Facebook Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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I'm not really sure where people got the assumption that you had to remove duplicates. That doesn't appear specified in the question. I can think of many cases where you'd want to keep duplicates. Think about two list of events, for example, you wouldn't want to remove all events of the same type when merging, you'd want to keep them. If that is the case, then the solution is simply using two linked lists and doing l1->last->next = l2->head.

If, in fact, "merge" does imply that duplicates should be removed. Then I'd have to agree with Arpan and Vikram on the solution using bit representation.

- newt January 16, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Merging actually means removing the duplicates.
What you are referring to is basically concatenation of two lists.

- Anonymous October 12, 2013 | Flag
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No, merging does not imply removing duplicates. Merging means that you create the union of two or more (data) sets where the set property (if any) is maintained. For instance, when you do a k-way merge you don't omit duplicates by default (you just make sure that the final set is sorted as well).

- Safi December 20, 2014 | Flag
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>>Lists data structure design depends on you.
As design choice is ours,we can use doubly linked lists data structure.

- Ravi November 17, 2008 | Flag Reply
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How about this?
use hash table to represent the list. h[key]=1 means key is inside the list. so, lookup is O(1), traverse is O(n).
when do the union, just keep them as they are. So, when lookup, when just do OR of h1[key], h2[key]. it's still O(1). when traverse, traverse in h1 and h2, O(2n)=O(n). meanwhile, eliminating h2.
a bit tricky. donot whether it is acceptable.

- q August 12, 2010 | Flag Reply
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A single linked list is OK and we need two structures: one for list another for each element.

struct Elem{
int val;
Elem* next;
struct list{
Elem* head;
Elem* tail;

When we merge two lists with O(1):

l1.tail = l2.head;
l1.tail = l2.tail;

- nestling May 09, 2012 | Flag Reply
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I believe that I solved. My cornerstone was in keeping updated a non-public reference to the last element of the list at all times.

Unit tests first:

//  CSPQuickListMergeTests.m

#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import "CSPQuickMergeList.h"

@interface CSPQuickListMergeTests : XCTestCase


@implementation CSPQuickListMergeTests {
    CSPQuickMergeList *_list1, *_list2;

- (void)setUp
    [super setUp];

    _list1 = [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @0, @1, @2, @3, @4 ]];
    _list2 = [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @5, @6, @7, @8, @9 ]];

- (void)tearDown
    _list1 = _list2 = nil;

    [super tearDown];

- (void)testSingleMerge
    CSPQuickMergeList *expected =
    [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9 ]];

    XCTAssertEqualObjects(expected, [_list1 merge:_list2]);

- (void)testDoubleMergeTakeOne
    CSPQuickMergeList *expected =
    [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9,
                                        @10, @11, @12, @13, @14 ]];

    CSPQuickMergeList *list3 =
    [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @10, @11, @12, @13, @14 ]];

    XCTAssertEqualObjects(expected, [_list1 merge:[_list2 merge:list3]]);

- (void)testDoubleMergeTakeTwo
    CSPQuickMergeList *expected =
    [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9,
                                        @10, @11, @12, @13, @14 ]];

    CSPQuickMergeList *list3 =
    [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @10, @11, @12, @13, @14 ]];

    XCTAssertEqualObjects(expected, [[_list1 merge:_list2] merge:list3]);

- (void)testNullInput
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(_list1, [_list1 merge:nil]);

- (void)testMergeSame
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(_list1, [_list1 merge:_list1]);

- (void)testOneElementListMerge
    CSPQuickMergeList *list3 = [CSPQuickMergeList listWithObject:@100];
    CSPQuickMergeList *expected =
    [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @100, @0, @1, @2, @3, @4 ]];
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(expected, [list3 merge:_list1]);

    list3 = [CSPQuickMergeList listWithObject:@100];
    expected =
    [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @0, @1, @2, @3, @4, @100 ]];
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(expected, [_list1 merge:list3]);

    CSPQuickMergeList *listA = [CSPQuickMergeList listWithObject:@('a')];
    CSPQuickMergeList *listB = [CSPQuickMergeList listWithObject:@('b')];
    expected = [CSPQuickMergeList listWithArray:@[ @('b'), @('a') ]];
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(expected, [listB merge:listA]);


The list interface:

//  CSPQuickListMerge.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

 * Single-linked list implementation that features O(1) merge.
@interface CSPQuickMergeList : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, readonly) id data;

