Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: India
Interview Type: In-Person

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It would be nice if you could just do a pre-order traversal, and count the number of nodes that you encounter that are in order, together. A nice, O(n) solution. But it won't work; you could have a big BST eg on the left, the root happens to be larger than all the left side (so it's still in order), and then the left-most node of the right tree is in-order too, by chance. But the rest of the right tree is not sorted. Our longest sequence found this way thus isn't a BST.

Is a 'subtree' defined as perforce including the leaves? If so it's pretty easy I think:

If you're a leaf, you're a (trivial) BST, return 1, and your value (a tuple, somehow). if you're a left tree, return the value of your right-most (largest) child, as well (if a right child-tree, return the value of the left-most child). Now, our max-subtree routine can do: if my left subtree is giving non-zero for BST size, and its biggest child is < my own value, and my right subtree is non-zero for BST size, and its left-most value is > my own, well, add the two sizes together, + one for myself, and return that BST size. Otherwise return 0 (if we're not a sub-BST, it doesn't matter what our largest/smallest children are). I guess you'd keep a global max-BST size seen so far variable, and print that at the end.

If you can have 'interior-only' BSTs, ie the interior nodes are ordered but some of the leaves are not, I think it'd have to be some dynamic programming thing.

- jeremiah.bullfrog October 10, 2011 | Flag Reply
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1. Store number of nodes in a subtree in its data field.
2. Do inorder traversal and at each node sum up the nodes in left subtree+right sub tree+1.

int node_method(node* x)
if(x.left==null && x.right== null)
return 1;




Complexity is O(n)
search node with max value of

- rishi t October 19, 2011 | Flag Reply
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you are not checking if a given subtree with maximum node is a BST OR NOT?

- Anonymous October 27, 2011 | Flag
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My solution is to use a level-order check . If in certain level, there are several nodes met the BST standard , return the one with biggest size, otherwise go to next level for further check . I use a queue to fulfill this algo, with NULL as level-delimitor .

Node LargestBst ( Tree root )
Queue q ;
Node bst ;
Bool start = false ;
int largeSize = 0;

q.Enqueue ( root );
q.Enqueue ( NULL ); /* NULL server as level-delimitor */

while ( ! q.Empty() ) /* Level-Order check */
Node temp ;
temp = q.Dequeue() ;

if ( temp == NULL ) /* One level finished , Check out if we have a winner and add NULL
for next level */
if ( start == true )
return bst ;
q.Enqueue ( NULL ) ;
temp = q.Dequeue() ;

if ( IsBst (temp) ) /* Check out if this node is a BST */
start = true ;
if ( Size (temp) > largeSize ) /* Size() is func to calculate BST size */
bst = temp ;
largeSize = Size(temp);
else /* Enqueue its two children for next level check */
q.Enqueue( temp->left );
q.Enqueue( temp->right );


- iatbst January 25, 2012 | Flag Reply
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int maxbst(struct node *T)
int n,l,r;
return 0;
if(T->left==NULL && T->right== NULL)
return 1;
return n;
return l;
return r;
int CountBst(struct node *T)
int i;
return 0;
int i=IsBst(T);
return CountNodes(T);
return 0;

int CountNodes(struct node *T)
return 0;
return 1+CountNodes(T->left)+CountNodes(T->right);

int IsBst(struct node *T)
static struct node *prev;
int p;
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;
return 1;

- geeks October 08, 2011 | Flag Reply
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int max_so_far = 0;
// in each recursive call [low; up] specifies the valid range of node
// values to satisfy the BST property
int max_BST_subtree(node *t, int low, int up) {
    if(t == 0)      // found a leaf node
        return 0;
    // indicates that the BST property is broken
    if(t->val <= low || t->val >= up)
        return -1; 
    // count the number of BST nodes in subtrees
    int s_left = max_BST_subtree(t->left, low, t->val);
    int s_right = max_BST_subtree(t->right, t->val, up);
    // take either left part, right part or both
    if(s_left != -1 && s_right != -1)
        s = s_left + s_right + 1; // take both subtrees + root node
        s = max(s_left, s_right); // take on of subtrees
    max_so_far = max(s, max_so_far);
    return s; // return the number of nodes found (or -1 if no BST)
call max_BST_subtree(root, -infty, +infty);

- pavel.em October 17, 2011 | Flag
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@ASM dude I guess if either of left or right subtree is not a BST then the tree above that cannot be a BST, but incase u will still consider that a BST, that's the only thing I think is not appropriate in ur soln. rest ur soln seems ot be fine.

