Facebook Interview Question for Software Engineers

Country: United States
Interview Type: In-Person

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This problem is hard for big N. For small N, it can be fast.

Statistics of my simple program:

N = 14: 5.180 ways
N = 15: 32.516 ways
N = 16: 202.900 ways
N = 17: 1.330.622 ways (26 seconds without printing)
N = 18: 8.924.976 ways (190 seconds without printing)

EDIT: Brief explanation:
- Always place the k-th queen at the k-th column;

- If you put a queen at k-th column and i-th row: mark row[i] not-safe, mark the 2 diagonals crossed at square (k,i) not-safe.

- In k-th column: try all "safe" positions. Position i is safe if: row[i], diag1[k+i], diag2[k-i] are safe, and square (k,i) is not knight-move reachable from (k-1)th and (k-2)th already-placed queens.

Note that queens (k-3)th and k-th are never knight-move reachable, since the column distance is 3 already.

My program is a simple backtrack:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>      //abs()
using namespace std;

const int Nmax = 20;
bool row[Nmax], col[Nmax], diag1[2*Nmax], diag2[2*Nmax];
int N;
long long nSolutions = 0;
int Queens[Nmax];

void init(){
    for(int i=0; i < Nmax; i++) row[i] = col[i] = true;
    for(int i=0; i < Nmax;i++)
    for(int j=0; j < Nmax;j++)
        diag1[i+j] = diag2[Nmax+i-j] = true;

void putAQueen(int k){ // always put k-th queen at column[k];

    if (k >= N){
       // /* // Printing queens' placement:
        cout <<"Way #"<<nSolutions<<endl;
        for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
            for(int j=0; j<N; j++){
                if(j!=Queens[i]) cout <<"+";
                else cout<<"Q";
        for(int i=0; i < N;i++)
            if (row[i] and diag1[i+k] and diag2[Nmax + i-k])   // normal queen
            if (k==0 or (k==1 and abs(Queens[k-1]-i) !=2 ) or 
              (k>=2 and (abs(Queens[k-1]-i) !=2) and (abs(Queens[k-2]-i) !=1))){  // knight move check
                row[i] = false;
                diag1[i+k] = false;
                diag2[Nmax+i-k] = false;

                Queens[k] = i;

                row[i] = true;
                diag1[i+k] = true;
                diag2[Nmax+i-k] = true;

int main()
    N = 16; // N =15: 32.516 ways; N=14: 5.180; N =16: 202.900 
    N = 17; // N =17: 1.330.622 ways (26 seconds without printing)

    N = 18; // N =18: 8.924.976 ways (190 seconds without printing)

    N = 10;

    cout << nSolutions << endl;
    return 0;

For explanation of how it works, 
you can check this post: capacode.com/?p=682

- ninhnnsoc April 09, 2015 | Flag Reply
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nice solution. Using 4 arrays makes the "safe" checking in O(1). If the checking is O(N), I'm sure it is not possible to solve N=15

- truongkhanh April 09, 2015 | Flag
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The question does not have answer. I did not know it before I wrote the code. After I run it and saw it has no answer, I found the logic. If we consider the 3rd move for knights then there is no answer. If we do not consider the knight move (i.e. only cosider diagonal, vertical, and horizontal moves) then there is an answer.

I wrote it in a way that both can be shown.

Below is the two classes for Chess and SolveQueen in java:

Chess class:

class Chess{
    boolean[][] table;
    boolean[][] queens;
    int N;
    private int[] knightRow= {-2,-1,1,2, 2, 1,-1,-2};
    private int[] knightCol= { 1, 2,2,1,-1,-2,-2,-1};
    private int knight=8;
    int lastCompleted;
    boolean includeKnight;
    public Chess(int size){
        table= new boolean[N][N];
        queens=new boolean[N][N];
    public Chess(Chess chess){
        for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
            for(int j=0;j<N;j++){
    public boolean isAvailable(int row, int col){
        return !table[row][col];
    public void put(int row, int col){
        //for vertical, horizontal, and diagonal
        for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
        //knight move check
        if (includeKnight) {
            for (int i = 0; i < knight; i++) {
                int nRow = row + knightRow[i];
                int nCol = col + knightCol[i];
                if (nRow >= 0 && nRow < N && nCol >= 0 && nCol < N) {
                    table[nRow][nCol] = true;
    public String toString(){
        StringBuilder buffer= new StringBuilder();
        for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
            for(int j=0;j<N;j++){
        return buffer.toString();

