Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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//WRONG solution
:It takes 313 steps to get the original order.
after each round we'll have ordering changed to {even cards on top and then odd cards in reverse order}

if you take 12345 (1 is on top)
 after one round we get 2 4 5 3 1. Here's a complete process for 5 cards
 12345 --> 24531 --> 43152 --> 35214 --> 51423 --> 12345
 5 steps for 5 cards. 313 steps for 313 cards

- blueskin.neo February 17, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Please read the question carefully.

1 Round


table deck order
1 3452
3 524
5 42
4 2
after first round order - 1 3 5 4 2

- crackit February 17, 2011 | Flag
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Agree wid NEO:

according the qus- "Pick up the card stack from desk and repeat these steps till you find retrieve the original cards orderd."

here it is mentioned "Card Stack" which works on FIFO rule.

Hence the correct order will be- "24531"

- PKT February 17, 2011 | Flag
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@crackiy: It doesn't matter. The answer is the same in both cases.

- Blueskin February 17, 2011 | Flag
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@blueskin - it does not come back to its original order in the 5th shuffle

12345 ->24513->35142->21453->35412->25143

- crackit February 17, 2011 | Flag
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how did u get the ans?did u jus work it out for 5 a complete cycle and concluded for any number?just curious...

- Sathya February 17, 2011 | Flag
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Good deduction. But how can you be sure that if it works for 5 -> it will work for rest of the numbers?

- Arba February 17, 2011 | Flag
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I think deduction is wrong.

1234 -> 4231 -> 1234
Restored in 2 rounds.

- Arba February 17, 2011 | Flag
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alrite, looks like it takes forever.
Code here:

- blueskin.neo February 17, 2011 | Flag
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that was quick blueskin.I think it has to do something with math rather than coding.

- arba February 17, 2011 | Flag
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@arba: if gives an answer for n=312: 5040
and n=314: rounds = 84150
but for n=313 it takes forever. maybe there's something mathematically

- blueskin.neo February 17, 2011 | Flag
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The following are (n, #shuffles) for n<=50. I get the same answer for n=312 & 314 as neo so my program should be correct. For anyone who thinks this is a mathematical one, try deducing the pattern. It's also funny that it doesn't terminate for n=313

(1, 1)
(2, 2)
(3, 3)
(4, 2)
(5, 5)
(6, 6)
(7, 5)
(8, 4)
(9, 6)
(10, 6)
(11, 15)
(12, 12)
(13, 12)
(14, 30)
(15, 15)
(16, 4)
(17, 17)
(18, 18)
(19, 10)
(20, 20)
(21, 21)
(22, 14)
(23, 24)
(24, 90)
(25, 63)
(26, 26)
(27, 27)
(28, 18)
(29, 66)
(30, 12)
(31, 210)
(32, 12)
(33, 33)
(34, 90)
(35, 35)
(36, 30)
(37, 110)
(38, 120)
(39, 120)
(40, 26)
(41, 41)
(42, 42)
(43, 105)
(44, 30)
(45, 45)
(46, 30)
(47, 60)
(48, 48)
(49, 120)
(50, 50)

Lastly, neo provided a C++ version and here's my Java version for those interested:

static int numShuffles(int n) {
	LinkedList<Integer> hand = new LinkedList<Integer>();
	LinkedList<Integer> table = new LinkedList<Integer>();
	for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)

	int numShuffles = 0;
	while(true) {
		int handSize = n;
		while(handSize > 0) {
			if(handSize == 0)

		boolean original = true;
		int i = 1;
		for(int e : table) {
			if(e != i) {
				original = false;

			return numShuffles;

		LinkedList<Integer> temp = hand;
		hand = table;
		table = temp;

- Sunny December 23, 2012 | Flag
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I agree with crackit. By card "stack" - i did not mean stack..but a pack of cards. sorry about the confusion

- puzzle_math February 17, 2011 | Flag Reply
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After first shuffle I think the cards on table from top to down is 24513 which is directly used for next round. Is that right?

- crackit February 17, 2011 | Flag
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it should be 24531

- GekkoGordan February 17, 2011 | Flag
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The answer is either 250 or 1575169365, depending on the way how "deck" becomes a new "pack". If we directly use deck as a pack (the top card in the deck becomes the top card in the new pack), it takes 1575169365 steps at least. Otherwise the answer is 250.

Some fundamental knowledge of group theory is required to deduce the answer. However, it is not easy to explain even without group theory.

Say if A= 12345 becomes 24531 after the first round, we can denote this permutation by (24351) meaning that operation changes A[1] to 2, A[2] to 4, A[4] to 3, A[3] to 5, A[5] to 1. Another example is when B= 12345 becomes 23154. This way we can denote this transformation as (231)(54). Again B[1] becomes 2, B[2] becomes 3, B[3] becomes 1, etc. Things in one () pair is a loop that rotates.

The LCM of the lengths of those loops is the number we want, because it takes "length" number of steps for things in one () to rotate back.

For this particular problem, I wrote some code to find the length of the loops, turned out that lengths of loops are [250, 50, 10, 2, 1], so the answer is 250

from collections import deque
pack = deque()
for i in xrange(313):

print "Initial card pack"
print pack

def once(pack):
    deck = deque()
    while len(pack)>0:
        if len(pack) > 1:
    return deck

def findloop(l):
    marked = [False for i in l]
    loop = []
    for i in xrange(len(marked)):
        if marked[i] == False:
            start = i
            counter = 0
            while marked[start] == False:
                marked[start] = True
                start = l[start]
                counter +=1
    return loop
deck = once(pack)
print "After one round"
print deck

print "Loop lengths"
print findloop(deck)     

## Verify it
pack = deque()
for i in xrange(313):
for i in xrange(250):
    pack = once(pack)
    # print pack
print "After 250 rounds"
print pack

- Eric Xu February 17, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Hi Eric,

Can you elaborate more on the LCM part?

- Rapuz February 18, 2011 | Flag
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Hi Eric, can you get the loops for 332 and above numbers?

- Anonymous February 18, 2011 | Flag
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* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.

package edu.depaul.nn.bp.test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

* @author Aaron
public class RePack {

public static void main(String args[])
RePack rp= new RePack();



int capacity=313;
int []ds=new int[capacity];
int countRound=0;

List<Integer> initial=new LinkedList<Integer>();
List<Integer> desk=new LinkedList<Integer>();

public void init()
for(int i=0;i<this.ds.length;i++)


public void goOverAllRounds()

System.out.println("*******"+this.countAction+":"+ this.countRound+ "********");
for(int i=0;i<this.capacity;i++)
//reload from desk



int countAction=0;
boolean done=false;

public void oneRound()

public void oneAction()
System.out.println("loop count:"+this.countAction);

//just put to desk

for(int i=0;i<this.capacity;i++)
boolean correct= this.desk.get(i)==i ;


return ;

System.out.print("correct : "+this.countAction);
return ;



Integer v2=this.initial.get(0);



- Anonymous February 19, 2011 | Flag
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correct : 78250

for 313

the same as eric

- Anonymous February 19, 2011 | Flag
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It's turn out that neo is right. As there is no code implement his idea. I will post it below.

public static void cardShuffle(int[] cards){
		LinkedList<Integer> hand = new LinkedList<Integer>();
		LinkedList<Integer> desk = new LinkedList<Integer>();
		for(int i=0;i<cards.length;i++)
		for(int i=0;i<cards.length;i++){
			if(i%2 == 0)
	 * Remove the topmost card from card pack and 
	 * place it on desk. Then remove the next one 
	 * and put it below the pack of cards(that you 
	 * are holding)
	 * @param v1 hand
	 * @param v2 desk
	private static void cardShuffleImpl(LinkedList<Integer> hand, LinkedList<Integer> desk){

- Saimok February 18, 2011 | Flag Reply
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the code was posted at this link

- blueskin.neo February 18, 2011 | Flag
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y u did %2 ? wat's da purpose ?

- rj February 20, 2011 | Flag
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neo is correct...
case1: if you are keeping the cards on desk and can take as it is (not stack LIFO) and start 2nd round, it will take n shuffles.
case2: if you are keeping the cards on desk and can take it in reverse order (stack LIFO) and start 2nd round, it will take (n+1)/2 shuffles to get the original order.

- Anonymous February 18, 2011 | Flag Reply
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for case1 answer is 313
for case2 anseer is 157

- Anonymous February 18, 2011 | Flag
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case 1 is correct.
But case 2 is wrong. For 7 it is not getting the original order even after 8 times (tried manually)

- Anonymous February 18, 2011 | Flag
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Eric Xu is right... 250 is correct answer for 313

- Anonymous February 18, 2011 | Flag Reply
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I got the below results:

nocards no if shuffles
313 - 250
330 - 329
331 - 330
332(and above)- infinite

- Anonymous February 18, 2011 | Flag Reply
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can you please elaborate on how did you reach to this result?