- ishqiscool November 07, 2011 | Flag
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Since it's a binary tree it has at most two nodes ... so all we need to do is figure out number of nodes in left and number of nodes in right, compare and return the bigger one.

We can potentially do inorder traversal on left and right sub trees to get the soln

- Anonymous October 08, 2011 | Flag Reply
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<pre lang="" line="1" title="CodeMonkey70443" class="run-this">/* The class name doesn't have to be Main, as long as the class is not public. */
class BiggestBST {

private static Node rootBST = null;
private static int maxSize = -1;

public static void main(String[] args) {
Node root = buildTree();
System.out.println("Biggest BST has root --> " + (rootBST == null ? "NULL" : rootBST.getId()));

private static Result findBST(Node n) {
if(n == null) {
return new Result(true, 0);

boolean isBST = true;
((n.getLeft() != null) && (n.getLeft().getId() > n.getId()))
((n.getRight() != null) && (n.getRight().getId() < n.getId()))
) {
isBST = false;

int size = 1;

Result resultL = findBST2(n.getLeft());
if(resultL.isBST) {
size += resultL.size;

Result resultR = findBST2(n.getRight());
if(resultR.isBST) {
size += resultR.size;

isBST = isBST && resultL.isBST && resultR.isBST;
if(isBST) {
bstMap.put(n, size);

if(size > maxSize) {
maxSize = size;
rootBST = n;

return new Result(isBST, size);

private static class Result {
private boolean isBST;
private int size;

Result(boolean isBST, int size) {
this.isBST = isBST;
this.size = size;

private static Node buildTree() {
Node root = new Node(5);

root.setLeft(new Node(3));
root.setRight(new Node(6));

root.getLeft().setLeft(new Node(1));
root.getLeft().setRight(new Node(4));

root.getRight().setLeft(new Node(9));
root.getRight().setRight(new Node(10));

root.getRight().getLeft().setLeft(new Node(7));

return root;
</pre><pre title="CodeMonkey70443" input="yes">

- October 11, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Sorry, on my previous comment because I didn't add some

The most important part in that code is the recursive function which for a particular node in the tree returns if the sub-tree having this node as a root is a BST and the size (no. of nodes) of this sub-tree.
So, for each node in the tree it checks the followings:
1. (if left child is not null and its value is less than node's value) && (if right child is not null and its value is greater than node's value)
2. call the function for left child and see if the left sub-tree is BST
3. call the function for right child and see if the right sub-tree is BST
If the above 3 conditions are met then the current node for a BST sub-tree and compute its size based on what the function returns for left and right children.

In this case you will touch each node only once.

- October 11, 2011 | Flag
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static int maxBTSize = 0;
int main()
int size = 0;
checkIfBST(root, size);

bool checkIfBST(Node* root, int& sizeOfTree)
if(root==NULL) return true;

int sizeofLtTree = 0;
bool isLtTreeBST = checkIfBST(root->left, sizeofLtTree);

int sizeofRtTree = 0;
bool isRtTreeBST = checkIfBST(root->right, sizeofRtTree);

if(isLtTreeBST &&
isRtTreeBST &&
root->val > root->left->val &&
root->val < root->left->val
sizeOfTree = sizeofLtTree + sizeofRtTree + 1;
if(maxBTSize < sizeofTree)
maxBTSize = sizeofTree;
return true;
return false;

- Neeraj Nayan October 11, 2011 | Flag Reply
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-- Minor correction in if statement --
if(isLtTreeBST &&
isRtTreeBST &&
root->val > root->left->val &&
root->val < root->right->val

- Neeraj Nayan October 11, 2011 | Flag
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if(isLtTreeBST &&
isRtTreeBST &&
root->val > root->left->val &&
root->val < root->right->val

Are you sure root->val < root->right->val condition will satisfy???
for eg lets consider given binary tree is a BST.

so looking at your code when first recursion takes place

bool isLtTreeBST = checkIfBST(root->left, sizeofLtTree);

it will reach leftmost leaf node.

follwing flag will set:-


root->val > root->left->val // condition will satisfy
root->val < root->right->val // condition will fail

correct me if i am missing something.