 * Constructor that creates a 1-element list.
 * @param object
 * @return nil if object is nil, a new list otherwise
+ (instancetype)listWithObject:(id)object;

 * Constructor that creates a list whose elements come from the array passed as
 * parameter.
 * @param array
 * @return nil if the array is nil or has no elements, a new list otherwise
+ (instancetype)listWithArray:(NSArray*)array;

- (instancetype)initWithObject:(id)object;

 * Default initializer.
- (instancetype)initWithArray:(NSArray*)array;

 * Appends the received list at the end of this list. This method is optimized
 * for constant complexity.
 * @param list
 * @return the original list with the parameter appended. If the input is the
 * same list that this list, just returns this list without changes (i.e., 
 * doesn't append the list to itself).
- (instancetype)merge:(CSPQuickMergeList*)list;

 * Returns the next element (eventually nil).
- (instancetype)next;


The list implementation:

//  CSPQuickListMerge.m

#import "CSPQuickMergeList.h"

@implementation CSPQuickMergeList {
    CSPQuickMergeList *_next;
    CSPQuickMergeList *_last; // at all times, a reference to the last element
                              // of the list is kept. This will help merge lists
                              // with O(1).

@synthesize data = _data;

+ (instancetype)listWithObject:(id)object
    return [[CSPQuickMergeList alloc] initWithObject:object];

+ (instancetype)listWithArray:(NSArray*)array
    return [[CSPQuickMergeList alloc] initWithArray:array];

- (instancetype)initWithObject:(id)object
    if (!object) return nil; // fail-fast

    if ((self = [super init])) {
        _data = object;
        _next = nil;
        _last = self;

    return self;

- (instancetype)initWithArray:(NSArray*)array
    if ((!array) || (![array count])) return nil; // fail-fast

    if ((self = [self initWithObject:[array objectAtIndex:0]])) {
        for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < [array count]; ++i) {

            [self merge:[CSPQuickMergeList
                         listWithObject:[array objectAtIndex:i]]];

    return self;

- (instancetype)next
    // here's the trick: the last element is propagated is the list is
    // traversed
    if (_next) [_next setLast:_last];

    return _next;

- (instancetype)merge:(CSPQuickMergeList*)list
    // skips empty lists or self-concatenation
    if ((list) && (list != self)) {
        // the original last element becomes predecessor of the new list
        [_last setNext:list];
        // And the last element of the resulting merged list is the last element
        // of the appended list
        _last = [list last];

    return self;

// Notice that this method don't belong to the public interface
- (void)setNext:(CSPQuickMergeList*)next
    _next = next;

// Notice that this method don't belong to the public interface
- (instancetype)last
    return _last;

// Notice that this method don't belong to the public interface
- (void)setLast:(CSPQuickMergeList*)last
    _last = last;

- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object
    if (self == object) return YES;

    if (![object isKindOfClass:[CSPQuickMergeList class]]) return NO;

    return [self isEqualToList:(CSPQuickMergeList*)object];

- (BOOL)isEqualToList:(CSPQuickMergeList*)list
    if (!list) return NO;

    CSPQuickMergeList *thisOne = self, *theOtherOne = list;
    while (thisOne) {
        if ((!theOtherOne) || (![[thisOne data] isEqual:[theOtherOne data]])) return NO;

        thisOne = [thisOne next];
        theOtherOne = [theOtherOne next];

    return !theOtherOne;

- (NSUInteger)hash
    return (_last == self) ? [_data hash] : ([_data hash] ^ [[_last data] hash]);

- (NSString*)description
    NSMutableString *ret = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"[ %@", [_data description]];

    CSPQuickMergeList *thisList = _next;
    while (thisList) {
        [ret appendFormat:@", %@", [thisList data]];
        thisList = [thisList next];

    [ret appendFormat:@" ]"];

    return ret;


- diegum June 01, 2014 | Flag Reply
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what do you mean "merge them" are the lists sorted? Or simply appended to the end?

- Anonymous November 17, 2008 | Flag Reply
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Merging is akin to taking union of the two lists in this case.I mean two say that we have to take the union of the two sets,removing duplicate entries,if any.
(Remember how do we take the union of two sets)
Given {1,2,3} and {2,5,3}
O/p of theri union is {1,2,3,5}

- Prabhav November 17, 2008 | Flag Reply
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>>Lists data structure design depends on you.
As design choice is ours,we can use doubly linked lists data structure.

