Facebook Interview Question for Solutions Engineers

Country: Israel
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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class MyIterator{
PriorityQueue<Integer> pq=new PriorityQueue<>();
int [][]data=null;
int []k=null;
public MyIterator(int [][] data) {
k=new int[data.length];
int next(){
int tmp=pq.remove();
return tmp;

boolean hashNext(){
return pq.isEmpty();

public void preProcess(int [][]data){
for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
public void postProcess(int removedData){
for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
if(k[i]<data[i].length && data[i][k[i]]==removedData){
public class IteratorInKSortedArray {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int [][]in={

MyIterator itr=new MyIterator(in);
System.out.print(itr.next()+" ");



- Achyut January 15, 2020 | Flag Reply
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class MyIterator{
PriorityQueue<Integer> pq=new PriorityQueue<>();
int [][]data=null;
int []k=null;
public MyIterator(int [][] data) {
k=new int[data.length];
int next(){
int tmp=pq.remove();
return tmp;}
boolean hashNext(){
return pq.isEmpty();

public void preProcess(int [][]data){
for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
public void postProcess(int removedData){
for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
if(k[i]<data[i].length && data[i][k[i]]==removedData){
public class IteratorInKSortedArray {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int [][]in={
MyIterator itr=new MyIterator(in);
System.out.print(itr.next()+" ");

- Anonymous January 15, 2020 | Flag Reply
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Use K length array and priority queue
class MyIterator{
PriorityQueue<Integer> pq=new PriorityQueue<>();
int [][]data=null;
int []k=null;
public MyIterator(int [][] data) {
k=new int[data.length];
int next(){
int tmp=pq.remove();
return tmp;}
boolean hashNext(){
return pq.isEmpty();}
public void preProcess(int [][]data){
for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
public void postProcess(int removedData){
for (int i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
if(k[i]<data[i].length && data[i][k[i]]==removedData){

- Achyut January 15, 2020 | Flag Reply
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Can you explain this line - pq.add(data[i][k[i]]); in preProcess function? the value of k[i] = 0 every time, what are you trying to achieve is little unclear to me.

- New User May 12, 2020 | Flag
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Use k length array and priority queue
in hasNext() - return queue is empty or not
in next() - remove from queue and increase index value from k length array accordingly

- Achyut January 15, 2020 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.lang.Comparable;
import java.util.List;
import static java.util.Arrays.*;

class MyIter<T extends Comparable> implements Iterator {
  class IterState implements Comparable<IterState> {
    private Iterator<T> iter;
    private T currVal;
    public IterState(Iterator<T> i) {
      iter = i;

    public T getVal() { return currVal; }
    public boolean hasNext() { return iter.hasNext(); }
    public void next() {
      if (iter.hasNext()) {
        currVal = iter.next();
      } else {
        currVal = null;

    public int compareTo(IterState o) {
      return currVal.compareTo(o.getVal());

  private PriorityQueue<IterState> states;
  public MyIter(List<List<T>> listOfList) {
    states = new PriorityQueue<IterState>();
    for (List<T> l:listOfList) {
      Iterator<T> it  = l.iterator();
      if (it.hasNext()) {
        states.add(new IterState(it));

  public T next() {
    IterState n = states.poll();
    T retval = n.getVal();
    // if there is more in the current list, then put it back in the queue
    if (n.hasNext()) {
    return retval;

  public boolean hasNext() {
    return !states.isEmpty();

class Main {
  private static <T extends Comparable> ArrayList toArray(List<List<T>> listOfList) {
    MyIter<T> i = new MyIter<T>(listOfList);
    ArrayList retval = new ArrayList();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
    return retval;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello world!");

    ArrayList arr = toArray(asList(
    for (Object i:arr) {

    arr = toArray(asList());
    for (Object i:arr) {


- Dennis February 06, 2020 | Flag Reply
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import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Solution {

  public void testMyIterator() {
    Integer[][] inputData = new Integer[][] {{1,2,3,10},{},{-1,4,5}};
    MyIterator<Integer> it = new MyIterator<>(inputData);
    while(it.hasNext()) {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Solution s = new Solution();
  public class MyIterator<T extends Comparable<T>> {
    private T[][] data;
    private int[] nextElementIndexByArrayIndex;

    public MyIterator(T[][] data) {
      if(data == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("data can't be null");

      nextElementIndexByArrayIndex = new int[data.length];

      for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        nextElementIndexByArrayIndex[i] = 0;

      this.data = data;

    public T next() {
      if(!hasNext()) {
        return null;