It is the SolveQueen class:

class SolveQueen{
    int N;
    boolean includeKnight;
    public SolveQueen(int size){
    public List<Chess> solveIt(){
        Chess emptyChess= new Chess(N);
        List<Chess> chessesCompleted= new LinkedList<>();
        Queue<Chess> fifo = new LinkedList<>();
            Chess currentChess=fifo.poll();
                int row=currentChess.lastCompleted+1;
                for(int col=0;col<N;col++){
                        Chess newChess= new Chess(currentChess);
        return chessesCompleted;

Here it is the main method to solve it the with and without knight move:

public static void main(String[] args)  {  
        //Create the problem
        SolveQueen solve= new SolveQueen(4);
        //Solve it without knight moves
        List<Chess> solutions=solve.solveIt();
        System.out.println("4x4: Total Solutions without knight move: "+ solutions.size());
        for(Chess chess:solutions){
        //Solve it with knight moves
        System.out.println("4x4: Total Solutions with knight move: "+ solutions.size());
        for(Chess chess:solutions){

And here is the output of above code:

4x4: Total Solutions without knight move: 2


4x4: Total Solutions with knight move: 0

- amirtar April 09, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I disagree...
If my algorithm is correct then
if N = 10 there should be 1 way.
if N = 11 there should be 13 ways.
if N = 12 there should be 3 ways.

Run your code when N equals these values.

- Alex April 09, 2015 | Flag
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You are right @Alex. For 10 there is an answer. I was not patient enough to try it. But for N=10 there is 4 answers not 1. Two of them are the vertical mirror of the other two (i.e. 2 unique answers).
This is the output of my program for N=10:

10x10: Total Solutions with knight move: 4




- amirtar April 09, 2015 | Flag
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My results:
N=10: 4 ways;
N=11: 44 ways;
N=12: 156 ways;
N=18: 8.924.976 ways

See my post for the not-slow-not-fast code.

- ninhnnsoc April 09, 2015 | Flag
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I gotta see what's going wrong with my algorithm.

- Alex April 09, 2015 | Flag
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The solution is:
1. Pick a position on the grid
2. Fill the grid with all the ways a queen can move,
3. Pick the next empty position
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Once the grid is filled we see if we used N queens and increment the number of ways N queens can be positioned on the grid. We then clear the grid and repeat steps 1 - 4 again with the next position on the grid.

N = 10
Output = 1

const int N = 10;
void fillQueenPositions(int row,int col,int (&grid)[N][N],int &count)
	if(count == N)

	if(row < 0 || col < 0)

	if(row >= N || col >= N)
	//fill horizontal/vertical planes
	for(int i = row+1;i<N; i++)
		grid[i][col] = 2;

	for(int i = row-1;i>=0; i--)
		grid[i][col] = 2;

	for(int i = col+1;i<N; i++)
		grid[row][i] = 2;

	for(int i = col-1;i>=0; i--)
		grid[row][i] = 2;

	//fill diagonals
	int r=row+1,c=col+1;
	while(r<N && c<N)
		grid[r][c] = 2;

	while(r>=0 && c>=0)
		grid[r][c] = 2;

	while(r>=0 && c<N)
		grid[r][c] = 2;

	while(r<N && c>=0)
		grid[r][c] = 2;

	//fill knight move positions
	if(row+2 < N && col+1<N)
		grid[row+2][col+1] = 2;

	if(row+2 < N && col-1>=0)
		grid[row+2][col-1] = 2;

	if(row+1 < N && col+2 < N)
		grid[row+1][col+2] = 2;

	if(row+1 < N && col-2 >=0)
		grid[row+1][col-2] = 2;

	if(row-2 >=0 && col-1>=0)
		grid[row-2][col-1] = 2;

	if(row-2 >=0 && col+1<N)
		grid[row-2][col+1] = 2;

	if(row-1 >=0 && col-2>=0)
		grid[row-1][col-2] = 2;
    if(row-1 >=0 && col+2<N)
		grid[row-1][col+2] = 2;

	grid[row][col] = 1;
	bool bEmptySpotFound = false;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
		for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
			if(grid[j][i] == 0)
				row = j;
				col = i;	
				bEmptySpotFound = true;


int countQueenPositions()
	int count = 0;
	int grid[N][N];

	for(int r=0;r<N;r++)
		for(int c=0;c<N;c++)
			int nQueens = 0;

			if(nQueens == N)

			//reset the grid
			for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
				for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
					grid[i][j] = 0;
	return count;

- Alex April 09, 2015 | Flag Reply
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This is definitely a hard problem to solve. If you have never heard of this problem, you will most likely get stuck while designing the problem because you won't accept the fact that the actual solution is n! (unless you knew it beforehand).

