ADP Interview Question for abcs

Country: India
Interview Type: In-Person

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Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of N and L. Then the ball comes back to person #1 after N/GCD(N,L) passing. So the answer should be (M-1)*N/GCD(N,L).

- skw_kevin March 28, 2016 | Flag Reply
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can you explain why GCD is used? Also, when I try to evaluate your approach with the answer of 10 it does not work.

- SHR March 29, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Javacode and testcase:

package dev.random;

public class BallPassProblem
    public int getNumberOfPasses(int numberOfFriends, int jumpCount, int maxNumber)
        int[] friends = new int[numberOfFriends];

        int countInPosition=0;
        countInPosition = friends[0];
        int ballPosition = 0;
        int maxIndexInArray = numberOfFriends - 1;
        int countOfPasses=1;
        while (countInPosition < maxNumber)
            if (countInPosition % 2 == 0)
                int tempBallPosition = ballPosition - jumpCount;
                ballPosition = (tempBallPosition < 0) ? maxIndexInArray + (tempBallPosition) : tempBallPosition;
                int tempBallPosition = ballPosition + jumpCount;
                ballPosition = (tempBallPosition > maxIndexInArray) ? (tempBallPosition - maxIndexInArray) : tempBallPosition;
            countInPosition = ++friends[ballPosition];
        return countOfPasses;

package dev.random;

import org.junit.Test;

import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals;

public class BallPassProblemTest

    public void testGetNumberOfPasses() throws Exception
        BallPassProblem problem = new BallPassProblem();
        assertEquals(10, problem.getNumberOfPasses(5,2,3));

- SHR March 29, 2016 | Flag Reply
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I am new to this website. I don't know why I can't submit a reply to a reply. So I copy my previous (fixed) answer, appended by my explanation to it.

Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of N and L. Then the ball comes back to person #1 after N/GCD(N,L) passing. So the answer should be (M-1)*N/GCD(N,L).

Oh there is a tiny mistake in my previous formula. I think I have fixed it. It should be (M-1)*N/GCD(N,L), instead of M*N/GCD(N,L), because once a person reaches the ball for M times, the game stops, and the M-th round is not completed. Only (M-1) rounds are completed.

The intuition of the formula is this: When the group of people passing the ball, starting from person #1, the ball must come back to #1 some time. (Why? Hint: the number of people is finite. Hint2: proof by contradiction.)

How many passing has been made before the ball comes back? The answer is N*GCD(N,L). (Why? Hint: When GCD(N,L)=1, how many numbers have been covered before the ball comes back to #1? Does every number covered? When GCD(N,L)=2, how many numbers have been covered before the ball comes back to #1? Does every number covered? or only half? If only half have been covered, will the other half of numbers be covered if the ball starts at person#2? What if GCD(N,L)=3?)

Think about the above questions, you will find that if GCD(N,L)=x, only 1/x of those people have touched the ball before the ball comes back to person#1. If you start passing the ball from person#k (where 1<k<x) instead of person#1, another group of people will touch the ball. See this wikipedia page for more theoretical knowledge: en.wikipedia[DOT]org/wiki/Ring_(mathematics) )

So, starting from person#1, when the ball comes back to person#1 there have been N/GCD(N,L) people touch the ball once. Or equivalently, there have been N/GCD(N,L) many passing. Then, no matter whether the passing direction is changed, those people who have touched the ball will touch it again within the next N/GCD(N,L) passing. If the limit M is not reached, these N/GCD(N,L) people keep passing the ball. Other people will never have opportunity to touch it.

When will the repetition stop? When SomeONE is going to touch the ball for the M-th time. How many times has the ball come back to person#1 before that? M-1. So there are (M-1)*(N/GCD(N,L)) many passing.