- anonymous February 18, 2011 | Flag
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Below is the program for this problem... I used double linked list to store the initial n elements. after that move one element at the end to stack and another element at the end of the Double linked list to start of the list. do this till linked list becomes empty. Now all the elements are in stack, now again pop all elements and insert in double linked list. now compare the elements in array and in linked list. if both are equal we got the solution otherwise continue this exercise.

// A_Shuffle_313_Cards_Get_Original_Pack.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Stack
	int data;
	Stack *link;
typedef struct node1
	node1 *prev;
	int data;
	node1 *next;

void Push(Stack **, int);
int Pop(Stack **);
void insert_dlist(DLIST**, DLIST**, int);
int delete_last(DLIST**, DLIST**);
void insert_first(DLIST **first, DLIST**last, int d);
int compare(int a[], DLIST*, int n);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int a[332] = {0};

	DLIST *first=NULL, *last=NULL;
	Stack *head=NULL;

	int n = 313, count=0;
	for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
		a[i] = i+1;
	for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
		insert_dlist(&first, &last, a[i]);
			Push(&head, delete_last(&first, &last));
				insert_first(&first, &last, delete_last(&first, &last));
		int j=0;
			insert_dlist(&first, &last, Pop(&head));
		if(compare(a, first, n))
			cout << "Count of Shuffles: " << ++count << endl;

	return 0;

void Push(Stack **p, int d)
	Stack *temp;
	temp = (Stack*)malloc(sizeof(Stack));
	temp->data =d;
	temp->link = *p;
	*p = temp;

int Pop(Stack **p)
	if(*p == NULL)
		return NULL;

	int q;
	Stack *temp=*p;
	q = temp->data;
	*p = temp->link;
	return q;

void insert_dlist(DLIST**first, DLIST**last, int d)
	DLIST *temp;

	if(*first == NULL)
		(*first) = new DLIST;
		(*first)->data = d;
		(*first)->prev = (*first)->next = NULL;
		*last = *first;
		temp = new DLIST;
		temp->data = d;
		temp->prev = (*last);
		temp->next = NULL;
		(*last)->next = temp;
		*last = temp;

int delete_last(DLIST **first, DLIST**last)
	int d = (*last)->data;
	DLIST *temp = *last;

	if(temp->prev == NULL)
		*last = NULL;
		*first = NULL;
		(*last) = temp->prev;
		(*last)->next = NULL;
	delete temp;
	return d;

void insert_first(DLIST **first, DLIST**last, int d)
	DLIST *temp;
	temp = new DLIST;
	temp->prev = NULL;
	temp->data = d;
	temp->next = *first;
	if(*first == NULL)
		*first = *last = temp;
		(*first)->prev = temp;
		*first = temp;

int compare(int a[], DLIST*f, int n)
	int flag=1;
	DLIST *temp;
	for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
		temp = f;
		if(a[i] != temp->data)
			flag = 0;
		f = f->next;
	return flag;

- Anonymous February 18, 2011 | Flag
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@Anonymous: its better to use std::list rather than creating your own double linked list. that gives you a lot of advantages and is a good practice too.

- GekkoGordan February 21, 2011 | Flag
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Hello people the answer would be n^2 times to get the same order as it was in the starting.. I can explain you with an example.

Take numbers 1,2,3,4,5 .
As per the question,

1st step- First card should be placed on the desk.
2nd step- Immediate next card should be kept at the bottom of the stack.

0th iteration - 1,2,3,4,5
1st iteration - 3,4,5,2 | 1
2nd iteration - 5,2,4 | 3,1
3rd iteration - 4,2 | 5,3,1
4th iteration - 2 | 4,5,3,1
5th iteration - 2,4,5,3,1

6th iteration - 5,3,1,4 | 2
7th iteration - 1,4,3 | 5,2
8th iteration - 3,4 | 1,5,2
9th iteration - 4 | 3,1,5,2
10th iteration - 4,3,1,5,2

11th iteration - 1,5,2,3 |4
12th iteration - 2,3,5 | 1,4
13th iteration - 5,3 | 2,1,4
14th iteration - 3 | 5,2,1,4
15th iteration - 3,5,2,1,4

16th iteration - 2,1,4,5 | 3
17th iteration - 4,5,1 | 2,3
18th iteration - 1,5 | 4,2,3
19th iteration - 5 | 1,4,2,3
20th iteration - 5,1,4,2,3

21st iteration - 4,2,3,1 | 5
22nd iteration - 3,1,2 | 4,5
23rd iteration - 2,1 | 3,4,5
24th iteration - 1 | 2,3,4,5
25th iteration - 1,2,3,4,5

So, in the same way it takes 313*313 = 97969 iterations to get the same pack of cards which were present initially.

- Bobby Teja February 20, 2011 | Flag Reply
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I tested it for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 size and found the below:
1 - 1 iteration
1,2 - 2 iterations
1,2,3,4 - 2 iterations
1,2,3,4,5 - 5 iterations
1,2,3,4,5,6 - 6 iterations
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - 7 iterations
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 - 4 iterations

So, based on this hypothesis; I am guessing for any number 'n' except for multiples of 4, it takes 'n' iterations. For multiples of 4, if 'n' is number; it takes 'n/2' iterations.

- Karthik February 20, 2011 | Flag Reply
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I Got infinite for 313 and 367, Infinite i mean i didnt get the solution even after the program is run for like 30 min.

I got the numbers for all others from 1 - 500. Didnt test the rest.
The solution goes like this from 1 card...

1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 6, 5, 4, 6, 6, 15, 12, 12, 30, 15, 4, 17, ... and so on

Interestingly this was the output for 16 in my program


Which was 4 iterations.

So i was guessing there is some property pertaining to 313, which is why the questions is asked for 313

- Anonymous February 20, 2011 | Flag Reply
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This is my program for the above comment.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <conio.h>

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Structure definition representing each card in the deck

struct card
int value;
struct card * next;

//Global Declarations
//On=1 or Off=0 the ability to print out detailed report on each step

//Number of cards: Taken as input from the user.
int iNumberOfCards = 0;

//Head and Tail nodes of cards in hand
struct card *head_on_hand = NULL;
struct card *tail_on_hand = NULL;

//Head and Tail nodes of cards on table
struct card *head_on_table = NULL;
struct card *tail_on_table = NULL;

//Function Name: initialize_headtail
//Purpose: To initialize the head and tail nodes of both hand and table lists
//Parameters: NONE
//Returns: NOTHING
void initialize_headtail()
head_on_table = (struct card*)malloc(sizeof(struct card));
head_on_hand = (struct card*)malloc(sizeof(struct card));
tail_on_table = (struct card*)malloc(sizeof(struct card));
tail_on_hand = (struct card*)malloc(sizeof(struct card));

head_on_hand->value = -1;
head_on_table->value = -1;
tail_on_hand->value = -1;
tail_on_table->value = -1;

head_on_table->next = tail_on_table;
head_on_hand->next = tail_on_hand;
tail_on_table->next = NULL;
tail_on_hand->next = NULL;

//Function Name: initialize
//Purpose: To initialize the card deck.
//Parameters: NONE
//Returns: NOTHING
void initialize()
int iCount;
struct card* newone = NULL;
//for the number of cards, as per user input
for(iCount = iNumberOfCards; iCount>0; iCount--)
//create a card and insert it into the deck
newone = (struct card*)malloc(sizeof(struct card));
newone->value = iCount;
newone->next = head_on_hand->next;
head_on_hand->next = newone;
newone = NULL;

//Function Name: print_hand
//Purpose: To print the details of cards in hand.
//Parameters: NONE
//Returns: NOTHING
void print_hand()
struct card *temp;
//print the nodes from head_on_hand to tail_on_hand
temp = head_on_hand;
temp = temp->next;

//Function Name: print_table
//Purpose: To print the details of cards on table.
//Parameters: NONE
//Returns: NOTHING
void print_table()
struct card *temp;
//print the nodes from head_on_table to tail_on_table
temp = head_on_table;
temp = temp->next;

//Function Name: check_for_initial
//Purpose: To check whether the order of cards is same as the initial order.
//Parameters: NONE
//Returns: 1 - Success
// 0 - Failure
int check_for_initial()
struct card *temp;
int iCheck = 1;
temp = head_on_hand;
if(temp->next->value == iCheck)
temp = temp->next;
return 0;
return 1;

