Google Interview Question for Software Developers

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Interview Type: In-Person

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Can you clarify, please what should be when we compare digraph "ch" with character '"c", or with other digraph, or digraph "ch" with character '"a". How do we know which pairs are digraphs?

- EPavlova April 07, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Here is a possible solution with the stipulation that I assume that it is given a set of digraphs in advance and each digraph has a its own place in the alphabet, for example we have a, b, c, ch,cz,d,e,f ...z n. Ofcourse I don't pretend that algorithm is correct when I don't know concrete details of the problem, just try to solve the problem with my own assumptions.
Time complexity O(n)

Set<String> digraphs = new HashSet<>();
	boolean isDigraph(String word) {
		if (word.length() < 2)
			return false;
		return digraphs.contains(word.substring(0,2));
	int compare(String a, String b) {
		if(a.length() == 0 && b.length() == 0)
			return 0;
		else if(a.length() == 0){
			return -1;
		} if(b.length() == 0){
			return 1;
		else {	
				if (a.charAt(0) != b.charAt(0))
					return a.charAt(0) < b.charAt(0)? -1 : 1;
				else {
					if (isDigraph(a) && isDigraph(b)) {						
							if(a.charAt(1) != b.charAt(1))
								return a.charAt(1) < b.charAt(1)? -1 : 1;
								return compare(a.substring(2), b.substring(2));						
					else if(isDigraph(a)) {
						return 1;	
					else if(isDigraph(b)) {
						return -1;	
						return compare(a.substring(1), b.substring(1));

- EPavlova April 07, 2016 | Flag Reply
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//Assumptions: A dictionary in the form of HashMap is given where the keys are the different languages of the characters and the values tell us their lexicographic value.
//Time complexity:O(Min(n,m)) where n and m are the sizes of the strings.Why Min??Because, if one of the strings is smaller then the other we will not assess the excess characters
of the larger string.
public int compare(String s1, String s2, HashMap<String,Integer> mp)throws NullPointerException
		throw new NullPointerException();
	int i=1;
	int j=1;
	while(i<s1.length() && j<s2.length())
		String str1=s1.substring(i-1,i);
		String str2=s2.substring(j-1,j);
		if(mp.containsKey(str1) && mp.containsKey(str2))
			int v=mp.get(str1).intValue();
			int w=mp.get(str2).intValue();
				return v-w;
		else if (!mp.containsKey(str1) && !mp.containsKey(str2))
				throw new Exception("Invalid character");
			int v=mp.get(str1).intValue();
			int w=mp.get(str2).intValue();
				return v-w;
		else if (!mp.containsKey(str1))
				throw new Excepton("invalid character");
				int v=mp.get(str1);
				int w=mp.get(str2);
				return  v-w;
				throw new Exception("Invalid character");
			int v=mp.get(str1);
			int w=mp.get(str2);
			return v-w;
	//If we get out of the loop and both strings are of different lengths
		return s1.length()-s2.length();
	//If we get out of the loop because the last character is not part of a pair (ie i=s1.length() && j==s2.length())
	String str1=s1.substring(i-1);
	String str2=s2.substring(j-1);
		throw new Exception("invalid character");

- divm01986 April 07, 2016 | Flag Reply
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package main

import (

type withDigraph []string

func (v withDigraph) Len() int {
	return len(v)

func (v withDigraph) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return compare(v[i], v[j])

func (v withDigraph) Swap(i, j int) {
	v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i]

var digraphs map[string]int = map[string]int{
	"ch": 256,
	"cz": 257,

func main() {
	strings := []string{
		"cheese", "cracker", "casserole",
		"crumpet", "croissant", "cookie",

func compare(a, b string) bool {
	if len(a) == 0 && len(b) == 0 {
		return true
	if len(b) == 0 {
		return false
	i, j, wa, wb := 0, 0, 0, 0
	for wa == wb && i < len(a) && j < len(b) {
		if w, ok := isDigraph(a[i:]); ok {
			wa += w
			i += 2
		} else {
			wa += int(a[i])
		if w, ok := isDigraph(b[j:]); ok {
			wb += w
			j += 2
		} else {
			j += int(b[j])
	return wa <= wb

func isDigraph(s string) (int, bool) {
	if len(s) < 2 {
		return 0, false
	if w, ok := digraphs[s[:2]]; ok {
		return w, true
	return 0, false

- austo April 08, 2016 | Flag Reply
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In this case, does "Question" equals "Pregunta"... and "Text" equals "Texto", based of above algorithms?

