n=> integer value of alphabet, (a=0...z=25).

scan the input string left to right, "CON"
coordinates of C in given matrix, is ( 2/5 , 2%5) = (0,2).
coordinates of O in given matrix, is (14/5 , 14%5) = (2,4).
coordinates of N in given matrix, is (13/5, 13%5) = (2,3).

so problem reduces to giving direction for reaching 2,3 from 0,0 and from given path.

(0,0) -> (0,2) -> (2,4) -> (2,3).

first reduce distance vertical distance
0,0 to 0,2 difference on x =0-0 hence print nothing for x.
Now reduce distance on horizontal distance
0,0 to 0,2 difference on y=+2 hence print right 2 times, if value is -ve print left difference no. of times.

now we are at (0,2) have to go to (2,4).
again reduce distance on vertical axis first.
(2,2) from (0,2) distance = +2 hence print down 2 times, if difference is -ve print up difference no. of times.
reduce distance on horizontal axis,
(2,4) from (2,2) distance = +2 hence print right 2 times.

(2,3) from (2,4) print distance on horizontal axis = -1 print left one time.

how about scalability of this solution?
can we extend it for any configuration of matrix as well?
Yes we can, in that case create a hash map, that will store coordiantes of each alphabet.
This can be done by scanning the given matrix as part of pre-processing step.

Now, once you get input string, you immediately have coordinates of each alphabet and problem again reduces to printing path from source to destination. This part of above solution remains unchanged.

- varun October 14, 2013 | Flag Reply
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This code will work ! Let me know if there are any issues.

public static void printDVRPath(String input) {
int start_row = 0;
int start_col = 0;

for(char c : input.toCharArray()) {

if(Character.isLowerCase(c)) {
// assuming input is all small chars
int charPos = (int) c - 96;
int end_row = charPos / 5;
int end_col = (charPos % 5) - 1 ;

while (start_row!=end_row) {
if(start_row > end_row) {
start_row --;
else {
start_row ++;


while(start_col!=end_col) {
if(start_col > end_col) {
start_col --;
else {
start_col ++;


- maverick_aimBig October 14, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 1 vote

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

const char* direction_table[4] = {

enum {

void echo_direction(int direction)
	printf("%s\n", direction_table[direction]);

void selected()

void move(char from, char to)
	int src, tgt, direction, coe;

	// same char
	if(from == to) return;

	// for x direction
	src = (from-'a')%5;
	tgt = (to -'a')%5;
	if(tgt < src) {
		direction = LEFT;
		coe = -1;
	} else if (tgt > src) {
		direction = RIGHT;
		coe = 1;
	while(src != tgt) {
		src += coe;

	// for y direction
	src = (from - 'a') / 5;
	tgt = (to - 'a') / 5;
	if(tgt<src) {
		direction = UP;
		coe = -1;
	} else if(tgt > src) {
		direction = DOWN;
		coe = 1;

	while(src != tgt) {
		src += coe;

void show_sequence(char *text, int len)
	char from='a', to;
	int i=0;

	if(len <2) return;

	while(i<len) {
		// assume all char in the string is [a-z]
		// otherwise, add validation of to here
		to = text[i];
		else if(from=='z' || to=='z')
			move(from, 'u');
			move('u', to);
			move(from, to);
		from = to;

int main(void)
	char* test[] = {

	int i;
	for(i =0; i<2; i++)
		printf("TEST string [%s]\n", test[i]);
		show_sequence(test[i], strlen(test[i]));

- zy October 18, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

public static void getCode(int m, String str) {
	    int index = 0;
	    int i;
	    int n = str.length();
	    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	        int dest = str.charAt(i) - 'a';
	        while(index != dest) {
	            if(index + m <= dest) {
	                index += m;
	            } else if(index - m >= dest) {
	                index -= m;
	            } else if(index > dest) {
	                index -= 1;
	            } else {
	                index += 1;

- anand October 19, 2013 | Flag Reply
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of 0 votes

I don't think this is correct because you will wrap around.

For example in the following layout, moving from e -> f you will output 'r!' which is incorrect

a b c d e 
f g h i j 
k l m n o 
p q r s t 
u v w x y 

- vosuba October 21, 2013 | Flag
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of 0 votes

Ohh Agree !!
Here is new updated code

public static void getCode(int m, String str) {
	    int index = 0;
	    int i;
	    int n = str.length();
	    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	        int dest = str.charAt(i) - 'a';
	        while(index != dest) {
	            if(index + m <= dest) {
	                index += m;
	            } else if(index - m >= dest) {
	                index -= m;
	            } else if(index > dest) {
	            	if(index % m < dest % m) {
	            		index -= m;
	            	} else {
	            		index -= 1;
	            } else {
	            	if(index % m > dest % m) {
	            		index += m;
	            	} else {
	            		index += 1;

- Anand November 02, 2013 | Flag

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