Amazon Interview Question for SDE-2s

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A recursive solution.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int min_time(int h_left, int m_left, int h_num, 
             int m_num, int holes[], int mice[]) {
  while(h_left <= 216 && holes[h_left] == 0) h_left++;
  if (h_left > 216) return 0;
  while(m_left <= 216 && mice[m_left] == 0) m_left++;
  if (m_left > 216) return 0;

  //not skip
  int curr = abs(h_left - m_left);
  int rest = min_time(h_left + 1, m_left, h_num - 1, 
                      m_num - 1, holes, mice);
  int no_skip = max(curr, rest);
  if (m_left <= h_left || h_num == m_num) {
    return no_skip;
  else {
    int skip = min_time(h_left + 1, m_left, h_num - 1,
                        m_num, holes, mice);
    return min(no_skip, skip);

void get_min_time(void) {
  int n, m;
  int mice[217], holes[217];
  memset(mice, 0, 217*sizeof(int));
  memset(holes, 0, 217*sizeof(int));

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    int temp;
  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    int temp;

  cout<<"Min time: "<<min_time(0, 0, m, n, holes, mice)<<endl;

int main() {
  int T;
  for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) get_min_time();
  return 0;

DP will be more effective.

- hantasm September 28, 2014 | Flag Reply
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But going through the code to find the logic is always painful
It will save time if the logic is put in a comment...

- ramprasad85 February 08, 2015 | Flag
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Well, it seems to be a binary search problem.

f(t) - discrete function, which says FALSE if it is impossible to move mice to the holes in t minutes, and TRUE if possible.

Obviously, this function is monotone. So we need to find the border between FALSE and TRUE. So binary search for t seems to work fine.

For an exact amount of minutes t it's easy to check whether it is possible or not: just try to put mice to the left free hole(if this path is less then t), else to the right(if less). mice's paths won't intersect(but can overlap).

So, if this solution is right, its complexity is O(NlogP) P - the longest distance between mouse and the hole.

- art.averin September 30, 2014 | Flag Reply
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I don't think this is right. Each hole can accommodate only 1 mouse
Take this example:
4 4
0 0 3 7
-6 -4 1 3
If I understand your f(t) right, your result will be 4.
The correct min time is 6.

- Knv October 26, 2014 | Flag
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Atleast you didn't notice that in my words there's "to the left FREE hole" :) So, obviously my solution puts only 1 mouse in 1 hole.

- art.averin October 29, 2014 | Flag
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import java.util.Scanner;

public class Mice {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;

int T = Integer.parseInt(input.nextLine());

String[] nm;

int n;
int m;

int[] mices;
int[] holes;

int[] distances;
int[] differences;

String[] miceStr;
String[] holesStr;

for(int i = 0; i < T; i++) {

nm = input.nextLine().split(" ");

n = Integer.parseInt(nm[0]);
m = Integer.parseInt(nm[1]);

mices = new int[n];
holes = new int[m];

distances = new int[n];
differences = new int[m];

miceStr = input.nextLine().split(" ");

for(int j = 0; j < miceStr.length; j++) {
mices[j] = Integer.parseInt(miceStr[j]);

holesStr = input.nextLine().split(" ");

for(int j = 0; j < holesStr.length; j++) {
holes[j] = Integer.parseInt(holesStr[j]);

for(int mice = 0; mice < mices.length; mice++) {
for(int hole = 0; hole < holes.length; hole++) {
differences[hole] = getDifference(mices[mice], holes[hole]);

distances[mice] = getMin(differences);


private static int getDifference(int i, int j) {
if(i < j) {
return j - i;
} else
return i - j;

private static int getMin(int[] num) {
int min = 0;

if(num.length > 0)
min = num[0];

if(num.length > 1)
for(int i = 1; i < num.length; i++) {
if(num[i] < min)
min = num[i];

return min;

private static int getMax(int[] num) {
int max = 0;

if(num.length > 0)
max = num[0];

if(num.length > 1)
for(int i = 1; i < num.length; i++) {
if(num[i] > max)
max = num[i];

return max;

- nageshtikare September 27, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Your algorithm is simple find the distances between the mice and their nearest holes and take the max. This is wrong because a hole can only host one mouse.

