Google Interview Question for Interns

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This could be solved maintaining a max heap of lengths of segments of empty seats as keys, and the pairs of segment endpoint indexes as values

At any point in time, the following could represent the state of the row ,where x denotes an occupied seat , and a . represents an empty seat.
x .....x..x......x..x

On add_student, remove the max element S_max of the heap, and place the student in the middle of the segment S_max returned. This would split S_max into two parts, which would then be added to the heap.
Also maintain the student's location and neighbor (the immediate left and right array indexes that are occupied) info in a hashtable indexed on the student id.

On delete, just update the array, and add the new large segment ,so formed due to removal of the student, to the heap.Update the neighbor info of the neighbors of the student_id. The older segments with student's index as one of the endpoints could be left around. Finally remove the student_id from the hashtable

- random August 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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1) Brute force approach:
- store all students positions and when adding one, choose the two
with the greatest distance among each other and place the new
student in the middle
- If students are kept in sorted order in array it's O(n) time
- accordingly removal has time complexity O(n)
- space complexity is O(n)
it will require special care for the first two, as seating the
first at postion 0 and second at position n-1

2) Tree as ordered set for distances:
- have a tree that orders the students according to the
free distance on their right (if equal, take position of student)
- have a hashtable that tranlates from student id to tree-node
a) add:
- deal with special case if less than two students (see below)
- pick student with largest distance on its right and insert
the new student in between.
- update the nodes accordingly
- time complexity: O(lg(n))
b) remove:
- find the right node (O(1))
- patch nodes to the left and right
- update nodes (O(lg(n))
- total timecomplexity O(lg(n))

Since we are talking about a row of students, I assume 20 or 30
people is the upper bound for that row. In this case the O(lg(n))
solution is outprformed by the O(n) solution due to cache reasons
and because of lower consts.

Anyway the O(lg(n)) solution is more fun to code:
- to solve the issue with the empty row, I placed two sentinel
nodes at position -1 and n, the left's left links back to itself,
the right's right links back to itself
- I place a dist function (getDist), which will look like
right.pos - this.pos and due to the sentinels always work.
- I create a compare function that uses this dist function and
on equality prefers the lower position (as the problem stated)
- I have an add function which will add a tree node and an entry
to it in the idex (hashtable)
- I have a update function which reorders the tree when the nodes
key change (I remove and re-insert with STL)
- I have a Student structure which has pos_, left_, right_ and id_
attributes (id_ is informative)
- students_ is the ordered set, ordered according the description

addStundent looks like:

int addStudent(int studentId) 
	Student* left = *students_.begin(); // the one with the largest space on the right
	Student* right = left->right_; 
	if (right->pos_ - left->pos_ == 1) return -1; // no space
	Student* newStudent = new Student(studentId, -1, left, right); // pos = -1
	if (left->left_ == left) newStudent->pos_ = 0; // right of left sentinel
	else if (right->right_ == right)  newStudent->pos_ = right->pos_ - 1; // left of right sentinel
	else newStudent->pos_ = (right->pos_ + left->pos_) / 2; // between two students
	left->right_ = newStudent; 
	right->left_ = newStudent; 
	update(left); // update left node in tree, right node's distance and pos didn't change
	add(newStudent); // add new node to tree and index
	return newStudent->pos_; 

- studentsIdx_ is the hashtable

void removeStudent(int studentId)
	auto itRemove = studentsIdx_.find(studentId);
	Student* remove = *itRemove->second; // student to remove
	Student* left = remove->left_; // left of student to remove
	Student* right = remove->right_; // right of student to remove
	left->right_ = right; 
	right->left_ = left;
	update(left); // left's node distance changed, right nodes distance and pos didn't
	students_.erase(remove); // remove pointer from set
	studentsIdx_.erase(itRemove); // remove from hashtable
	delete remove; // free memory

the full code (C++ 11)