There is a solution available on the web, but I can't post the link since it is not allowed. Check on sanfoundry dot com. It is in c++. Only thing it does not have is knight. You just have to develop a function to check for knight position and add it to the program. Ideally, this problem should not be even asked in interview in my opinion because it would take at least an hour to solve it if you haven't heard of it before.

- animageofmine April 09, 2015 | Flag Reply
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They didn't provide you with a safety method to call? How long did they give you to solve this?

- Anonymous April 10, 2015 | Flag
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This problem can use CSP to reduce the search space

def CheckQueue(Q, ind):

  if ind >= len(Q):
    return True
  for m in range(len(Q)):
    needCheck = True
    if ind > 0:
      for k in xrange(0, ind):
        if Q[k] == Q[ind]:
          needCheck = False
        diff = ind-k
        if diff < 0:
          diff = -diff
        if Q[k]+diff == Q[ind]:
          needCheck = False
        if Q[k]-diff == Q[ind]:
          needCheck = False
    if needCheck and CheckQueue(Q, ind+1):
      return True
  return False

N = 8

Q = [0 for i in range(0,N)]

CheckQueue(Q, 0)

- hiuhchan April 10, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I am presenting my data structure by using a single array (list in python) where each element in the array represent the row of chess and the values in each cell represent where to put the Queen.

- hiuhchan April 10, 2015 | Flag
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Standard NQueen problem. But due to the Knight movement .. there will be no solution.

public class NQueens {

	ArrayList<QNode> res = new ArrayList<QNode>();

	public NQueens(){

	public void printLocations(QNode[][] mat, int n){
		//		System.out.println(n);
			for(int i=0;i<mat[0].length;i++){
				mat[n][i] = new QNode(n,i);
				//System.out.println(n + ""+i);
				if(isFree(mat[n][i], mat)){
					printLocations(mat, n+1);

	private void printMat(QNode[][] mat) {
		for(int i=0;i<mat.length;i++){
			for(int j=0;j<mat[0].length;j++){


	private boolean isFree(QNode node, QNode[][] mat) {

		for(QNode cell : res){
			if(cell.i == node.i || cell.j == node.j || ( Math.abs(node.i-cell.i)== Math.abs(node.j-cell.j)) 
					(Math.abs(node.i-cell.i)==2 && Math.abs(node.j-cell.j)==1) || 
					(Math.abs(node.i-cell.i)==1 && Math.abs(node.j-cell.j)==2)
				return false;
		return true;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		NQueens q = new NQueens();
		q.printLocations(new QNode[4][4], 0);

class QNode{ 
	int i;
	int j;
	public QNode(int i, int j){
		this.i = i;
		this.j = j; 


- supermonk247 April 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Yes, For small N there is no solution.. after N=10, there is solution

- supermonk247 April 11, 2015 | Flag
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Here's a solution in C# using a recursive, backtracking algorithm. It gets there, but once you get around n >= 14, it's pretty slow.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace NQueens
	class MainClass
		// This is an array of the column positions for each row for each placed queen. 
		// So if placedQueens[3] == 2, then it means there's a queen on the 3rd row, 2nd column.
		static int[] placedQueens; 
		static int matches;
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			Console.WriteLine("N Queens");

			for (int i = 4; i <= 15; i++)

		static void StartPlacingQueens(int size)
			Console.WriteLine("Placing " + size + " queens...");
			matches = 0;
			placedQueens = new int[size + 1]; // The value at placedQueens[0] is ignored
			PlaceQueens(1, size);
			Console.WriteLine("Total matches " + matches);

		static void PlaceQueens(int row, int size)
			for (int col = 1; col <= size; col++)
				if(CanPlace(row, col))
					placedQueens[row] = col;
					if (row == size)
						PlaceQueens(row + 1, size);
		static bool CanPlace(int row, int col)
			// If we call this method, we assume that all the prior rows (i.e. <= row) already have queens on them
			for(int queenRow = 1; queenRow < row; queenRow++)
				int queenCol = placedQueens[queenRow];
				if (DoesIntefere(row, col, queenRow, queenCol))
					return false;
			return true;

		static bool DoesIntefere(int xRow, int xCol, int yRow, int yCol)
			// Check matching row - you could remove this check in this context
			if (xRow == yRow) { return true; }

