Google Interview Question

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If for each cell we would know these information the problem would be solved:

Left(x,y)= maximum number of consecutive 1's in the left of cell(x,y) (including cell(x,y))
Right(x,y)= the same as above with right direction
Up(x,y) = same for up direction
Down(x,y)=same for down direction

And then the answer (largest +) for each cell would be the minimum of all of its directions ( min(Left(x,y),Right(x,y), ... )

And the final answer would be the cell with largest +.

Calculating mentioned arrays can be done with a simple dynamic programming.
For example:
Left(x,y) = if (cell(x,y)==0) 0 else Left(x,y-1)+1

So Total time complexity would be O(N*N).

- MehrdadAP August 19, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Great Solution.
I thought about the same :).
I wonder why the question mention binary search.

- Anon August 20, 2015 | Flag
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Great solution. I thought about the same.
I wonder why the question states binary search.

- Anonymous August 20, 2015 | Flag
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- SK August 21, 2015 | Flag
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I thought about the same solution, here is my code

int findLargsetCross(const vector<vector<int> > &matrix) {
	int m = matrix.size();
	if (m == 0)
		return 0;
	int n = matrix[0].size();
	if (n == 0)
		return 0;
	vector<vector<int> > H(m, vector<int>(n, 0)), V(m, vector<int>(n, 0));

	for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
		int i = 0;
		while (i < m) {
			while (i < m && matrix[i][j] == 0)
			int s = i;
			while (i < m && matrix[i][j] == 1)
			for (int k = s; k < i; ++k)
				H[k][j] = i - s;
	for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
		int j = 0;
		while (j < n) {
			while (j < n && matrix[i][j] == 0)
			int s = j;
			while (j < n && matrix[i][j] == 1)
			for (int k = s; k < j; ++k)
				V[i][k] = j - k;

	int ans = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i < m - 1; ++i) {
		for (int j = 1; j < n - 1; ++j) {
			if (matrix[i][j] == 1 && matrix[i - 1][j] == 1 && matrix[i + 1][j] == 1 &&
					matrix[i][j - 1] == 1 && matrix[i][j + 1] == 1)
				ans = max(ans, H[i][j] + V[i][j] - 1);

	return ans;

But I'm wonder that can the cross has multi row and multi column? If so, Maybe we can use a similar method to solve it

- malinbupt September 25, 2015 | Flag
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of 5 vote

arent yall assuming the thickness of the "+" is always 1 "1"? because how i see is that
0110 should return 12 rather than 5

- cr August 20, 2015 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

How about using DP to compute the total amount of consecutive 1s in every direction. And then using that information to compute the largest plus that could be created. It would take O(2n^2) which is O(n^2) time but it would be rather sucky regarding memory consumption at O(4n^2) ~ O(n^2):

public static int largestPlus(int[][] arr){
   if(arr == null){
        throw new NullPointerException();

   int[][] lefts = new int[arr.length][arr[0].length];
   int[][] rights = new int[arr.length][arr[0].length];
   int[][] ups = new int[arr.length][arr[0].length];
   int[][] downs = new int[arr.length][arr[0].length];

   //compute DP cases
   for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
      ups[0][i] = arr[0][i];
      lefts[i][0] = arr[i][0];
      downs[arr.length-1][i] = arr[arr.length-1][i];
      rights[i][arr.length-1] = arr[i][arr.length-1];
   for(int x = 0; x < arr.length; x++){
        for(int y = 1; y < arr.length; y++){
            if(arr[y][x] == 1){
                ups[y][x] = ups[y-1][x] + 1;
                ups[y][x] = 0;
            if(arr[x][y] == 1){
                lefts[x][y] = lefts[x][y-1] + 1;
                lefts[x][y] = 0;
            int invY = arr.length - y;
            if(arr[invY  - 1][x] == 1){
                downs[invY  - 1][x] = downs[invY ][x] + 1;
                downs[invY  - 1][x] = 0;
            if(arr[x][invY  - 1] == 1){
                rights[x][invY  - 1] = rights[x][invY ] + 1;
                rights[x][invY  - 1] = 0;

