Facebook Interview Question for Software Engineers

Country: UK
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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Getting an O(n) time/space solution is not hard. First find the max value in A, then, iterate it again and store in a list M all the positions where it appears. Generate a random integer x between 0 and |M| (exclusive) and return M[x].

For a O(1) space solution, use the idea for getting a random element from a stream of unknown length:

It's works as follows:

1) First find the max value in A
2) Let maxSeenSoFar = 0 and maxIndex = -1
3) For each element of A, at position i, if it's the max value:
3.1) increase maxSeenSoFar by one
3.2) do maxIndex = i with probability 1 / maxSeenSoFar
4) Return maxIndex

Random random = new Random();

boolean shouldPick(int maxSeenSoFar){
  int value = random.nextInt(maxSeenSoFar);
  return value == 0; //this returns true with 1 / maxSeenSoFar probability

int getRandMaxIndex(int[] A){
  int max = A[0];

  for (int i = 1; i < A.length; i++){
    max = Math.max(max, A[i]);

  int maxIndex = -1;
  int maxSeenSoFar = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++){
    if (A[i] != max){


    if (shouldPick(maxSeenSoFar)){
      maxIndex = i; 

  return maxIndex;

- inucoder May 22, 2017 | Flag Reply
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As @inucoder suggested, reservoir sampling is probably the ideal solution.

Another pretty interesting one would be to shuffle the array in place using Knuth-shuffle in O(n), get the max using O(n) and return the first index of a max element. O(n)

Total time complexity: O(n), space complexity: O(1)

- horvthpeter May 22, 2017 | Flag Reply
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	Approach 1: O(n) time and O(n) space. Iterate through the array and find the indices containing the maximum value. Store these indices in a
	separate array list. Inside the run function, choose a random value in the array list.
	Approach 2: O(n) time and O(1) space. Iterate through the array (A) and find the maximum value (max).Create an 
	index variable (i-initialized to 0) and a counter variable (count-initialized to 0). Iterate through the array again,
	everytime you encounter max at an index j, set A[i++] = j and increment count (count ++). Inside the run function, 
	choose a random integer (idx) between 0(inclusive) and count - 1 (inclusive), return A[idx]-this will be an index
	which contained the maximum value.

public class RandMaxSvc{
	private int[] vals;
	private int count;
	public RandMaxSvc(int[] arr){
		vals = arr;
		count = 0;
	private void initialize(){
		int max = vals[0];
		for(int i = 1; i < vals.length; i++){
			max = Math.max(max,vals[i]);
		int idx = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++){
			if(vals[i] == max){
				vals[idx++] = i;
	public int run(){
		Random rnd = new Random();
		int idx = rnd.nextInt(count);
		return vals[idx];

- divm01986 May 23, 2017 | Flag Reply
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@inucoder: very nice solution to pick without iterating twice

- Chris May 22, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Here is another way to obtain completely randomly a maximal element from an array of n elements using constant space
1) Find the maximal element of the array
2) Choose randomly a number x between 1 and n
3) Iterate the array spacing it x until you find a maximal element.
3.1) If you iterate over n increase x by one and start iterating from the beginning of the array.
3.2) If x gets over n choose randomly another spacing value.
3.3) For subsequent calls start iterating from the last found element

Python one liner for the n spatial solution

from random import choice

def get_max(s):
    return choice(filter(lambda x: x[1] == max(s), enumerate(s)))

Python version for the constant spatial solution

from random import randint

def get_max(s):
    maximum_value = max(s)
    spacing = randint(1, len(s) -1)
    next = spacing
    while True:
        if s[next] == maximum_value:
            yield next, maximum_value
        next = (next + spacing)
        if next >= len(s):
            next %= len(s)
            spacing += 1
            if spacing >= len(s):
                spacing = randint(1, len(s) -1)

- Fernando May 23, 2017 | Flag Reply
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I think @inucoder should use temp var to reserve the shouldPick method parameter,and add else statement"temp--".
Cause there is a possibility that every shouldPick method will return false,then result will return -1.
My poor English..:D

- HarryT May 23, 2017 | Flag Reply
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1.Find max and its count C
2.Choose a number m from [1..C]
3.Get the m_th largest number (max) from the array.