//Function Name: check_for_initial
//Purpose: To shuffle the card deck once.
// After shuffle the cards will be placed on the table.
//Method used: Always action is performed on the top most card
// 1. Put the card on the table.
// 2. Put the card at the end(in hand).
// 3. Repeat 1 and 2 until there are cards left in hand
// (Comments in the function body will use these step numbers for reference)
//Parameters: NONE
//Returns: NOTHING
void shuffle_one_round()
struct card *temp_hand = head_on_hand;
struct card *temp = NULL;
head_on_table->next = tail_on_table;

//This while loop will provide a pointer to last card
//This will be needed to place a card at the end.
temp_hand = temp_hand->next;

//Repeat until there are cards left in hand
/* Once you place the first card on the table,
It should be inserted at head of table list.
And removed from the hand list.
Thus head of the hand list will point to
the second node after first one is removed
//Pointer to the second one.
temp = head_on_hand->next->next;

//Insert the first card at head of table list
head_on_hand->next->next = head_on_table->next;

//Remove the first card from hand list - these 3 statements will do that
head_on_table->next = head_on_hand->next;
head_on_hand->next = temp;
temp = temp->next;

/* Now we have to place the next card at the end of hand list
Remember we already have the pointer to the last card in temp_hand
//if there are cards left
//Get the card.
temp_hand->next = head_on_hand->next;
//remove it from the first position.
head_on_hand->next = head_on_hand->next->next;
//insert it at the end.
temp_hand = temp_hand->next;
//Make it the last card.
temp_hand->next = tail_on_hand;


//Function Name: take_in_hand
//Purpose: Once shuffled card will be on table.
// If the order is not same, then call this function,
// to take it back to your hand
//Parameters: NONE
//Returns: NOTHING
void take_in_hand()
struct card *temp = head_on_table;
//make the head node of table as head node of hand.
head_on_hand->next = head_on_table->next;
//loop to find the last card
//make the last card point to the tail node of hand
temp->next = tail_on_hand;
//make head in table point to tail. thus table list is now empty
head_on_table->next = tail_on_table;

//Function Name: main
//Purpose: Main function
// Gets the user input and calls the functions needed, to provide
// the user output.
int main()
long Count = 0;

int i;

//Get the number of cards, Ask the user again on error
printf("Enter the number of cards in the deck: ");

printf("Deck should contain one or more cards\n");

//Give the user option to look into each step in the process.
//If not interested he can just look into the final answer
printf("Do you want to print each step? Enter 1 for Yes and 0 for No: ");

printf("Please enter the correct choice (1 or 0)\n");
//313, 367

for(i = 1; i < 313; i++)
iNumberOfCards = i;
//Once the user input is in, initialize the deck.

//Shuffle it until you get back the initial order


//take it back to your hand

//See if the order is same as the initial order
//if yes, print the output and exit
if(PRINT_EACH_STEP)printf("\nThe order is same as initial order.\n\n");
printf("Number of Rounds = %d\n", Count);
//if not same then continue to shuffle again
if(PRINT_EACH_STEP)printf("\nThe order is not same as initial order.\n TAKE IT AND SHUFFLE AGAIN\n");

Count = 0;


- Raj February 20, 2011 | Flag
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I have added a for loop 1 to 313.
It prints it for everything and gets stuck at 313 for long.

You can copy the whole program in a C source and run it.
It will run.

I will tested it to be working correctly when it comes to logic.
Let me know if you get to know anything about 313

- Raj February 20, 2011 | Flag
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When you run the program, it will ask you if you want to print the output for each step.

You can select that option. And verify each step...

- Raj February 20, 2011 | Flag
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@arba @blueskin
It falls in Infinite loop for many numbers.. 313, 23, 67, 97.
It has something to do with mathematical calculations.
I tested with lot of numbers using my code. But i was unable to find any pattern. For 312, it is 5040 and for 314 it is 84150.

- Richa Aggarwal February 24, 2011 | Flag Reply
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@arba @blueskin
It falls in Infinite loop for many numbers.. 313, 23, 67, 97.
It has something to do with mathematical calculations.
I tested with lot of numbers using my code. But i was unable to find any pattern. For 312, it is 5040 and for 314 it is 84150.

- Richa Aggarwal February 24, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Answer is
31 * 33 * 29 * 37 * 35 * 41 = 1575169365
1) run the first round of permutation
2) find the disjoint cycles
3) take the lowest common multiple of the length of the cycles
thats the answer

orig : 1234
1st perm: 4231
disjoint cycles = (4 1) (2) (3) lcm(2,1,1) = 2;

disjoint cycles size for 313 is 33

here is the code I used to find cycles;
public static boolean check(boolean arr[]){
for(int x = 0; x<arr.length;x++){
return false;
return true;
public static int numItt(int num) {
Deque<Integer> orig = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> second = new ArrayList<Integer>();

for (int x = 1; x <= num; x++)

boolean piggyback = false;

while (!orig.isEmpty()) {
int temp = orig.remove();
if (piggyback)
piggyback = !piggyback;
boolean arr[] = new boolean[num];
for(int x = 0; x< num; x++)
arr[x] = false;
int index = 0;
int count = 0;
//print perms
int temp = second.get(index)-1;
//System.out.print((temp+1)+" ");
index = temp;
arr[temp] = true;
count = 0;
index = 0;
return 0;

cycle sizes are printed on the console, find lcm manually.

- Yaka March 06, 2011 | Flag Reply
Comment hidden because of low score. Click to expand.
of 0 votes

1575169365 is the correct answer :)

it took my code ~3 hours on an i5 laptop

- peter pan October 11, 2012 | Flag
Comment hidden because of low score. Click to expand.
of 0 vote

There's a much smarter way for doing this.
Below are all answers from 1-1000 calculated in about 3 seconds

