Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: India
Interview Type: In-Person

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This simple code will work... some error checking will be needed but simple tree traversal is sufficient. but I think you can assume in beginning that N liters of water will fill in buckets with C capacity each.

void fillBuckets(BinaryTree *  root,double C,double N){
  if(!root) return;
  double diff=C-root->val; // root->val is 0 initially for each bucket. some modification is needed is it can have other value
  if(diff>=N){  //this bucket can take all water
  }else{ //fill bucket completely and spill remaining water. trick is we don't need to take care of any bucket getting overflow. simply spill water to lower levels. If bucket is filled completely by left parent, right will spill all water.

For fillBuckets(root,5,40), this gives
5 5
5 5 5
.625 4.375 4.375 .625

please let me know if any thing is wrong.

- AA December 29, 2011 | Flag Reply
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I have no idea what you have coded? What is the approach you have used? Makes no sense to me.

- Anonymous December 31, 2011 | Flag
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Simply put water at root, spill water equally in right and left, if its extreme left, or extreme right which receives water from one node only, there is no problem. just do this recursively. At middle nodes, just assume that it receives water from singe node and do the save. So, when it receive water from second node and we already know that its filled. (or how much water it can take as we are keeping track of amount left in bucket after node 1 filled.) so just do the same and spill remaining. Level concept is simply a confusion. for example if bucket 5 gets water x and y from buckets 2 & 3 and C is what it can hold. spill will be X+Y-C. all I am doing is saying spill=C-X or X-C and then spill= Y-val or val-Y, and then spill.. so spill= Y-val=Y-(C-X) = X+Y-C , same result. Does it become clear now.??

- AA January 01, 2012 | Flag
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@AA - its not that simple bro, as depending on the level the glass will start filling early and not just with 1 or 2 glasses spills . For example 7, 8, 9, and 10 are on same level but glass 8 and 9 will start filling before 7 and 10, and hence may be filled before 7 and 10 got half filled. Level is not there just for confusion it have some sense.

- RJ65 January 15, 2012 | Flag
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I agree level is there for some sense and it might be tough to solve all variations of this problem with this approach, but this solves some of those variations.

- AA January 15, 2012 | Flag
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So there is no constraint that every node has two children??
Your code considers that every node has 2 children....
if not your recurrence is wrong

- hello world February 25, 2012 | Flag
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This is not a binary tree I guess... worked it out a little and understood... better name it as graph to avoid confusion... your solution works!!!

- hello world February 25, 2012 | Flag
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no of glasses on level L is L i.e. total glasses = 1+2+...+L = L(L+1)/2 == call it t
if(N >= t) all glasses full;
else some glasses empty or partly filled.

In the second case, I guess go one by one, N < C level 1
N>C && N<3C level 2
and so on.
The partly filled case can be thought of as dividing extra equally among all in the given level,

- fred December 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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first calculate int n = floor[log(N/C + 1)/log2]
Now all levels less then n will have C amount of water and glasses at level n will have

lets take an example suppose we have N = 4C
in this case n = 2, which means glasses at level 0 and 1(i.e < 2) will have C amount of water and glass at level 2 will have (N-3C)/4 i.e C/4 each.

- loveCoding December 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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This seems wrong. if N = 4C , then level 2 should have (N-3C)/ 3

- Anonymous December 31, 2011 | Flag
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I think you are right.. I thought it to be lioke binary tree... i will update my response...Thanks for pointing it out....

- Manan December 31, 2011 | Flag
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completely wrong

- RJ65 January 15, 2012 | Flag
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Following code will let to take to the goal ....

class GlassesStatus {

    double liquidInLiters, capacityOfEachGlass;
    int numberOfLevelsOfGlasses;
    int level = 0;