			// Check matching col
			if (xCol == yCol) {	return true; }

			// Check diagonal
			if (Math.Abs(xCol - yCol) == Math.Abs(xRow - yRow))	{ return true; }

			// Check for the knight collision
			if (
				(Math.Abs(xCol - yCol) == 2 && Math.Abs(xRow - yRow) == 1) ||
				(Math.Abs(xCol - yCol) == 1 && Math.Abs(xRow - yRow) == 2)
				return true;

			// We're good
			return false;


- Mick Byrne April 12, 2015 | Flag Reply
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In Java:

public static void printQueenPositions(int n) {
		int latestRow = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i*2 < n; i++) {
			if (i*3 < n) {
				System.out.println("Queen Pos:" + latestRow + " - " + i*3);
			} else {
		latestRow += 2;
		if (latestRow < n) {
			for (int i = 0; i*2 < n; i++) {
				if (i*3 + 2 < n) {
					System.out.println("Queen Pos:" + latestRow + " - " + (i*3 + 1));
				} else {

- Anonymous April 12, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I just cranked this out this morning after tinkering with the backtracking algorithm to better understand recursive enumeration. I hope this helps someone, I didn't see a similar solution here so I thought I would post. I understand "backtracking" as a metaheuristic containing 6 "black box" procedures: root, first, next, reject, accept and output (see wikipedia entry for backtracking.)

Can someone help me with theoretical running time? I think it is something like O(n^2*n*log(n)). n^2 for the "queenTakes()" and n*log(n) for the "bt" although I think it is better than that given the potential search tree (n^n see my "first" and "next" methods) is heavily pruned at the root.. Any help is appreciated. I have an interview with FB in two weeks.

package algorist;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.junit.Test;

public class BacktrackingAlgo {

	private static int N = 20;
	private static Vector<Integer> v() { return new Vector<Integer>(); } // new vector compact
	private static Vector<Integer> v(Collection<Integer> u) { return new Vector<Integer>(u); } // new vector compact
	private static <T> int lst(Vector<T> v) { return v.size()-1; } // last element index
	public Vector<Integer> root(int P) { return v(); }
	public Vector<Integer> first(Vector<Integer> candidate) {
		Vector<Integer> v = v(candidate);
		return v;
	public Vector<Integer> next(int N, Vector<Integer> candidate) {
		Vector<Integer> v = v(candidate);
		int i = lst(v);
		int next = candidate.get(i) + 1;
		if (next == N) return null;
		v.set(i, next);
		return v;
	public boolean reject(int N, Vector<Integer> c) {
		if (c.size() > N) return true;
		if (c.size() < 2) return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < c.size(); j++) {
				if (i == j) continue; // same position
				if (queenTakes(c, i, j)) return true;
		return false;
	public boolean queenTakes(Vector<Integer> c, int j, int i) {
		int[] q1 = new int[] {j, c.get(j)};
		int[] q2 = new int[] {i, c.get(i)};
		// queen takes like a rook
		if (q1[0] == q2[0] || q1[1] == q2[1]) return true;
		// queen takes like a bishop
		if (Math.abs(q1[0] - q2[0]) == Math.abs(q1[1]-q2[1])) return true;
		// queen takes like a knight, remembering condition where q2 shares col/row eliminated above
		if (Math.abs(q1[0]-q2[0])+Math.abs(q1[1]-q2[1]) == 3) return true;
		return false;
	public boolean accept(int N, Vector<Integer> c) {
		if (c.size() == N) return true;
		return false;
	private int numSolutions = 0;
	public void output(Vector<Integer> c) {
		numSolutions += 1;
//		System.out.println(c);
	public void bt(Vector<Integer> c) {
		if (reject(N, c)) return;
		if (accept(N, c)) {
		// else
		Vector<Integer> s = first(c);
		while (s != null) {
			s = next(N, s);
	public void testBt() {

Yes, that is N=20! And it is still running on my lame-o laptop. I'll post the finish time later.

- r++ April 18, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Computer fan crapped out, I think eclipse had a heart attack. Plus, I should have used long or BigInteger for the numSolutions type, although I can't see the number of solutions 20 queens with knight taking being more than 2 Billion..