Requires two iteration of the given array. O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.

It seems to me that this solution works, and looks simple.

- @t May 23, 2017 | Flag Reply
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def maxRand(arr):
    if len(arr) == 0:
        return -1
    a, b = arr[0], 1

    for i in xrange(1,len(arr)):
        if arr[i] == a:
            b += 1
        elif arr[i] > a:
            a = arr[i]
            b = 1
    from random import randint
    c = randint(1, b)
    for i in xrange(len(arr)):
        if arr[i] != a:
        if c == 1:
            return i
            c -= 1
    return -1 # exception; should not get here

- oyewale May 23, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import random

def randMaxIndex(seq):
	maxValue = seq[0]
	count = 1
	seq[0] = 0
	for i in xrange(1, len(seq)):
		if seq[i] > maxValue:
			maxValue = seq[i]
			count = 1
			seq[0] = i
		elif seq[i] == maxValue:
			seq[count] = i
			count += 1

	#return random.choice(seq[:count])
	return seq[random.randint(0, count - 1)]

- Yevgen May 23, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import random

arr = [ 1, -2, 0, 6, 2, -4, 6, 6 ]
max = 0
indexes = 0

# Shaffle the array O(n)
for index in xrange(len(arr)):
	rnd = random.randint(0,len(arr)-1)
	tmp = arr[0]
	arr[0] = arr[rnd]
	arr[rnd] = tmp

print arr

# Find the max O(n)
for elem in arr:
	if elem > max:
		max = elem

# Find the indexes O(n)
for index,elem in enumerate(arr):
	if elem == max:
		indexes = index

# Execution: O(n) + O(n) + O(n) = O(n)
# Memory: O(1)
print indexes

- My Python Solution May 23, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import random

arr = [ 1, -2, 0, 6, 2, -4, 6, 6 ]
max = 0
indexes = 0

# Shaffle the array O(n)
for index in xrange(len(arr)):
	rnd = random.randint(0,len(arr)-1)
	tmp = arr[0]
	arr[0] = arr[rnd]
	arr[rnd] = tmp

print arr

# Find the max O(n)
for elem in arr:
	if elem > max:
		max = elem

# Find the indexes O(n)
for index,elem in enumerate(arr):
	if elem == max:
		indexes = index

# Execution: O(n) + O(n) + O(n) = O(n)
# Memory: O(1)
print indexes

- nunziomeli5 May 23, 2017 | Flag Reply
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A C++ solution

Part 1 - Using O(n) for both time and space complexity.

Nothing special here. Just loops through and stores
max indices into a vector, and resetting the vector
when a new max is found.

int getMax(const std::vector<int>& arr)
  if (arr.size() == 0) return -1;

  int max = arr[0] - 1;      // Guarantee first index
  std::vector<int> maxes;    // Vector of indices
  maxes.reserve(arr.size()); // Vector memory efficiency

  // Get the max value
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i)
    // Refresh vector on new max
    if (arr[i] > max)
      max = arr[i];

    // Store the index
    if (arr[i] >= max) maxes.push_back(i);

  return maxes[rand() % maxes.size()];

Part 2 - Using O(n) for time and O(1) for space

This is similar to the above solution but doesn't save
each max index found. Instead, when a new max is found,
the max index is refreshed, and when a duplicate max is
found, the max index has a probability to flip to the new
index, based on a degrading probability.

int getMax(const std::vector<int>& arr)
  if (arr.size() == 0) return -1;

  int max = arr[0] - 1; // Guarantee first index
  int maxIndex = 0;
  int numMaxFound = 0;  // Save number of max indices

  // Get the max value
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); ++i)
    // Refresh count on new max
    if (arr[i] > max)
      numMaxFound = 1;
      max = arr[i];
      maxIndex = i;