    GlassesStatus(double liquid, double capacity, int levels) {
        this.liquidInLiters = liquid;
        this.capacityOfEachGlass = capacity;
        this.numberOfLevelsOfGlasses = levels;

    void describeGlassesStatus() {
        System.out.println("In Method ...");
        int glassNumber = 1;
        int level = 1;
        describe(glassNumber, liquidInLiters);

    private void describe(int glassNumber, double liquidInLiters) {
        if (level <= numberOfLevelsOfGlasses) {
            if (liquidInLiters < 0) {
                System.out.println("No Liquid in " + glassNumber);
            } else {
                if (liquidInLiters <= capacityOfEachGlass) {
                    System.out.println("In glass-" + glassNumber + " : " + liquidInLiters + " litres");
                } else {
                    System.out.println("In glass-" + glassNumber + " : " + capacityOfEachGlass + " litres");
                    liquidInLiters = liquidInLiters - capacityOfEachGlass;
                    describe((glassNumber * 2), liquidInLiters / 2);
                    describe((glassNumber * 2) + 1, liquidInLiters / 2);


- AnanthaNag KUNDANALA December 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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I got the below output for the input values ( 50, 5, 4)

In glass-1 : 5.0 litres
In glass-2 : 5.0 litres
In glass-4 : 5.0 litres
In glass-8 : 1.875 litres
In glass-9 : 1.875 litres
In glass-5 : 5.0 litres
In glass-10 : 1.875 litres

In glass-11 : 1.875 litres
In glass-3 : 5.0 litres
In glass-6 : 5.0 litres
In glass-12 : 1.875 litres
In glass-13 : 1.875 litres
In glass-7 : 5.0 litres
In glass-14 : 1.875 litres
In glass-15 : 1.875 litres

- AnanthaNag KUNDANALA December 28, 2011 | Flag
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realy helpful,could you explain more.

- vijay December 28, 2011 | Flag
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Above data is wrong, the correct output is

        5   5
      5   5   5
  1.875 5   5   1.875
0   1.5625 3.125  1.5625 0

- Anonymous December 28, 2011 | Flag
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If you see the question properly , they stated very clearly that ' the extra liquid would be flown into the glasses 2 and 3 in equal quantities. ' But if you see your output , that condition was violated. I am not getting you why you said that my output was wrong. Can you tell me why ?

- AnanthaNag KUNDANALA December 29, 2011 | Flag
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@ vijay : yeah vijay. with pleasure . You can reach me at

- AnanthaNag KUNDANALA December 29, 2011 | Flag
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2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
here, for 7 it will get only from 4 only but for 8 it will
get from both 4 & 5 so it should be greater than 7.... how
its possible all got equally 1.875 and 9 will get from both
5&6, so you missed this part.

- Anonymous December 29, 2011 | Flag
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Hey exactely ... Its my mistake only ... Till now , I am guessing that 2 below row glasses will get the juice from one glass only rather than 2 glasses. Now will modify and revert back.Hey thanks a ton again. please revert me at

- AnanthaNag KUNDANALA December 29, 2011 | Flag
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Below is the workable code

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void pascal_water(int n, int, float);

float storeW[1000][1000];

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int level = 5, capacity = 1;
	float totalwater=10; 
	pascal_water(level-1, capacity, totalwater);

	for(int i=0; i<=level; i++)
		for(int j=0; j<=level; j++)
			cout << setw(3) << storeW[i][j];
		cout << endl;
	return 0;

void pascal_water(int level, int capacity, float totalwater)
	storeW[0][0] = totalwater;

	for(int i=0; i<level; i++)
		for(int j=0; j<=i; j++)
			if(storeW[i][j] > capacity)
				float temp = storeW[i][j] - (float)capacity;
				storeW[i][j] = capacity;
				storeW[i+1][j] += temp / 2;
				storeW[i+1][j+1] += temp / 2;

- Anonymous December 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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float storeW[1000][1000];
for(int i=0; i<level; i++)
   for(int j=0; j<=i; j++)
      if(storeW[i][j] > capacity)
         float temp = storeW[i][j] - (float)capacity;
	 storeW[i][j] = capacity;
	 storeW[i+1][j] += temp / 2;
	 storeW[i+1][j+1] += temp / 2;

- Anonymous December 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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before for loop initialize storeW[0][0] = totalwater;

- Anonymous December 28, 2011 | Flag
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Its like this ...
C capacity of each glass... let first glass gets C remainingn N-C it has to be destributed between two class so each gets (N-C)/2
now again the capacity of next glass C so the remagnign for next lavel.. (N-C)/2 -C
so the next level will get (N-3C)/4 so if root is level 0 ie n=1 then each will get (N-(2n-1)*C)/2^n-1

- sweet.prash December 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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On the third level glass 5 takes input from two glasses,
so glass 5 will have different amount than 4 and 6.
Same goes for lower levels also.
What do you say ?