- r++ April 18, 2015 | Flag
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How many ways are there for N=20? What is the run time of your program? It's interesting to know.

- ninhnnsoc April 20, 2015 | Flag
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Eclipse/java crapped out, I will likely have to tweak the heap space settings on my dev environment. I may run it and printout a running total and time before it craps out again, and determine if I should be using long or BigInteger. Might be good practice for code/algo optimization.

- r++ April 20, 2015 | Flag
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Here is my C++ version of solution


using namespace std;

class PlaceQueen{

    PlaceQueen(int size):N(size), answers(0)
      diag1 = new bool[2*N];
      diag2 = new bool[2*N];
      row = new bool[N];
      queen = new int[N];

      int i, x, y;
      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        row[i] = true;
        queen[i] = -1;

      for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
        for (y = 0; y < N; y++)
          diag1[x+y] = true;
          diag2[N-y+x] = true;

      if (diag1) delete[] diag1;
      if (diag2) delete[] diag2;
      if (row) delete []row;
      if (queen) delete []queen;
    void place_queens()
      cout << " result ways : " << answers << endl;
  int N;
  bool * diag1;
  bool *diag2;
  bool *row;
  int * queen;
  int answers;

void put_queen(int x)
  if (x >= N)
  else {
    for (int y = 0; y < N; y++)
      if (row[y] && diag1[x+y] && diag2[N-y+x] && (x==0 || (x==1 && (queen[x-1]==-1 || abs(queen[x-1]-y) !=2) ) || (x > 1 && (queen[x-1]==-1 || abs(queen[x-1]-y) !=2) && (queen[x-2] ==-1 ||abs(queen[x-2]-y)!=1 )) ) )
        row[y] = false;
        diag1[x+y] = false;
        diag2[N-y+x] = false;
        queen[x] = y;


        row[y] = true;
        diag1[x+y] = true;
        diag2[N-y+x] = true;
        queen[x] = -1;


int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int n = atoi(argv[1]);
  PlaceQueen board(n);

- hankm2004 June 29, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Ffs dude I thought you meant the complexity was n and the exclamation was for excitement not for a factorial. Almost went crazy.

- Eric October 27, 2016 | Flag Reply
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class Board

	Board(int n)
		size = n;
		data = new char[n*n];

		for (int i = 0; i < size*size; i++)
			data[i] = ' ';

	Board(const Board &other)
		size = other.size;
		data = new char[size*size];

		for (int i = 0; i < size*size; i++)
			data[i] = other.data[i];

		delete[] data;

	void set(int x, int y, char c)
		assert(x < size);
		assert(y < size);
		data[x + y * size] = c;

	char get(int x, int y)const
		assert(x < size);
		assert(y < size);
		return data[x + y * size];

	void print()const
		for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
				printf("%c", get(x, y));


	bool test_queen(int x, int y)const
		if (get(x, y) != ' ')
			return false;

		if (!check_line(x, y, 1, 1))
			return false;

		if (!check_line(x, y, -1, 1))
			return false;

		if (!check_line(x, y, 0, 1))
			return false;

		if (!check_line(x, y, 1, 0))
			return false;

		return true;

	void add_queen(int x, int y)
		set(x, y, 'Q');
		set_line(x, y,  1, 1, 'X');
		set_line(x, y, -1, 1, 'X');
		set_line(x, y,  1, 0, 'X');
		set_line(x, y,  0, 1, 'X');


	int get_size() const
		return size;


	void set_line(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, char c)
		set_line_s(x, y, dx, dy, c);
		set_line_s(x, y, -dx, -dy, c);

	void set_line_s(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, char c)
		x = x + dx;
		y = y + dy;

		while (0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size)
			set(x, y, c);
			x = x + dx;
			y = y + dy;

	bool check_line(int x, int y, int dx, int dy)const
		return check_line_s(x, y, dx, dy) || check_line_s(x, y, -dx, -dy);

	bool check_line_s(int x, int y, int dx, int dy)const
		x = x + dx;
		y = y + dy;

		while (0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size)
			if (get(x, y) == 'Q')
				return false;
			x = x + dx;
			y = y + dy;

		return true;

	int size;
	char *data;

int count_ways(const Board &b, int x, int y, int n);

int ways_with_queen_here(const Board &b, int x, int y, int n)
	assert(n > 0);
	printf("ways_with_queen_here %i,%i n = %i\n", x, y, n);

	if (b.test_queen(x, y))
		if (n == 1)
			return 1;

