Facebook Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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Here is a simpler greedy solution:
First, sort all ranges based on ENDING date in increasing order
Since dates are usually in small range we could make this step O(n) by using bucket based sorting like counting sort.
Then, from first range to last:
Select last two days (because they produce maximum possibility to overlap next range)
Skip following ranges that also contains those two days, until a range that either covers only one day (we then select last day of this range) or does not cover any of the two (we then select last two days of this range). Then continue.

- jerryju March 07, 2011 | Flag Reply
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this solution makes the most sense

- Anonymous September 15, 2011 | Flag
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very elegant solution. However it will be nice if there can be a small proof for this.

- Anonymous December 01, 2012 | Flag
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I doubt that it can be done in O(n), unless we use some O(n) sorting algorithm.
I have a piece of code solving this problem, but just a rough draft. I have tested it with many cases, it should be correct.
It runs on O(n*d) time, where d is the required events numbers for each employee (here, it's 2).
Here is the data structure I use:

struct Interval;
struct TimeMark
	int time;
	enum TimeType{BEG, END} flag;
	Interval * owner_ptr;
	TimeMark(int t, TimeType f):time(t), flag(f), owner_ptr(nullptr) {}
	bool operator<(const TimeMark & to_less) const
		return time < to_less.time || time == to_less.time && flag == BEG && to_less.flag == END ;
	operator int(){
		return  time;


struct Interval
	TimeMark beg_time;
	TimeMark end_time;
	typedef TimeMark::TimeType TimeType;
	int count;
	Interval(int beg_t, int end_t): beg_time(beg_t, TimeType::BEG), end_time(end_t,  TimeType::END), count(0){
		assert(end_time - beg_time >= 0);
		beg_time.owner_ptr = this;
		end_time.owner_ptr = this;

Suppose we need to only find d = 1 day for each employee.
First, we sort all the beginning dates and ending dates together, with an extra condition that if the value are same, then a beginning date should be put before an ending date.

Then, we traverse this sorted dates array.
If we meet a beginning date, we push it onto a stack.
if we meet a ending date, and its corresponding beginning date is in the stack (this can be checked in O(1) by making some tag or count), we push this date into event_days(a list to store the results) and pop all the elements in the stack.
if we meet an ending date, and its corresponding beginning date is NOT in the stack, we do nothing.
return event_days.

For d > 1, we need to do the above process for d times with a small modification:.
if we meet a ending date ...... we
decrement this date by 1. // The correctness may be hard to see, but this is effective.
and push this date into results_vector and pop all the elements in the stack.

ofc, we need to resort the array at the beginning of each pass.

Here is the code:

list<int> solve(vector <Interval> intervals, int meeting_num)
	vector<TimeMark> timemarks;
	list<int> event_days;
	for_each(intervals.begin(), intervals.end(), [&timemarks](Interval interval){timemarks.push_back(interval.beg_time);timemarks.push_back(interval.end_time);});
	for (int i = 0; i < meeting_num; ++i)
		sort(timemarks.begin(), timemarks.end());
		assert(timemarks[0].flag ==  TimeMark::BEG);
		stack<TimeMark> timemark_stack;
		for (auto iter = timemarks.begin(); iter < timemarks.end(); iter ++)
			if (iter->flag ==  TimeMark::BEG)
				if (iter->time - iter->owner_ptr->beg_time + 1< meeting_num - i)
					return list<int>();
				if (iter->owner_ptr->count == i)
					iter->time --;

	return event_days;

- fentoyal January 19, 2012 | Flag Reply
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some modification of the last paragraph:
"if we meet a ending date ...... we
decrement this date by 1. // The correctness may be hard to see, but this is effective.
and push this date into results_vector and pop all the elements in the stack."

should be :

if we meet a ending date ...... we push this date into results_vector and
decrement this date by 1 as preparation for the next round // The correctness may be hard to see, but this is effective.
and pop all the elements in the stack.