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>

using namespace std;

struct Student
	int id_; // the id of the student
	int pos_; // the position of the student
	Student* left_; // student on the left
	Student* right_; // student on the right
	int getDist() const { return right_->pos_ - pos_; }
	Student(int id, int pos, Student* left, Student* right) 
		: id_(id), pos_(pos), left_(left == nullptr ? this : left), 
		  right_(right == nullptr ? this : right) {

struct StudentOrderComp 
	bool operator() (const Student* left, const Student* right) {
		if (left->getDist() > right->getDist()) return true; // first the greater distances
		if (left->getDist() < right->getDist()) return false;
		return left->pos_ < right->pos_; // if equal distance, first lower positions

class ClassRoom 
	int seatCount_;	// number of seats
	set<Student*, StudentOrderComp> students_; // ordered set with students	
	unordered_map<int, decltype(students_)::const_iterator> studentsIdx_; // student id -> Student
	ClassRoom(int rowLength)
		seatCount_ = rowLength;
		Student *leftSentinel = new Student(-1, -1, nullptr, nullptr);
		Student *rightSentinel = new Student(-2, seatCount_, leftSentinel, nullptr);
		leftSentinel->right_ = rightSentinel;

		for (Student* s : students_) delete s; // clean up

	int addStudent(int studentId) 
		assert(studentId >= 0); // id -1 and -2 is reserved for left and right sentinels
		Student* left = *students_.begin(); // the one with the largest space on the right
		Student* right = left->right_; // the student on the right of left
		if (right->pos_ - left->pos_ == 1) return -1; // no space
		Student* newStudent = new Student(studentId, -1, left, right);
		if (left->left_ == left) newStudent->pos_ = 0; // left sentinel			
		else if (right->right_ == right)  newStudent->pos_ = right->pos_ - 1; // right sentinel
		else newStudent->pos_ = (right->pos_ + left->pos_) / 2; // in between two students
		left->right_ = newStudent; // patch existing left's right pointer
		right->left_ = newStudent; // patch existings right's left pointer
		update(left); // update left node in tree, right node's distance and pos didn't change
		add(newStudent); // add new node to tree and index
		return newStudent->pos_; 

	void removeStudent(int studentId)
		assert(studentId >= 0); // id -1 and -2 is reserved for left and right sentinels
		auto itRemove = studentsIdx_.find(studentId);
		assert(itRemove != studentsIdx_.end()); // must exist
		Student* remove = *itRemove->second; // student to remove
		Student* left = remove->left_; // left of student to remove
		Student* right = remove->right_; // right of student to remove
		left->right_ = right; // patch left's right
		right->left_ = left; // patch right's left
		update(left); // left's node distance changed, right nodes distance and pos didn't
		students_.erase(remove); // remove pointer from set
		studentsIdx_.erase(itRemove); // remove from index
		delete remove; // free memory

	// insert into index and ordered set
	void add(Student* student) 
		studentsIdx_[student->id_] = students_.insert(student).first;

	// used to update the tree node in the set (remove and re-insert)
	void update(Student* student) 
		auto it = studentsIdx_.find(student->id_);
		assert(it != studentsIdx_.end()); // must exist
		students_.erase(it->second); // remove it
		add(student); // add it again

int main()
	ClassRoom r(10);
	cout << "add(1): " << r.addStudent(1) << endl; // 0
	cout << "add(2): " << r.addStudent(2) << endl; // 9
	cout << "add(3): " << r.addStudent(3) << endl; // 4
	cout << "add(4): " << r.addStudent(4) << endl; // 6
	cout << "remove(2)" << endl; 
	cout << "add(5): " << r.addStudent(5) << endl; // 2 (it's first 3 space)
	cout << "add(6): " << r.addStudent(6) << endl; // 9 (now only 3 space)
	cout << "remove(1)" << endl; // creates a 2 space 
	cout << "add(7): " << r.addStudent(7) << endl; // 0 (first 2 space)
	cout << "add(8): " << r.addStudent(8) << endl; // 7
	cout << "add(9): " << r.addStudent(9) << endl; // 1 (first 1 space)
	cout << "add(10): " << r.addStudent(10) << endl; // 3 
	cout << "add(11): " << r.addStudent(11) << endl; // 5
	cout << "add(12): " << r.addStudent(12) << endl; // 8 (last empty space)
	cout << "add(13): " << r.addStudent(13) << endl; // -1, full
	cout << "remove(3)" << endl;
	cout << "add(14): " << r.addStudent(14) << endl; // 4 (only empty space)

- Chris August 12, 2017 | Flag Reply
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I think a “binary fill” approach would work here. Just an idea but we can seat the first student at row0 and second student rowN-1, then third student in middle and keep alternating seating for left and right half. What do you guys think?

