Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: United States
Interview Type: Written Test

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It is very simple problem. For every start to end first digit, we need to create a tree. For example 500000 to 600000 is given range that we need to create a binary tree where left child is one less than the parent digit and right child is 1 greater the parent digit.

After the tree constructed, take root and do all traversal to all possible leaf at level count ( decimal points of start ) and generate a number for such branch.

Check is this number is in limit, if yes print it. Like this keep doing till the first digit <= last. No need to do traverse like this for(int i=start;i<end+1;i++).

- Digi Digi April 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Can you shed some more light on below para?

"After the tree constructed, take root and do all traversal to all possible leaf at level count ( decimal points of start ) and generate a number for such branch."

If I understood correctly, traversing through a big tree will also cost O(h), which is almost equal to O(n). So I guess there might not be much difference asymptotically. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

It would be helpful if you can provide a Pseudocode for your approach.

- Krish April 08, 2013 | Flag
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I don't know if the solution proposed here is good or bad but definitely an alternative solution:

Suppose range given is: 400 - 500
Now start with node 4 as below:
       5            3
     6   4      4     2
with 4 as root we have two choices i.e. 3(4 - 1) and 5(4+1),once you have 3 digits(remember the range has only 3 numbers) print it :)

- aka April 10, 2013 | Flag
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Krish, I am not traversing in n elements rather, I am traversing in possible sulution. For an example if i need to find a number between 100 to 200, then possible tree would be

0 1
-1 1 0 2

Now you need to check
10-1 (This will not be checked as it reached to 0 )

This means you don't have to traverse 100 to 200 elements (99 elements ). Please correct if I am wrong.

- Digi Digi April 13, 2013 | Flag
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public class SpecialPropetyNos {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int Limit = 4;
		for (int nos=0;nos<10;nos++){
			generateNos(nos, (Limit-1));

	private static void generateNos(int nos, int limit) {
		if (limit == 0){
		if ( nos%10 != 9)
			generateNos( ((nos*10)+ (nos%10+1)), (limit-1) );
		if( ((nos%10)-1 ) > -1 ){
			generateNos(((nos*10)+(nos%10-1)), (limit-1));

- onlooker April 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Can you explain this?

- hj April 07, 2013 | Flag
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Here, instead of range I assumed that one is asked to generate all 4 digit nos with special property (Code could be easily modified to generate nos in the range)

Logic: start with unit (0 to 9), now at 10 only nos allowed are (unit+1) & (unit-1), similarly at hundered (ten+1) & (ten-1), so on
For above 0 & 9 are exception, since (0-1) will take you back & (9+1) would again go out of bound.
Have a look at following diagram
0 - 10 - 010 - 1010
- 210 - 1210
- 3210

1- 01 - 101 - ...
- 21- 121 - . ..
- 131- ...

9 - 89 - 789
- 989

- onlooker April 08, 2013 | Flag
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"You are given a range", what range, can you explain more?

- Joe Flip April 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	//long l=8987656;
	long l=89876564;
	long temp_num = l;
	int prev = -1;
	int cur;
	bool isSpecial=true;
		cur = temp_num%10;
		temp_num = temp_num/10;
		if (prev == -1)
			prev = cur;
			if(cur != prev+1 && cur != prev-1)
				isSpecial = false;
			prev = cur;
	cout<<"Number "<<l<<" is special? "<<isSpecial;

- macse April 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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//function to check weather the given number satisfies the property
//i.e 8987656 returns true
//ie.8987657 returns false

//for number 8987656 val1= 5 and val2=6 for first iteration.

bool findProperty(int num)

int val1=0;
int val2=-1;


int result=val1-val2;
if(result ==1 || result ==-1)

return false;

return true;

for (int i=range_start;i<=range_end;i++)
bool flag=findProperty(i);



Please correct if I am wronge.

- Anonymous April 06, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Isn't the question asking to generate nos not verify them?

- sapy April 08, 2013 | Flag
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public class glassdoor2{

public boolean check(int i){
	int prev=i%10;
	int curr;
	while (i>0)
		if ((prev-curr==1)||(prev-curr==-1))
			return false;	
	return true;

public void compute(int start,int end)
	for(int i=start;i<end+1;i++)

public static void main(String[] args){
	glassdoor2 g = new glassdoor2();

asymptotic solution is O(n*d). worst case O(n2).

- Krish April 08, 2013 | Flag Reply
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This can be quite easily done by recursion. This is an interview question, and not a real life example. So the emphasis is on doing something elegant, not long. Here is a recursive solution that accomplishes this:

void specialNum(int num, int st, int end) {
    if (num > end)

    if (num > st) cout << num <<" ";

    int digit = num % 10;

    if (digit < 9)
        sn(num*10+digit+1, st, end);

    if (digit > 0)
        sn(num*10+digit-1, st, end);

void specialNum(int st, int end) {
    for (int i=1; i < 10; i++)
        sn(i, st, end);

int main() {
	int startRange = 10, endRange = 200000;
	specialNum(startRange, endRange); //will print out numbers as specified in question
	return 0;

- barry.steyn April 09, 2013 | Flag Reply
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@barry.steyn: logic please

- aka April 10, 2013 | Flag
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logic is:
range is 100 to 200
answer to this would be: 123 right along with others...
so how can we get 123?
start from 1, 12, 121, 123 and others....
from 1 we can get 12 by (1*10+1%10+1)
from 12 we can get 121 by (12*10+12%10-1)
from 12 we can get 123 by (12*10 + 12%10 -1)
so basically start from 1 till 9 and you will cover all the ranges.As soon as the number increase beyond the start range print it and if it crosses end range return the recursive function, basically boundary cases.