03.06.2015 22:36:06
22:36:06 - 1: 1 - 1
22:36:06 - 2: 2 - 2
22:36:06 - 3: 3 - 3
22:36:06 - 4: 4 - 2
22:36:06 - 5: 5 - 5
22:36:06 - 6: 6 - 6
22:36:06 - 7: 7 - 5
22:36:06 - 8: 8 - 4
22:36:06 - 9: 9 - 6
22:36:06 - 10: 10 - 6
22:36:06 - 11: 11 - 15
22:36:06 - 12: 12 - 12
22:36:06 - 13: 13 - 12
22:36:06 - 14: 14 - 30
22:36:06 - 15: 15 - 15
22:36:06 - 16: 16 - 4
22:36:06 - 17: 17 - 17
22:36:06 - 18: 18 - 18
22:36:06 - 19: 19 - 10
22:36:06 - 20: 20 - 20
22:36:06 - 21: 21 - 21
22:36:06 - 22: 22 - 14
22:36:06 - 23: 23 - 24
22:36:06 - 24: 24 - 90
22:36:06 - 25: 25 - 63
22:36:06 - 26: 26 - 26
22:36:06 - 27: 27 - 27
22:36:06 - 28: 28 - 18
22:36:06 - 29: 29 - 66
22:36:06 - 30: 30 - 12
22:36:06 - 31: 31 - 210
22:36:06 - 32: 32 - 12
22:36:06 - 33: 33 - 33
22:36:06 - 34: 34 - 90
22:36:06 - 35: 35 - 35
22:36:06 - 36: 36 - 30
22:36:06 - 37: 37 - 110
22:36:06 - 38: 38 - 120
22:36:06 - 39: 39 - 120
22:36:06 - 40: 40 - 26
22:36:06 - 41: 41 - 41
22:36:06 - 42: 42 - 42
22:36:06 - 43: 43 - 105
22:36:06 - 44: 44 - 30
22:36:06 - 45: 45 - 45
22:36:06 - 46: 46 - 30
22:36:06 - 47: 47 - 60
22:36:06 - 48: 48 - 48
22:36:06 - 49: 49 - 120
22:36:06 - 50: 50 - 50
22:36:06 - 51: 51 - 42
22:36:06 - 52: 52 - 510
22:36:06 - 53: 53 - 53
22:36:06 - 54: 54 - 1680
22:36:06 - 55: 55 - 120
22:36:06 - 56: 56 - 1584
22:36:06 - 57: 57 - 57
22:36:06 - 58: 58 - 336
22:36:06 - 59: 59 - 276
22:36:06 - 60: 60 - 60
22:36:06 - 61: 61 - 2665
22:36:06 - 62: 62 - 720
22:36:06 - 63: 63 - 8415
22:36:06 - 64: 64 - 12
22:36:06 - 65: 65 - 720
22:36:06 - 66: 66 - 66
22:36:06 - 67: 67 - 120
22:36:06 - 68: 68 - 68
22:36:06 - 69: 69 - 840
22:36:06 - 70: 70 - 336
22:36:06 - 71: 71 - 4347
22:36:06 - 72: 72 - 210
22:36:06 - 73: 73 - 286
22:36:06 - 74: 74 - 870
22:36:06 - 75: 75 - 66
22:36:06 - 76: 76 - 50
22:36:06 - 77: 77 - 621
22:36:06 - 78: 78 - 78
22:36:06 - 79: 79 - 24
22:36:06 - 80: 80 - 210
22:36:06 - 81: 81 - 9690
22:36:06 - 82: 82 - 55440
22:36:06 - 83: 83 - 3465
22:36:06 - 84: 84 - 1122
22:36:06 - 85: 85 - 5040
22:36:06 - 86: 86 - 370
22:36:06 - 87: 87 - 87
22:36:06 - 88: 88 - 720
22:36:06 - 89: 89 - 630
22:36:06 - 90: 90 - 90
22:36:06 - 91: 91 - 783
22:36:06 - 92: 92 - 92
22:36:06 - 93: 93 - 78
22:36:06 - 94: 94 - 50
22:36:06 - 95: 95 - 95
22:36:06 - 96: 96 - 96
22:36:06 - 97: 97 - 6435
22:36:06 - 98: 98 - 132
22:36:06 - 99: 99 - 780
22:36:06 - 100: 100 - 120
22:36:06 - 101: 101 - 3360
22:36:06 - 102: 102 - 90
22:36:06 - 103: 103 - 9690
22:36:06 - 104: 104 - 1722
22:36:06 - 105: 105 - 105
22:36:06 - 106: 106 - 4620
22:36:06 - 107: 107 - 360
22:36:06 - 108: 108 - 792
22:36:06 - 109: 109 - 1008
22:36:06 - 110: 110 - 646
22:36:06 - 111: 111 - 111
22:36:06 - 112: 112 - 74
22:36:06 - 113: 113 - 840
22:36:06 - 114: 114 - 120
22:36:06 - 115: 115 - 180
22:36:06 - 116: 116 - 116
22:36:06 - 117: 117 - 117
22:36:06 - 118: 118 - 120120
22:36:06 - 119: 119 - 90
22:36:06 - 120: 120 - 120
22:36:06 - 121: 121 - 1020
22:36:06 - 122: 122 - 122
22:36:06 - 123: 123 - 123
22:36:06 - 124: 124 - 10080
22:36:06 - 125: 125 - 23985
22:36:06 - 126: 126 - 126
22:36:06 - 127: 127 - 78
22:36:06 - 128: 128 - 24
22:36:06 - 129: 129 - 1326
22:36:06 - 130: 130 - 86
22:36:06 - 131: 131 - 131
22:36:06 - 132: 132 - 1980
22:36:06 - 133: 133 - 25155
22:36:06 - 134: 134 - 2862
22:36:06 - 135: 135 - 11130
22:36:06 - 136: 136 - 90
22:36:06 - 137: 137 - 137
22:36:06 - 138: 138 - 630
22:36:06 - 139: 139 - 65520
22:36:06 - 140: 140 - 9240
22:36:06 - 141: 141 - 141
22:36:06 - 142: 142 - 3640
22:36:06 - 143: 143 - 630315
22:36:06 - 144: 144 - 330
22:36:06 - 145: 145 - 1150
22:36:06 - 146: 146 - 390
22:36:06 - 147: 147 - 147
22:36:06 - 148: 148 - 98
22:36:06 - 149: 149 - 1680
22:36:06 - 150: 150 - 150
22:36:06 - 151: 151 - 440895
22:36:06 - 152: 152 - 152
22:36:06 - 153: 153 - 276
22:36:06 - 154: 154 - 840
22:36:06 - 155: 155 - 155
22:36:06 - 156: 156 - 5040
22:36:06 - 157: 157 - 52785
22:36:06 - 158: 158 - 27720
22:36:06 - 159: 159 - 336
22:36:06 - 160: 160 - 16218
22:36:06 - 161: 161 - 153615
22:36:06 - 162: 162 - 162
22:36:06 - 163: 163 - 5040
22:36:06 - 164: 164 - 4290
22:36:06 - 165: 165 - 165
22:36:06 - 166: 166 - 1680
22:36:06 - 167: 167 - 462
22:36:06 - 168: 168 - 14280
22:36:06 - 169: 169 - 90
22:36:06 - 170: 170 - 17160
22:36:06 - 171: 171 - 315
22:36:06 - 172: 172 - 14280
22:36:06 - 173: 173 - 63189
22:36:06 - 174: 174 - 4830
22:36:06 - 175: 175 - 131040
22:36:06 - 176: 176 - 720
22:36:06 - 177: 177 - 150
22:36:06 - 178: 178 - 148580
22:36:06 - 179: 179 - 3360
22:36:06 - 180: 180 - 180
22:36:06 - 181: 181 - 5040
22:36:06 - 182: 182 - 27840
22:36:06 - 183: 183 - 840
22:36:06 - 184: 184 - 9240
22:36:06 - 185: 185 - 3417
22:36:06 - 186: 186 - 186
22:36:06 - 187: 187 - 31489185
22:36:06 - 188: 188 - 188
22:36:06 - 189: 189 - 14280
22:36:06 - 190: 190 - 7560
22:36:06 - 191: 191 - 55440
22:36:06 - 192: 192 - 870
22:36:06 - 193: 193 - 840
22:36:06 - 194: 194 - 840
22:36:06 - 195: 195 - 630
22:36:06 - 196: 196 - 630
22:36:06 - 197: 197 - 197
22:36:06 - 198: 198 - 275310
22:36:06 - 199: 199 - 6126120
22:36:06 - 200: 200 - 8460
22:36:06 - 201: 201 - 85008
22:36:06 - 202: 202 - 134
22:36:06 - 203: 203 - 308133
22:36:06 - 204: 204 - 6642
22:36:06 - 205: 205 - 120
22:36:06 - 206: 206 - 206
22:36:06 - 207: 207 - 207
22:36:06 - 208: 208 - 4129650
22:36:06 - 209: 209 - 3486
22:36:06 - 210: 210 - 210
22:36:06 - 211: 211 - 10140585
22:36:06 - 212: 212 - 31374
22:36:06 - 213: 213 - 198
22:36:06 - 214: 214 - 55440
22:36:06 - 215: 215 - 215
22:36:06 - 216: 216 - 216
22:36:06 - 217: 217 - 78540
22:36:06 - 218: 218 - 116994
22:36:06 - 219: 219 - 150
22:36:06 - 220: 220 - 146
22:36:06 - 221: 221 - 221
22:36:06 - 222: 222 - 222
22:36:06 - 223: 223 - 6310395
22:36:06 - 224: 224 - 8010
22:36:06 - 225: 225 - 140
22:36:06 - 226: 226 - 1320
22:36:06 - 227: 227 - 227
22:36:06 - 228: 228 - 4600
22:36:06 - 229: 229 - 829920
22:36:06 - 230: 230 - 56088
