Google Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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//this is sooo easy. just do something similar to a merge sort except u process it only k times.
int gimme (int[] first, int[]sec, int k)
int seen = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
for(; seen < k; ++seen)
if(i == first.length) { j++; continue; }
if(j == second.length) { i++; continue; }
if(first[i] < second[j])i++; else j++;
return Math.min(first[i],second[j];)


- Arvind February 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This will take at most O(n). Optimal solution will take only O(logn)

- Guy February 20, 2014 | Flag
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It fails if i or j gets to the end of the array. Better: {{{ if (i == first.length) return second[j + k - seen - 1]; if (j == second.length) return first[i + k - seen - 1]; }} - evasion March 28, 2014 | Flag
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You should clarify what kth smallest element mean when there are duplicates. If it means there are k-1 elements that are smaller than the result, but that k-1 elements may itself has duplicates, you algorithm still works.

If it means there are k-1 distinct values that are smaller than the result, then there is no O(log n) solution. At least not to my knowledge.

- Andy February 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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I see. So if input a = {0,1} b = {0}, if 2nd smallest were to be 1, then we can't do it in O(logn)? Do you happen to know how to convert this algorithm so that it doesn't re-create a new copy each time?

- Guy February 20, 2014 | Flag
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A simple solution in java. Worst case is O(n). Logic is the same of merge in MergeSort: we have two index i,j that move in the two arrays as minimum element is found respectively. We need an additional check for duplicate elements. This is a simple loop to move pointers to an element which is bigger than current minimum.

private static int findKSmallest(int[] arr1, int[] arr2, int k) {
		int i = 0; 
		int j = 0; 
		int min = -1; 
		while (k > 0){
			while (arr1[i] <= min)
			while (arr2[j] <= min)
			if (arr1[i] < arr2[j]){				
				min = arr1[i]; 
				min = arr2[j];
		return min;		

- svarvel February 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This will take O(n). The requirement is to get it done in O(logn).

- Guy February 21, 2014 | Flag
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int findkthsmallest(int a[], int b[], int k, int len1, int len2) {

    int i = 0, j = 0;
    int elem=0, tmp=0, k1 = k;
    if (k>len1 && k > len2)
      assert (0);
    while (k) {
        if (i<len1 && j<len2) {
            if (a[i] < b[j]) {
                tmp = a[i];
            } else {
                tmp = b[j];
        } else if (i<len1) {
            tmp = a[i];
        } else if (j<len2) {
            tmp = b[j];
            assert(0); // k is too large, gone out of bound sof both arrays
        if (k!=k1) {
            if (tmp != elem) {
        elem = tmp;
    return elem;

- iwanna February 21, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This will take O(n). The requirement is to get it done in O(logn).

- Guy February 21, 2014 | Flag
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You can use merge sort approach. Use a variable, n, to keep the count of nth smallest number. Keep track of the current nth smallest number, if both values are the same and is equal to the ith smallest number, skip both values, otherwise increment n and update the smallest number. If n equals k, return the nth smallest number

If one of them reaches to the end of the array, do a while loop from there until n reaches k.

- qxixp February 21, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This will take O(n). The requirement is to get it done in O(logn).

- Guy February 21, 2014 | Flag
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This is a solution in O(nlgm + mlgn) time, the idea is basically looking for a pair of indices (i, j) in arrays A and B respectively such that j = k - (i + 1) and B[j] <= A[i] <= B[j+1]. In other words, we're looking in A for an item larger than k - 1 items (making it the kth largest one).

We can do this with a binary search in A and if no such item exists in it we can look in B instead. This is the code for the described algorithm:

int find_kth_item(
    const vector<int>& first_array,
    const vector<int>& second_array,
    const int& k,
    const int& left_index,
    const int& right_index)
    assert(first_array.size() != 0 || second_array.size() != 0);
    assert(k <= (int)(first_array.size() + second_array.size()));

    // Element not found in A, look in B.
    if (left_index > right_index)
                max(0, k - (first.size() + 1)),
                min(second_array.size() - 1, k));

    // Binary search.
    int a_kth_index = (left_index + right_index) / 2;
    int b_kth_index = (k - 1) - (a_kth_index + 1);

    if ((b_kth_index == -1 || first_array[a_kth_index] >= second_array[b_kth_index])
        && (b_kth_index == second_array.size() - 1 || first_array[a_kth_index] <= second_array[b_kth_index + 1]))
        return first_array[a_kth_index];

    if ((b_kth_index == -1 || first_array[a_kth_index] > second_array[b_kth_index])
            && b_kth_index < second_array.size() - 1
            && first_array[a_kth_index] > second_array[b_kth_index + 1])
                first_array, second_array, k, left_index, a_kth_index - 1);

        find_kth_item(first_array, second_array, k, a_kth_index + 1, right_index);

int find_kth_item(
    const vector<int>& first_array,
    const vector<int>& second_array,
    const int& k)
    assert(first_array.size() != 0 || second_array.size() != 0);

    // In the extreme where kth item is less than all j items, then there's no need to look
    // further than min(k, |A|) in A for the upper bound of the binary search. In the extreme
    // where kth item is greater than all j items, then there is no need to look further than
    // max(0, k - |B|) for the lower bound since anything less would fail to meet the success
    // criteria: i + j = k - 1.
            max(0, k - (second_array.size() + 1)),
            min(first_array.size() - 1, k));


- meh February 21, 2014 | Flag Reply
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My bad, the solution takes O(lgn + lgm).