      T retval = null;

      int selectedArrayIndex = -1;
      int selectedElementIndex = -1;

      for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        int elementIndex = nextElementIndexByArrayIndex[i];
        if(data[i].length <= elementIndex) {
        T toCompare = data[i][elementIndex];

        if(retval == null || retval.compareTo(toCompare) > 0) {
          retval = toCompare;
          selectedArrayIndex = i;
          selectedElementIndex = elementIndex;

      nextElementIndexByArrayIndex[selectedArrayIndex] = selectedElementIndex;

      return retval;

    public boolean hasNext() {
      for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if(data[i].length > nextElementIndexByArrayIndex[i]) {
          return true;
      return false;

- Danilo February 15, 2020 | Flag Reply
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public class Solution{

       public static void main(String[] args) {

       		int[][] in = { { 1, 5, 7 }, { 2, 3, 10 }, { 4, 6, 9 } };

       		Runner1 itr = new Runner1(in);
       		while (itr.hashNext()) {
       			System.out.print(itr.next() + " ");

       	public int next() {
       		PeekingIterator itr = queue.remove();
       		int result = itr.next();
       		return result;

       	public boolean hashNext() {
       		return !queue.isEmpty();

       	private final Queue<PeekingIterator> queue;

       	public Solution(int[][] data) {
       		queue = new PriorityQueue<>(data.length, (i1, i2) -> Integer.compare(i1.peek(), i2.peek()));
       		for (int[] in : data) {
       			if (in != null && in.length != 0) {
       				queue.add(new PeekingIterator(in));

       	public class PeekingIterator {
       		boolean hasNext;
       		int index = 0;
       		int next;
       		int[] array;

       		PeekingIterator(int[] array) {
       			this.array = array;

       		private void moveAhead() {
       			if (index < this.array.length) {
       				hasNext = true;
       				next = array[index];
       			} else {
       				hasNext = false;

       		public boolean hasNext() {
       			return hasNext;

       		public int next() {
       			int res = next;
       			return res;

       		public int peek() {
       			return next;


- Anonymous February 18, 2020 | Flag Reply
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Since the problem uses T as a generics:

public class MyIterator<T> {
	private MyIterator<T> current;
	private MyIterator<T> next;
	private MyIterator<T> last; // optimization
	private T value;
	private MyIterator(T element) {
		this.value = element;
	public MyIterator(T[][] elements) {
		this.current = this;
		int[] pos = new int[elements.length];
		boolean isOver = false;
			int j = -1;
			int counter = 0;
			T minElement = null;
			for(int i = 0; i < elements.length ; ++i) {
				if(pos[i] < elements[i].length) {
					if(minElement == null) {
						minElement = elements[i][pos[i]];
					if(compareElements(minElement,elements[i][pos[i]])) {
						minElement = elements[i][pos[i]];
						j = i;
				}else {
			if(j != -1) {
			if(counter == elements.length) {
				isOver = true;
			if(this.current.value == null) {
				this.current.value = minElement;
			}else {
				if(this.next == null) {
					this.next = new MyIterator<T>(minElement);
					this.last = this.next;
				}else {
					this.last.next = new MyIterator<T>(minElement);
					this.last = this.last.next;
	private boolean compareElements(T minElement, T element) {
		if(minElement instanceof String) {
			return ((String)minElement).compareTo((String)element) >= 0;
		if(minElement instanceof Integer) {
			return ((Integer)minElement).compareTo((Integer)element) >= 0;
		if(minElement instanceof Double) {
			return ((Double)minElement).compareTo((Double)element) >= 0;
		if(minElement instanceof Long) {
			return ((Long)minElement).compareTo((Long)element) >= 0;
		if(minElement instanceof Character) {
			return ((Character)minElement).compareTo((Character)element) >= 0;
		Method m;
		Object result = null;
		try {
			m = minElement.getClass().getMethod("compareTo", element.getClass());
			result = m.invoke(minElement, element);
		} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
			throw new RuntimeException("Provided Object have to have comparator method");
		return ((Integer)result).intValue() >= 0;

	public T next() {
		T value = this.current.value;
		this.current = this.current.next;
		return value;
	public boolean hasNext(){
		return this.current.next == null;