    //find best case
    int best = 0;
    for(int x = 0; x < arr.length; x++){
        for(int y = 0; y < arr.length; y++){
            int local = ups[x][y] < rights[x][y] ? ups[x][y] : rights[x][y];
            local = local < downs[x][y] ? local : downs[x][y];
            local = local < lefts[x][y] ? local : lefts[x][y];
            local = 4 * (local - 1) + 1;
            if(local > best){
                best = local;
    return best;

- zortlord August 19, 2015 | Flag Reply
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of 1 vote

can you please explain more

- pbox August 19, 2015 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

// Determine if coordinate is 1) valid, and 2) contains a 1
bool coordinatesAreValidOne(const vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int x, int y) {
    return  y >=0 && y < matrix.size() &&
            x >=0 && x < matrix.size() &&
            matrix[y][x] == 1;

// Find Large '1' Plus by iterating through the matrix, and for each 1, expanding outwards
// to find the min number of 1's shared by each direction 
int getLargestPlus(const vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {
    if(matrix.size() == 0) return 0;
    int largestPlus = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<matrix.size(); ++i) {
        for(int j=0; j<matrix.size(); ++j) {
            if(matrix[i][j] == 1) {
                int horz1 = 0, horz2 = 0, vert1 = 0, vert2 = 0;
                int y = i, x = j;
                while(coordinatesAreValidOne(matrix, x, --y)) { ++vert1; }
                y = i;
                while(coordinatesAreValidOne(matrix, x, ++y)) { ++vert2; }
                y = i;
                while(coordinatesAreValidOne(matrix, --x, y)) { ++horz1; }
                x = j;
                while(coordinatesAreValidOne(matrix, ++x, y)) { ++horz2; }
                int plusSize = 4 * min( min(horz1, horz2) , min(vert1, vert2) ) + 1;
                largestPlus = (plusSize > largestPlus) ? plusSize : largestPlus;
    return largestPlus;

- Josh August 19, 2015 | Flag Reply
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This is a naive solution which is O(N^3).
It can be solved with O(N^2) time.

- MehrdadAP August 19, 2015 | Flag
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I missed the case where there are 1s in the board but no Plus (I would return 1, but it should be 0, as there is no plus with just a single 1). Should be a simple fix

This is basically a brute force solution where, for each 1 in the matrix, you find how many 1s are up from it, down from it, left from it, and right from it, storing the number in each direction. The plus size is then 4 * the minimum of these 4 quantities + 1. You want the min of the quantities because each plus has to be symmetrical, with the same number of 1s coming from each direction of the base 1, so you can only have a plus with "arms" as big as the smallest one.

- Josh August 19, 2015 | Flag
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Ruby. DFS. Running time: O(|V|+|E|). Space: O(|V|)



def visited?(row,col)
  @visited.has_key?(row.to_s.to_sym) && @visited[row.to_s.to_sym].has_key?(col.to_s.to_sym) &&

def mark_visited(row,col)
  @visited[row.to_s.to_sym]={} if !@visited.has_key?(row.to_s.to_sym)
  #puts "[mark_visited] Visited: #{@visited}"

def left?(matrix,row,col)
  mark_visited(row,col) if block?(matrix,row,col+1)
  row>=0 && col>=0 && col+1<matrix.length && !visited?(row,col+1)

def right?(matrix,row,col)
  mark_visited(row,col) if block?(matrix,row,col-1)
  row>=0 && col>=0 && col-1<matrix.length && !visited?(row,col-1)

def up?(matrix,row,col)
  mark_visited(row,col) if block?(matrix,row-1,col)
  row>=0 && col>=0 && row-1<matrix.length && !visited?(row-1,col)

def down?(matrix,row,col)
  mark_visited(row,col) if block?(matrix,row+1,col)
  row>=0 && col>=0 && row+1<matrix.length && !visited?(row+1,col)

def block?(matrix,row,col)
  row>=0 && col>=0 && row<matrix.length && col<matrix.length && matrix[row][col]==0

def longest_path(matrix,row,col,path_length)  