- meh February 21, 2014 | Flag
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This is very similar to my algorithm. How does it handle duplicates? Like if a={0,1}, b={0}, second smallest would be 1 instead of 0

- Guy February 21, 2014 | Flag
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Let us change the problem to one sorted array. What is the algorithm to get the kth largest element in O(log(n)) where n is the length of the array? I am not sure if it is possible.

- Caribou February 22, 2014 | Flag
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Just a speed-up on the O(k) merge sort. The initial indexing variables on arrays a and b can both start from k/2 rather than 0, since the kth smallest element will definitely not be in [0-k/2] elements of each of the arrays.
This way you could double the speed by reducing the merging size by half.

- Ali February 21, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Help me understand this logic. Let's assume that I have two arrays without duplicated: a = {0,2,4,7} and b={1,3,5,6} and i have to find k=4th smallest element. From visual inspection, the 4th smallest one is 3. Right? Based on your logic, in each array, i should start from 2nd index (which is 1) or index = 2? In my opinion, it should start from 2nd element meaning (k/2-1)th index.

- Victor February 22, 2014 | Flag
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 * Objective: To find Kth smallest element from two sorted arrays
 * @author sunichak
public class KthSmallestElementInTwoSortedArrays {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// sample input
		int[] first = {1,5,6,7,9};
		int[] second = {1,3,5,5,8};
		int k = 5;
		getKthElement(k, first, second);
	static void getKthElement(int k, int[] first, int[] second) {
		int count = 0, i = 0, j = 0;
		int val = 0;
		if(k<1 || k>(first.length + second.length)) {
			System.out.println("Invalid K!");
		while(count != k) {
			int a, b;
			if(i < first.length) { 
				a = first[i];
			} else {
				a = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
			if(j < second.length) {
				b = second[j];
			} else {
				b = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
			if(a == b && a != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
			} else if(a < b && a != val) {
				if(val != a) {
					val = a;
			} else if(a > b) {
				if(val != b) {
					val = b;
			} else {

- Sunil February 21, 2014 | Flag Reply
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The best I can think of is O(k log(n)) complexity. It is essentially finding first k (or up to k if there are fewer) distinct elements in each array, and using an O(log(k)) algorithm to find the kth distinct element.

- Caribou February 23, 2014 | Flag Reply
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1) Find the middle element of First array A, say Amid
2) Find the first element in B which is <= A[Mid], say Bbound
3) Let no of elements from AL to Amid be no_A
3) Let no of elements from BL to Bbound be no_B
4) if no_A+no_B == k , then max of A[Mid],B[Bound] is our solution
5) if no_A+no_B > K , then Kth element is in A(AL,AMid-1) or B(BL,Bound-1)
6) if no_A+no_B < K, then the Kth element is in A(Mid+1,AR) or B(Bound+1,BR), , you need to adjust K to K-(no_A+no_B)
Base case:
if A is exhaused return B[BL+k]
if B is exhaused return A[AL+K]

I think the overall complexity is O(logn)

int kthElementUnion(vector<int>& A, vector<int>& B, int AL, int AR, int BL, int BR, int k){
	if (AL > AR){
		return B[BL + k - 1];
	else if (BL > BR){
		return A[AL + k - 1];
		int AM = AL + (AR - AL) / 2;
		int no_A = AM - AL + 1;

		int BBound = distance(begin(B),lower_bound((begin(B)+BL),(begin(B)+BR+1), A[AM]));

		if (BBound >= B.size() || B[BBound] > A[AM])
		int no_B = BBound-BL+1;
		if (no_A + no_B == k)
			return max(A[AM], B[BBound]);
		else if (no_A + no_B < k){
			AL = AM + 1;
			BL = BBound + 1;
			k = k - (no_A + no_B);
			return kthElementUnion(A,B,AL,AR,BL,BR,k);
			BR = BBound - 1;
			AR = AM - 1;
			return kthElementUnion(A, B, AL, AR, BL, BR, k);

int main(){
	int a[] = { 1, 3, 4, 6 };
	vector<int> A(a, a + 4);
	int b[] = { 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
	vector<int> B(b, b + 5);


	for (int i = 1; i <= 9; ++i){
		int elem = kthElementUnion(A, B, 0, A.size() - 1, 0, B.size() - 1, i);
		cout << elem << " ";
	return 0;

- Anonymous February 23, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Good solu

- Geek February 23, 2014 | Flag
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Uses binary search among the first K elements in both the arrays.