- caca11br February 26, 2020 | Flag Reply
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class MyIter(object):
    def __init__(self, ll):
        self._ll = ll

    def __iter__(self):
        self._list_len = len(self._ll[0])
        self._list_count = len(self._ll)
        self._indices = [0] * self._list_count
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        i = 0
        m = int(25535)
        m_ind = None
        while i < self._list_count:
            index = self._indices[i]
            if index < self._list_len:
                temp = self._ll[i][index]
                if temp < m:
                    m = temp
                    m_ind = i
            i += 1

        if m_ind is not None:
            self._indices[m_ind] += 1
            return m
            raise StopIteration

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ll = [[1,5,7], [2,3,10],[4,6,9]]
    it = MyIter(ll)


- yuhechen2018 March 04, 2020 | Flag Reply
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public class AscendingIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {

int[] nums;

int currentIndex = -1;

AscendingIterator(int[] num1, int[] num2, int[] num3) {
int size = num1.length + num2.length + num3.length;

nums = new int[size];

int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;

while (i < num1.length || j < num2.length || k < num3.length) {

int intOne, intTwo, intThree;
intOne = intTwo = intThree = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (i < num1.length)
intOne = num1[i];
if (j < num2.length)
intTwo = num2[j];
if (k < num3.length)
intThree = num3[k];
if (getMin(intOne, intTwo, intThree) == 0) {
nums[l] = num1[i];
} else if (getMin(intOne, intTwo, intThree) == 1) {
nums[l] = num2[j];
} else {
nums[l] = num3[k];


private int getMin(int i, int i1, int i2) {

if (i < i1 && i < i2)
return 0;
else if (i1 < i && i1 < i2)
return 1;
return 2;

public boolean hasNext() {
return (currentIndex + 1) < nums.length;

public Integer next() {
if (currentIndex < nums.length)
return nums[currentIndex];
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("reached limit");

public static void main(String args[]) {
AscendingIterator ascendingIterator = new AscendingIterator(new int[]{1, 5, 7}, new int[]{2, 3, 10}, new int[]{4, 6, 9});
while (ascendingIterator.hasNext()){


- saldi March 04, 2020 | Flag Reply
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public class AscendingIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {

    int[] nums;

    int currentIndex = -1;

    AscendingIterator(int[] num1, int[] num2, int[] num3) {
        int size = num1.length + num2.length + num3.length;

        nums = new int[size];

        int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;

        while (i < num1.length || j < num2.length || k < num3.length) {

            int intOne, intTwo, intThree;
            intOne = intTwo = intThree = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            if (i < num1.length)
                intOne = num1[i];
            if (j < num2.length)
                intTwo = num2[j];
            if (k < num3.length)
                intThree = num3[k];
            if (getMin(intOne, intTwo, intThree) == 0) {
                nums[l] = num1[i];
            } else if (getMin(intOne, intTwo, intThree) == 1) {
                nums[l] = num2[j];
            } else {
                nums[l] = num3[k];


    private int getMin(int i, int i1, int i2) {

        if (i < i1 && i < i2)
            return 0;
        else if (i1 < i && i1 < i2)
            return 1;
            return 2;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return (currentIndex + 1) < nums.length;

    public Integer next() {
        if (currentIndex < nums.length)
            return nums[currentIndex];
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("reached limit");

    public static void main(String args[]) {
      AscendingIterator ascendingIterator =   new AscendingIterator(new int[]{1, 5, 7}, new int[]{2, 3, 10}, new int[]{4, 6, 9});
      while (ascendingIterator.hasNext()){



- saldi March 04, 2020 | Flag Reply
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public class AscendingIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {

    int[] nums;

    int currentIndex = -1;

    AscendingIterator(int[] num1, int[] num2, int[] num3) {
        int size = num1.length + num2.length + num3.length;

        nums = new int[size];

        int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;

        while (i < num1.length || j < num2.length || k < num3.length) {

            int intOne, intTwo, intThree;
            intOne = intTwo = intThree = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            if (i < num1.length)
                intOne = num1[i];
            if (j < num2.length)
                intTwo = num2[j];
            if (k < num3.length)
                intThree = num3[k];
            if (getMin(intOne, intTwo, intThree) == 0) {
                nums[l] = num1[i];
            } else if (getMin(intOne, intTwo, intThree) == 1) {
                nums[l] = num2[j];
            } else {
                nums[l] = num3[k];


    private int getMin(int i, int i1, int i2) {

        if (i < i1 && i < i2)
            return 0;
        else if (i1 < i && i1 < i2)
            return 1;
            return 2;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return (currentIndex + 1) < nums.length;

    public Integer next() {
        if (currentIndex < nums.length)
            return nums[currentIndex];
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("reached limit");

    public static void main(String args[]) {
      AscendingIterator ascendingIterator =   new AscendingIterator(new int[]{1, 5, 7}, new int[]{2, 3, 10}, new int[]{4, 6, 9});
      while (ascendingIterator.hasNext()){