22:36:06 - 231: 231 - 630
22:36:06 - 232: 232 - 42900
22:36:06 - 233: 233 - 10560
22:36:06 - 234: 234 - 2640
22:36:06 - 235: 235 - 3034
22:36:06 - 236: 236 - 42294
22:36:06 - 237: 237 - 237
22:36:06 - 238: 238 - 158
22:36:06 - 239: 239 - 4560
22:36:06 - 240: 240 - 1480290
22:36:06 - 241: 241 - 2490075
22:36:06 - 242: 242 - 242
22:36:06 - 243: 243 - 1969065
22:36:06 - 244: 244 - 742560
22:36:06 - 245: 245 - 156600
22:36:06 - 246: 246 - 246
22:36:06 - 247: 247 - 9240
22:36:06 - 248: 248 - 248
22:36:06 - 249: 249 - 4950
22:36:06 - 250: 250 - 55440
22:36:06 - 251: 251 - 33630
22:36:06 - 252: 252 - 1170
22:36:06 - 253: 253 - 360360
22:36:06 - 254: 254 - 12113640
22:36:06 - 255: 255 - 255
22:36:06 - 256: 256 - 24
22:36:06 - 257: 257 - 8880
22:36:06 - 258: 258 - 258
22:36:06 - 259: 259 - 179520
22:36:06 - 260: 260 - 260
22:36:06 - 261: 261 - 222
22:36:06 - 262: 262 - 174
22:36:06 - 263: 263 - 134045
22:36:06 - 264: 264 - 11130
22:36:06 - 265: 265 - 6607440
22:36:06 - 266: 266 - 266
22:36:06 - 267: 267 - 3087942
22:36:06 - 268: 268 - 1680
22:36:06 - 269: 269 - 85680
22:36:06 - 270: 270 - 1722
22:36:06 - 271: 271 - 7395
22:36:06 - 272: 272 - 272
22:36:06 - 273: 273 - 273
22:36:06 - 274: 274 - 55440
22:36:06 - 275: 275 - 6507930
22:36:06 - 276: 276 - 5040
22:36:06 - 277: 277 - 630
22:36:06 - 278: 278 - 855600
22:36:06 - 279: 279 - 55440
22:36:06 - 280: 280 - 186
22:36:06 - 281: 281 - 281
22:36:06 - 282: 282 - 1680
22:36:06 - 283: 283 - 7800450
22:36:06 - 284: 284 - 12882
22:36:06 - 285: 285 - 444210
22:36:06 - 286: 286 - 3960
22:36:06 - 287: 287 - 91080
22:36:06 - 288: 288 - 288
22:36:06 - 289: 289 - 3360
22:36:06 - 290: 290 - 180810
22:36:06 - 291: 291 - 8275995
22:36:06 - 292: 292 - 194
22:36:06 - 293: 293 - 293
22:36:06 - 294: 294 - 1380
22:36:06 - 295: 295 - 64276905
22:36:06 - 296: 296 - 59280
22:36:06 - 297: 297 - 297
22:36:06 - 298: 298 - 180180
22:36:06 - 299: 299 - 7140
22:36:06 - 300: 300 - 637560
22:36:06 - 301: 301 - 9900
22:36:06 - 302: 302 - 1260
22:36:06 - 303: 303 - 258
22:36:06 - 304: 304 - 431730
22:36:06 - 305: 305 - 858
22:36:06 - 306: 306 - 306
22:36:06 - 307: 307 - 5170
22:36:06 - 308: 308 - 308
22:36:06 - 309: 309 - 55440
22:36:06 - 310: 310 - 50310
22:36:06 - 311: 311 - 42840
22:36:06 - 312: 312 - 5040
22:36:06 - 313: 313 - 1575169365
22:36:06 - 314: 314 - 84150
22:36:06 - 315: 315 - 315
22:36:06 - 316: 316 - 210
22:36:06 - 317: 317 - 181890
22:36:06 - 318: 318 - 840
22:36:06 - 319: 319 - 1980
22:36:06 - 320: 320 - 320
22:36:06 - 321: 321 - 321
22:36:06 - 322: 322 - 2227680
22:36:06 - 323: 323 - 323
22:36:06 - 324: 324 - 720720
22:36:06 - 325: 325 - 42325920
22:36:06 - 326: 326 - 326
22:36:06 - 327: 327 - 327
22:36:06 - 328: 328 - 14700
22:36:06 - 329: 329 - 8646
22:36:06 - 330: 330 - 330
22:36:06 - 331: 331 - 109120
22:36:06 - 332: 332 - 338140
22:36:06 - 333: 333 - 2727
22:36:06 - 334: 334 - 34320
22:36:06 - 335: 335 - 131976
22:36:06 - 336: 336 - 780
22:36:06 - 337: 337 - 348432
22:36:06 - 338: 338 - 2732400
22:36:06 - 339: 339 - 9180
22:36:06 - 340: 340 - 5040
22:36:06 - 341: 341 - 1932
22:36:06 - 342: 342 - 342
22:36:06 - 343: 343 - 243374040
22:36:06 - 344: 344 - 75600
22:36:06 - 345: 345 - 294
22:36:06 - 346: 346 - 230
22:36:06 - 347: 347 - 840
22:36:06 - 348: 348 - 2862
22:36:06 - 349: 349 - 57120
22:36:06 - 350: 350 - 6954
22:36:06 - 351: 351 - 330
22:36:06 - 352: 352 - 6046560
22:36:06 - 353: 353 - 94122
22:36:06 - 354: 354 - 10711008
22:36:06 - 355: 355 - 440895
22:36:06 - 356: 356 - 414960
22:36:06 - 357: 357 - 357
22:36:06 - 358: 358 - 1170
22:36:06 - 359: 359 - 43680
22:36:06 - 360: 360 - 360
22:36:06 - 361: 361 - 55440
22:36:06 - 362: 362 - 362
22:36:06 - 363: 363 - 363
22:36:06 - 364: 364 - 205920
22:36:06 - 365: 365 - 596181
22:36:06 - 366: 366 - 5911920
22:36:06 - 367: 367 - 1869846615
22:36:06 - 368: 368 - 153216
22:36:06 - 369: 369 - 870
22:36:06 - 370: 370 - 8168160
22:36:06 - 371: 371 - 371
22:36:06 - 372: 372 - 372
22:36:06 - 373: 373 - 10817406
22:36:06 - 374: 374 - 179520
22:36:06 - 375: 375 - 375
22:36:06 - 376: 376 - 215250
22:36:06 - 377: 377 - 1371990
22:36:06 - 378: 378 - 378
22:36:06 - 379: 379 - 77360400
22:36:06 - 380: 380 - 70200
22:36:06 - 381: 381 - 381
22:36:06 - 382: 382 - 254
22:36:06 - 383: 383 - 383
22:36:06 - 384: 384 - 54833058
22:36:06 - 385: 385 - 255255
22:36:06 - 386: 386 - 386
22:36:06 - 387: 387 - 1680
22:36:06 - 388: 388 - 72732
22:36:06 - 389: 389 - 12090
22:36:06 - 390: 390 - 390
22:36:06 - 391: 391 - 540930
22:36:06 - 392: 392 - 392
22:36:06 - 393: 393 - 393
22:36:06 - 394: 394 - 3360
22:36:06 - 395: 395 - 2277237
22:36:06 - 396: 396 - 396
22:36:06 - 397: 397 - 80010
22:36:06 - 398: 398 - 1249920
22:36:06 - 399: 399 - 17435880
22:36:06 - 400: 400 - 465585120
22:36:06 - 401: 401 - 133980
22:36:06 - 402: 402 - 402
22:36:06 - 403: 403 - 1556274105
22:36:06 - 404: 404 - 813960
22:36:06 - 405: 405 - 405
22:36:06 - 406: 406 - 270
22:36:06 - 407: 407 - 824715
22:36:06 - 408: 408 - 121136400
22:36:06 - 409: 409 - 720720
22:36:06 - 410: 410 - 1110
22:36:06 - 411: 411 - 274560
22:36:06 - 412: 412 - 7061460
22:36:06 - 413: 413 - 9240
22:36:06 - 414: 414 - 110880
22:36:06 - 415: 415 - 1053360
22:36:06 - 416: 416 - 416
22:36:06 - 417: 417 - 417
22:36:06 - 418: 418 - 278
22:36:06 - 419: 419 - 5610
22:36:06 - 420: 420 - 807300
22:36:06 - 421: 421 - 12460140
22:36:06 - 422: 422 - 5040
22:36:06 - 423: 423 - 29400
22:36:06 - 424: 424 - 55440
22:36:06 - 425: 425 - 2819019
22:36:06 - 426: 426 - 4290
22:36:06 - 427: 427 - 706734
22:36:06 - 428: 428 - 6090
22:36:06 - 429: 429 - 54390
22:36:06 - 430: 430 - 322608
22:36:06 - 431: 431 - 196695
22:36:06 - 432: 432 - 274560
22:36:06 - 433: 433 - 1111110
22:36:06 - 434: 434 - 30102
22:36:06 - 435: 435 - 828
22:36:06 - 436: 436 - 13076775300633918808
22:36:06 - 437: 437 - 437
22:36:06 - 438: 438 - 811434
22:36:06 - 439: 439 - 7920