- Anonymous September 28, 2014 | Flag
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Thanks but its impossible to go through your unformatted code!!!!!
I'll format it for you :-)

import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Mice {
	public static void main(String[] args) { 
		Scanner input = new Scanner(; 

		int T = Integer.parseInt(input.nextLine()); 

		String[] nm; 

		int n; 
		int m; 

		int[] mices; 
		int[] holes; 

		int[] distances; 
		int[] differences; 

		String[] miceStr; 
		String[] holesStr; 

		for(int i = 0; i < T; i++) { 

			nm = input.nextLine().split(" "); 

			n = Integer.parseInt(nm[0]); 
			m = Integer.parseInt(nm[1]); 

			mices = new int[n]; 
			holes = new int[m]; 

			distances = new int[n]; 
			differences = new int[m]; 

			miceStr = input.nextLine().split(" "); 

			for(int j = 0; j < miceStr.length; j++) { 
				mices[j] = Integer.parseInt(miceStr[j]); 

			holesStr = input.nextLine().split(" "); 

			for(int j = 0; j < holesStr.length; j++) { 
				holes[j] = Integer.parseInt(holesStr[j]); 

			for(int mice = 0; mice < mices.length; mice++) { 
				for(int hole = 0; hole < holes.length; hole++) { 
					differences[hole] = getDifference(mices[mice], holes[hole]); 

				distances[mice] = getMin(differences); 


	private static int getDifference(int i, int j) { 
		if(i < j)
			return j - i; 
			return i - j; 

	private static int getMin(int[] num) { 
		int min = 0; 

		if(num.length > 0) 
			min = num[0]; 

		if(num.length > 1){ 
			for(int i = 1; i < num.length; i++) { 
				if(num[i] < min) 
					min = num[i]; 
		return min; 

	private static int getMax(int[] num) { 
		int max = 0; 

		if(num.length > 0) 
			max = num[0]; 

		if(num.length > 1){ 
			for(int i = 1; i < num.length; i++) { 
				if(num[i] > max) 
					max = num[i]; 
		return max; 

- ramprasad85 February 08, 2015 | Flag
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1. convert the input strings into int vectors that represent the positions of the holes and mice;
2. sort the vectors;
3. find the min time using dynamic programming.

- Anonymous September 28, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Allocate first n holes to n mouse. find the max time Max . then take n+1th hole then start shifting the mouses till you find the mouse to hole combination which has Max then see if this shifting can change your outcome. Update the max. then consider consider n+2th hole.

assign mouse to the closest hole. This will have multiple mouse per hole. Try to shift the mouse from multiple mouse hole. see both left and right shift and see which is profitable.

- Anonymous September 29, 2014 | Flag
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My elegant java solution:

public class MouseHole {
	public static void main(String[] args){
		int[] m={2, 0, -4};
		int[] h={3, 1, 2, -1 };
		int x=MouseHole.assignHoles(m, h);

		public static int assignHoles(int[] mouseP, int[] holes){
		HashMap<Integer, Integer> hm=new HashMap<>();
		for(int i : holes){
			hm.put(i, 0);
		int MaxTime=0;
		for(int i: mouseP){
			int minDis=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
			int selectedHole=0;
			for(int j: holes){
			    int dis=Math.abs(i-j);
			    if(minDis>dis && hm.get(j)==0){
			hm.put(selectedHole, 1);
			MaxTime=Math.max(MaxTime, minDis);
		return MaxTime;

- ATuring September 29, 2014 | Flag Reply
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This assumes there can be more than one mouse in each hole, which is wrong.

- Anonymous September 29, 2014 | Flag
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True, see my edited version.

- ATuring September 29, 2014 | Flag
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This will fail for following case

Mouse -> 0, 1
Holes -> 1, 2

Ur algorithm will give an answer 2 but the actual answer is 1. As both mice can mover right at once and they can occupy a hole.

- MIG September 29, 2014 | Flag
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Lol you are right, it actually works with Mouse->0,1 but does not work with Mouse->1,0

I miss that point, I think DP will be the way to solve this.

- ATuring September 29, 2014 | Flag
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#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

int solve(int *mice , int *holes , int M , int H , int m_from , int h_from , int max){  
    if (m_from == M)
       return max;
    int bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    for (int i = m_from ; i < M ; ++i){
        for (int j = h_from; j < H ; ++j){
            int distance = std::abs(mice[i]-holes[j]);
            std::swap( mice[m_from] , mice[i] );
            std::swap( holes[h_from] , holes[j]);
            int result = solve(mice , holes , M , H , m_from + 1 , h_from +1 , std::max(max , distance));
            if (result < bestDistance)
                bestDistance = result;
            std::swap( holes[j] , holes[h_from]);
            std::swap(mice[i] , mice[m_from]);
    return bestDistance;

int mice[3] = {2,0,-4};
int holes[4] = {3,1,2,-1};

int main(){
    std::cout<<solve(mice , holes , 3 , 4 , 0 , 0 , 0)<<std::endl;

- GK September 29, 2014 | Flag Reply
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At an abstract level, this is an assignment problem for Bi-partite graph.
I think Hungarian algorithm would do here.

- Kalyan September 30, 2014 | Flag Reply
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At an abstract level, this is an assignment problem for Bi-partite graph.
I think Hungarian algorithm would do here.

- Kalyan September 30, 2014 | Flag Reply
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At an abstract level, this is an assignment problem for Bi-partite graph.
I think Hungarian algorithm would do here.