- skw_kevin March 29, 2016 | Flag Reply
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use warnings;
use strict;

our $DEBUG = 0;

chomp( our $N = $ARGV[0] );
chomp( our $M = $ARGV[1] );
chomp( our $L = $ARGV[2] );

my @receives;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $N; $i++) {
	$receives[$i] = 0;
my $count_of_passes = 0;
my $currient = 1;
$receives[$currient] += 1;

do {
	my $new_pos;
	if ( ($receives[$currient] % 2) == 0 ) { 
		$new_pos = get_position_to_left($currient);
	} else {
		$new_pos = get_position_to_right($currient);
	print("\$receives[$currient] = $receives[$currient], \$new_pos = $new_pos\n") if ($DEBUG);
	$currient = $new_pos;
	$receives[$currient] += 1;
	$count_of_passes += 1;
} while ( $receives[$currient] < $M );

print("\$N=$N, \$M=$M, \$L=$L\n");
print("Count of passes from direct counting:\t$count_of_passes\n");

$count_of_passes = ($M - 1)*$N / greatest_common_divisor($N, $L);
print("Count of passes with GCD halp:\t\t$count_of_passes\n");

# ========================================================================== #
sub get_position_to_right {
	my $currient = shift();

	my $l;
	($L > $N) ? ($l = $L % $N) : ($l = $L);

	print("go-to-right ") if ($DEBUG);
	if ( $currient - $l > 0 ) {
		return $currient - $l;
	} else {
		return $N + ($currient - $l);

sub get_position_to_left {
	my $currient = shift();

	my $l;
	($L > $N) ? ($l = $L % $N) : ($l = $L);

	print("go-to-left ") if ($DEBUG);
	if ( $currient + $l <= $N ) {
		return $currient + $l;
	} else {
		return ($currient + $l) - $N;

# ========================================================================== #
sub greatest_common_divisor {
	my $arg1 = shift();
	my $arg2 = shift();

	my @dividers1;
	my @dividers2;
	my @common_dividers;
	my ($i, $j);

	for( $i = 1; $i <= $arg1; $i++ ) {
		if( !($arg1 % $i) ) {
			$dividers1[ scalar(@dividers1) ] = $i;
	for( $i = 1; $i <= $arg2; $i++ ) {
		if( !($arg2 % $i) ) {
			$dividers2[ scalar(@dividers2) ] = $i;

	print("Dividers1: @dividers1\n") if ($DEBUG);
	print("Dividers2: @dividers2\n") if ($DEBUG);

	foreach $i (@dividers1) {
		foreach $j (@dividers2) {
			if ($i == $j) {
				$common_dividers[scalar(@common_dividers)] = $i;
	print("Common Dividers for $arg1 and $arg2: @common_dividers\n") if ($DEBUG);

	return $common_dividers[$#common_dividers];

- Anonymous March 29, 2016 | Flag Reply
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class ball_passing
   int no_of_frnds;
   int jump;
   int max_count;

   ball_passing(int n, int m, int l) :jump(l), max_count(m), no_of_frnds(n){};
   void ball_throw()
      std::vector<int> frnds(no_of_frnds);
      int next = 0; //start with frnd 1
      int passes = 0;
      while (frnds[next] < max_count)
         if (frnds[next] % 2 == 0)
            next = (next + jump) < no_of_frnds ? (next + jump) : (next + jump - no_of_frnds);
            next = (next + no_of_frnds - jump) < no_of_frnds ? (next + no_of_frnds - jump) : (next - jump) ;
      std::cout << "\nTotal passes:" << passes;


int main()
   ball_passing bp(5,3,2);
   return 0;

- ms March 29, 2016 | Flag Reply
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I question is copied from Code Gladiator coding context
Please try it on own because next round is tough.

- Developer April 01, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Hi Guys,

I write below program and its working fine for sample and also successfully submitted to techgig but marks was very less. I want to know what are the problems in my code.

public static int totalPasses(int input1,int input2, int input3) {
int N = input1;
int M = input2;
int L = input3;
int max = 0;
int index = 0;
int totalPasses = 0;
int[] arr = new int[N];
while (max != M) {
int currentPass = arr[index];
currentPass= currentPass+1;
arr[index] =currentPass;
max = Math.max(max, currentPass);
if (max == M) {
if (currentPass % 2 == 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= L+1; i++) {
if (index == -1) {
index = N - 1;
} else {

for (int i = 1; i <= L+1; i++) {
if (index == N) {
index = 0;
return totalPasses;

- parikshit April 06, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Hi Gus,

