Qual Ex Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

Country: United States
Interview Type: In-Person

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Say p is the pointer of the node with value being 50, pNew is the pointer of the node with value being 40. Then we can do like this:

pNew->next = p->next;
p->next = pNew;
p->val = 40;
pNew->val = 50;

- uuuouou May 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Aaah! Good logic! :)

- shivamtiwari93 May 12, 2014 | Flag
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Good One. . !!

- SumitGaur May 13, 2014 | Flag
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it should be :

pNew->val = p->val;
pNew->val = newvalue;

- Anonymous May 14, 2014 | Flag
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If it's not a doubly linked list, then I think it's impossible.

- Indra Bayu May 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Yes, I second this opinion.

- nishant.cena May 12, 2014 | Flag
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Yes, there will be no way to look back to know where the element will be. If the input is 40 then its OK. For that the code is as belows:

void insertInAscendingOrder(Node node, int insertData) {

		while (node.data < insertData && node.next != null) {
			node = node.next;

		if (node.next != null) {
			int temp = node.data;
			Node newNode = new Node(temp);
			newNode.next = node.next;
			node.data = insertData;
			node.next = newNode;
		} else {
			if (node.data > insertData) {
				int temp = node.data;
				Node newNode = new Node(temp);
				newNode.next = node.next;
				node.data = insertData;
				node.next = newNode;
			} else {
				Node newNode = new Node(insertData);
				node.next = newNode;

But if the input is 20, then the code will fail and will give the output 10->30->20->50->70

- dhirajb1989 May 12, 2014 | Flag
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I agree with this opinion as well. If we are only given a pointer to the node with value 50, and no pointers to any node before 50, then by inserting 40 in front of 50 we create a malformed singly linked list. The resulting linked list would have two heads instead of one, which is not allowed according to the traditional definition of linked list.

- Brandy July 05, 2014 | Flag
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Never mind my last comment. I see now that if you replace the data in node 50 it is possible to avoid having to create a malformed linked list when inserting the new node. In other words, it is possible to insert node 40 correctly if you assume the node values are not fixed.

- Brandy July 05, 2014 | Flag
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// we start with
// 10->30->50->70->NULL 
// curNode is 50, newNode is 40
// first, insert newNode after curNode;

newNode.next = curNode.next;
curNode.next = newNode;

// now we have
// 10->30->50->40->70->NULL 

// now swap values of curNode and curNode.next
int tempVal = curNode.value;
curNode.value = curNode.next.value;
curNode.next.value = tempVal;

// now we have
// 10->30->40->50->70->NULL

- Michael.J.Keating May 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Yes value swap, that one way to do it.

- nishant.cena May 12, 2014 | Flag
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We can also do it by maintaining a prev pointer taking care of the insertion at head.. below is an idea ..

node prev = null;

while(newNode.value > Curr.value)
	prev = curr;
	curr = curr.next;

if(prev == null)
	// insertion at head
//insertion at middle or tail

prev.next = newNode;
newNode.next = curr;


- An Enthusiast May 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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newNode.next = oldNode.next ;
newNode.value = 50 ;
oldNode.value = 40;
oldNode.next = newNode;

- Scott May 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Logic be:
1) Check pointer value with new value to be added
2) If pointer value is greater than new value Than: store pointer value in temp and replace pointer value with new value
3) add a node by using temp value next to pointer node.

- Rajesh Kumar May 13, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Node * new_node = new Node();
  new_node->data = node50->data;
  new_node->next = node50->next;
  node50->data = 40;
  node50->next = new_node;

- Shiva May 18, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Suppose in the linked list, the first node has a pointer 'first'. and as said in the question, let us assume p is the pointer pointing to node containing value 50. We need to insert node 40 ( let the node be pointer as new) before node 50. So we traverse till we reach a node beofre node 50, and then insert the 'new' node.
Node first = head; //just creating a pointer to move till node before 'p'.
while(first.next != p)
first = first.next
} // when this loop is over, you are pointing to a node just ahead of 'p'.
first.next = new;
new.next = p;

- Anonymous May 19, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Strt with two pointers. One slow and anothoer Fast. Below is the code in Python.

class Node:

    Basic Node Object
    __slots__ = 'elements', 'Next'
    def __init__(self, element, Next):
        self.element = element
class LinkedList(object):

    Create a linkedlist object using the Node Object
    size = 0 # Let size be the attribute of the LinkedList Class Object
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize a Head reference of the LinkedList object
    def addElement(self, e):
        # Create a newNode Object
        newNode = Node(e, None)
        if LinkedList.size==0:
        LinkedList.size += 1
    def displayList(self):
        #Create a tempNode and iterate
        tempNode = self.Head
            print "Current element is [%d]"% tempNode.element
            tempNode = tempNode.Next
    def addElementinOrder(self, e):
        # Create a slow pointer and a Fast pointer
        # Travel through the list and place the element 
        # immediately after the element smaller than the given 
        # element.
        # We will also address the edge cases here
        newNode = Node(e,None)
        # Check if the element that is added is less than the head
        # Add the element in head
        if self.Head.element > e:
        # Travel until you reach dead end
                #stop traversing as soon as you find element larger than target
                if fastNode.element > e:
                # Continue traversing otherwise
            #Make changes to the node 
if __name__== "__main__":
    MyLinkedList = LinkedList()
    nums = [70, 60, 50, 30, 20, 10]
    for n in nums:
        print "Inserting num = %d" % n
    print "=================================\n"
    print "Displaying elements in LinkedList"
    print "=================================\n"
    print "The Length of LinkedList is %d" % MyLinkedList.size
    print "=================================\n"
    print "Inserting 40 in LInkedList"
    print "Displaying elements in LinkedList"