22:36:06 - 440: 440 - 440
22:36:06 - 441: 441 - 17435880
22:36:06 - 442: 442 - 151800
22:36:06 - 443: 443 - 313740
22:36:06 - 444: 444 - 300605760
22:36:06 - 445: 445 - 5032301560437166372
22:36:06 - 446: 446 - 446
22:36:06 - 447: 447 - 447
22:36:06 - 448: 448 - 149440200
22:36:06 - 449: 449 - 16110
22:36:06 - 450: 450 - 120120
22:36:06 - 451: 451 - 360360
22:36:06 - 452: 452 - 193830
22:36:06 - 453: 453 - 23252229
22:36:06 - 454: 454 - 4823280
22:36:06 - 455: 455 - 5724
22:36:06 - 456: 456 - 456
22:36:06 - 457: 457 - 8075760
22:36:06 - 458: 458 - 440232
22:36:06 - 459: 459 - 16836
22:36:06 - 460: 460 - 306
22:36:06 - 461: 461 - 42222180
22:36:06 - 462: 462 - 462
22:36:06 - 463: 463 - 419761485
22:36:06 - 464: 464 - 6126120
22:36:06 - 465: 465 - 390
22:36:06 - 466: 466 - 48405630
22:36:06 - 467: 467 - 467
22:36:06 - 468: 468 - 468
22:36:06 - 469: 469 - 250
22:36:06 - 470: 470 - 470
22:36:06 - 471: 471 - 402
22:36:06 - 472: 472 - 1023264
22:36:06 - 473: 473 - 8168160
22:36:06 - 474: 474 - 35910
22:36:06 - 475: 475 - 354825513
22:36:06 - 476: 476 - 1290
22:36:06 - 477: 477 - 477
22:36:06 - 478: 478 - 212520
22:36:06 - 479: 479 - 18336
22:36:06 - 480: 480 - 450
22:36:06 - 481: 481 - 973496160
22:36:06 - 482: 482 - 9660
22:36:06 - 483: 483 - 483
22:36:06 - 484: 484 - 720720
22:36:06 - 485: 485 - 112255686
22:36:06 - 486: 486 - 7854
22:36:06 - 487: 487 - 1827911085
22:36:06 - 488: 488 - 488
22:36:06 - 489: 489 - 40378800
22:36:06 - 490: 490 - 326
22:36:06 - 491: 491 - 2227680
22:36:06 - 492: 492 - 96996900
22:36:06 - 493: 493 - 840
22:36:06 - 494: 494 - 780
22:36:06 - 495: 495 - 495
22:36:06 - 496: 496 - 330
22:36:06 - 497: 497 - 497
22:36:06 - 498: 498 - 20263320
22:36:06 - 499: 499 - 55440
22:36:06 - 500: 500 - 1154032
22:36:06 - 501: 501 - 82415025
22:36:06 - 502: 502 - 53721360
22:36:06 - 503: 503 - 33711477
22:36:06 - 504: 504 - 171360
22:36:06 - 505: 505 - 360360
22:36:06 - 506: 506 - 78540
22:36:06 - 507: 507 - 507
22:36:06 - 508: 508 - 338
22:36:06 - 509: 509 - 16551990
22:36:06 - 510: 510 - 510
22:36:06 - 511: 511 - 113784825
22:36:06 - 512: 512 - 120
22:36:06 - 513: 513 - 438
22:36:06 - 514: 514 - 14108640
22:36:06 - 515: 515 - 2656080
22:36:06 - 516: 516 - 516
22:36:06 - 517: 517 - 16674451328004560016
22:36:06 - 518: 518 - 55440
22:36:06 - 519: 519 - 8610
22:36:06 - 520: 520 - 1275120
22:36:06 - 521: 521 - 521
22:36:06 - 522: 522 - 522
22:36:06 - 523: 523 - 55440
22:36:06 - 524: 524 - 43890
22:36:06 - 525: 525 - 525
22:36:06 - 526: 526 - 350
22:36:06 - 527: 527 - 720720
22:36:06 - 528: 528 - 528
22:36:06 - 529: 529 - 16576560
22:36:06 - 530: 530 - 1969968
22:36:06 - 531: 531 - 27600
22:36:06 - 532: 532 - 354
22:36:06 - 533: 533 - 533
22:36:06 - 534: 534 - 42325920
22:36:06 - 535: 535 - 31351320
22:36:06 - 536: 536 - 288288
22:36:06 - 537: 537 - 1249920
22:36:06 - 538: 538 - 633660
22:36:06 - 539: 539 - 48870360
22:36:06 - 540: 540 - 742560
22:36:06 - 541: 541 - 497296800
22:36:06 - 542: 542 - 1470
22:36:06 - 543: 543 - 3486
22:36:06 - 544: 544 - 98274960
22:36:06 - 545: 545 - 6475
22:36:06 - 546: 546 - 2610
22:36:06 - 547: 547 - 23539945
22:36:06 - 548: 548 - 14199120
22:36:06 - 549: 549 - 251116350
22:36:06 - 550: 550 - 834401920
22:36:06 - 551: 551 - 1236725
22:36:06 - 552: 552 - 552
22:36:06 - 553: 553 - 6075548331888814399
22:36:06 - 554: 554 - 49062
22:36:06 - 555: 555 - 474
22:36:06 - 556: 556 - 55440
22:36:06 - 557: 557 - 8580
22:36:06 - 558: 558 - 3432
22:36:06 - 559: 559 - 100122
22:36:06 - 560: 560 - 560
22:36:06 - 561: 561 - 561
22:36:06 - 562: 562 - 74057760
22:36:06 - 563: 563 - 6604653
22:36:06 - 564: 564 - 840
22:36:06 - 565: 565 - 165952215
22:36:06 - 566: 566 - 360360
22:36:06 - 567: 567 - 567
22:36:06 - 568: 568 - 378
22:36:06 - 569: 569 - 742560
22:36:06 - 570: 570 - 753480
22:36:06 - 571: 571 - 67830
22:36:06 - 572: 572 - 1728312
22:36:06 - 573: 573 - 5460
22:36:06 - 574: 574 - 406980
22:36:06 - 575: 575 - 5225715
22:36:06 - 576: 576 - 1536360
22:36:06 - 577: 577 - 18382
22:36:06 - 578: 578 - 578
22:36:06 - 579: 579 - 26796
22:36:06 - 580: 580 - 386
22:36:06 - 581: 581 - 1650
22:36:06 - 582: 582 - 8010
22:36:06 - 583: 583 - 55440
22:36:06 - 584: 584 - 54522
22:36:06 - 585: 585 - 585
22:36:06 - 586: 586 - 3255840
22:36:06 - 587: 587 - 7478317
22:36:06 - 588: 588 - 240240
22:36:06 - 589: 589 - 27387360
22:36:06 - 590: 590 - 1680
22:36:06 - 591: 591 - 9660
22:36:06 - 592: 592 - 845130
22:36:06 - 593: 593 - 593
22:36:06 - 594: 594 - 450
22:36:06 - 595: 595 - 155195040
22:36:06 - 596: 596 - 1959400
22:36:06 - 597: 597 - 5040
22:36:06 - 598: 598 - 398
22:36:06 - 599: 599 - 28680
22:36:06 - 600: 600 - 600
22:36:06 - 601: 601 - 1999200
22:36:07 - 602: 602 - 1722
22:36:07 - 603: 603 - 8938886797171763400
22:36:07 - 604: 604 - 4869480
22:36:07 - 605: 605 - 210210
22:36:07 - 606: 606 - 606
22:36:07 - 607: 607 - 2047674
22:36:07 - 608: 608 - 924315840
22:36:07 - 609: 609 - 29646
22:36:07 - 610: 610 - 468716724
22:36:07 - 611: 611 - 73080
22:36:07 - 612: 612 - 612
22:36:07 - 613: 613 - 192093825
22:36:07 - 614: 614 - 60270
22:36:07 - 615: 615 - 615
22:36:07 - 616: 616 - 410
22:36:07 - 617: 617 - 617
22:36:07 - 618: 618 - 13717642739100566144
22:36:07 - 619: 619 - 2227680
22:36:07 - 620: 620 - 2905164
22:36:07 - 621: 621 - 4560
22:36:07 - 622: 622 - 414
22:36:07 - 623: 623 - 3588
22:36:07 - 624: 624 - 91334880
22:36:07 - 625: 625 - 8145060
22:36:07 - 626: 626 - 626
22:36:07 - 627: 627 - 13578642
22:36:07 - 628: 628 - 17291117880445077552
22:36:07 - 629: 629 - 31626
22:36:07 - 630: 630 - 214830
22:36:07 - 631: 631 - 406
22:36:07 - 632: 632 - 17807160
22:36:07 - 633: 633 - 633
22:36:07 - 634: 634 - 89927760
22:36:07 - 635: 635 - 635
22:36:07 - 636: 636 - 636
22:36:07 - 637: 637 - 2673355911885912022
22:36:07 - 638: 638 - 638
22:36:07 - 639: 639 - 55440
22:36:07 - 640: 640 - 426
22:36:07 - 641: 641 - 193305168
