Google Interview Question for Developer Program Engineers

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Question is find longest palindrome with ignoring white space in the text.
For this, I modify the Manacher's algorithm for ignoring the white space.
For example:
This is the book koob eh te is had

the book koob eh t

public class LongestPalindromeFromFile {

	public String findLongestPalindrome(String filePath) {
		String data = null;
		// Read data from file
		try {
			data = readDataFromFile(filePath);
			if(data == null){
				System.out.println("Unable to get file contents");
				return null;	
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return null;
		// Transform file data
		char []transformData = transformData(data);
		int center = 0, right = 0, mirror = 0;
		int []lengthPal = new int[transformData.length];
		for(int index = 1; index < transformData.length - 1; index++){
			mirror = (2*center) - index;
			if(right > index){
				lengthPal[index] = Math.min(right - index, lengthPal[mirror]);
			// Ignore white spaces on right and left sides
			int leftSpaces = 0, rightSpaces = 0;
			int leftIndex = index - (1 + lengthPal[index]);
			int rightIndex = index + (1+lengthPal[index]);
			while(leftIndex >=0 && rightIndex < transformData.length){
				if (transformData[leftIndex] == ' '){
					leftIndex = index - (2 + lengthPal[index]);
				else if (transformData[rightIndex] == ' '){
					rightIndex = index + (2 + lengthPal[index]);
				else if (transformData[leftIndex] == transformData[rightIndex]){
					leftIndex =  index - (1 + lengthPal[index]);
					rightIndex = index + (1 + lengthPal[index]);
			lengthPal[index] += leftSpaces + rightSpaces; 	
			if((index+lengthPal[index])> right){
				center = index + (rightSpaces - leftSpaces);
				right = center + lengthPal[index];
		return printPalindrome(data, lengthPal);
	private String readDataFromFile(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
			BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath));
			StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
			String line;
			while((line = reader.readLine()) !=null){
			return builder.toString();
		catch(FileNotFoundException ex){
			throw ex;
		catch (IOException e) {
			throw e;
	private char[] transformData(String data){
		char[] transformData = new char[2*data.length() + 3];
		transformData[0] = '$';
		transformData[2*data.length() + 2] = '$';
		transformData[2*data.length() + 1] = '#';
		for(int index = 0; index <  data.length(); index++){
			transformData[2 * index + 1] = '#';
			transformData[2 * index + 2] = data.charAt(index);
		return transformData;
	private String printPalindrome(String data, int[]lengthPal){
		int center = 0, length = 0;
		for(int index = 1; index < lengthPal.length - 1; index++){
			if(lengthPal[index] > length){
				length = lengthPal[index];
				center = index;
		int leftSpaces = 0, rightSpaces = 0;
		String leftSide = data.substring((center - 1 - length) >> 1, center >> 1);
		String rightSide = data.substring((center + 1) >> 1, (center - 1 + length) >> 1);
		for(char ch : leftSide.toCharArray()){
			if(ch == ' '){
		for(char ch : rightSide.toCharArray()){
			if(ch == ' '){
		center += (leftSpaces - rightSpaces);
		return data.substring((center - 1 - length) >> 1, (center - 1 + length) >> 1);

- Adnan Ahmad October 01, 2013 | Flag Reply
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First, we should read the file into a string and find the longest palindrome in this string.
The best method is to use Manacher's algorithm which runs in O(N) time with extra O(N) space. I don't think an interviewer can possibly expect this in a 45min interview, i suppose a standard O(N^2) solution is expected by checking all possible centers.

My implementation of Manacher's algorithm is the following:

// More details on
const int MAXLEN = 1000000;
int p[2*MAXLEN+10], np; // size of palindromes with even and odd length

void ManacherAlgorithm(char* str) {
	int i, s, e, j, d, pal_len, len = strlen(str);
	np = 0;
	i = 0;
	pal_len = 0;
	// Loop invariant: str[(i - pal_len)..i] is a palindrome.
	// Loop invariant: np >= 2 * i - pal_len. The code path that
	//                 increments pal_len skips the l-filling inner-loop.
	// Loop invariant: np < 2 * i + 1. Any code path that increments
	//                 i past seqLen - 1 exits the loop early and so skips
	//                 the l-filling inner loop.	
	while (i < len) {
		// First, see if we can extend the current palindrome. 
		// Note that the center of the palindrome remains fixed.
		if (i > pal_len && str[i-pal_len-1] == str[i]) {
			pal_len += 2;
		// The current palindrome is as large as it gets,so we append it
		p[np++] = pal_len;

