Google Interview Question

Country: India
Interview Type: In-Person

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We can use simultaneous BFS from both source and destination to achieve ~2*sqrt(n) frontier size instead of n for random graphs.
Whenever two searches meet, we keep the minimal distances from each node and ignore longer paths from that moment - something like branch and bound.
To count number of shortest paths we track paths count in each vertex and then multiply them.

from collections import defaultdict, deque

graph = defaultdict(list)
    0: [1, 2, 3],
    4: [1, 2, 3],
    5: [4, 6],
    6: [7, 8, 9],
    10: [7, 8, 9]

# prettify graph

def normalize(graph):
    for v, neighbours in graph.items():
        for u in neighbours:
            if u != v:
    for v, neighbours in graph.iteritems():
        graph[v] = sorted(list(set(neighbours)))

    return graph

def simultaneous_bfs(graph, source, destination):
    queue = deque([(source, SOURCE_TYPE), (destination, DESTINATION_TYPE)])

    allpaths = [defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int)]
    alldistances = [defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int)]

    min_distances = None

    allpaths[SOURCE_TYPE][source] = 1
    allpaths[DESTINATION_TYPE][destination] = 1

    alldistances[SOURCE_TYPE][source] = 0
    alldistances[DESTINATION_TYPE][destination] = 0

    while queue:
        u, vertex_type = queue.popleft()

        paths = allpaths[vertex_type]
        distances = alldistances[vertex_type]

        if min_distances is not None:
            if distances[u] >= min_distances[vertex_type]:

        for v in graph[u]:
            if paths[v]:
                if distances[v] == distances[u] + 1:
                    paths[v] += paths[u]
                this_distance = distances[u] + 1
                if allpaths[1 - vertex_type][v]:
                    other_distance = alldistances[1 - vertex_type][v]
                    if min_distances is None:
                        min_distances = [None] * 2
                        min_distances[vertex_type] = this_distance
                        min_distances[1 - vertex_type] = other_distance
                        if min_distances[vertex_type] < this_distance:
                        min_distances[vertex_type] = this_distance

                distances[v] = this_distance
                paths[v] = paths[u]

                queue.append((v, vertex_type))

    result = 0

    if min_distances is None:
        return 0

    for v in allpaths[0]:
        if alldistances[0][v] == min_distances[0] and alldistances[1][v] == min_distances[1]:
            result += allpaths[0][v] * allpaths[1][v]

    return result

graph = normalize(graph)

assert simultaneous_bfs(graph, 0, 10) == 9
assert simultaneous_bfs(graph, 0, 4) == 3
assert simultaneous_bfs(graph, 3, 10) == 3

- emb May 27, 2016 | Flag Reply
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As it is non-weighted graph BFS will always give shortest path. but there may be more than 1 shortest path with same distance. I have used BFS to find out shortest path.
Here I am adding visited node to queue so that once path is found, queue will have multiple destination node with distance from source. I am filtering out the shortest distance.

Java code is given below -

class Graph {

    private int num_of_vertices =0;
    private int num_of_edges =0;
    private Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> adjListsMap = new HashMap<>();

    public int addVertex() {
        adjListsMap.put(++num_of_vertices, new ArrayList<>());
        return num_of_vertices;

    public void addEdge(int u,int v) {
        if (adjListsMap.containsKey(u) && adjListsMap.containsKey(v)) {
            ArrayList<Integer> neighbors = adjListsMap.get(u);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("either starting or ending node is not present in graph");

    public List<Integer> getNeighbors(int vertex){
        return adjListsMap.get(vertex);

public class AllShortestPathInGraph {

    public static int getNumberOfShortestPath(Graph graph,int source,int destination){

        class QueueNode{
            Integer vertex;
            Integer distance;

            public QueueNode(Integer vertex, Integer distance) {
                this.vertex = vertex;
                this.distance = distance;

        int shortestDistance =0;
        Deque<QueueNode> deque = new LinkedList<>();
        int shortestPath = 0;
        boolean found = false;
        deque.add(new QueueNode(source,0));

        while (!deque.isEmpty()){
            QueueNode node = deque.remove();
            for (Integer neighbor : graph.getNeighbors(node.vertex)) {
                    if (!found) {
                        found = true;
                        shortestDistance = node.distance + 1;
                    else if (shortestDistance==node.distance+1){
                if (!found){
                    deque.add(new QueueNode(neighbor,node.distance+1));
        return shortestPath;

    public static void main(String[] a) {
        Graph graph = new Graph();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        graph.addEdge(1, 2);
        graph.addEdge(1, 3);
        graph.addEdge(1, 4);
        graph.addEdge(2, 5);
        graph.addEdge(3, 5);
        graph.addEdge(4, 5);