- Itsme August 13, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Do we have to use hash table here?

- VJ August 17, 2017 | Flag Reply
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This could be solved maintaining a max heap of lengths of segments of empty seats as keys, and the pairs of segment endpoint indexes as values

At any point in time, the following could represent the state of the row ,where x denotes an occupied seat , and a . represents an empty seat.
x .....x..x......x..x

On add_student, remove the max element S_max of the heap, and place the student in the middle of the segment S_max returned. This would split S_max into two parts, which would then be added to the heap.
Also maintain the student's location and neighbor (the immediate left and right array indexes that are occupied) info in a hashtable indexed on the student id.

On delete, just update the array, and add the new large segment ,so formed due to removal of the student, to the heap.Update the neighbor info of the neighbors of the student_id. The older segments with student's index as one of the endpoints could be left around. Finally remove the student_id from the hashtable

- random August 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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This could be solved maintaining a max heap of lengths of segments of empty seats as keys, and the pairs of segment endpoint indexes as values

At any point in time, the following could represent the state of the row ,where x denotes an occupied seat , and a . represents an empty seat.
x .....x..x......x..x

On add_student, remove the max element S_max of the heap, and place the student in the middle of the segment S_max returned. This would split S_max into two parts, which would then be added to the heap.
Also maintain the student's location and neighbor (the immediate left and right array indexes that are occupied) info in a hashtable indexed on the student id.

On delete, just update the array, and add the new large segment ,so formed due to removal of the student, to the heap.Update the neighbor info of the neighbors of the student_id. The older segments with student's index as one of the endpoints could be left around. Finally remove the student_id from the hashtable

- random August 20, 2017 | Flag Reply
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class EmptyRange {
		EmptyRange(int from_idx, int to_idx) : from_idx_(from_idx), to_idx_(to_idx)
		bool operator<(EmptyRange const &other) const
			int len = to_idx_ - from_idx_;
			int len_other = other.to_idx_ - other.from_idx_;
			if (len == len_other) {
				return from_idx_ > other.from_idx_;
			return len < len_other;
		int from_idx_, to_idx_;

class Row {
		Row(int size)
			if (size < 2) {
				cerr << "invalid size\n";
			seats_.resize(size, -1);
			pq_.push(EmptyRange(0, seats_.size() - 1));
		int AddStudent(int id)
			if (id < 0 ||
				students_.size() >= seats_.size() ||
				students_.find(id) != students_.end())
				return -1;
			EmptyRange r =;

			int idx = -1;
			if (r.from_idx_ == 0) {
				idx = 0;
				pq_.push(EmptyRange(1, r.to_idx_));

			} else if (r.to_idx_ == seats_.size() - 1) {
				idx = seats_.size() - 1;
				pq_.push(EmptyRange(r.from_idx_, seats_.size() - 2));
			} else {
				idx = r.from_idx_ + (r.to_idx_ - r.from_idx_) / 2;
				if (idx > r.from_idx_) {
					pq_.push(EmptyRange(r.from_idx_, idx - 1));
				if (idx < r.to_idx_) {
					pq_.push(EmptyRange(idx + 1, r.to_idx_));
			seats_[idx] = id;
			students_[id] = idx;
			return idx;

		void RemoveStudent(int id)
			auto it = students_.find(id);
			if (it != students_.end()) {
				int idx = it->second;
				seats_[idx] = -1;

		void RebuildPQ()
			while (!pq_.empty()) {pq_.pop();} // should be pq_.clear();
			int from_idx = -1;
			int to_idx = -1;
			for (int i = 0; i < seats_.size(); ++i) {
				if (from_idx == -1) {
					if (seats_[i] == -1) {
						from_idx = i;
				} else {
					if (seats_[i] != -1 ||
						i == seats_.size() - 1)
						int to_idx = seats_[i] != -1 ? i - 1 : i;
						pq_.push(EmptyRange(from_idx, to_idx));
						from_idx = -1;

		vector<int> seats_;
		unordered_map<int, int> students_;
		priority_queue<EmptyRange> pq_;

- Alex August 26, 2017 | Flag Reply

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