22:36:07 - 642: 642 - 54371520
22:36:07 - 643: 643 - 2436390
22:36:07 - 644: 644 - 6630
22:36:07 - 645: 645 - 645
22:36:07 - 646: 646 - 8168160
22:36:07 - 647: 647 - 33600
22:36:07 - 648: 648 - 648
22:36:07 - 649: 649 - 9119606369341032036
22:36:07 - 650: 650 - 6846840
22:36:07 - 651: 651 - 2668170
22:36:07 - 652: 652 - 5418420
22:36:07 - 653: 653 - 49576254
22:36:07 - 654: 654 - 68382
22:36:07 - 655: 655 - 12495872876998524464
22:36:07 - 656: 656 - 1157520
22:36:07 - 657: 657 - 630
22:36:07 - 658: 658 - 438
22:36:07 - 659: 659 - 720720
22:36:07 - 660: 660 - 686439600
22:36:07 - 661: 661 - 62702640
22:36:07 - 662: 662 - 662
22:36:07 - 663: 663 - 1132740
22:36:07 - 664: 664 - 898737840
22:36:07 - 665: 665 - 665
22:36:07 - 666: 666 - 666
22:36:07 - 667: 667 - 55440
22:36:07 - 668: 668 - 919080
22:36:07 - 669: 669 - 14310
22:36:07 - 670: 670 - 3534960
22:36:07 - 671: 671 - 671
22:36:07 - 672: 672 - 117675360
22:36:07 - 673: 673 - 423644760
22:36:07 - 674: 674 - 2315040
22:36:07 - 675: 675 - 675
22:36:07 - 676: 676 - 655527600
22:36:07 - 677: 677 - 677
22:36:07 - 678: 678 - 678
22:36:07 - 679: 679 - 4185958165489705218
22:36:07 - 680: 680 - 680
22:36:07 - 681: 681 - 582
22:36:07 - 682: 682 - 450
22:36:07 - 683: 683 - 3465
22:36:07 - 684: 684 - 74802
22:36:07 - 685: 685 - 6703544889544239768
22:36:07 - 686: 686 - 122401698
22:36:07 - 687: 687 - 39270
22:36:07 - 688: 688 - 1979286391609357602
22:36:07 - 689: 689 - 991186560
22:36:07 - 690: 690 - 43680
22:36:07 - 691: 691 - 2812359961695962559
22:36:07 - 692: 692 - 437920
22:36:07 - 693: 693 - 13284
22:36:07 - 694: 694 - 7061865895724316240
22:36:07 - 695: 695 - 1519277760
22:36:07 - 696: 696 - 55827900
22:36:07 - 697: 697 - 3103000
22:36:07 - 698: 698 - 1046730
22:36:07 - 699: 699 - 121136400
22:36:07 - 700: 700 - 1399398
22:36:07 - 701: 701 - 701
22:36:07 - 702: 702 - 890010
22:36:07 - 703: 703 - 5053620
22:36:07 - 704: 704 - 79242
22:36:07 - 705: 705 - 705
22:36:07 - 706: 706 - 470
22:36:07 - 707: 707 - 47880
22:36:07 - 708: 708 - 3330
22:36:07 - 709: 709 - 196560
22:36:07 - 710: 710 - 6972
22:36:07 - 711: 711 - 711
22:36:07 - 712: 712 - 55440
22:36:07 - 713: 713 - 713
22:36:07 - 714: 714 - 297508680
22:36:07 - 715: 715 - 35814240
22:36:07 - 716: 716 - 8095053024108583456
22:36:07 - 717: 717 - 1380
22:36:07 - 718: 718 - 630
22:36:07 - 719: 719 - 1650
22:36:07 - 720: 720 - 720
22:36:07 - 721: 721 - 228228
22:36:07 - 722: 722 - 722
22:36:07 - 723: 723 - 78690
22:36:07 - 724: 724 - 22604400
22:36:07 - 725: 725 - 58608
22:36:07 - 726: 726 - 726
22:36:07 - 727: 727 - 3255840
22:36:07 - 728: 728 - 966563136
22:36:07 - 729: 729 - 14002560
22:36:07 - 730: 730 - 300605760
22:36:07 - 731: 731 - 87120
22:36:07 - 732: 732 - 732
22:36:07 - 733: 733 - 3625596
22:36:07 - 734: 734 - 86142
22:36:07 - 735: 735 - 735
22:36:07 - 736: 736 - 55440
22:36:07 - 737: 737 - 40468680
22:36:07 - 738: 738 - 12882
22:36:07 - 739: 739 - 10806690932696252664
22:36:07 - 740: 740 - 2010
22:36:07 - 741: 741 - 741
22:36:07 - 742: 742 - 59280
22:36:07 - 743: 743 - 1779865907132375927
22:36:07 - 744: 744 - 199362240
22:36:07 - 745: 745 - 45045
22:36:07 - 746: 746 - 88082280
22:36:07 - 747: 747 - 9282
22:36:07 - 748: 748 - 1137598
22:36:07 - 749: 749 - 44850
22:36:07 - 750: 750 - 750
22:36:07 - 751: 751 - 742560
22:36:07 - 752: 752 - 11840974781703932988
22:36:07 - 753: 753 - 753
22:36:07 - 754: 754 - 6925530926876150272
22:36:07 - 755: 755 - 755
22:36:07 - 756: 756 - 756
22:36:07 - 757: 757 - 31702
22:36:07 - 758: 758 - 465585120
22:36:07 - 759: 759 - 46056
22:36:07 - 760: 760 - 16851936069869209380
22:36:07 - 761: 761 - 950490
22:36:07 - 762: 762 - 173327310
22:36:07 - 763: 763 - 13749120
22:36:07 - 764: 764 - 328440
22:36:07 - 765: 765 - 79468200
22:36:07 - 766: 766 - 1225530
22:36:07 - 767: 767 - 767
22:36:07 - 768: 768 - 5166
22:36:07 - 769: 769 - 5040
22:36:07 - 770: 770 - 770
22:36:07 - 771: 771 - 771
22:36:07 - 772: 772 - 594220
22:36:07 - 773: 773 - 10140585
22:36:07 - 774: 774 - 95790
22:36:07 - 775: 775 - 7934662966004593207
22:36:07 - 776: 776 - 20034
22:36:07 - 777: 777 - 7140
22:36:07 - 778: 778 - 16667275191341307048
22:36:07 - 779: 779 - 29216880
22:36:07 - 780: 780 - 780
22:36:07 - 781: 781 - 6966184521317946060
22:36:07 - 782: 782 - 11310
22:36:07 - 783: 783 - 22604400
22:36:07 - 784: 784 - 844560
22:36:07 - 785: 785 - 598086720
22:36:07 - 786: 786 - 175454178
22:36:07 - 787: 787 - 9227338471822115567
22:36:07 - 788: 788 - 106590
22:36:07 - 789: 789 - 1288508760
22:36:07 - 790: 790 - 48353760
22:36:07 - 791: 791 - 68057
22:36:07 - 792: 792 - 792
22:36:07 - 793: 793 - 55440
22:36:07 - 794: 794 - 85680
22:36:07 - 795: 795 - 78540
22:36:07 - 796: 796 - 530
22:36:07 - 797: 797 - 797
22:36:07 - 798: 798 - 2042040
22:36:07 - 799: 799 - 15166927561115711848
22:36:07 - 800: 800 - 7739409329237548656
22:36:07 - 801: 801 - 801
22:36:07 - 802: 802 - 15435491612422258002
22:36:07 - 803: 803 - 16014960
22:36:07 - 804: 804 - 32873610
22:36:07 - 805: 805 - 12113640
22:36:07 - 806: 806 - 2190
22:36:07 - 807: 807 - 690
22:36:07 - 808: 808 - 2154690
22:36:07 - 809: 809 - 52326
22:36:07 - 810: 810 - 5460
22:36:07 - 811: 811 - 673308143675116698
22:36:07 - 812: 812 - 577584
22:36:07 - 813: 813 - 676193855
22:36:07 - 814: 814 - 2227680
22:36:07 - 815: 815 - 20031085
22:36:07 - 816: 816 - 5428936660339864736
22:36:07 - 817: 817 - 2205909111052437780
22:36:07 - 818: 818 - 5057910
22:36:07 - 819: 819 - 19545240
22:36:07 - 820: 820 - 45606270
22:36:07 - 821: 821 - 175350240
22:36:07 - 822: 822 - 3870
22:36:07 - 823: 823 - 5451714600895209449
22:36:07 - 824: 824 - 108570
22:36:07 - 825: 825 - 825
22:36:07 - 826: 826 - 2145031980
22:36:07 - 827: 827 - 827
22:36:07 - 828: 828 - 349188840
22:36:07 - 829: 829 - 5040
22:36:07 - 830: 830 - 830
22:36:07 - 831: 831 - 831
22:36:07 - 832: 832 - 554
22:36:07 - 833: 833 - 1756332605539514811