- saldi March 04, 2020 | Flag Reply
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public class AscendingIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {

    int[] nums;

    int currentIndex = -1;

    AscendingIterator(int[] num1, int[] num2, int[] num3) {
        int size = num1.length + num2.length + num3.length;

        nums = new int[size];

        int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;

        while (i < num1.length || j < num2.length || k < num3.length) {

            int intOne, intTwo, intThree;
            intOne = intTwo = intThree = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            if (i < num1.length)
                intOne = num1[i];
            if (j < num2.length)
                intTwo = num2[j];
            if (k < num3.length)
                intThree = num3[k];
            if (getMin(intOne, intTwo, intThree) == 0) {
                nums[l] = num1[i];
            } else if (getMin(intOne, intTwo, intThree) == 1) {
                nums[l] = num2[j];
            } else {
                nums[l] = num3[k];


    private int getMin(int i, int i1, int i2) {

        if (i < i1 && i < i2)
            return 0;
        else if (i1 < i && i1 < i2)
            return 1;
            return 2;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        return (currentIndex + 1) < nums.length;

    public Integer next() {
        if (currentIndex < nums.length)
            return nums[currentIndex];
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("reached limit");

    public static void main(String args[]) {
      AscendingIterator ascendingIterator =   new AscendingIterator(new int[]{1, 5, 7}, new int[]{2, 3, 10}, new int[]{4, 6, 9});
      while (ascendingIterator.hasNext()){


- Anonymous March 04, 2020 | Flag Reply
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class MyIter(object):
    def __init__(self, ll):
        self._ll = ll

    def __iter__(self):
        self._list_len = len(self._ll[0])
        self._list_count = len(self._ll)
        self._indices = [0] * self._list_count
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        i = 0
        m = int(25535)
        m_ind = None
        while i < self._list_count:
            index = self._indices[i]
            if index < self._list_len:
                temp = self._ll[i][index]
                if temp < m:
                    m = temp
                    m_ind = i
            i += 1

        if m_ind is not None:
            self._indices[m_ind] += 1
            return m
            raise StopIteration

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ll = [[1,5,7], [2,3,10],[4,6,9]]
    it = MyIter(ll)


- yuhechen2018 March 05, 2020 | Flag Reply
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public class MyIterator<T> {

    private List<T> data;

    private int index;

    public MyIterator(List<List<T>> lists) {
        data = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (List<T> list : lists) {
        index = 0;
    public T next() {
        if (hasNext()) {
            return list.get(index++);
        throw new IllegalStateException("No next element");
    public boolean hasNext() {
        return index < data.size();

- Anonymous March 14, 2020 | Flag Reply
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public class MyIterator<T> {

    private List<T> data;

    private int index;

    public MyIterator(List<List<T>> lists) {
        data = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (List<T> list : lists) {
        index = 0;
    public T next() {
        if (hasNext()) {
            return list.get(index++);
        throw new IllegalStateException("No next element");
    public boolean hasNext() {
        return index < data.size();

- anonymous March 14, 2020 | Flag Reply
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class Iterator{
  constructor(arrays) {
   this.arrays = arrays; 

    if(!this.hasNext()) return;
    const K = this.arrays.length;

    let minObject = {
      val: Number.MAX_VALUE,
      index: null

    for(let i=0;i<K ; i++){
      if(this.arrays[i].length > 0){
        let min = Math.min(this.arrays[i][0]);
        if(min < minObject.val){
          minObject.val = min;
          minObject.index = i;
    return this.arrays[minObject.index].shift();

    let hasItems = false;
    this.arrays.forEach(arr => {
      if(arr.length > 0){
        hasItems = true;
    return hasItems;

const iter = new Iterator([[1,5,7], [2,3,10], [4,6,9]])
const iterated_values = [];
assert.deepEqual(iterated_values, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10], 'The two arrays are not equal')