- fentoyal January 19, 2012 | Flag
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of 1 vote

use a min-heap to extract-min based on end times. Keep track of the last 2 scheduled times and if an interval does not intersect the 2 most recent schedules, add a new one. Select new meeting schedules based on (end) and (end-1) times of each interval to maximize likelihood of intersection with future intervals.

int schedule_meetings_twice(int size, int *starts, int*ends) {
        if(size == 0) return 0;
        intervalheap iheap(size);
        for(int i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
                iheap.add(new interval(starts[i], ends[i]));

        int total = 2;
        interval *iv = iheap.extract();
        int last1 = iv->end;
        int last2 = iv->end-1;
        delete iv; 

        cout << "at: " << last1 << " and " << last2 << endl;

        while(!iheap.isempty()) {
                interval *iv = iheap.extract();
                if(iv->start > last1) {
                        last1 = iv->end;
                        last2 = iv->end-1;

                        cout << "at: " << last1 << " and " << last2 << endl;
                } else if(iv->start > last2) {
                        last2 = last1;
                        last1 = iv->end;

                        cout << "at: " << last1 << endl;
                delete iv; 

        return total;

- Reza February 06, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Get the min end time and max start time from all the employees. We have to include both these employees and all the other will have times overlapping with this time.
So, our answer would be difference of these times + 2 (to include these two employee one more day)

public int getMinDays ( int [ ] start, int [ ] end ) {

	if ( start == null || end == null ) {
		return -1;
	int minEnd= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	int maxStart = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

	for ( int i=0; i<start.length; i++ ) {
		if ( start[i] > maxStart )
			maxStart = start[i];
		if ( end[i] < minEnd ) 
			minEnd = end[i];

	return minEnd-maxStart+2;

- Zero2 November 25, 2013 | Flag Reply
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The question seems incomplete. Is there a constraint on number of people that can attend "an" event?

- KM March 01, 2011 | Flag Reply
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There is no constraint on the number of people attending the event. The event needs to be organized on some number of days (say M). M should be the minimum number of days such that each person should have attended the event at least twice. The event could be some picnic, or some other gathering - the motive is that each employee should attend the event at least twice.

Say one could say the event is going to be on 1st, 3rd, 8th day and then all people would have attend it at least twice.

- abc March 01, 2011 | Flag
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for all employee find maximum of minimum number of days plus one.. it will give required number of days..
pls comment on my ans..

- santosh March 01, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Sort the bands using the start date
Take the 1st band as 'w'
compare 'w' with the next band. It decreases or stays the same according to the overlap with this (next) band continue with lower bands
when it becomes less than 2,stop and set those 2 dates
Take the next band as 'w' and start once again

- Anonymous March 01, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Does the event has to happen in consecutive days?

- Anonymous March 01, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Let us say interval of dates for employee i is (xi,yi).
Sort all xi,yi together but keep a tag whether its starting or ending.
e.g., (x1,start),(y1,start),(y2,end) and so on.
Now keep another array of counts such that count[0]=1;
and count[i]=count[i-1]+1, if ith element is a start else count[i]=count[i-1]-1;
Now, keep choosing dates by picking up dates corresponding to highest values of counts in greedy way until all employee are choosen 2 times.

- XYZ March 02, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Not just to you everyone who is saying greedy is WRONG !!!!
counter example:1-10, 5 - 15 , 5-15, 11-20 , 11-20 , 16-25
In this example greedy shall suggest first to choose no of intervals as 4 then 1 then 1
but optimal no of intervals covered shall be 3 and then 3

- Wolf October 05, 2011 | Flag
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Writing a sample code in python assuming days will be between 1 and 30. This can be done away with some more modification. Running time seems to be o(n*d) (n: size of input, d: number of days)

def xyz(input):
    results =[] 
    init_input = [ [x,2] for x in input] #n
    days = 30 * [0] #c
    for i in input: #n*30
        for x in range(i[0], i[1]+1):
            days[x] = days[x] + 1
    tot = 0;
    while(tot != len(input)):
        result = days.index(max(days)) #c
        days[result] = 0
        for i in init_input:
            if(result > i[0][0] - 1 and result < i[0][1] + 1):
                i[1] = i[1] - 1
                if(i[1] == 0):
                    for y in range(i[0][0], i[0][1]+1):
                        days[y] = days[y] - 1
                    tot = tot + 1
    print results
input = [(1,4), (2,4), (3,6), (5,8)]

- rdx March 02, 2011 | Flag Reply
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@rdx: your explanation would be appreciated. It'd be helpful for others to grasp the idea, rather understanding the algorithm looking at the code.

- anon March 02, 2011 | Flag
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Sorry for that.

All employees have to attend atleast 2 times.
So I keep a count of 2 for every employee initially.

Then I initialize an array (days) of 30 days maintaining a count of number of employees who can attend on a particular day.