.......But,how do we take care of possible duplicates....we can't simply append them.You need to design some other list data structure

- Anonymous November 17, 2008 | Flag Reply
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Well it seems to me that if we separating random entries in a list in constant time, then we need O(1) lookup, which is not provided by a list. So we will have to use a random access data structure somewhere, if this is still a "list" then it is possible.

- Anonymous November 17, 2008 | Flag Reply
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We can use a hash table and hash all the elements into it. We will be left with the Union of the elements which are the keys of the hash table. But this is still O(2n) and not O(1). O(1) does it mean just append one list to another...???

- Mohan November 19, 2008 | Flag Reply
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ya man n u think traversing of list is O(1) lol

- bug November 19, 2008 | Flag Reply
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Buddy I never said traversing is O(1).
If you read the question we are asked to take union in O(1).
After taking union we are to traverse the list to verify the union.(that will be O(n)).
My only point is that I intend to maintain the entire universe as ONE LIST. Then the listFlag will help us distinguish the lists the particular elemet belongs to.
Now think before you lol buddy.
In ordinary cases you take union in O(n^2) time and then traverse it in O(n) time. And here only the traversal remains O(n).
Besides the space is also optimized as the nodes common to both lists will be stored once.
Note: This DS can be extended to store 32 distinct lists(4 bytes of listFlag -> 32 bits to map 32 lists)

- Sandeep November 23, 2008 | Flag
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Lol you obviously need a random access data structure. The only thing I can think of is to have a "pool" of list elements, store in an array. I.e. node* pool[n];

Then each "list" has a bitmap bool bitmap[n], where the ith value in the bitmap is true if the list contains that element.

Then to merge 2 lists we simply OR the two bitmaps. However this only works if we can know ahead of time how many elements there will be, or growing each bitmap as new elements are added to the pool.

Be warned.. This solution sucks.

- Anonymous November 20, 2008 | Flag Reply
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Prabhav: O(1) is not possible.

- kulang November 21, 2008 | Flag Reply
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Because we have choise to design data structure for the lists, so I use three containers to store data, one std:map (or hash table) to store real data(the data may be the key), and useing two lists (link table or vector or what ever) to store the key for the data which belongs to the list. The Add operation is OK because for map add is automatically unique but in two lists maybe dublicate, for delete operation, only the data don't belong to both list, then delete it from map. now it is easy for merge two list, do nothing just access map.

- Anonymous January 13, 2009 | Flag Reply
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If we use a bit vector representation (a bit vector is a an long integer or a group of integers, such that if a number n is present in our data, we set the n'th bit in the integer or range of integers to 1), we can do a bitwise OR which is O(1) and we get the union! The space complexity will be high because this depends on the range of the data.

- Vikram February 27, 2009 | Flag Reply
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To the best of my knowledge, computers cannot bitwise OR unboundedly large integers in a single operation. They can bitwise OR two words in a constant time, though. If the range of numbers in two lists are k, then it will take O(k) two take bitwise OR of bit vectors of two lists. If none of the lists are supposed to have duplicate values, then k will be at least n, where n is the length of the larger list. Hence this solution is O(n), not O(1).

- onur.cobanoglu.84 July 11, 2010 | Flag
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Bit representation is one of the possible solutions I gave once the same and solution was accepted .Because we have a very realistic limit of O(1) time we have to compensate on the space

- Arpan March 18, 2009 | Flag Reply
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Bit representation is one of the possible solutions I gave once the same and solution was accepted .Because we have a very realistic limit of O(1) time we have to compensate on the space

- Arpan March 18, 2009 | Flag Reply
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What if we use doubly circular..we can merge in o(1). hence we need to change 3 pointers only

- BTrivedi March 24, 2009 | Flag Reply
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typedef struct node
struct node* next;
int data;

//we maintain the head and tail of the list
//e.g. add will be:
// void add_node(node** head, node** tail, int info);

void merge(node* tail1, node* head2)
tail->next=head2; //this is O(1)

- Anonymous May 22, 2009 | Flag Reply
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The case is not about O(1) but about how we design the list to have O(1)...
To design the list, we should try to remove duplicates when putting entries into the list. So, for example, if an element is going into list 1, we have to lookup the both lists to check if there is a duplicates. If there are duplicates, then, dont insert, else insert into one.

- sri October 06, 2009 | Flag Reply
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Maybe I'm missing something here, but if we can choose how to design the lists then we have some information regarding their contents. Looking at the contents we can come up with a condition that would neatly separate them into two groups, L1 would contain group1 and L2 would contain group 2, merging would then simply be appending one to the other.