- kapakospetros May 14, 2020 | Flag Reply
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class MyIter(object):
    """Iterator implementation for sorted iterables (lists)"""
    def __init__(self, lists):
        lst = [item for sublist in lists for item in sublist]
        lst.sort()  # ensure the list is sorted (asc)
        self._lst = lst
        self._iter = None
        self._idx = None

    def __iter__(self):
        if self._iter is None:
            self._iter = iter(self._lst)
            self._idx = 0
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self._iter is None:
            raise StopIteration
            _next = next(self._iter)
            self._idx += 1
            return _next
        except StopIteration:
            self._iter = None
            self._idx = None

    def hasNext(self):
        """check if iterator is exhausted"""
        # note: this is not python iterator needed, implemented as part of requirements
        #print('index:', self._idx)
        if self._idx is None:
            return False
        elif self._idx >= len(self._lst):
            return False
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ll = [[1,5,7], [2,3,10], [4,6,9]]
    # python way
    it = MyIter(ll)

    # using the hasNext
    it = iter(it)
    while it.hasNext():

- uazoulay May 25, 2020 | Flag Reply
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import heapq

class Mylists:

def __init__(self, lists):
k = len(lists)
self.lists = lists
self.min_heap = []

def constructHeap(self,k):
# insert first elemnt of all the lists in the heap

for i, list1 in enumerate(self.lists):

heapq.heappush(self.min_heap, (list1[0], 0, i))
# element val, index and list referance

def next(self):
# it first return the top element
# modify the heap which add the next element in the heap for next iteration

if not self.min_heap:
return "No more element present"

val, idx, list_ref = heapq.heappop(self.min_heap)

if idx+1 < len(self.lists[list_ref]):
heapq.heappush(self.min_heap, (self.lists[list_ref][idx+1], idx+1,list_ref))

return val

temp = Mylists([[1,5,7], [2,3,10],[4,6,9]])


- satyans24 September 18, 2020 | Flag Reply
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import heapq

class Mylists:
    def __init__(self, lists):
        k = len(lists)
        self.lists = lists
        self.min_heap = []
    def constructHeap(self,k):
        # insert first elemnt of all the lists in the heap
        for i, list1 in enumerate(self.lists):
            heapq.heappush(self.min_heap, (list1[0], 0, i))
            # element val, index and list referance
    def next(self):
        # it first return the top element
        # modify the heap which add the next element in the heap for next iteration
        if not self.min_heap:
            return "No more element present"
        val, idx, list_ref = heapq.heappop(self.min_heap)
        if idx+1 < len(self.lists[list_ref]):
            heapq.heappush(self.min_heap, (self.lists[list_ref][idx+1], idx+1,list_ref))
        return val
temp = Mylists([[1,5,7], [2,3,10],[4,6,9]])


- satyans24 September 18, 2020 | Flag Reply
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class MyIterator:
def __init__(self, A):
self._A = A
self._ind = [0] * len(A)

self._K = len(A)
self._N = len(A[0])

self._maxA = max([A[i][-1] for i in range(len(A))]) + 1

def __iter__(self):
return self

def __next__(self):
if not self.hasNext():
raise StopIteration

output = self._maxA
inc_i = 0

for i in range(self._K):
j = self._ind[i]
if j < self._N and self._A[i][j] < output:
output = self._A[i][j]
inc_i = i

self._ind[inc_i] += 1
return output

def hasNext(self):
return min(self._ind) < self._N

if __name__ == '__main__':
mi = MyIterator([[1, 5, 7], [2, 3, 10], [4, 6, 9]])
print([i for i in mi])

- Anonymous November 16, 2020 | Flag Reply
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package com.rpm.practise.ds;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class MyMultiArray4 {

static Integer[][] in = { { 1, 5, 7 }, { 2, 3, 10 }, { 4, 6, 9 } };

public static void main(String[] args) {
MyMultiIterator4 it = new MyMultiIterator4(in);
while (it.hasNext()) {


class MyMultiIterator4<T> {

T[][] myData;
T[] singleArray;
int pos = 0;

public MyMultiIterator4(Integer[][] in) {

this.myData = (T[][]) in;
singleArray = preProcess(myData);

public boolean hasNext() {
if (singleArray.length > pos) {
return true;
} else
return false;

public T next() {
if (hasNext()) {
if (hasNext()) {
return singleArray[pos++];
return null;
return null;

public T[] preProcess(T[][] myData) {
int subArrayLength = myData[0].length;
int arrayLength = myData.length;
singleArray = (T[]) new Integer[arrayLength*subArrayLength];
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int count = 0;
do {
singleArray[count++] = myData[y][x++];
if (x == subArrayLength) {
x = 0;

} while (y!=arrayLength);
return singleArray;


- Mohan November 23, 2020 | Flag Reply
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1. Create a min_heap of just the first element of each array (using priority_queue in C++ STL). O(k) space
2. A hash table contains <element, index of its array> mapping. O(k) space
3. An array contains the index of this element in its respective array. O(k) space

For next(), fetch the top of min heap. look up this element in the hash table and increment the index in the sorted array. add this element to the heap.