		Board m = b;
		m.add_queen(x, y);
		if (y == b.get_size())
			return 0;
		x = 0;
		return count_ways(m, x, y, n - 1);

	return 0;

int count_ways(const Board &b, int x, int y, int n)

	printf("count_ways %i,%i n = %i\n", x, y, n);

	if (n == 0)
		return 1;

	int out = ways_with_queen_here(b, x, y, n);
	// move to next spot
	if (x == b.get_size())

		if (y == b.get_size())
			return out;
		x = 0;

	out = out + count_ways(b, x, y, n);
	return out;


int count_ways(int s)
	Board b(s);
	return count_ways(b,0,0,s);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	for (int i = 4; i < 11; i++)
		int w = count_ways(i);
		printf("i = %i w = %i\n", i, w);

	return 0;

- Anonymous April 08, 2015 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

Here is a full search implementation it took me a long time to get it to work and it is still not fully tested.

class Board

	Board(int n)
		size = n;
		data = new char[n*n];

		for (int i = 0; i < size*size; i++)
			data[i] = ' ';

	Board(const Board &other)
		size = other.size;
		data = new char[size*size];

		for (int i = 0; i < size*size; i++)
			data[i] = other.data[i];

		delete[] data;

	void set(int x, int y, char c)
		assert(x < size);
		assert(y < size);
		data[x + y * size] = c;

	char get(int x, int y)const
		assert(x < size);
		assert(y < size);
		return data[x + y * size];

	void print()const
		for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
				printf("%c", get(x, y));


	bool test_queen(int x, int y)const
		if (get(x, y) != ' ')
			return false;

		if (!check_line(x, y, 1, 1))
			return false;

		if (!check_line(x, y, -1, 1))
			return false;

		if (!check_line(x, y, 0, 1))
			return false;

		if (!check_line(x, y, 1, 0))
			return false;

		return true;

	void add_queen(int x, int y)
		set(x, y, 'Q');
		set_line(x, y,  1, 1, 'X');
		set_line(x, y, -1, 1, 'X');
		set_line(x, y,  1, 0, 'X');
		set_line(x, y,  0, 1, 'X');


	int get_size() const
		return size;


	void set_line(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, char c)
		set_line_s(x, y, dx, dy, c);
		set_line_s(x, y, -dx, -dy, c);

	void set_line_s(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, char c)
		x = x + dx;
		y = y + dy;

		while (0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size)
			set(x, y, c);
			x = x + dx;
			y = y + dy;

	bool check_line(int x, int y, int dx, int dy)const
		return check_line_s(x, y, dx, dy) || check_line_s(x, y, -dx, -dy);

	bool check_line_s(int x, int y, int dx, int dy)const
		x = x + dx;
		y = y + dy;

		while (0 <= x && x < size && 0 <= y && y < size)
			if (get(x, y) == 'Q')
				return false;
			x = x + dx;
			y = y + dy;

		return true;

	int size;
	char *data;

int count_ways(const Board &b, int x, int y, int n);

int ways_with_queen_here(const Board &b, int x, int y, int n)
	assert(n > 0);
	printf("ways_with_queen_here %i,%i n = %i\n", x, y, n);

	if (b.test_queen(x, y))
		if (n == 1)
			return 1;

		Board m = b;
		m.add_queen(x, y);
		if (y == b.get_size())
			return 0;
		x = 0;
		return count_ways(m, x, y, n - 1);

	return 0;

int count_ways(const Board &b, int x, int y, int n)

	printf("count_ways %i,%i n = %i\n", x, y, n);

	if (n == 0)
		return 1;

	int out = ways_with_queen_here(b, x, y, n);
	// move to next spot
	if (x == b.get_size())

		if (y == b.get_size())
			return out;
		x = 0;

	out = out + count_ways(b, x, y, n);
	return out;


int count_ways(int s)
	Board b(s);
	return count_ways(b,0,0,s);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	for (int i = 4; i < 11; i++)
		int w = count_ways(i);
		printf("i = %i w = %i\n", i, w);

	return 0;

- DR ADM April 08, 2015 | Flag Reply
Comment hidden because of low score. Click to expand.
of 0 votes

Try to count the number of solutions. Wiki has the number of solutions for N <20

- truongkhanh April 09, 2015 | Flag

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