- Prakhar December 28, 2011 | Flag
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void AmazonGlassProblem(int maxlitres, int numberofLevel, int glassCapacity)
float glasses[1000] = {0};
int glassInALevel = 1;
int currentLevel = 0;
bool isNextLevelRequired = true;
glasses[0] = maxlitres;
while(currentLevel < numberofLevel)
for(int indexInLevel = 1; indexInLevel <= currentLevel + 1; indexInLevel++)
int glassIndex = (currentLevel*(currentLevel + 1))/2;
if(glasses[glassIndex - 1+indexInLevel] > glassCapacity)
float remainCapacity = glasses[glassIndex - 1+indexInLevel] - glassCapacity;
int nextIndex = ((currentLevel+1) * (currentLevel + 2))/2 + indexInLevel;
glasses[nextIndex -1] += remainCapacity/2;
glasses[nextIndex] += remainCapacity/2;
glasses[glassIndex - 1+indexInLevel] = glassCapacity;
for(int index =0 ; index < (numberofLevel *(numberofLevel + 1))/2; index++)
std::cout<<"\n Glass of "<<index<<" "<<glasses[index]<<" "<<"litres";


void InputForMaxLitresProblem()

- Anonymous December 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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void AmazonGlassProblem(int maxlitres, int numberofLevel, int glassCapacity)
float glasses[1000] = {0};
int glassInALevel = 1;
int currentLevel = 0;
bool isNextLevelRequired = true;
glasses[0] = maxlitres;
while(currentLevel < numberofLevel)
for(int indexInLevel = 1; indexInLevel <= currentLevel + 1; indexInLevel++)
int glassIndex = (currentLevel*(currentLevel + 1))/2;
if(glasses[glassIndex - 1+indexInLevel] > glassCapacity)
float remainCapacity = glasses[glassIndex - 1+indexInLevel] - glassCapacity;
int nextIndex = ((currentLevel+1) * (currentLevel + 2))/2 + indexInLevel;
glasses[nextIndex -1] += remainCapacity/2;
glasses[nextIndex] += remainCapacity/2;
glasses[glassIndex - 1+indexInLevel] = glassCapacity;
for(int index =0 ; index < (numberofLevel *(numberofLevel + 1))/2; index++)
std::cout<<"\n Glass of "<<index<<" "<<glasses[index]<<" "<<"litres";


void InputForMaxLitresProblem()

- racseism December 28, 2011 | Flag Reply
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Are you stupid? How about give the approach first and then the code? Who do you think this code will help? Its better not to post it at all !

- Anonymous December 31, 2011 | Flag
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define N 50
#define C 5
#define L 5 //assumed level start 0,1,2,3...
int main()
int i,j;
float arr[(L*(1+L))/2] = {0.0,};
int total_glass = (L*(1+L))/2;
int left, right;
int current;
float remain;
int flag = 1; // to exit loop if no glass at a level has more than C litre.

arr[0] = N;
for(i = 0; i<L && flag; i++)
flag = 0;
for(j = 0; j<(i+1)/*no. of node at a particular level*/; j++)
current = (i*(i+1))/2 + j;
left = current + (i + 1);
right = left + 1;
if(arr[current] > C)
remain = arr[current] - C;
arr[current] = C;
if(right < total_glass)
arr[left] += remain/2;
arr[right] += remain/2;
flag = 1;
for(i = 0; i<total_glass; i++)
if(arr[i] > C)
cout<<i<<"th "<<C<<endl;
cout<<i<<"th "<<arr[i]<<endl;
return 0;

- shani December 30, 2011 | Flag Reply
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one more retard ! lol keep on coding.