  #puts "[longest_path] Visited: #{@visited}"
  #puts "[longest_path] curr pos: #{row},#{col}"
  # down?
  if down?(matrix,row,col)
    longest_paths_found << longest_path(matrix,row+1,col,path_length+1)
  # up?
  if up?(matrix,row,col)
    longest_paths_found << longest_path(matrix,row-1,col,path_length+1)
  # left?  
  if left?(matrix,row,col)
    longest_paths_found << longest_path(matrix,row,col-1,path_length+1)
  # right?
  if right?(matrix,row,col) 
    longest_paths_found << longest_path(matrix,row,col+1,path_length+1)
  return longest_paths_found.max if !longest_paths_found.empty?

puts "longest_path: #{longest_path(matrix,1,0,1)}"

longest_path: 5

- Yev August 19, 2015 | Flag Reply
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#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

int TestPlus(int** m, int x, int y, int span) {
    if(m[x][y] == 0) return 0;
    int count=0;
    for(int i=1; i<=span/2; i++) {
        if(m[x][y+i] == 1 && m[x][y-i] == 1 &&
           m[x+i][y] == 1 && m[x-i][y] == 1) {
    return (count == 0 ? count : 4*count+1);

int LargestPlus(int** m, int N) {
    int n = (N%2 == 0 ? N-1 : N);  
    int max = 0;
    for(int span = n; span >= 3; span -= 2) {
        if(max >= 2*span-1) return max;
        for(int x=span/2; x+span/2 < N; x++) {
            for(int y=span/2; y+span/2 < N; y++) {
                int val = TestPlus(m, x, y, span);
                if(max < val) max = val;
                if(max == 2*span-1) return max;
    return max;

int main() {
    freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
    int N;
    scanf("%d", &N);
    int** m;
    m = new int*[N];
    for(int i=0; i<N; i++) m[i] = new int[N];
    for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<N; j++){
            scanf("%d", &m[i][j]); 
    cout << LargestPlus(m, N) << endl;
    for(int i=0; i<N; i++) delete [] m[i];
    delete [] m;
    return 0;

- diba.bec August 21, 2015 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

class DirectionInfo:
    def __init__(self): = {}

class Solution:

    def __init__(self, matrix, n):
        self.memory = {}
        self.matrix = matrix
        self.N = n

    def LargestPlus(self):
        if not self.matrix:
            return -1
        largest = 0
        directions = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
        for i in range(0, self.N):
            for j in range(0, self.N):
                if self.matrix[i][j] == 1:
                    minDir = self.largestOnesSequence((i,j), (1,0), 0)
                    for d in directions:
                        res = self.largestOnesSequence((i,j), d, 0)
                        if res < minDir:
                            minDir = res
                    if 4* minDir + 1 > largest:
                        largest = 4* minDir + 1
        return largest

    def largestOnesSequence(self, start, direction, distance):
        if not
            return 0
        if self.get_val(start) == 0:
            return 0
        if start not in self.memory:
            print('Creating direction Info for: ' + str(start))
            self.memory[start] = DirectionInfo()
        memo = self.memory[start]
        if direction not in
            print('Entro con: '+ str(start) + 'en direccion' + str(direction))
            next_coord = Solution.apply_direction(start, direction)
            calc = self.largestOnesSequence(next_coord, direction, distance + 1)
  [direction] = calc + 1
        if distance > 0:
            odirection = Solution.get_opposite(direction)
            if odirection not in
      [odirection] = distance

    def get_opposite(direction):
        return -1 * direction[0], -1 * direction[1]

    def apply_direction(coord, direction):
        return coord[0] + direction[0], coord[1] + direction[1]

    def legal(self, coord):
        return 0 <= coord[0] < self.N and 0 <= coord[1] < self.N and self.get_val(coord) == 1

    def get_val(self, coord):
        return self.matrix[coord[0]][coord[1]]