		// Now to make further progress, we look for a smaller palindrome sharing
		// the right edge with the current palindrome.  If we find one, we can try
		// to expand it and see where that takes us.  At the same time, we can fill
		// the values for l that we neglected during the loop above. We make use of
		// our knowledge of the length of the previous palindrome (pal_len) and the
		// fact that the values of l for positions on the right half of the
		// palindrome are closely related to the values of the corresponding
		// positions on the left half of the palindrome.
		// Traverse backwards starting from the second-to-last index up to the
		// edge of the last palindrome.
		s = np - 2;
		e = s - pal_len;
		for (j = s; j > e; --j) {
			d = j - e - 1;
			// We check to see if the palindrome at p[j] shares a left edge
			// with the last palindrome.  If so, the corresponding palindrome
			// on the right half must share the right edge with the last
			// palindrome, and so we have a new value for pal_len.
			if (p[j] == d) {
				pal_len = d;
			p[np++] = min(d, p[j]);
		if (j == e) {
			pal_len = 1;
	p[np++] = pal_len;
	// Traverse backwards starting from the second-to-last index up until we 
	// get p to size 2 * seqLen + 1.
	// We can deduce from the loop invariants we have enough elements.
	s = np - 2;
	e = s - (2*len + 1 - np);
	for (j = s; j > e ; --j) {
		// The d here uses the same formula as the d in the inner loop above.
		// (Computes distance to left edge of the last palindrome.)
		d = j - e - 1;
		// We bound p[i] with min for the same reason as in the inner loop above.
		p[np++] = min(d, p[j]);
	pal_len = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
		if (p[i] > pal_len) {
			pal_len = p[i];
			j = i;
	s = j / 2 - pal_len / 2;
	e = s + pal_len - 1;
	printf("max palindrome size = %d indices [%d, %d]\n", pal_len, s, e);

- Miguel Oliveira September 25, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Sample Program In java with manacher's algorithm


public class LongestFromFile {
    public LongestFromFile() {
    private int line_number;
    private String line;
    private String palin_string;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        LongestFromFile longestFromFile = new LongestFromFile();
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("C:\\temp.txt\\abc.txt")));
        String source = br.readLine();
        int i = 0;
        while (source != null) {
            if (source.trim() != "" && source.length() > 0) {
                String palin = longestFromFile.palin(source);
                if (longestFromFile.getPalin_string().length() < palin.length()) {
            source = br.readLine();

    public String palin(String source) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(source);
        sb.insert(0, "^");
        sb.insert(sb.length(), "$");
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < sb.length(); i++) {
            sb.insert(i + j, "#");
            if (i + j > 2 * source.length())
        int[] p = new int[sb.length()];
        int C = 0;
        int R = 0;
        int M_R = 0;
        char[] t = sb.toString().toCharArray();
        for (int i = 1; i < t.length - 1; i++) {
            M_R = 2 * C - i;
            p[i] = R > i ? Math.min(p[M_R], R - i) : 0;
            while (t[i + 1 + p[i]] == t[i - 1 - p[i]]) {
                p[i] += 1;

            if (i + p[i] > R) {
                C = i;
                R = i + p[i];
        int max = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
            if (max < p[i]) {
                M_R = i;
                max = p[i];

        return source.substring((M_R - max - 1) / 2, ((M_R - max - 1) / 2) + max);

    public void setLine_number(int line_number) {
        this.line_number = line_number;

    public int getLine_number() {
        return line_number;

    public void setLine(String line) {
        this.line = line;

    public String getLine() {
        return line;

    public void setPalin_string(String palin_string) {
        this.palin_string = palin_string;

    public String getPalin_string() {
        return palin_string;

    public String toString() {
        return +this.getLine_number() + "\n" +
            this.getLine() + "\n" +

- Prakash September 25, 2013 | Flag Reply
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i think you're supposed to consider the whole file as a string, not check palindromes on a line-by-line basis