    // Random chance to flip the max index
    // based on a degrading probability
    else if (arr[i] == max)
      if (rand() % ++numMaxFound == 1)
        maxIndex = i;

  return maxIndex;

- Josh May 24, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import random
def max_idx_rand(lst):
    return random.choice([num for num, i in enumerate(lst) if i == max(lst)])

- Joo May 25, 2017 | Flag Reply
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For the O(1) solution - first find the max and then iterate through the array in a cycle from a random "start" index until length+"start" where the index i is the mod value
Return the first value equals to max

public static int randomIndexOfMax(Integer[] arr) {
    Random rand = new Random(); 
    int max = arr[0];
    //Find max
    for(int i=1; i<arr.length; i++) { 
      if(max < arr[i]) {
        max = arr[i];
    int index = -1; 
    int start = rand.nextInt(arr.length); 
    //Iterate from start to length+start in mod indexes
    for(int i=start; i<arr.length+start; i++) {
      int loc = i%(arr.length);
      if(max == arr[loc]) {
        index = loc;
    return index;

- Poozmak May 31, 2017 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.*;

class RandomMax {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		int[] array= {1,-2,0,6,2,-4,6,6};

		System.out.println("Max index: "+ getRandomIndex(array));
		System.out.println("Max index: "+ getRandomIndex(array));
		System.out.println("Max index: "+ getRandomIndex(array));

	public static int getRandomIndex(int[] array) {

		int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

		String indexs = "";

		for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
			int temp = Math.max(max, array[i]);
    			if (temp > max) {
				indexs = ""; 
				max = temp;
			else indexs += i+"";
		Random rand = new Random(); 

		int randomIndex = rand.nextInt(indexs.length()); 

		return Integer.parseInt(indexs.charAt(randomIndex)+"") ;


- David June 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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My O(n) and O(1) solution

import java.util.*;

class RandomMax {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		int[] array= {1,-2,0,6,2,-4,6,6};

		System.out.println("Max index: "+ getRandomIndex(array));
		System.out.println("Max index: "+ getRandomIndex(array));
		System.out.println("Max index: "+ getRandomIndex(array));

	public static String getRandomIndex(int[] array) {

		int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

		String indexs = "";

		for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
			int temp = Math.max(max, array[i]);
    			if (temp > max) {
				indexs = ""; 
				max = temp;
				indexs += i+"";
			else if (array[i] == max) 
				indexs += i+"";
		Random rand = new Random(); 

		int randomIndex = rand.nextInt(indexs.length()); 


		return indexs.substring(randomIndex, randomIndex+1) ;


- david June 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Time O(N)
Space O(1)

1) Loop through to find Max of the array and the maxIndex(which will be the last MaxIndex, but doesn't matters which one)
2) Loop through again to find index(called currentMaxIndex) containing maxElement and make maxIndex = Random(maxIndex , currentMaxIndex)
Print maxIndex -> This is the random Index of the max value element

//Time is O(N) , Space is O(1)
	public static void getMaxValueIndexEvenly2(int[] arr){
		int maxValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
		int maxIndex = -1;	
		for(int i=0;i<=arr.length-1;i++){ // O(N)
			if(arr[i] > maxValue){
		int currentMaxIndex = -1;
		Random random = new Random();
		for(int i=0;i<=arr.length-1;i++){ // O(N)
			if(arr[i] == maxValue){
				currentMaxIndex = i;
				int randomIndex = random.nextInt(2); // random between maxIndex and currentMaxIndex i.e 2 elements. It returns 0 or 1
				if(randomIndex == 0){
					maxIndex=maxIndex; // keep maxIndex as maxIndex
					maxIndex=currentMaxIndex; // update maxIndex as currentMaxIndex
		System.out.println("Random O(1) Max Index = " + maxIndex);		

- Mayank Jain August 07, 2017 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

Find min,max in O(n)
Select all indices where max.
a = [ 1, -2, 0, 6, 2, -4, 6, 6 ]
#(min,MAX) = minmax(a)
indices = select(a) where { $.o == MAX } as { $.index }

- NoOne May 22, 2017 | Flag Reply

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