For hasnext(), we just need to return <pq>.empty()==false

- aman.bansal4u February 28, 2021 | Flag Reply
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package main

import (


Given K sorted (ascending) arrays with N elements in each array, implement an iterator for iterating over the elements of the arrays in ascending order.

The constructor receives all of the input as array of arrays.

You need to implement the MyIterator class with a constructor and the following methods:

class MyIterator<T> {
	T next();
	boolean hasNext();

You are allowed to use only O(K) extra space with this class.


[[1,5,7], [2,3,10],[4,6,9]]

The iterator should return:


// only O(K) extra space -> k pointer of k array
type MyIterator struct {
  data [][]int
  numOfArrays int
  arraySize int

  // k + 2 extra space
  arrayPointer []int 
  nextArray int
  nextElement int

func New(input [][]int, numOfArrays int, arraySize int) *MyIterator {
	mi := &MyIterator{
		data: input,
		numOfArrays: numOfArrays,
		arraySize: arraySize,
		arrayPointer: make([]int, numOfArrays),
		nextArray: -1,
		nextElement: -1,

   	minArrayIndex, minElementIndex := mi.findNextMin()
	mi.nextArray = minArrayIndex
	mi.nextElement = minElementIndex
	return mi

// worst case O(K)
func (m *MyIterator) next() int {
	if !m.hasNext() {
	    return -1
	min := m.data[m.nextArray][m.nextElement]
	m.arrayPointer[m.nextArray] = m.nextElement + 1
	minArrayIndex, minElementIndex := m.findNextMin()
	m.nextArray = minArrayIndex
	m.nextElement = minElementIndex
	return min

// worst case O(1)
func (mi *MyIterator) hasNext() bool {
	return mi.nextArray != -1

func(mi MyIterator) findNextMin() (nextArray int, nextElement int) {
	nextMin := math.MaxInt32
	minArrayIndex := -1
	minElementIndex := -1 
	for i, p := range mi.arrayPointer {
	   if p < mi.arraySize && mi.data[i][p] < nextMin {
	      minArrayIndex = i
	      minElementIndex = p
	      nextMin = mi.data[i][p]
	return minArrayIndex, minElementIndex

func main() {
	mi := New([][]int{
	}, 3, 3)
	for mi.hasNext() {

- xuannhat25 March 23, 2021 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Integer[][] inputData = new Integer[][] {{1,5,7},{2,3,10},{4,6,9}};

        MyIterator<Integer> it = new MyIterator<>(inputData);

        while(it.hasNext()) {

class MyIterator<T extends Comparable<T>> {
    PriorityQueue<T[]> priorityQueue;

    public MyIterator(T[][] t) {
        Comparator<T[]> comparator = Comparator.comparing(o -> o[0]);
        priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(t.length, comparator);

    T next() {
        T[] elem = priorityQueue.remove();
        T t = elem[0];
        if (elem.length == 1) {
            return t;
        elem = Arrays.copyOfRange(elem, 1, elem.length);

        return t;

    boolean hasNext() {
        return !priorityQueue.isEmpty();

- rakushevdima June 06, 2021 | Flag Reply
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import heapq

class myInterator:
    def __init__(self, arr):
        self.arr = arr
        #self.last = (-1, -1)
        self.passed = 0
        self.heads = []
        self.n_total = 0
        for i in range(len(arr)):
            heapq.heappush(self.heads, (self.arr[i][0], i, 0))
            self.n_total += len(a)

    def next(self):
        x = heapq.heappop(self.heads)
        item = x[0]
        l = x[1]
        index = x[2]
        self.passed += 1
        if len(self.arr[l]) > index + 1:
            heapq.heappush(self.heads, (self.arr[l][index+1], l, index+1))
        return item
    def has_next(self):
        if self.passed == self.n_total:
            return False
        return True

