Google Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: Berling
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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The idea is to first find all the bin cells, and add then to a queue. You can then do a flood fill for every iteration through the queue where you add the neighbours of each cell to said queue as you go. See Python implementation below (assumes by 'distance' you meant manhattan distance):

from collections import deque

def get_dist_to_bin(M: list[list[int]]) -> D list[list[int]]:
	r, c = len(M), len(M[0])  # row, cols
	bins = deque()

	for i in range(r):
		for j in range(c):
			if M[i][j]:

			if    i and M[i-1][j]: dq.append( (i,j) )
			elif j and M[i][j-1]: dq.append( (i,j) )
			elif i<r-1 and M[i+1][j]: dq.append( (i,j) )
			elif j<c-1 and M[i][j+1]: dq.append( (i,j) )

	D = [[0]*c for _ in range(r)]  #initialize output

	curr_dist = 0
	curr_cnt = len(bins)
	while bins:
		i, j = dq.popleft()
		D[i, j] = curr_dist
		curr_cnt  -= 1

		if    i and not D[i-1][j]: dq.append( (i-1,j) )
		elif j and not D[i][j-1]: dq.append( (i,j-1) )
		elif i<r-1 and not D[i+1][j]: dq.append( (i+1,j) )
		elif j<c-1 and not D[i][j+1]: dq.append( (i,j+1) )
		if not curr_cnt: #finishes layer
			curr_dist += 1
			curr_cnt = len(bins)

	return D

- Anonymous December 03, 2021 | Flag Reply
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from collections import deque

def get_dist_to_bin(M: list[list[int]]) -> D list[list[int]]:
r, c = len(M), len(M[0]) # row, cols
bins = deque()

for i in range(r):
for j in range(c):
if M[i][j]:

if i and M[i-1][j]: dq.append( (i,j) )
elif j and M[i][j-1]: dq.append( (i,j) )
elif i<r-1 and M[i+1][j]: dq.append( (i,j) )
elif j<c-1 and M[i][j+1]: dq.append( (i,j) )

D = [[0]*c for _ in range(r)] #initialize output

curr_dist = 0
curr_cnt = len(bins)
while bins:
i, j = dq.popleft()
D[i, j] = curr_dist
curr_cnt -= 1

if i and not D[i-1][j]: dq.append( (i-1,j) )
elif j and not D[i][j-1]: dq.append( (i,j-1) )
elif i<r-1 and not D[i+1][j]: dq.append( (i+1,j) )
elif j<c-1 and not D[i][j+1]: dq.append( (i,j+1) )

if not curr_cnt: #finishes layer
curr_dist += 1
curr_cnt = len(bins)

return D

- Anonymous March 27, 2022 | Flag Reply
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def is_bin_cell(x, y, matrix):
up = matrix[x-1][y] if x > 0 else 0
up = 0

down = matrix[x+1][y] if x < len(matrix) else 0
down = 0

matrix[x][y-1] if y > 0 else 0
down = 0

left = matrix[x][y-1] if y > 0 else 0
left = 0

right = matrix[x][y+1] if y < len(matrix[0]) else 0
right = 0

if (matrix[x][y] == 0) and (1 in [up, down, right, left]):
return True
return False

def get_bin_cells(matrix):
bindexes = []
for i, row in enumerate(matrix):
for j, _ in enumerate(row):
if is_bin_cell(i, j, matrix):
bindexes.append((i, j))
return bindexes

def euclidean(i, j, matrix):
p1, p2 = i
d1, d2 = j
return (((matrix[p1][0] - matrix[d1][0])**2) + ((matrix[p2][1] - matrix[d2][1])**2)) ** .5

def get_distances(matrix):
bin_cells = get_bin_cells(matrix)
distances = {}
for i, row in enumerate(matrix):
for j, _ in enumerate(row):
distances[f'({i}, {j})'] = [euclidean((i, j), t, matrix) for t in bin_cells]

return distances

# driver code
data = get_distances(matrix)
index = [str(i) for i in data]
rows = [[coord] + i for coord, i in zip(index, data.values())]
pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['Coord']+get_bin_cells(matrix))

- Beelzebruno March 31, 2022 | Flag Reply
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vector<vector<int>> minBinDistance(const vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {

   vector<vector<int>> dist;
   int n = matrix.size();
   if(n == 0) return dist;
   int m = matrix[0].size();
   if(m == 0)return dist;

     queue<vector<int>> bfsQ;   // queue will store { row , col , steps } in array form 

    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
      for(int j=0; j<m ; j++){
            if(matrix[i][j] == 1) 
              dist[i][j] = 0;
              bfsQ.push({i,j,0});  // { row , col , steps }

   if(bfsQ.empty()) return dist;

  int dx[] = {0,0,1,-1};
  int dy[] = {1,-1,0,0};

   while(!bfsQ.empty()) {
      vector<int> front = bfsQ.front(); 
      int row = front[0] , col = front[1] , steps = front[2] ;
      for(int dir=0;dir<4;dir++){
         int newRow = row + dx[dir];
         int newCol = col + dy[dir];
         if(newRow >=0 && newCol >= 0 && newRow < n && newCol < m ) {
             int totalSteps = steps + 1;
             if(dist[newRow][newCol] > totalSteps ) {
                dist[newRow][newCol] = totalStesp ; 
               bfsQ.push({ newRow , newCol , totalSteps });       


   return dist ; 


- C++ | BFS October 17, 2023 | Flag Reply
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vector<vector<int>> minBinDistance(const vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {

vector<vector<int>> dist;
int n = matrix.size();
if(n == 0) return dist;
int m = matrix[0].size();
if(m == 0)return dist;

queue<vector<int>> bfsQ; // queue will store { row , col , steps } in array form

for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j=0; j<m ; j++){
if(matrix[i][j] == 1)
dist[i][j] = 0;
bfsQ.push({i,j,0}); // { row , col , steps }

if(bfsQ.empty()) return dist;

int dx[] = {0,0,1,-1};
int dy[] = {1,-1,0,0};

while(!bfsQ.empty()) {
vector<int> front = bfsQ.front();
int row = front[0] , col = front[1] , steps = front[2] ;
for(int dir=0;dir<4;dir++){
int newRow = row + dx[dir];
int newCol = col + dy[dir];
if(newRow >=0 && newCol >= 0 && newRow < n && newCol < m ) {
int totalSteps = steps + 1;
if(dist[newRow][newCol] > totalSteps ) {
dist[newRow][newCol] = totalStesp ;
bfsQ.push({ newRow , newCol , totalSteps });


return dist ;


- Anonymous October 17, 2023 | Flag Reply

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