- akshay May 29, 2016 | Flag Reply
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package test;

import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class GoogleShortestPaths {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		GraphDFS theGraph = new GraphDFS();
	      theGraph.addVertex('A');    // 0  (start for dfs)
	      theGraph.addVertex('B');    // 1
	      theGraph.addVertex('C');    // 2
	      theGraph.addVertex('D');    // 3
	      theGraph.addVertex('E');    // 4
	      theGraph.addVertex('R');    // 5
	      theGraph.addVertex('S');    // 6

	      theGraph.addEdge(0, 1);     // AB
	      theGraph.addEdge(1, 2);     // BC
	      theGraph.addEdge(0, 3);     // AD
	      theGraph.addEdge(3, 4);     // DE
	      theGraph.addEdge(3, 2);     // DC
	      theGraph.addEdge(5, 0);     // RB
	      theGraph.addEdge(5, 6);     // RS
	      theGraph.addEdge(6, 2);     // SC

	      theGraph.dfs('A', 'C');   // depth-first search
	      System.out.println("shortestPath "+theGraph.shortestPath);

	class StackDFS
		private final int SIZE = 20;
		private int[] stack;
		private int top;
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public StackDFS()           // constructor
		   stack = new int[SIZE];    // make array
		   top = -1;
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public void push(int j)   // put item on stack
			stack[++top] = j; }
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public int pop()          // take item off stack
			stack[top] = -1;
			return stack[top--]; }
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public int peek()         // peek at top of stack
			return stack[top]; 
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public boolean isEmpty()  // true if nothing on stack
			return (top == -1); }
	// ------------------------------------------------------------
	}  // end class StackX
	class VertexDFS
		public char label;        // label (e.g. 'A')
		public boolean wasVisited;
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public VertexDFS(char lab)   // constructor
	   label = lab;
	   wasVisited = false;
	// ------------------------------------------------------------
	}  // end class Vertex
	class GraphDFS
		private final int MAX_VERTS = 20;
		private VertexDFS vertexList[]; // list of vertices
		private int adjacencyMatrix[][];      // adjacency matrix
		private int numberVerts;          // current number of vertices
		private StackDFS theStack;
		TreeMap<String, Integer> shortestPath = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public GraphDFS()               // constructor
			vertexList = new VertexDFS[MAX_VERTS];
		                                       // adjacency matrix
		    adjacencyMatrix = new int[MAX_VERTS][MAX_VERTS];
		    numberVerts = 0;
		    for(int y=0; y<MAX_VERTS; y++)      // set adjacency
		      for(int x=0; x<MAX_VERTS; x++)   //    matrix to 0
		         adjacencyMatrix[x][y] = 0;
		    theStack = new StackDFS();
		}  // end constructor
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public void addVertex(char lab)
			vertexList[numberVerts++] = new VertexDFS(lab);
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public void addEdge(int start, int end)
			adjacencyMatrix[start][end] = 1;
			adjacencyMatrix[end][start] = 1;
		public void dfs(char vertixBase, char vertixToFind)  // depth-first search
			int indexVertixBase = findIndexVertex(vertixBase);
			int indexVertixToFind = findIndexVertex(vertixToFind);
			int counterDepth = 0, vertexUnvisited = -1;
			StringBuilder chainCharofGrahp = new StringBuilder();
			if (indexVertixBase > -1){
			    while (getIndexAdjUnvisitedVertex( indexVertixBase ) > -1  ){
			    	vertexList[indexVertixBase].wasVisited = true;  