Inserting num = 70
Inserting num = 60
Inserting num = 50
Inserting num = 30
Inserting num = 20
Inserting num = 10

Displaying elements in LinkedList
Current element is [10]
Current element is [20]
Current element is [30]
Current element is [50]
Current element is [60]
Current element is [70]

The Length of LinkedList is 6

Inserting 40 in LInkedList
Displaying elements in LinkedList
Current element is [10]
Current element is [20]
Current element is [30]
Current element is [40]
Current element is [50]
Current element is [60]
Current element is [70]

- gravityrahul June 07, 2014 | Flag Reply
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You can do it, if you are allowed to change the node values (which may not be a good idea in a practical use case), but for the sake of this problem, we can edit 50 to 40 and can insert a new 50.

- Viky June 12, 2014 | Flag Reply
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     * @param <T>
     * @param midNode points to 50
     * @param newNode contains 40 
    public void myAnswer(Node<T> midNode, Node<T> newNode) {
        T prevVal = newNode.getValue();
        T currValue = null;
        while(midNode!=null) {
            currValue = midNode.getValue();
            if(midNode.getNext()!=null) midNode = midNode.getNext();
            prevVal = currValue;
        midNode.setNext(new Node(prevVal));

- Asif Garhi June 18, 2014 | Flag Reply
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nice code

- ryna June 18, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Lets say head is node with value 50 and newNode is a node with value 40:

tmp = head
newNode.next = tmp
head = newNode

Its just reordering of nodes.

- Atul July 05, 2014 | Flag Reply
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Node * LinkedList::InsertInOrder(Node *h, Node *p, int data)
	Node *newNode = new Node(NULL, data);

	if(h==NULL || p==NULL)
		return h;
	Node *tmp=h, *prev=h;



	return h;

- Sasi July 20, 2014 | Flag Reply
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One Possible Solution is this... Code is modifiable

public class InsertLinkBeforePointer {
	Link<Integer> head =  new Link<Integer>(10);
	Link<Integer> pointer = null;
	public InsertLinkBeforePointer(){
		Link<Integer> l1 =  new Link<Integer>(20);
		Link<Integer> l2 =  new Link<Integer>(30);
		Link<Integer> l3 =  new Link<Integer>(50);
		Link<Integer> l4 =  new Link<Integer>(60);
		head.next = l1;
		l1.next = l2;
		l2.next = l3;
		l3.next = l4;
		pointer = l3;
	public void insertbeforeAsc(int data){
		Link<Integer> node = new Link<Integer>(data);
		// add the new node where the pointer is pointing.. 
		if(node.data < pointer.data) {
			node.next = pointer.next;
			pointer.next = node;
			// Swap the data in both the nodes..
			node.data = pointer.data;
			pointer.data = data;
		else {
				if(pointer.data < data)
					pointer = pointer.next;
					node.next = pointer.next;
					pointer.next = node;
					// Swap the data in both the nodes..
					node.data = pointer.data;
					pointer.data = data;

- vrajendra.singh.mandloi October 05, 2014 | Flag Reply
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public class addNodeSpecificIndex extends LinkedList {
	public void addNodeMaintainOrder(Node current, int given){
		Node fast= current.next;
		Node slow= current;
		while(fast!=null &&(fast.data<given )){
			slow = fast;
			fast = fast.next;
			Node tmp = new Node(given);
		    slow.next= tmp;
		    tmp.next = fast;
			Node tmp = new Node(slow.data);
			tmp.next = slow.next;
			slow.data = given;
			slow.next = tmp;
	public static void main(String[] args){
		addNodeSpecificIndex l = new addNodeSpecificIndex();
		    l.add(0, 5);
			l.add(1, 14);
			l.add(2, 18);
			l.add(3, 23);
			l.add(4, 25);
			l.add(5, 37);
			l.add(6, 44);
			System.out.println("After adding elements  into the LL \n");
			Node current = l.getNodeAtIndex(0);
			l.addNodeMaintainOrder(current, 31);

Testcase 1: 

given pointer to Node: 50
Add value : 40 

I/P:     10 30 50 70
O/P :  10 30 40 50 70
Testcase 2:
given pointer to Node: 5
Add value 31

I/P :    5    14   18    23     25    37   44
O/P:   5	14	18	23	25	31	37	44

Testcase 3: 

given pointer to Node: 44
Add value:  47

I/P:    5	14	18	23	25	37	44
O/P:  5	14	18	23	25	37	44	47

Testcase 4:

given pointer to Node: 44
Add value:  40

I/P:    5	14	18	23	25	37	44	
O/P:  5	14	18	23	25	37	40	44

- pnd1901 October 11, 2014 | Flag Reply

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