A more concrete example:
Suppose our lists are to contain ints, in that case we can pick something like 16384 and put everything under that number in L1 and the rest in L2 in sorted order. Can use doubly-linked lists for this.

Of course efficiency and and the rest will depend upon what we are storing... but the idea was to get O(1) merge.


- vic December 23, 2009 | Flag Reply
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If the user asks you to store 16383 (<16384) in List1, you MUST store it in List1, not in the list of your choice.

- Mahesh September 24, 2010 | Flag
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Implement L1 and L2 as doubly linked lists. Merge them like this :

temp = L2 -> left;
(L1 -> left) -> right = L2;
L2 -> left = L1 -> left;
L1 -> left = temp;
(L1 ->left) -> right = L1;

Correct me if I'm wrong.

- milwac March 17, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Skip list is the key...

- MuratMutluOzturk April 13, 2010 | Flag Reply
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What if we design the two lists to be circular lists. The tails point to the heads. Then we only have to break the two circles and combine them. What do you think about this?

- gabitzish November 14, 2010 | Flag Reply
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I believe that should be double circular linked list

- wangbingold December 16, 2010 | Flag Reply
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Just a circular linked list would do..

- Punit September 12, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Data structure choice is ours hey? So what say we just add a bit "needsmerge" with an array of lists that would potentially need to be merge into one on next traversal/other operation. That is a typical tradeoff. If you want merge in O(1) then you expect it to be a common operation. So we just do it via lazy evaluation...

- FBNerd February 28, 2013 | Flag Reply
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I think, if we need to remove duplicates then answer should be : not possible

- sw August 06, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Minimum O(N) not O(1) , question itself is wrong or it's not asking coding problem
O(N) java code for your reference

public static void main(String[] args){
		int[] a1={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
		int[] a2={2,9,0,1,34,7,8};
	static void merge(int[] a1,int[] a2){
		ArrayList<Integer> arr=new ArrayList<>();
		for(int i=0;i<a1.length;i++){
		for(int i=0;i<a2.length;i++){
		for(int i:arr){

- Youngsam September 19, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Isnt it a merging of two sorted list. (Merge sort), The time complexity is O(m+n). However,

struct node {
  int v;
  node *next;

node *merge(node *l, node *r) {
    node *root = NULL;
    node **np = &root;
    while(l && r) {
        if (l->v <= r->v) {
            // select l
            *np = l;`
            l = l->next;
            np = &l->next;
        } else {
            *np = r;
            r = r->next;
            np = &r->next;
    if (!l) {
        *np = r; 
    } else if (!r) {
        *np = l;
    return root;

- Anonymous July 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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I assume we have two sorted list, which needs merging to get a combined merged list, in the same way we get for merge sort The time complexity is O(m+n) though,For O(1) merge, I assume that is just linking the list, (in case we have doubly linked list)

struct node {
  int v;
  node *next;

node *merge(node *l, node *r) {
    node *root = NULL;
    node **np = &root;
    while(l && r) {
        if (l->v <= r->v) {
            // select l
            *np = l;`
            l = l->next;
            np = &l->next;
        } else {
            *np = r;
            r = r->next;
            np = &r->next;
    if (!l) {
        *np = r; 
    } else if (!r) {
        *np = l;
    return root;

- suhaib.realtor July 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Define the structure as-
struct node
int info;
int listFlag;
struct node *next;
Flag can be
0 - 1st List,
1 - 2nd List,
2 - both
So the insertion operation will either modify the flag of a node or add a new node with.
We do not need to perform any special operation.
And I suppose using this structure we can perform Union, Intersection, Set Difference in O(1) time.
The only thing that we need to change is the testing of listFlag while traversing the list.

- Sandeep November 19, 2008 | Flag Reply
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How about this. since we can define our data structure, let us define the data structure as "always sorted linked list with a tail pointer." Now whether the data structure requires extra time for insertion is not a headache. so at this point just take the tail pointer of one list and make it point to the head of the second.

Does it sound logical?

- Love January 27, 2009 | Flag Reply
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assuming we are talking about stl lists, then we can do this using one of the splice functions.

if not using stl lists then since lists are data structs with a pointer to the next element, we just have to do one instruction i.e lst1.end->next = lst2.head. voila both lists are merged !!!

- ravi February 24, 2009 | Flag Reply

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