- Anonymous December 31, 2011 | Flag
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ooops this is so simple !!! do practical n start
T -> total liquid in ltrs poured at 1st glass
L -> level (considering each glass row as a level) 
C -> Capacity of individual glass
arr -> array of glasses(i.e. total glasses = L * (L + 1)  / 2

void pour_liquid(float *arr, int T, int L, int C)
	int level = 0, element = 0;

	*(arr + 0) = T;/* POURING T ltrs here */
	for (level = 1; level <= L; ++level)
		for (element = ((level * (level + 1)) / 2 ) - level; element < (level * (level + 1) / 2); ++element)
			if ((C < *(arr + element)) && (level != L))
				*(arr + element + level) += ((*(arr + element) - C) / 2);
				*(arr + element + level + 1) += ((*(arr + element) - C) / 2);
				*(arr + element) = C;
				if ((C < *(arr + element)) && (level = L))
				       *(arr + element) = C;/* liquid spilled over at last level glasses and wasted */ 


- January 01, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Number of Levels needed for N litres to accommodate, in a Binomial Tree Expansion like Tree of cups with Capacity "C" = Log2((N+C)/C) . (We can prove this with simple Geometric Progression sequence)

When we compute this it will be some floating point number. Let's say number of levels comes out to be 2.7 then it means that we need 2 Levels completely filled and 3rd level distributed accordingly. we can compute the liquid left after filling 2 levels and then fill 3rd level.

- We Pin January 04, 2012 | Flag Reply
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Am I missing something? This seems like a math problem, not a coding problem.

Total capacity of all glasses (T) = C * sum(1 -> L)

Total # of glasses filled (G) = floor(N / T)

Remainder R = N/T - G; will be split evenly across L glasses.


- MPS January 04, 2012 | Flag Reply
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I hate looking at code without mathematical explanation or proof. :)

- abcd January 05, 2012 | Flag Reply
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this is an old question.

- Anonymous January 06, 2012 | Flag Reply
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that was real insightful

- Anonymous February 28, 2012 | Flag
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Every node has to have two children.. why does the figure show otherwise? :O

- Dev February 24, 2012 | Flag Reply
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tats cause its not a tree

- Anonymous February 28, 2012 | Flag
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We can use a 2-d array of vessels for storing their current water. We start from the top assigning whole jug of water ( pot ) to the top vessel. Vessels would basically keep water of its capacity ( c ) and spill the rest equally (current - c )/2 to its left and right vessels. It would try to fill itself to c. At every vessel we decrease the remaining water to be distributed. Here's sample code in c:


int main()
        int h=0,i,j,c=5;
        float v[10][10],pot=50;

                        v[h+1][i] = 0;

                        if(v[h][i] > c)
                                v[h+1][i] += (v[h][i]-c)/2;
                                v[h+1][i+1] += (v[h][i]-c)/2;
                                v[h][i] = c;
                        pot -= v[h][i];
                        printf("[%d][%d]: %f\t",i,j,v[i][j]);
return 0;

- sylar February 26, 2012 | Flag Reply
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node* fillCup(node *root,float pour,float capacity)
float temp;
return NULL;

if(root->data+pour >= capacity)
// this will execute if there is already some water added to this node but cup is not full
return root;

// for the case amout poured to this node is less than capacity of the cup
return root;



given a tree , suppose intially data of each node is set to 0. bcozz they are empty.
now just keep on spilling pour/2 to left ans right child. this will take care of the shared node also.

- atul February 27, 2012 | Flag Reply
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node* fillCup(node *root,float pour,float capacity)
float temp;
                return NULL;

        if(root->data+pour >= capacity)
                     // this will execute if there is already some water added to this node but cup is not full
                                return root;

              // for the case amout poured to this node is less than capacity of the cup
                return root;



given a tree , suppose intially data of each node is set to 0. bcozz they are empty.
now just keep on spilling pour/2 to left ans right child. this will take care of the shared node also.