- Kalyan September 30, 2014 | Flag Reply
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How about this one?

public static int findShortestTime(int[] mouses, int[] holes) {
        int maxTime = -1;
        if(holes.length >= mouses.length) {
            int visitedHoles = 0;

            for(int i = 0; i < mouses.length; i++) {
                int j = i + visitedHoles;
                int timeToRun = abs(holes[j] - mouses[i]);

                while(j + 1 < holes.length && timeToRun > abs(holes[j + 1] - mouses[i])){
                    j = i + ++visitedHoles;
                    timeToRun = abs(holes[j] - mouses[i]);
                if(maxTime < 0 || maxTime < timeToRun) {
                    maxTime = timeToRun;
        return maxTime;

- iKrumping September 30, 2014 | Flag Reply
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You can check out the editorial at the problem's page. It was available after the CodeSprint Elimination Round 1ended. It's not Amazon's interview question, it is the second problem of the above mentioned competition on hackerRank.
hackerrank->archivedcontests-> CodeSprint India 2014 Elimination Round1->Mice V2->Editorial

- Amit October 06, 2014 | Flag Reply
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DP can solve it.
public int min2(int[] mouse, int[] holes) {
if (mouse == null || holes == null)
return -1;
int lenM = mouse.length;
int lenH = holes.length;
if (lenM > lenH)
return -1;
int[][] DP = new int[lenM][lenH];
DP[0][0] = Math.abs(mouse[0] - holes[0]);
int min = DP[0][0];
for (int i = 0; i < lenH; i++) {
DP[0][i] = min = Math.min(min, Math.abs(mouse[0] - holes[i]));
for (int i = 1; i < lenM; i++) {
DP[i][i] = Math.max(DP[i - 1][i - 1], Math.abs(mouse[i] - holes[i]));
for (int i = 1; i < lenM; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < lenH; j++) {
DP[i][j] = Math.min(DP[i][j - 1],
Math.max(DP[i - 1][j - 1], Math.abs(mouse[i] - holes[j])));
return DP[lenM - 1][lenH - 1];

- samprasyork October 23, 2014 | Flag Reply
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visual studio->edit->advanced->format selection

public int min2(int[] mouse, int[] holes) { 
	if (mouse == null || holes == null) 
		return -1; 
	int lenM = mouse.length; 
	int lenH = holes.length; 
	if (lenM > lenH) 
		return -1; 
	int[][] DP = new int[lenM][lenH]; 
	DP[0][0] = Math.abs(mouse[0] - holes[0]); 
	int min = DP[0][0]; 
	for (int i = 0; i < lenH; i++) { 
		DP[0][i] = min = Math.min(min, Math.abs(mouse[0] - holes[i])); 
	for (int i = 1; i < lenM; i++) { 
		DP[i][i] = Math.max(DP[i - 1][i - 1], Math.abs(mouse[i] - holes[i])); 
	for (int i = 1; i < lenM; i++) { 
		for (int j = i + 1; j < lenH; j++) { 
			DP[i][j] = Math.min(DP[i][j - 1], 
				Math.max(DP[i - 1][j - 1], Math.abs(mouse[i] - holes[j]))); 
	return DP[lenM - 1][lenH - 1]; 

- ramprasad85 February 08, 2015 | Flag
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What about this?

import java.util.*;

public class Mice {
    public int getSmallestTime(List<Integer> micePosition,
            List<Integer> holePosition) {
        List<Integer> positions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        List<Integer> miceLocations = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        int distance = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < micePosition.size(); i ++) {
            int prev = 0, next = 0;
            if (holePosition.size() > 1) {
                next = 1;
            int mp = micePosition.get(i);
            int hpminus = holePosition.get(prev);
            int hpplus = holePosition.get(next);
            int distminus = Math.abs(mp - hpminus);
            int distplus = Math.abs(mp- hpplus);
            int index = prev;
            index = hpplus > hpminus ? prev : next;
            int newdist = distplus > distminus ? distminus : distplus;
            distance =  Math.max(distance, newdist);
        System.out.println("mice are at: " + miceLocations);
        System.out.println("and they occupy: " + positions);
        return distance;

    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        Mice m = new Mice();
        List<Integer> ml = toList(new int[]{2, 0, -4});
        List<Integer> hl = toList(new int[]{3, 1, 2, -1});
        System.out.println("mice positions: " + ml);
        System.out.println("holes: " + hl);
        System.out.println("fastest time: " + m.getSmallestTime(ml, hl));

    private static List<Integer> toList(int[] numbers) {
        List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int n : numbers) {
        return l;

- Codemonkey September 30, 2014 | Flag Reply
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List<Integer> ml = toList(new int[]{4, 6, 11});
List<Integer> hl = toList(new int[]{0, 5, 10, 16});
answer is right, but time is wrong.

List<Integer> ml = toList(new int[]{4, 6, 11});
List<Integer> hl = toList(new int[]{0, 5, 9, 13});
wrong answer and time

- art.averin September 30, 2014 | Flag

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