- Oded June 22, 2021 | Flag Reply
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public class SortedArraysIterator {

    private int[] positions;
    private int[][] arrays;

    public SortedArraysIterator(int[][] arrays){
        this.positions = new int[arrays.length];
        this.arrays = arrays;

    public Integer next(){
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int k = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++){
            int[] array = arrays[i];
            int position = positions[i];
            if (position < array.length && position > -1){
                if (array[position] < min){
                    k = i;
                    min = array[position];
                positions[i] = -1;
        if (k == -1){
            throw new NoSuchElementException(); //will this be thrown and has next return true?
        positions[k] = positions[k] < arrays[k].length -1 ? positions[k] + 1 : -1; //forgot to update this
        return min;


    public boolean hasNext(){
        for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++){
            if (positions[i] > -1) return true;
        return false;


- karen July 11, 2021 | Flag Reply
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Go Lang: MinHeap

func main() {
	mi := NewMyIterator([][]int{{1, 2, 3}, {5, 8, 9}, {4, 6, 7, 10}})
	for mi.hasNext() {
		// fmt.Println(mi.ap)

type MyIterator struct {
	data  [][]int
	ap    []int
	mHeap *minHeap

func NewMyIterator(data [][]int) *MyIterator {
	iterator := MyIterator{
		data:  data,
		ap:    make([]int, len(data)), //array porinters
		mHeap: &minHeap{},
	return &iterator

func (m *MyIterator) preProcess() {
	for _, curr_data := range m.data {
		heap.Push(m.mHeap, curr_data[0])

func (m *MyIterator) postProcess(removedElement int) {
	for array_index, curr_array := range m.data {
		if m.ap[array_index] < len(curr_array) && removedElement == curr_array[m.ap[array_index]] {
			m.ap[array_index] += 1
			if m.ap[array_index] < len(curr_array) {
				heap.Push(m.mHeap, curr_array[m.ap[array_index]])

func (m *MyIterator) next() int {
	curr_element := heap.Pop(m.mHeap).(int)
	return curr_element

func (m *MyIterator) hasNext() bool {
	return m.mHeap.Len() > 0

type minHeap []int

func (h minHeap) Len() int           { return len(h) }
func (h minHeap) Less(i, j int) bool { return h[i] < h[j] }
func (h minHeap) Swap(i, j int)      { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }

func (h *minHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
	curr_value := x.(int)
	(*h) = append((*h), curr_value)

func (h *minHeap) Pop() interface{} {
	n := h.Len()
	x := (*h)[n-1]
	(*h) = (*h)[:n-1]
	return x

- Rajesh August 26, 2021 | Flag Reply
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public interface IMultiArrayIterator<T> {
T next();
bool hasNext();

public class MultiArrayAsc : IMultiArrayIterator<int>
private readonly int[][] _arrays;
private readonly int[] _currentElementIndexes;

public MultiArrayAsc(int[][] arrays) {
_arrays = arrays;
_currentElementIndexes = new int[_arrays.GetLength(0)];

public bool hasNext()
for (var i = 0; i < _currentElementIndexes.Length; i++) {
if (_currentElementIndexes[i] < _arrays[i].Length) {
return true;
return false;

public int next()
var arrayIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < _currentElementIndexes.Length; i++) {
if (_currentElementIndexes[i] < _arrays[i].Length) {
if (arrayIndex == -1 || _arrays[i][_currentElementIndexes[i]] < _arrays[arrayIndex][_currentElementIndexes[arrayIndex]]) {
arrayIndex = i;

if (arrayIndex != -1) {
var value = _arrays[arrayIndex][_currentElementIndexes[arrayIndex]];
return value;

throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException();

- stevanusronald September 30, 2021 | Flag Reply
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from heapq import heappop, heappush
class MyIterator:
def __init__(self, arrays):
self.arrays = arrays
self.mh = []
for i, arr in enumerate(self.arrays):
heappush(self.mh, (arr[0], 0, i))

def next(self):
if not self.hasNext():
raise Exception()
el, j, i = heappop(self.mh)
if j + 1 < len(self.arrays[i]):
heappush(self.mh, (self.arrays[i][j+1], j+1, i))
return el

def hasNext(self):
return len(self.mh) > 0

def test(arrays, expected):
mi = MyIterator(arrays)
res = []
while mi.hasNext():
res += [mi.next()]
print(f'test: {arrays} -> {res}')
assert res == expected, f'{res} == {expected}'

test([[1], [2]], [1,2])
test([[2], [1]], [1,2])
test([[1,5,7], [2,3,10], [4,6,9]], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10])
test([[1,5,7], [2,3,10]], [1,2,3,5,7,10])