				    while( !theStack.isEmpty()  )      // until stack empty,
			         // get an unvisited vertex adjacent to stack top
				    	vertexUnvisited = getIndexAdjUnvisitedVertex( theStack.peek() );
				    	if(vertexUnvisited == -1)                    // if no such vertex,
				    	else                           // if it exists,
				    		System.out.println("label "+vertexList[vertexUnvisited].label);
				    		if (vertexUnvisited == indexVertixToFind){
				    			shortestPath.put(chainCharofGrahp.toString(), counterDepth);	
				    			chainCharofGrahp = new StringBuilder();
				    			counterDepth = 0;
				    		vertexList[vertexUnvisited].wasVisited = true;  // mark it
				    		theStack.push(vertexUnvisited);                 // push it
			    // stack is empty, so we're done
			    for(int j=0; j<numberVerts; j++)          // reset flags
			    	vertexList[j].wasVisited = false;
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		// returns an unvisited vertex adj to v
		public int getIndexAdjUnvisitedVertex(int peekStack)
		   for(int j=0; j<numberVerts; j++)
		      if(adjacencyMatrix[peekStack][j]==1 && vertexList[j].wasVisited==false)
		         return j;
		   return -1;
		private int findIndexVertex(char vertixBase){
		 	for (int i=0; i<vertexList.length;i++){
		 		if( vertexList[i].label == vertixBase){
		 			return i;
		 	return -1;
		public void deleteMaxPathOfMap(){
			Entry<String, Integer> entry= shortestPath.firstEntry();
			int keyMinumun =  entry.getValue();
			for (Entry<String, Integer> entryMap: shortestPath.entrySet()){
				int value=entryMap.getValue();
				if (value > keyMinumun)
	// ------------------------------------------------------------
	}  // end class Graph

- Anonymous June 16, 2016 | Flag Reply
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package test;

import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class GoogleShortestPaths {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		GraphDFS theGraph = new GraphDFS();
	      theGraph.addVertex('A');    // 0  (start for dfs)
	      theGraph.addVertex('B');    // 1
	      theGraph.addVertex('C');    // 2
	      theGraph.addVertex('D');    // 3
	      theGraph.addVertex('E');    // 4
	      theGraph.addVertex('R');    // 5
	      theGraph.addVertex('S');    // 6

	      theGraph.addEdge(0, 1);     // AB
	      theGraph.addEdge(1, 2);     // BC
	      theGraph.addEdge(0, 3);     // AD
	      theGraph.addEdge(3, 4);     // DE
	      theGraph.addEdge(3, 2);     // DC
	      theGraph.addEdge(5, 0);     // RB
	      theGraph.addEdge(5, 6);     // RS
	      theGraph.addEdge(6, 2);     // SC

	      theGraph.dfs('A', 'C');   // depth-first search
	      System.out.println("shortestPath "+theGraph.shortestPath);

	class StackDFS
		private final int SIZE = 20;
		private int[] stack;
		private int top;
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public StackDFS()           // constructor
		   stack = new int[SIZE];    // make array
		   top = -1;
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public void push(int j)   // put item on stack
			stack[++top] = j; }
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public int pop()          // take item off stack
			stack[top] = -1;
			return stack[top--]; }
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public int peek()         // peek at top of stack
			return stack[top]; 
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public boolean isEmpty()  // true if nothing on stack
			return (top == -1); }
	// ------------------------------------------------------------
	}  // end class StackX
	class VertexDFS
		public char label;        // label (e.g. 'A')
		public boolean wasVisited;
		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		public VertexDFS(char lab)   // constructor
	   label = lab;
	   wasVisited = false;
	// ------------------------------------------------------------
	}  // end class Vertex
	class GraphDFS
		private final int MAX_VERTS = 20;
		private VertexDFS vertexList[]; // list of vertices
		private int adjacencyMatrix[][];      // adjacency matrix
		private int numberVerts;          // current number of vertices
		private StackDFS theStack;
		TreeMap<String, Integer> shortestPath = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
		public GraphDFS()               // constructor
			vertexList = new VertexDFS[MAX_VERTS];
		                                       // adjacency matrix
		    adjacencyMatrix = new int[MAX_VERTS][MAX_VERTS];
		    numberVerts = 0;
		    for(int y=0; y<MAX_VERTS; y++)      // set adjacency
		      for(int x=0; x<MAX_VERTS; x++)   //    matrix to 0
		         adjacencyMatrix[x][y] = 0;
		    theStack = new StackDFS();
		}  // end constructor
		public void addVertex(char lab)
			vertexList[numberVerts++] = new VertexDFS(lab);
		public void addEdge(int start, int end)
			adjacencyMatrix[start][end] = 1;
			adjacencyMatrix[end][start] = 1;
		public void dfs(char vertixBase, char vertixToFind)  // depth-first search
			int indexVertixBase = findIndexVertex(vertixBase);
			int indexVertixToFind = findIndexVertex(vertixToFind);
			int counterDepth = 0, vertexUnvisited = -1;
			StringBuilder chainCharofGrahp = new StringBuilder();
			if (indexVertixBase > -1){
			    while (getIndexAdjUnvisitedVertex( indexVertixBase ) > -1  ){
			    	vertexList[indexVertixBase].wasVisited = true;  