My solution passes test cases but marks was very less. Can anyone point out problems in below code

public static int totalPass(int input1,int input2,int input3) {
int N = input1;
int M = input2;
int L = input3;
int max = 0;
int index = 0;
int totalPasses = 0;
int[] arr = new int[N];
while (max != M) {
int currentPass = arr[index];
currentPass= currentPass+1;
arr[index] =currentPass;
max = Math.max(max, currentPass);
if (max == M) {
if (currentPass % 2 == 0) {
for (int i = 1; i <= L+1; i++) {
if (index == -1) {
index = N - 1;
} else {

for (int i = 1; i <= L+1; i++) {
if (index == N) {
index = 0;
return totalPasses;

- parikshitsinghtomar1857 April 06, 2016 | Flag Reply
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class Ideone

public static int passCount(int input1,int input2,int input3)
//Write code here

int ballPosition = 1 ;

int friend[] = new int[input1+1];
friend[ballPosition] = 1 ;
int countOfPerson = friend[ballPosition] ;
int count = 0;

while(countOfPerson <= input2){
if(countOfPerson%2 == 0 ){

int tempBallPosition = ballPosition - input3 - 1;
ballPosition =tempBallPosition<=0 ? (input1 + tempBallPosition):tempBallPosition ;
System.out.println("ballPosition left" + ballPosition);
count++ ;
countOfPerson = friend[ballPosition];
System.out.println("countOfPerson left"+countOfPerson);

int tempBallPosition = ballPosition + input3 + 1 ;
ballPosition = tempBallPosition>input1 ? (tempBallPosition-input1): tempBallPosition ;
System.out.println("ballPosition right" + ballPosition);
countOfPerson = friend[ballPosition];
System.out.println("countOfPerson right"+countOfPerson);


return count ;

public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception

int result = passCount(5,3,2);


- Calvinrajat April 12, 2016 | Flag Reply
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class Ideone
    public static int passCount(int input1,int input2,int input3)
        //Write code here
        int ballPosition = 1 ; 
        int friend[] = new int[input1+1];
        friend[ballPosition] = 1 ;
        int countOfPerson = friend[ballPosition]  ;
        int count = 0;
        while(countOfPerson <= input2){
        if(countOfPerson%2 == 0 ){
            int tempBallPosition = ballPosition - input3 - 1;
            ballPosition =tempBallPosition<=0 ? (input1 + tempBallPosition):tempBallPosition ;
            System.out.println("ballPosition left" + ballPosition);
            count++ ;
            countOfPerson = friend[ballPosition];
           System.out.println("countOfPerson left"+countOfPerson);
            int tempBallPosition = ballPosition + input3 + 1 ;
            ballPosition = tempBallPosition>input1 ? (tempBallPosition-input1): tempBallPosition ;
            System.out.println("ballPosition right" + ballPosition);
            countOfPerson = friend[ballPosition];
            System.out.println("countOfPerson right"+countOfPerson);
       // System.out.println(count);
        return count ;
    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
		int result = passCount(5,3,2);


- Calvinrajat April 12, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Note there are no restrictions on value of L. It could be positive, negative or much greater than N. I believe solutions in this post haven't considered it. use module to solve.

- kvishalk April 19, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Hello Friends,

My Solution :

function passCount($noOfPlayer, $maxPass, $number) {
    $playerNo = 1;
    $arr[$playerNo] = 1;
    $ballPassTime = 0;
    while ($arr[$playerNo] != $maxPass) {
        if ($arr[$playerNo] % 2 !== 0) {
            $playerNo = $playerNo + $number + 1;
        } else {
            $playerNo = $playerNo + $number;

        if ($playerNo > $noOfPlayer) {
            $playerNo -= $noOfPlayer;

        if (array_key_exists($playerNo, $arr)) {
            $arr[$playerNo] += 1;
        } else {
            $arr[$playerNo] = 1;

        if (in_array($maxPass, $arr)) {
            return $ballPassTime;

echo passCount(5, 3, 2);