- addi October 11, 2011 | Flag
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the variable isRtTreeBST of the current function won't become true if the control reaches to the leftmost node, only the isRtTreeBST of the last function call will be true (its local to each call stack). So, isRtTreeBST becomes true only if the right tree is also a BST.
hence the solution looks correct to me.

- VKC October 13, 2011 | Flag
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looks like my previous comment was wrong. Indeed the function checkIfBST() written by Neeraj is incorrect.
"root->val > root->left->val && root->val < root->left->val" statement needs to be modified because the root->val should be greater than the greatest element in the left subtree which is not necessarily root->left->val (actually its rightmost element in the root's left subtree).

- VKC October 13, 2011 | Flag
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@vkc - neeraj has corrected his code after his comment...
modified code...

if(isLtTreeBST &&
isRtTreeBST &&
root->val > root->left->val &&
root->val < root->right->val

consider this tree.

/ \
10 16
/ \
7 12

when recursive call checkIfBST(7,0) is called..then
another recursive call checkIfBST(NULL,0)//root->left=NULL is called , this return true bcozz if(root==NULL) return true;

hence isLtTreeBST=true;
after returning to checkIfBST(7,0) // here root=7

similarly isRtTreeBST=true;


if(isLtTreeBST &&
isRtTreeBST &&
root->val > root->left->val &&
root->val < root->right->val

will execute , here root=7;

root->val > root->left->val // true
root->val < root->right->val // false bcozz root(7)->right=NULL

- addi October 15, 2011 | Flag
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1. Do the inorder traversal of given BT.
2. Then find the longest increasing sequence.
3. Find the sub-tree corresponding to this sequence.

- novice October 12, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Fails. The increasing order need not correspond to a leaf node.

- Thinker October 13, 2011 | Flag
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@thinker: can you pls give the counter xample ? I feel novice algo is correct..

- mgr October 15, 2011 | Flag
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We can't reconstruct BST if in-order traversal is given ...
/ \
18 25

For this example we inorder traversal is 18, 20, 26, 25.
we end up thinking that 18,20 and 26 are BST but they are not. 18, 20, 25 form a BST.

- nagaraju October 23, 2011 | Flag
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Inorder traversal of given tree is 26 18 20 25..So 18 20 25 is the increasing subsequence and its a bst

- xyz January 12, 2012 | Flag
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1. Save the count of left most node in the node
2. Save the count of right child of its parent
3. Count of parent = count of left child + count of right child +1
4. Apply these steps recursively (bottom up)
save these values only if the subtree is a BST. For the parent if count of left child and right child is present then they are BST. Now only check the parent and its 2 childs.

- andy October 27, 2011 | Flag Reply
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1. Save the count of left most node in the node
2. Save the count of right child of its parent
3. Count of parent = count of left child + count of right child +1
4. Apply these steps recursively (bottom up)
save these values only if the subtree is a BST. For the parent if count of left child and right child is present then they are BST. Now only check the parent and its 2 childs.

- andy October 27, 2011 | Flag Reply
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perform inorder and find longest continous increasing subsequence. longest = whole tree.. novice gave correct solution.

- Anonymous December 01, 2011 | Flag Reply
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int nodeNumber(node* root)
	if (!root) return 0;
	return 1 + nodeNumber(root->lchild) + nodeNumber(root->rchild);

int min(root* root)
	if (!root)
		return MIN;
		root = root->lchild;
	return root->element;	

int max(root* root)
	if (!root)
		return MAX;
		root = root->rchild;
	return root->element;	

bool isBST(node* root)
	if(!root) return 1;

	int flag = max(root->child) < root->element && min(root->rchild) > root->element;	

	return flag&&isBST(root->lchild)&&isBST(root->rchild);

int maxNodeNumber = MIN;

void maxBST(node* root)
		if(nodeNumber(root) > maxNodeNumber)
			maxNodeNumber = nodeNumber(root);

- qsgh February 22, 2012 | Flag Reply

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