22:36:07 - 834: 834 - 4262249248489515528
22:36:07 - 835: 835 - 188848296
22:36:07 - 836: 836 - 39456
22:36:07 - 837: 837 - 837
22:36:07 - 838: 838 - 558
22:36:07 - 839: 839 - 42325920
22:36:07 - 840: 840 - 840
22:36:07 - 841: 841 - 9972012202187823358
22:36:07 - 842: 842 - 55440
22:36:07 - 843: 843 - 843
22:36:07 - 844: 844 - 450
22:36:07 - 845: 845 - 13077017519777909012
22:36:07 - 846: 846 - 9900
22:36:07 - 847: 847 - 39730
22:36:07 - 848: 848 - 5111428110167809296
22:36:07 - 849: 849 - 480480
22:36:07 - 850: 850 - 10648950
22:36:07 - 851: 851 - 84042
22:36:07 - 852: 852 - 852
22:36:07 - 853: 853 - 14472347249562474591
22:36:07 - 854: 854 - 360360
22:36:08 - 855: 855 - 8646
22:36:08 - 856: 856 - 1561630140
22:36:08 - 857: 857 - 2442
22:36:08 - 858: 858 - 953618400
22:36:08 - 859: 859 - 18721080
22:36:08 - 860: 860 - 776160
22:36:08 - 861: 861 - 346067142
22:36:08 - 862: 862 - 2617440
22:36:08 - 863: 863 - 1438404948368687792
22:36:08 - 864: 864 - 14533470
22:36:08 - 865: 865 - 3131556625190880340
22:36:08 - 866: 866 - 300440
22:36:08 - 867: 867 - 867
22:36:08 - 868: 868 - 740160960
22:36:08 - 869: 869 - 4830
22:36:08 - 870: 870 - 8750043013185526400
22:36:08 - 871: 871 - 12563930057956921366
22:36:08 - 872: 872 - 2370
22:36:08 - 873: 873 - 873
22:36:08 - 874: 874 - 12018344361088578464
22:36:08 - 875: 875 - 875
22:36:08 - 876: 876 - 7531335353946403232
22:36:08 - 877: 877 - 29274000
22:36:08 - 878: 878 - 878
22:36:08 - 879: 879 - 720720
22:36:08 - 880: 880 - 359040
22:36:08 - 881: 881 - 41755740
22:36:08 - 882: 882 - 882
22:36:08 - 883: 883 - 2133915999182764326
22:36:08 - 884: 884 - 2767946608338296100
22:36:08 - 885: 885 - 885
22:36:08 - 886: 886 - 888262051798299024
22:36:08 - 887: 887 - 887
22:36:08 - 888: 888 - 14586
22:36:08 - 889: 889 - 8544270534980168176
22:36:08 - 890: 890 - 890
22:36:08 - 891: 891 - 762
22:36:08 - 892: 892 - 7976535151119494324
22:36:08 - 893: 893 - 893
22:36:08 - 894: 894 - 2227680
22:36:08 - 895: 895 - 14558614714553162826
22:36:08 - 896: 896 - 896
22:36:08 - 897: 897 - 22260
22:36:08 - 898: 898 - 840
22:36:08 - 899: 899 - 64620
22:36:08 - 900: 900 - 870
22:36:08 - 901: 901 - 5136754874990816530
22:36:08 - 902: 902 - 3393624
22:36:08 - 903: 903 - 5847270
22:36:08 - 904: 904 - 5040
22:36:08 - 905: 905 - 2761080
22:36:08 - 906: 906 - 906
22:36:08 - 907: 907 - 14108640
22:36:08 - 908: 908 - 6924780
22:36:08 - 909: 909 - 8265225748153207564
22:36:08 - 910: 910 - 606
22:36:08 - 911: 911 - 911
22:36:08 - 912: 912 - 540930
22:36:08 - 913: 913 - 5429090126565032976
22:36:08 - 914: 914 - 2227680
22:36:08 - 915: 915 - 915
22:36:08 - 916: 916 - 2550240
22:36:08 - 917: 917 - 182775105278054186
22:36:08 - 918: 918 - 918
22:36:08 - 919: 919 - 25465440
22:36:08 - 920: 920 - 176540364
22:36:08 - 921: 921 - 5040
22:36:08 - 922: 922 - 614
22:36:08 - 923: 923 - 923
22:36:08 - 924: 924 - 280194
22:36:08 - 925: 925 - 29070
22:36:08 - 926: 926 - 1895040
22:36:08 - 927: 927 - 13461560989485746856
22:36:08 - 928: 928 - 618
22:36:08 - 929: 929 - 69006
22:36:08 - 930: 930 - 930
22:36:08 - 931: 931 - 3255840
22:36:08 - 932: 932 - 932
22:36:08 - 933: 933 - 465585120
22:36:08 - 934: 934 - 9807183093484247892
22:36:08 - 935: 935 - 9685437509311962843
22:36:08 - 936: 936 - 4410
22:36:08 - 937: 937 - 8788847590224938472
22:36:08 - 938: 938 - 570024
22:36:08 - 939: 939 - 70500
22:36:08 - 940: 940 - 14718045303098339376
22:36:08 - 941: 941 - 8190
22:36:08 - 942: 942 - 942
22:36:08 - 943: 943 - 1128145095
22:36:08 - 944: 944 - 42325920
22:36:08 - 945: 945 - 945
22:36:08 - 946: 946 - 720720
22:36:08 - 947: 947 - 221089230
22:36:08 - 948: 948 - 1436727600
22:36:08 - 949: 949 - 831600
22:36:08 - 950: 950 - 30030
22:36:08 - 951: 951 - 951
22:36:08 - 952: 952 - 1923901980
22:36:08 - 953: 953 - 27892800
22:36:08 - 954: 954 - 720720
22:36:08 - 955: 955 - 15557199402587408615
22:36:08 - 956: 956 - 538560
22:36:08 - 957: 957 - 51040080
22:36:08 - 958: 958 - 638
22:36:08 - 959: 959 - 3292080
22:36:08 - 960: 960 - 870
22:36:08 - 961: 961 - 2227680
22:36:08 - 962: 962 - 962
22:36:08 - 963: 963 - 963
22:36:08 - 964: 964 - 840
22:36:08 - 965: 965 - 25764
22:36:08 - 966: 966 - 966
22:36:08 - 967: 967 - 3538670749861418264
22:36:08 - 968: 968 - 85433040
22:36:08 - 969: 969 - 22604400
22:36:08 - 970: 970 - 7410483026583694412
22:36:08 - 971: 971 - 150139710
22:36:08 - 972: 972 - 858
22:36:08 - 973: 973 - 17490
22:36:08 - 974: 974 - 27415080
22:36:08 - 975: 975 - 834
22:36:08 - 976: 976 - 650
22:36:08 - 977: 977 - 977
22:36:08 - 978: 978 - 978
22:36:08 - 979: 979 - 13749120
22:36:08 - 980: 980 - 980
22:36:08 - 981: 981 - 981
22:36:08 - 982: 982 - 598086720
22:36:08 - 983: 983 - 983
22:36:08 - 984: 984 - 154842
22:36:08 - 985: 985 - 6798857772952352464
22:36:08 - 986: 986 - 12416099360446714576
22:36:08 - 987: 987 - 987
22:36:08 - 988: 988 - 4929759762661936064
22:36:08 - 989: 989 - 12113640
22:36:08 - 990: 990 - 2862
22:36:08 - 991: 991 - 42325920
22:36:08 - 992: 992 - 992
22:36:08 - 993: 993 - 46705545
22:36:08 - 994: 994 - 14313808779185202808
22:36:08 - 995: 995 - 2838
22:36:08 - 996: 996 - 450965970
22:36:08 - 997: 997 - 544520446297273583
22:36:08 - 998: 998 - 500277600
22:36:08 - 999: 999 - 12899340287018284256
22:36:08 - 1000: 1000 - 35814240
03.06.2015 22:36:08

- Mbeyhs June 04, 2015 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

@Mbeyhs, what is that way?

- anon November 20, 2016 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

What is that way?

- anon November 20, 2016 | Flag Reply
Comment hidden because of low score. Click to expand.
of 0 vote

I think Yaka has the best solution. Mbeyhs and Yaka's solutions don't always match and Yaka has some explanation, so I think IMO, that is the best solution.

- anon November 20, 2016 | Flag Reply

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