I take the maximum of the days array. For all the employees, who can attend on that day I reduced their counts in the first array.
When the count becomes zero for any employee, I delete him from the days array.

I keeping running this loop until all employees have count <=0.

- rdx March 03, 2011 | Flag
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of 0 votes

Good solution.

- gavinashg March 04, 2011 | Flag
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Take the simple case as below
In this case this algorithm will select all the dates from 6 to 20 first and then selects 1 and 2, but the best solution is 6, 7, 1 and 2.
You can change your algorithm to skip the selection of date if it does not have any employees, but still somehow i feel this is not the right solution.

- Naveen March 04, 2011 | Flag
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it won't select all dates from 6 to 20.
It will select 6 and 7, after this the count of all employees for 6 - 20 will become zero and they will taken out of days array.
Remaining days will be 1-5 with count 1.
1, 2 will be selected and the algo will stop since all employees have count 0 or in other words, all employees have attend twice.

- rdx March 04, 2011 | Flag
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of 0 votes

Again GREEDY which is wrong as I told in previous post

- Wolf October 05, 2011 | Flag
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Again GREEDY which is wrong as I told in previous post

- Wolf October 05, 2011 | Flag
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Again GREEDY which is wrong as I told in previous post

- Wolf October 05, 2011 | Flag
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Thanks for explanation. However, how could you prove that this greedy method indeed gives optimum solution?

- anon March 03, 2011 | Flag Reply
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There isn't O(n) algorithm in total. But if we exclude the sorting part, there is an O(n) algorithm indeed.

Greedy algorithm.
1. sort the ranges in ascending order according to their left bound.

2. delete all ranges which satisfy that there exists at least one bound which is contained by it.
For example, range [a, b]. If there is a range [c, d], (a<=c, d<=b), then we delete [a,b], because if the solution can satisfy [c, d], it can also satisfy [a, b]

3. examine each remaining range from left right. let's say we are examining range Ri=[Ai, Bi], if we already organized at least 2 events between Ai and Bi, then we just pass this range, else we organize new event(s) as near to Bi as possible, to make 2 events in Ai and Bi.

For example, [1, 8], [5, 10], [10, 14], [14, 16]
we check [1, 8] first, and select day-7 and day-8 as the event day. then we check [5, 10], there are already 2 events, pass it. Then [10, 14], we choose day-13 and day-14, then [14, 16], there is only 1 events, we then add day-16 to it. Finished.

It's easy to prove this greedy algorithm is correct as long as no range-containing relationship.

Btw, in step 2, we can use "double-ended queue" to eliminate all [a, b] ranges in O(n)'s time. If you want to know more, please wiki this data structure, or feel free to contact me.


- Mao Xue March 04, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Nice....but how can we do step 2(deletion of ranges if it contains a range inside) in O(n)

- XYZ March 04, 2011 | Flag
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Never mind..got it..
Start from the last range after sorting. And maintain a variable range_end_min, which contains the minimum of end values of range seen so far. If for any range end value is more than range_end_min, delete it.


Start from (7,8),range_end_min=8
12>range_end_min, so delete (5,12)
similarly delete (2,9)

- XYZ March 04, 2011 | Flag
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This is a very nice problem. My solution :

Idea: Start with maximum possible range which effectively includes all ranges. Then start to shrink it as much as possible depending on each employee range. At the end, we will be left with 1) valid range which indicates number of days that are mutual to all employees or 2) Invalid range (start > end) which indicates failure

Here is a possible solution with O(n) running time.

1) Start with maximum possible range <min, max>. call it "result"
2) Go through each employee's availability range. call it "x"
if(result.start < x.start) {
result.start = x.start;
if(result.end > x.end) {
result.end = x.end;
if(result.start > result.end) {
// No possible date(s) found which allows all the employees to attend event
Print("Sorry, no dates found");
3) Return result

- Anonymous July 13, 2011 | Flag Reply
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It is shit.

- Anonymous October 05, 2011 | Flag
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of 0 vote

karmaandcoding.blogspot.com /2011/03/event-scheduling-for-n-employees-in.html

- check_rand December 24, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Just define a Function that accepts 2 ranges and outputs a new range. Simply run through the list of all defined ranges and you are done. I will post code shortly.