- rchg1988 August 21, 2015 | Flag Reply
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public static int maxOfOne(int[][] arr, int con, int i, int j){
		if(i>=arr.length || j>=arr.length){
			return con;
			con += arr[i][j];
			int x = maxOfOne(arr, con, i+1, j);
			int y = maxOfOne(arr, con, i, j+1) ;
			return x > y ? x : y ;

- Joseph El November 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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public static int maxOfOne(int[][] arr, int con, int i, int j){
		if(i>=arr.length || j>=arr.length){
			return con;
			con += arr[i][j];
			int x = maxOfOne(arr, con, i+1, j);
			int y = maxOfOne(arr, con, i, j+1) ;
			return x > y ? x : y ;

- Joseph El November 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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of 0 vote

public static int maxOfOne(int[][] arr, int con, int i, int j){
		if(i>=arr.length || j>=arr.length){
			return con;
			con += arr[i][j];
			int x = maxOfOne(arr, con, i+1, j);
			int y = maxOfOne(arr, con, i, j+1) ;
			return x > y ? x : y ;

- Joseph El November 11, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Use a helper class to keep track of the number of elements in the 4 posible directions: Top, Left, Right, Bottom and if the cell is valid, a call is valid if has values in all directions; Just need two scans to calculate the values (Top, Left) and (Bottom, Right) and a final pass to get the max cross

// Time 3*O(M) => O(M); Space O(M) where M = NxN

private class Helper
    public bool IsValid;
    public int Left;
    public int Right;
    public int Top;
    public int Bottom;

// Time 3*O(M) =>  O(M);  Space O(M) where M = NxN
public int GetMaxCross(int[,] matrix)
    var dp = new Helper[matrix.GetLength(0), matrix.GetLength(1)];

    // From (Top, Left) to (Bottom, Right) calculates Top, Right
    for (int i = 0; i < dp.GetLength(0); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < dp.GetLength(1); j++)
            dp[i, j] = new Helper();
            if (matrix[i, j] == 0)

            if (i - 1 >= 0 && matrix[i - 1, j] == 1)
                dp[i, j].Top = dp[i - 1, j].Top + 1;
            if (j - 1 >= 0 && matrix[i, j - 1] == 1)
                dp[i, j].Left = dp[i, j - 1].Left + 1;

            dp[i, j].IsValid = dp[i, j].Top != 0 && dp[i, j].Left != 0;

    // From (Bottom, Right) to (Top, Left) calculates Bottom, Right
    int lastRow = dp.GetLength(0) - 1;
    int lastCol = dp.GetLength(1) - 1;
    for (int i = lastRow; i >= 0; i--)
        for (int j = lastCol; j >= 0; j--)
            if (matrix[i, j] == 0)

            if (i + 1 <= lastRow && matrix[i + 1, j] == 1)
                dp[i, j].Bottom = dp[i + 1, j].Bottom + 1;
            if (j + 1 <= lastCol && matrix[i, j + 1] == 1)
                dp[i, j].Right = dp[i, j + 1].Right + 1;

            dp[i, j].IsValid = dp[i, j].IsValid && dp[i, j].Bottom != 0 && dp[i, j].Right != 0;

    int max = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dp.GetLength(0); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < dp.GetLength(1); j++)
            if (!dp[i, j].IsValid)

            int n = Math.Min(Math.Min(dp[i, j].Top, dp[i, j].Bottom), Math.Min(dp[i, j].Right, dp[i, j].Left));
            max = Math.Max(max, n);

    return max * 4 + 1;

- hnatsu May 17, 2016 | Flag Reply

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