- atul February 27, 2012 | Flag Reply
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int main()
	cin >> N >> C;
//	pouring(N,0,0);
	A[0][0] = N;
	int level;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		level = i;
		bool flag = false;
		for (int j =0; j <=i; j++)
			if (A[i][j] > C)
				flag = true;
				A[i+1][j]+= (A[i][j]-C)/2;
				A[i+1][j+1] +=(A[i][j]-C)/2;
		if (!flag)

	for (int i = 0; i <= level; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
			cout << A[i][j] << " ";
		cout << endl;
	return 0;

- Anonymous March 06, 2012 | Flag Reply
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We could do it easily by means of arrays.

class PyramidGlasses
	static float[] glasses;
	static int levels = 5;
	static int capacity = 5;
	static int total = 40;
	public static void main(String[] args)
		fill(1, 1, total);
		for(int i=0; i<glasses.length; i++)
	public static void createGlasses()
		glasses = new float[(levels*(levels+1)/2)+1];

	public static void fill(int i, int j, float remaining)
			glasses[i] = capacity;
			remaining = remaining -  capacity;
			if (remaining>0)
				int left = i+j;
				int right = i+j+1;
				fill(left, j, remaining/2);
				fill(right, j, remaining/2);
			glasses[i] = glasses[i]+remaining;

result is

- John June 13, 2012 | Flag Reply
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// Returns the amount of water in jth glass of ith row
float findWater(int i, int j, float X)
// A row number i has maximum i columns. So input column number must
// be less than i
if (j > i)
printf("Incorrect Input\n");

// There will be i*(i+1)/2 glasses till ith row (including ith row)
float glass[i * (i + 1) / 2];

// Initialize all glasses as empty
memset(glass, 0, sizeof(glass));

// Put all water in first glass
int index = 0;
glass[index] = X;

// Now let the water flow to the downward glassses till the
// amount of water X is not 0 and row number is less than or
// equal to i (given row)
for (int row = 1; row <= i && X !=0.0; ++row)
// Fill glasses in a given row. Number of columns in a row
// is equal to row number
for (int col = 1; col <= row; ++col, ++index)
// Get the water from current glass
X = glass[index];

// Keep the amount less than or equal to
// capacity in current glass
glass[index] = (X >= 1.0f) ? 1.0f : X;

// Get the remaining amount
X = (X >= 1.0f) ? (X - 1) : 0.0f;

// Distribute the remaining amount to the down two glasses
glass[index + row] += X / 2;
glass[index + row + 1] += X / 2;

// The index of jth glass in ith row will be i*(i-1)/2 + j - 1
return glass[i*(i-1)/2 + j - 1];

//Main program to test above function
int main()
int i = 2, j = 2;
float X = 2.0; // Total amount of water

printf("Amount of water in jth glass of ith row is: %f",
findWater(i, j, X));

return 0;


Amount of water in jth glass of ith row is: 0.500000

Time Complexity: O(i*(i+1)/2) or O(i^2)
Auxiliary Space: O(i*(i+1)/2) or O(i^2)

- Pankaj Khandelwal July 17, 2013 | Flag Reply
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		  2   3
		4	5	6
	  7	  8	  9	 10
	11	12	13	14	15

double fillGlasses(double C, double L, int ht, int idx)
	// total how many glasses including the one at (h,i) position
	// upto (ht-1) height all glasses will be there i.e. (ht-1)*ht/2
	int n = (ht-1)*ht/2 + idx;
	double a[n]; // one more to use the array as indexed-1
	memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
	a[1] = L; // 1st glass gets L amount of liquid
	for(int h = 1, i = 1; h < ht; h++) // iterate upto (ht-1) height
		// i corresponds to the current glass
		for(int w = 1; w <= h; w++) // at h height h glasses will be there
			int l = i + h; // left child glass (look at the structure above)
			int r = i + h + 1; // right child glass (by the structure)
			if(a[i] > C) // if current glass is over filled
				if(l <= n) // if left child glass is within our range
					a[l] += (a[i]-C)/2;
				if(r <= n) // if child child glass is within our range
					a[r] += (a[i]-C)/2;
				a[i] = C; // current glass should be full
			i++; // next glass
	return a[n];

- Sunny Mitra June 18, 2014 | Flag Reply

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