- Vivek Choudhary April 24, 2016 | Flag Reply
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function getPassCount($noOfPlayer, $maxPass, $number) {
    $playerNo = 1;
    $arr[$playerNo] = 1;
    $ballPassTime = 0;
    while ($arr[$playerNo] != $maxPass) {
        if ($arr[$playerNo] % 2 !== 0) {
            $playerNo = $playerNo + $number + 1;
        } else {
            $playerNo = $playerNo + $number;

        if ($playerNo > $noOfPlayer) {
            $playerNo -= $noOfPlayer;

        if (array_key_exists($playerNo, $arr)) {
            $arr[$playerNo] += 1;
        } else {
            $arr[$playerNo] = 1;

        if (in_array($maxPass, $arr)) {
            return $ballPassTime;

echo getPassCount(5, 3, 2);

- Vivek Choudhary April 24, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public class CandidateCode
 public static int passCount(int input1,int input2,int input3)
  //Write code here
  int N=input1;
  int M=input2;
  int L=input3;
  int output=0;
  int Pos=1;
  int[] ternCount= new int[N];
  if(N > 0 && M >0 && L>0)
       if( (++ternCount[Pos-1])!=M )
           return output;
   return (output);
  return -1;
 public static int MoveLeft(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
     int Pos = (cur+moveTimes)%total;
    return Pos==0 ? total :  Pos;
 public static int MoveRight(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
     int Pos=(total+cur-moveTimes)%total;
     return Pos==0 ?  total :  Pos;

- MUKESH KUMAR April 26, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public class CandidateCode
public static int passCount(int input1,int input2,int input3)
//Write code here
int N=input1;
int M=input2;
int L=input3;
int output=0;
int Pos=1;
int[] ternCount= new int[N];
if(N > 0 && M >0 && L>0)
if( (++ternCount[Pos-1])!=M )
return output;

return (output);
return -1;
public static int MoveLeft(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
int Pos = (cur+moveTimes)%total;

return Pos==0 ? total : Pos;

public static int MoveRight(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )

int Pos=(total+cur-moveTimes)%total;
return Pos==0 ? total : Pos;


- MUKESH KUMAR April 26, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public class CandidateCode
 public static int passCount(int input1,int input2,int input3)
  //Write code here
  int N=input1;
  int M=input2;
  int L=input3;
  int output=0;
  int Pos=1;
  int[] ternCount= new int[N];
  if(N > 0 && M >0 && L>0)
       if( (++ternCount[Pos-1])!=M )
           return output;
   return (output);
  return -1;
 public static int MoveLeft(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
     int Pos = (cur+moveTimes)%total;
    return Pos==0 ? total :  Pos;
 public static int MoveRight(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
     int Pos=(total+cur-moveTimes)%total;
     return Pos==0 ?  total :  Pos;


- MUKESH KUMAR April 26, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public class CandidateCode
 public static int passCount(int input1,int input2,int input3)
  //Write code here
  int N=input1;
  int M=input2;
  int L=input3;
  int output=0;
  int Pos=1;
  int[] ternCount= new int[N];
  if(N > 0 && M >0 && L>0)
       if( (++ternCount[Pos-1])!=M )
           return output;
   return (output);
  return -1;
 public static int MoveLeft(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
     int Pos = (cur+moveTimes)%total;
    return Pos==0 ? total :  Pos;
 public static int MoveRight(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
     int Pos=(total+cur-moveTimes)%total;
     return Pos==0 ?  total :  Pos;

- MUKESH KUMAR April 26, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public class CandidateCode
 public static int passCount(int input1,int input2,int input3)
  //Write code here
  int N=input1;
  int M=input2;
  int L=input3;
  int output=0;
  int Pos=1;
  int[] ternCount= new int[N];
  if(N > 0 && M >0 && L>0)
       if( (++ternCount[Pos-1])!=M )
           return output;
   return (output);
  return -1;
 public static int MoveLeft(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
     int Pos = (cur+moveTimes)%total;
    return Pos==0 ? total :  Pos;
 public static int MoveRight(int cur,int moveTimes,int total )
       int Pos=(total+cur-moveTimes)%total;
     return Pos==0 ?  total :  Pos;


- MUKESH KUMAR April 26, 2016 | Flag Reply

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