- Vikram April 10, 2016 | Flag Reply
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map<string, size_t> order = { { "a", 0 },{ "b", 1 },{ "c", 2 },{ "ch", 3 },{ "cz", 4 },{ "d", 5 },{ "e", 6 },{ "f", 7 },{ "g", 8 },{ "h", 9 },{ "i", 10 },{ "j", 11 },{ "k", 12 },{ "l", 13 },{ "m", 14 },{ "n", 15 },{ "o", 16 },{ "p", 17 },{ "q", 18 },{ "r", 18 },{ "s", 19 },{ "t", 20 },{ "u", 21 },{ "v", 22 },{ "w", 23 },{ "x", 24 },{ "y", 24 },{ "z", 25 } };

bool LexicographicSort(string s1, string s2)
	size_t i, j;
	map<string, size_t>::iterator s1It = order.end(), s2It = order.end();
	std::transform(s1.begin(), s1.end(), s1.begin(), ::tolower);
	std::transform(s2.begin(), s2.end(), s2.begin(), ::tolower);
	for (i = 0, j = 0; i < s1.size(), j < s2.size(); ) {
		if (i < s1.size() - 1) {
			s1It = order.find(s1.substr(i, 2));
			if (s1It != order.end())
				i += 2;
		if (s1It == order.end())
			s1It = order.find(s1.substr(i++, 1));
		if (j < s2.size() - 1) {
			s2It = order.find(s2.substr(j, 2));
			if (s2It != order.end())
				j += 2;
		if (s2It == order.end())
			s2It = order.find(s2.substr(j++, 1));
		if (s1It->second == s2It->second) {
			s1It = order.end();
			s2It = order.end();
		} else
			return s1It->second < s2It->second;
	return (s1.size() - i) < (s2.size() - j);
	vector<string> strings;
	sort(strings.begin(), strings.end(), LexicographicSort);
	assert(strings[0] == "abcchcz");
	assert(strings[1] == "ABCCHCZ");
	assert(strings[2] == "abcczch");
	assert(strings[3] == "ABCCZCH");
	assert(strings[4] == "abcde");
	assert(strings[5] == "ABCDE");

- funcoolgeek April 23, 2016 | Flag Reply
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A solution to use Trie to take the character table and a hash map to take its value has been implemented here:


void TestExoticStringComparator()
        // non-exotic testing
        const std::vector<ExoticChar> charTable = { 
            { "a", 'a' },
            { "b", 'b' },
            { "c", 'c' },
            { "d", 'd' },
            { "e", 'e' },
            { "f", 'f' },
            { "g", 'g' },
            { "h", 'h' },
            { "i", 'i' },
            { "j", 'j' },
            { "k", 'k' },
            { "l", 'l' },
            { "m", 'm' },
            { "n", 'n' },
            { "o", 'o' },
            { "p", 'p' },
            { "q", 'q' },
            { "r", 'r' },
            { "s", 's' },
            { "t", 't' },
            { "u", 'u' },
            { "v", 'v' },
            { "w", 'w' },
            { "x", 'x' },
            { "y", 'y' },
            { "z", 'z' } };
        ExoticStringComparator esc(charTable);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("lkasdfajsd", "lkasdfajsd") == 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("lkasdfajsd", "lkasdfahsd") > 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("lkasdfajsd", "lkasdfaxsd") < 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("lkasdfajsdz", "lkasdfajsd") > 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("lkasdfajsd", "lkasdfajsdz") < 0);

        // exotic testing
        const std::vector<ExoticChar> charTable = {
            { "a", 'a' },
            { "b", 'b' },
            { "c", 'c' },
            { "d", 'd' },
            { "e", 'e' },
            { "f", 'f' },
            { "g", 'g' },
            { "h", 'h' },
            { "i", 'i' },
            { "j", 'j' },
            { "k", 'k' },
            { "l", 'l' },
            { "m", 'm' },
            { "n", 'n' },
            { "o", 'o' },
            { "p", 'p' },
            { "q", 'q' },
            { "r", 'r' },
            { "s", 's' },
            { "t", 't' },
            { "u", 'u' },
            { "v", 'v' },
            { "w", 'w' },
            { "x", 'x' },
            { "y", 'y' },
            { "z", 'z' },
            { "ae", 'z' + 1 },
            { "oe", 'z' + 2 },
            { "ue", 'a' - 1 },
            { "sch", 'a' - 2 }, };

        ExoticStringComparator esc(charTable);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("ae", "oe") < 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("ae", "ue") > 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("oe", "sch") > 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("oe", "ue") > 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("lkasdfaesd", "lkasdfajsdz") > 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("lkasdfschaesd", "lkasdfaajsdz") < 0);
        assert(esc.CompareExoticString("lkasdfschaesd", "lkasdfschoesd") < 0);


- peter tang May 05, 2016 | Flag Reply
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I think that it works.


package test;

public class GoogleLexicography {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String stringOne = "mercurio", stringTwo = "merced";

boolean change =lexicography (stringOne, stringTwo);

if (change){

String aux = stringOne;
stringOne = new String( stringTwo);
stringTwo = new String( aux);
//System.out.println("stringOne "+stringOne);


public static boolean lexicography (String stringOne, String stringTwo){

boolean change = false;
boolean wasDigraph = false;

int iterations=0;

int length = stringOne.length()> stringTwo.length() ? stringOne.length() : stringTwo.length();

while (iterations>length || !change){

if (wasDigraph){

wasDigraph = false;

char charStrOne = stringOne.charAt(iterations);
char charStrTwo = stringTwo.charAt(iterations);

if (charStrOne+1>length){
wasDigraph = true;

if (charStrTwo < charStrOne){

change = true;


iterations ++;


return change;




- israAzul June 04, 2016 | Flag Reply
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can somebody explain to me this :-

- Akshay June 19, 2016 | Flag Reply

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