- undefined April 10, 2013 | Flag
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small correction:
logic is:
range is 100 to 200
answer to this would be: 123 right along with others...
so how can we get 123?
start from 1, 12, 121, 123 and others....
from 1 we can get 12 by (1*10+1%10+1)
from 12 we can get 121 by (12*10+12%10-1)
from 12 we can get 123 by (12*10 + 12%10 +1)
so basically start from 1 till 9 and you will cover all the ranges.As soon as the number increase beyond the start range print it and if it crosses end range return the recursive function, basically boundary cases.

- undefined April 10, 2013 | Flag
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it should start from 101 and not 123

- Anonymous June 27, 2013 | Flag
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package com.trails;

public class NumberGenerator {
	static int start = 4565676;
	static int end = 8987656;
	static int sDigit;
	static int eDigit;
	public static int getDigit(int number){
	    int counter = 0;
	    while(number != 0){
		number = number / 10;
		return counter;
	public static int getFirstDigit(int number){
		while(getDigit(number) != 1){
			number = number / 10;
		return number;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		sDigit = getDigit(start); // Find total number of Digit
		eDigit = getDigit(end); // Find total number of Digit
		int firstNode = getFirstDigit(start); // Get first digit of end
		int lastNode = getFirstDigit(end); // Get first digit of end

		// Till first digit <= last digit
		while(firstNode <= lastNode){
			generateNumbers(firstNode, firstNode, 1);

      private static void generateNumbers(int number, int currentNode, int digit) {
	      // if current number of digits are more than start digits and number is in range
	     if(digit >= sDigit && number >= start && number <= end){
			System.out.print(number+ ",");
		// If number contains more digits than the end stop immediately
		if(digit > eDigit)

	//If current digit for processing is 0, stop this branch
	if(currentNode != 0)
	     generateNumbers(10 * number + (currentNode-1), currentNode - 1, digit + 1);
	//If current digit for processing is 9, stop this branch
	if(currentNode != 9)
	    generateNumbers(10 * number + (currentNode + 1), currentNode + 1, digit + 1);

- Digi Digi April 14, 2013 | Flag Reply
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It will print :


- Digi Digi April 14, 2013 | Flag
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Given input range limits: low and high (both inclusive).
Assume that you are generating numbers of length, say N.

Have a driver function that sets the value of the first number, first 'low' upto 'high'. then call a recursive function that does +1 and -1 to the previous value.
Code here [tested]:


#define N 4

int low = 3;
int high = 6;

void spl_number( int a[], int pos )
   if( pos == N )
      for( int i=0; i< N; i++ )
         printf("%d ",a[i]);
          if( a[pos-1]-1 >= low )
              a[pos] = a[pos-1] - 1;
          if( a[pos-1]+1 <= high )
              a[pos] = a[pos-1] + 1;
   } // end else

} // end spl_number

void driver(int a[])
   for( int num=low; num<= high; num++ )
int main()
    int a[N] = { 0 };

    return 0;

- D April 21, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Range can be easily added.

public class SpecialNumber {

static String mainData = "0123456789";
public static void main(String[] args) {

private static void printSpecialNo(String res, String data, int n) {
if(n==0) {
for(int i=0;i<data.length();i++)
printSpecialNo(res+data.charAt(i), getData(data,i), n-1);

private static String getData(String data, int i) {
String modifiedData="";
int b = Integer.parseInt(data.charAt(i)+"");
for(int j=0;j<mainData.length();j++) {
int a = Integer.parseInt(mainData.charAt(j)+"");

return modifiedData;


- Anonymous May 10, 2013 | Flag Reply
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The problem becomes much more tractable if the special no. is treated as a string.
The recursive logic goes something like this:
for every number n in the given range:
spl_no_str = n + spl_no_str(n-1);
spl_no_str = n + spl_no_str(n+1);

static void printRange(int a, int b)

		int n = b-a + 1;
		//loop for length of string
		for(int i = 2; i<=n ; i++)
			// loop for starting digit of spl no.
			for(int j = a ; j<=b ; j++)
				specialNo(j,"", a,b, i);



	static void specialNo(int n, String s, int a, int b, int l)

		if(s.length() <=l)
		    	s = s + n;
			if(s.length() == l)
				specialNo( n+1, s, a, b, l);
				specialNo( n-1, s, a, b, l);

- Aparna September 12, 2013 | Flag Reply

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