- Sarnath K January 24, 2017 | Flag Reply
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This is a program that works with O(N). But is not always optimal. It depends on the order in which the intervals are presented to it.
I have given a good explanation below as to why this is occurring and what is the right way forward to the optimal solution.

class ScheduleFolks
    public static class Interval {
        //Assumes begin and end inclusive
        public int begin;
        public int end;
        Interval() {
            begin = end = 0;
        Interval(int begin, int end) {
            this.begin = begin;
            this.end = end;
        //Assumes ordering that this.begin <= B.begin
        public int overlap(Interval B) {
            if ((B.begin >= this.begin) && (B.begin <= this.end))
                return (this.end - B.begin + 1);
            return 0;
        public String toString() {
            return ("[" + begin + "," + end + "]");

    static void findBestInterval(Interval A, Interval B, int overlaprequired, Interval C) {
        Interval F = (A.begin <= B.begin) ? A : B;
        Interval S = (A.begin <= B.begin) ? B : A;
        int o = F.overlap(S);
        if (o != 0) {
            C.begin = S.begin;
            C.end   = S.begin + overlaprequired -1;
        } else {
            // We cannot do much here.
            // There is no way we can make them all attend.
            C.begin = F.end     - overlaprequired + 1;
            C.end   = S.begin   + overlaprequired - 1;
    static void findSchedulingInterval(Interval currentInterval, Interval A, int overlaprequired) {
            if ((currentInterval.begin == 0) && (currentInterval.end == 0)) {
                // This should not be executed in the normal case.... 
                // But may be, only if we had only 1 interval to schedule.
                currentInterval.begin = A.begin;
                currentInterval.end = A.begin + overlaprequired -1;
            } else {
                Interval F = (currentInterval.begin <= A.begin) ? currentInterval : A;
                Interval S = (currentInterval.begin <= A.begin) ? A : currentInterval;
                int o = F.overlap(S);
                if (o != 0) {
                    if (o < overlaprequired) {
                        if (currentInterval.begin <= A.begin)
                            currentInterval.end += (overlaprequired - o);
                        } else {
                            currentInterval.begin -= (overlaprequired - o);
                    } else {
                        //Nothing required at this point. Don't alter the currentInterval
                } else {
                    //There is no overlap at all. Simply stretch the current schedule to accomodate
                    if (currentInterval.begin <= A.begin) {
                        currentInterval.end = A.begin + overlaprequired -1;
                    } else {
                        currentInterval.begin = A.end - overlaprequired + 1;
    static Interval scheduleEvent(Interval[] intervals, int maxOverlap) {
        Interval r = new Interval(0,0);
        if (intervals.length == 1) {
            findSchedulingInterval(r, intervals[0], maxOverlap);
            return r;
        //Get the first interval done manually
        findBestInterval(intervals[0], intervals[1], maxOverlap, r);
        for(int i=2; i<intervals.length; i++) {
            System.out.println("Considering " + intervals[i] + " with current interval = " + r);
            findSchedulingInterval(r, intervals[i], maxOverlap);
        return r;
    public static void printIntervals(Interval[] intervals) {
            for(int i=0; i<intervals.length; i++) System.out.println(intervals[i]);
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int overlaprequired = 2;
        Interval[] intervals = new Interval[4];
        //Final Result is not permutation invariant
        //Try the order of 0,2,1,3 while initializing below for a different final result.
        //The problem arises because of the overlap betweem (1,5) and (2,10)
        //The good overlap throws 3 potential intermediate candidate interval namely (2,3), (3,4) and (4,5) 
        //- all good while combining (1,5) and (2,10).
        //For subsequent couplings, (2,3) and (4,7) turns out to be a poor choice as it stretches the window from (2 to 7)
        //while (4,5) and (4,7) would have yielded us (4,5) which when coupled with (6,9) would have yielded (4,7) a the final result
        //Since we go with (2,3) pair, we get (2,7) as final result.
        //Sort the entries in the increasing order of interval beginning
        //Whenever there are a lot of candidate solutions always optimize in favor of higher numbers 
        //(so that the gap between future intervals would be reduced)
        intervals[2] = new Interval(4,7);
        intervals[0] = new Interval(1, 5);
        intervals[1] = new Interval(2,10);
        intervals[3] = new Interval(6,9);
        System.out.println("Max overlap needed = " + overlaprequired);
        System.out.println("Input Intervals :");
        System.out.println("\nOutput Interval:");
        Interval result = scheduleEvent(intervals, overlaprequired); //Change Overlap Point here
        System.out.println("Result interval = [" +result.begin + ", " + result.end + " ]");

- Sarnath K January 24, 2017 | Flag Reply

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