public static int KthSmallest1DMergeOfTwoArrays(){
		int ans = -1;
		int k = 9;
		int[] arr1 = {3,3,3,3,3,3};
		int[] arr2 = {3,3,3,3};
		int[] s= {0, 0};
		int[] e= {Math.min(k-1, arr1.length-1), Math.min(k-1, arr2.length-1)};

		while(s[0] <= e[0] && s[1] <= e[1] && e[0] <= arr1.length-1 && e[1] <= arr2.length-1){
			int mid0 = s[0] + (e[0]-s[0])/2;
			int mid1 = s[1] + (e[1]-s[1])/2;
			if(arr1[mid0] > arr2[mid1]){
				k = k - (mid1-s[1] +1);
				if(k == 0)
					return arr2[mid1];
				e[1] = Math.min(mid1+k, e[1]);
				s[1] = mid1+1;
				e[0] = Math.min(s[0]+k-1, e[0]); 
			}else if(arr1[mid0] < arr2[mid1]){
				k = k - (mid0-s[0] +1);
				if(k == 0)
					return arr1[mid0];
				e[0] = Math.min(mid0+k, e[0]);
				s[0] = mid0+1;
				e[1] = Math.min(s[1]+k-1, e[1]); 
			} else{
				k = k - (mid0-s[0] +1);
				e[0] = Math.min(mid0+k, e[0]);
				s[0] = mid0+1;
				k = k - (mid1-s[1] +1);
				e[1] = Math.min(mid1+k, e[1]);
				s[1] = mid1+1;
				if(k <= 0)
					return arr1[mid0];
		while(s[0] <= e[0] && e[0] <= arr1.length -1){
			if(k == 0){
				return arr1[s[0]];
		while(s[1] <= e[1] && e[1] <= arr2.length -1){
			if(k == 0){
				return arr2[s[1]];
		System.out.println("some out issue");
		return ans;

- Delta March 09, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This will take O(logK)

- Delta March 09, 2014 | Flag
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- code_monkey April 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Check my analysis and O(logn) solution here:

- allen.lipeng47 January 04, 2015 | Flag Reply
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O(lgk) solution

int combined_kth(int* a, int n, int* b, int m, int k)
    if (m + n < k) return -1;
    if (k <= 0) return -1;
    while (k > 1)
        int ak = std::min(n - 1, k/2-1);
        int vak = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        if (ak >= 0) vak = a[ak];
        int bk = std::min(m - 1, k/2-1);
        int vbk = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        if (bk >= 0) vbk = b[bk];
        if (vak < vbk) 
            n -= (ak + 1);
            a += (ak + 1);
            k -= (ak + 1);
            m -= (bk + 1);
            b += (bk + 1);
            k -= (bk + 1);

    int rv = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    if (n > 0) rv = std::min(rv, a[0]);
    if (m > 0) rv = std::min(rv, b[0]);

    return rv;

void test_combined_kth()
    int a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 11, 30, 47, 66, 108 };
    int b[] = { -6, 2, 7, 11, 32, 43, 61 };
    assert(-6 == combined_kth(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), b, sizeof(b) / sizeof(int), 1));
    assert(3 == combined_kth(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), b, sizeof(b) / sizeof(int), 4));
    assert(5 == combined_kth(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), b, sizeof(b) / sizeof(int), 5));
    assert(30 == combined_kth(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), b, sizeof(b) / sizeof(int), 9));
    assert(61 == combined_kth(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), b, sizeof(b) / sizeof(int), 13));
    assert(108 == combined_kth(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), b, sizeof(b) / sizeof(int), 15));
    assert(-1 == combined_kth(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), b, sizeof(b) / sizeof(int), 16));
    assert(-1 == combined_kth(a, sizeof(a) / sizeof(int), b, sizeof(b) / sizeof(int), -2));

- Omri.Bashari June 26, 2015 | Flag Reply
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 * where 'n' in [1, size1+size2]
int find(const int *arr1, const int size1, const int *arr2, const int size2, const int n)
    if (size1 <= 0 || size2 <= 0 || arr1 == 0 || arr2 == 0 || n == 0 || n > size1+size2)
        return -1;

    int i = 0, j = 0;
    int val = 0;
    while (i+j < n)
        if ((i < size1 && !(j < size2)) || (i < size1 && arr1[i] < arr2[j]))
            val = arr1[i];
            if (j < size2)
                val = arr2[j];

    return val;

- Alexander Katasonov February 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Could you please explain the logic a little bit? Thanks

- Guy February 20, 2014 | Flag
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Looks like merge procedure taking O(k) for finding the kth element.

- meh February 21, 2014 | Flag
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Logic is pretty simple. We are going through the both arrays and getting each time the element from the array that has a minimum (by current index i or j) value. Then we move index of that array further, because we need to check next element of that array, whether it greater or less then current element of the second array.Thus we get each time the minimum element from two arrays.

- Anonymous February 21, 2014 | Flag
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This will take O(n). The requirement is to get it done in O(logn).

- Guy February 21, 2014 | Flag
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