- Miguel Oliveira September 25, 2013 | Flag
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Revised Code


public class LongestFromFile {
    public LongestFromFile() {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LongestFromFile longestFromFile = new LongestFromFile();
        BufferedReader br = null;
        try {
            br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("C:\\temp.txt\\abc.txt")));
            String source = br.readLine();
            int i = 0;
            String target = "";
            while (source != null) {
                target += source;
                source = br.readLine();
            source = longestFromFile.palin(target);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            if (br != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

    public String palin(String source) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(source);
        sb.insert(0, "^");
        sb.insert(sb.length(), "$");
        int j = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < sb.length(); i++) {
            sb.insert(i + j, "#");
            if (i + j > 2 * source.length())
        int[] p = new int[sb.length()];
        int C = 0;
        int R = 0;
        int M_R = 0;
        char[] t = sb.toString().toCharArray();
        for (int i = 1; i < t.length - 1; i++) {
            M_R = 2 * C - i;
            p[i] = R > i ? Math.min(p[M_R], R - i) : 0;
            while (t[i + 1 + p[i]] == t[i - 1 - p[i]]) {
                p[i] += 1;

            if (i + p[i] > R) {
                C = i;
                R = i + p[i];
        int max = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
            if (max < p[i]) {
                M_R = i;
                max = p[i];

        return source.substring((M_R - max - 1) / 2, ((M_R - max - 1) / 2) + max);

- Prakash September 27, 2013 | Flag
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Unless I'm missing something, use a Stack datastruction:

palindrome(File f) {
    s = new Stack();
    max = 0; curr_size = 0;
    while (c = f.hasNext()) {
        if (isSpace(c))

        if (s.size() == 0) {

        if (c == s.peek()) {
        } else {
            max = MAX(curr_size, max);
            curr_size = 0;

- Deva October 09, 2013 | Flag Reply
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test it with a few cases. you can't check palindromes that way

- Miguel Oliveira October 09, 2013 | Flag
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in C++ code, dynamic programming

int LongestPalindrome(string file)
	int length = file.length();
	vector<vector<int>> start;
	for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
	int maxLength = 1;
	for(int i = 1; i < length; i++)
		if(file[i-1] == file[i])
		for(int j = 0; j < start[i-1].size(); j++)
			int preS = start[i-1][j]-1;
				if(file[preS] == file[i])
		int temp = *max_element(start[i].begin(), start[i].end());
		if( temp > maxLength)
			maxLength = temp;
	return maxLength;

- nkpangcong October 12, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Here is O(n) solution in C++ (manacher's algorithm)

int* findPalin(char *seq) {	
	seq = spaceRemovedSequence(seq);
    	int seqLen = strlen(seq);		// length of the given sequence of letters	
    	int lLen = 2 * seqLen + 1;		// length of the needed to be formed
    	int *list = new int(lLen);		// creating a array of 2*n+1 times
 	int ignoreChar=0;				// characters to be ignored from the pivot point
    	for(int i = 0; i < lLen;i++) {
        	int s = i / 2 - ignoreChar;				// start of the palindrome i 
        	int e = i / 2 + i % 2 + ignoreChar;		// end of the palindrome i 
        while (s > 0 and e < seqLen and seq[s - 1] == seq[e])	
            s -= 1,		e += 1;			// try matching one left of start and one right of end ans update 's' and 'e' 
        list[i] = (e - s);				// insert in the list about the maximum palindrome from current pivot
 	int leftEdge = i-list[i]+1;	// It is the left edge of the current palindrome foun
 	ignoreChar = 0;			// initially number of character to be ignored in next loop is 0
 							// it will be updated if any sequence will be found
 							// between left edge and pivot having its left pivot same as 
 							// left pivot of current palindrome
 	if(i-1 <= leftEdge) 			// if current palindrome is 2 or 1 length then dont search
 		for (int k = i-1; k > leftEdge; --k) {	
 			if(k - list[k] + 1 <= leftEdge) {		// If biggest possible mirror sequence whose left edge is same  
 											// as left edge of the current p[alindrome then
 				ignoreChar = (k-leftEdge+1)/2;		// update charater to be ignored in next loop		
 				break;								// goto to the outer for loop 
 			list[++i] = list[k]; 					// else copy the same left part into right part of current pivot
    	return list; 			//return the list in the end

- jitendra.theta January 16, 2014 | Flag Reply

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