- AK October 06, 2021 | Flag Reply
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from heapq import heappop, heappush
class MyIterator:
def __init__(self, arrays):
self.arrays = arrays
self.mh = []
for i, arr in enumerate(self.arrays):
heappush(self.mh, (arr[0], 0, i))

def next(self):
if not self.hasNext():
raise Exception()
el, j, i = heappop(self.mh)
if j + 1 < len(self.arrays[i]):
heappush(self.mh, (self.arrays[i][j+1], j+1, i))
return el

def hasNext(self):
return len(self.mh) > 0

def test(arrays, expected):
mi = MyIterator(arrays)
res = []
while mi.hasNext():
res += [mi.next()]
print(f'test: {arrays} -> {res}')
assert res == expected, f'{res} == {expected}'

test([[1], [2]], [1,2])
test([[2], [1]], [1,2])
test([[1,5,7], [2,3,10], [4,6,9]], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10])
test([[1,5,7], [2,3,10]], [1,2,3,5,7,10])


- ArtyomKarpov October 06, 2021 | Flag Reply
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public class ContiguousSubArrays {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Random rand = new Random();		
		int[] input = new int[20];
		for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
			input[i] = rand.nextInt(15);
			System.out.print(input[i] + " ");
		final int k = 10;
		List<List<Integer>> contiguousSubArray = getContiguousSubArray(input, k);
		List<List<Integer>> nonOverlappingPair = getNonOverlappingUnorderpai(input, k);

	private static List<List<Integer>> getContiguousSubArray(int[] input, int k) {
		List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
		List<Integer> subArray = new ArrayList<>();
		for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {			
			if(input[i] < k) {
			}else {
				if(!subArray.isEmpty()) {
					subArray = new ArrayList<>();
		if(!subArray.isEmpty()) {
		return result;
	private static List<List<Integer>> getNonOverlappingUnorderpai(int[] input, int k){
		List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
		List<Integer> pair = new ArrayList<>();
		for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
			if(input[i] < k) {
				if(pair.size() == 2) {
					pair = new ArrayList<>();
			}else {
				if(pair.size() == 2) {
				pair = new ArrayList<>();
		if(pair.size() == 2) {
		return result;

- Anonymous April 17, 2022 | Flag Reply
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You can implement this in O(K) time and space. The approach I did was store an array of size K with all values set to 0. This will store the index for the K-th list.

The hasNext() function can be implemented by iterating through K-lists and checking if at least one of the indices is less than N. The next() function can be implemented by iterating through the K indices, and taking the index with a minimum value. The index with the minimum value is then incremented by one.

class MyIterator:
  def __init__(self, lists):
    self.lists = lists
    self.listCount = len(lists)
    self.listLen = len(lists[0])

    self.indices = [0] * self.listCount

  def next(self):
    val = float('inf')
    idx = -1

    for i in range(self.listCount):
      index = self.indices[i]
      if index < self.listLen:
        current_val = self.lists[i][index]
        if current_val < val:
          val = current_val
          idx = i

    if idx >= 0:
      self.indices[idx] += 1

    return val

  def hasNext(self):
    for i in range(self.listCount):
      if self.indices[i] < self.listLen:
        return True
    return False

lists = [[1,5,7], [2,3,10],[4,6,9]]
it = MyIterator(lists)
while it.hasNext():

- Anonymous January 14, 2020 | Flag Reply
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class MyIter(object):
    def __init__(self, ll):
        self._ll = ll

    def __iter__(self):
        self._list_len = len(self._ll[0])
        self._list_count = len(self._ll)
        self._indices = [0] * self._list_count
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        i = 0
        m = int(25535)
        m_ind = None
        while i < self._list_count:
            index = self._indices[i]
            if index < self._list_len:
                temp = self._ll[i][index]
                if temp < m:
                    m = temp
                    m_ind = i
            i += 1

        if m_ind is not None:
            self._indices[m_ind] += 1
            return m
            raise StopIteration

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ll = [[1,5,7], [2,3,10],[4,6,9]]
    it = MyIter(ll)


- yuhechen2018 March 05, 2020 | Flag
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This is completely wrong. On each next() call you get local minimum, not global

- sumbooody March 09, 2020 | Flag

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