				    while( !theStack.isEmpty()  )      // until stack empty,
			         // get an unvisited vertex adjacent to stack top
				    	vertexUnvisited = getIndexAdjUnvisitedVertex( theStack.peek() );
				    	if(vertexUnvisited == -1)                    // if no such vertex,
				    	else                           // if it exists,
				    		System.out.println("label "+vertexList[vertexUnvisited].label);
				    		if (vertexUnvisited == indexVertixToFind){
				    			shortestPath.put(chainCharofGrahp.toString(), counterDepth);	
				    			chainCharofGrahp = new StringBuilder();
				    			counterDepth = 0;
				    		vertexList[vertexUnvisited].wasVisited = true;  // mark it
				    		theStack.push(vertexUnvisited);                 // push it
			    // stack is empty, so we're done
			    for(int j=0; j<numberVerts; j++)          // reset flags
			    	vertexList[j].wasVisited = false;
		// returns an unvisited vertex adj to v
		public int getIndexAdjUnvisitedVertex(int peekStack)
		   for(int j=0; j<numberVerts; j++)
		      if(adjacencyMatrix[peekStack][j]==1 && vertexList[j].wasVisited==false)
		         return j;
		   return -1;
		private int findIndexVertex(char vertixBase){
		 	for (int i=0; i<vertexList.length;i++){
		 		if( vertexList[i].label == vertixBase){
		 			return i;
		 	return -1;
		public void deleteMaxPathOfMap(){
			Entry<String, Integer> entry= shortestPath.firstEntry();
			int keyMinumun =  entry.getValue();
			for (Entry<String, Integer> entryMap: shortestPath.entrySet()){
				int value=entryMap.getValue();
				if (value > keyMinumun)
	}  // end class Graph

- israAzul June 16, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public class Solution {

    public static int getNumberOfPaths(int [][] adjMatrix, int source, int destination) {

        PriorityQueue<Node> queue = new PriorityQueue<>();

        queue.add(new Node(0, source, 1));

        boolean [] founds = new boolean[adjMatrix.length];
        int [] ways = new int[adjMatrix.length];
        int [] minCosts = new int[adjMatrix.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < adjMatrix.length; i++) {
            minCosts[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            Node n = queue.poll();

            if (founds[n.vertex] == false) {
                ways[n.vertex] += n.way;
                founds[n.vertex] = true;

            if (founds[n.vertex] && minCosts[n.vertex] == n.cost) {
                ways[n.vertex] += n.way;

            if (founds[n.vertex] && minCosts[n.vertex] > n.cost) {
                ways[n.vertex] = n.way;
                minCosts[n.vertex]= n.cost;

                for (int i = 0; i < adjMatrix.length; i++) {
                    if (adjMatrix[n.vertex][i] != 0) {
                        if (founds[i] == false) {
                            queue.add(new Node(n.cost + adjMatrix[n.vertex][i], i, n.way));


            for (int i = 0; i < adjMatrix.length; i++) {
                if (adjMatrix[n.vertex][i] != 0) {
                    if (founds[i] == false) {
                        queue.add(new Node(n.cost + adjMatrix[n.vertex][i], i, n.way));

        return ways[destination];


class Node implements Comparable<Node>{
    final int cost;
    final int vertex;
    final int way;

    public Node(int cost, int vertex, int way) {
        this.cost = cost;
        this.vertex = vertex;
        this.way = way;

    public int compareTo(Node o) {
        return, o.cost);

- ugurdonmez87 July 31, 2016 | Flag Reply
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use dijikstra's

- Anonymous September 14, 2016 | Flag Reply

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