Facebook Interview Question

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c++, greedy, O(n log n)
sort: O(n log n), greedy: O(n)

struct Compare {
	bool operator() (const pair<int, int>& a, const pair<int, int>& b) {
		if (a.first == b.first) return a.second < b.second;
		return a.first < b.first;

vector<pair<int, int>> smallestSetOfRanges(vector<pair<int, int>>& ranges, pair<int, int> R) {
	vector<pair<int, int>> result;
	int target, i, maxTarget, maxIndex;
	bool match;

	if (R.first == R.second) {
		for (i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++) {
			if (ranges[i].first <= R.first && ranges[i].second >= R.second) {
		return result;

	sort(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), Compare());

	target = R.first;
	maxIndex = 0;
	while (target < R.second) {
		match = false;
		maxTarget = target;
		for (i = maxIndex; i < ranges.size(); i++) {
			if (ranges[i].first <= target && ranges[i].second >= maxTarget) {
				match = true;
				maxTarget = ranges[i].second;
				maxIndex = i;
			} else if (ranges[i].first > target) {
		if (match == false) {
		target = maxTarget;

	return result;

- kyduke November 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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This is O(n^2) - the while worst case takes n as well.

- Ahmed Bassiouny November 04, 2015 | Flag
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This is O(n^2) - the while loop takes O(n) in worst case.

- aybassiouny@aucegypt.edu November 04, 2015 | Flag
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Case #1:
S = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9), (9, 10), (10, 11)}
R = (1, 11);
while 10 x for 2 = 20. 2n => n

Case #2:
S = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7), (1, 8), (1, 9), (1, 10), (1, 11)}
R = (1, 11);
while 1 x for 10 = 10. n

Case #3:
S = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8), (6, 9), (6, 10), (6, 11)}
R = (1, 11);
1st while: 6 + 2nd while 4 = 10, n

Would you show me worst case sample?

- kyduke November 04, 2015 | Flag
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@Ahmed Bassiouny The search part is O(n) alright! Try to look at it recursively and you'll see that it never visits a range more than twice always advancing forward because the target range's left point is shifting. And if kyduke updated maxIndex to last range that was filtered out, instead of maxIndex++, it would visit each range only once, it seams.

Very good algorithm.

- blckembr November 04, 2015 | Flag
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@kyduke I used your awesome greedy tactics idea to reimplement the BFS part in my solution below. Now it does not queue children that end past the currently queued child. Effectively, it always queues only the one with max end.
For single run, your solution will be faster, because you only sort once nlogn, and then O(n) search, and I need to also construct the Inteval Tree.
But had the question asked to initialize once and run multiple queries then Interval Tree solution would have a potential to perform faster, because it is O(kLogn) k - size of output, and at most O(N) when all ranges end up in the output. (Am I correct with this analysis?)

- blckembr November 05, 2015 | Flag
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of 1 vote

in Python, nlog(n)

def small_set(l, R):
    l.sort()     # O(nlog(n))
    if len(l) == 0 or l[0][0]>R[0]:
        return []
    if l[0][1] >= R[1]:
        return [l[0]]
    ret = []
    start = R[0]
    end = l[0][1]
    greedy = l[0]
    for inter in l[1:]:   # O(n) loop
        if inter[0] <= start:
            if inter[1] > end:  # find the interval starting before start with maximum reach
                greedy = inter
                end = inter[1]
                if end >= R[1]:
                    return ret
            if inter[0] > end: # there is a hole
                return []
            ret.append(greedy) # push greedy and update start & end
            start = end 
            greedy = inter
            end = inter[1]
            if end >= R[1]:
                return ret
    return []

- jl222 November 05, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I don't think we need to sort.

We have S consisting of a set of (ai, bi), where i = 1..N. We are to find the i which makes (a0-ai)+(bi-b0) the smallest, where R = (a0, b0). We can just go through the array, so it's O(N).

- cdhsiung November 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I'm afraid you didn't understand the question, I don't think O(n) is possible

- koosha.nejad November 03, 2015 | Flag
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I agree with you. If we transform the question a little bit, then then solution will be O(n).

- reeve January 02, 2016 | Flag
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I think the above solution is way too complicated. Here is mine:

vector<pair<int, int> > S;
	S.push_back(pair<int, int> (1,4));
	S.push_back(pair<int, int> (30,40));
	S.push_back(pair<int, int> (20,91));
	S.push_back(pair<int, int> (8,10));
	S.push_back(pair<int, int> (6,7));
	S.push_back(pair<int, int> (3,9));
	S.push_back(pair<int, int> (9,12));
	S.push_back(pair<int, int> (11,14));
	pair<int,int> result = pair<int, int> (3,13);
	int start=result.first, end=result.first;
	queue<pair<int, int> > q;
		start = end;
		int k=0;
		for(int i=0; i<S.size(); i++)
					end = S[i].second;
		pair<int, int> temp = q.front();
	return 0;

- Kaiyi Fu November 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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What's the time complexity? it's kinda hard to follow your code, could you please explain?

- koosha.nejad November 03, 2015 | Flag
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Actually I believe it's O(n^2),
consider {(1,2),(2,3),....,(n,n+1)} with range (1,n)

- koosha.nejad November 03, 2015 | Flag
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of 1 vote

I tested your code, when I change the target range to 3, 30 then it goes to infinite loop...

- Anonymous November 03, 2015 | Flag
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Run Time: Exponential. (Exploring by Including and Excluding a current interval at any point)

bool myComparator(const pair<int, int>& a, const pair<int, int>& b)
	if (a.first == b.first)
		return a.second < b.second;
	return a.first < b.first;

int coverage(vector<pair<int, int>>& v)
	int range = 0;
	for (auto& pair : v)
		range += (pair.second - pair.first);
	return range;

vector<pair<int, int>> findSmallestRangeIncludeExclude(vector<pair<int, int>>& v, pair<int, int> P, size_t index)
	vector<pair<int, int>> include;
	vector<pair<int, int>> exclude;
	if (index >= v.size())
		return include;

	//If the current interval falls to left side of Given range then this interval cannot be included..
	if (v[index].second < P.first)
		exclude = findSmallestRangeIncludeExclude(v, P, index + 1);
	else if (v[index].first > P.second) //If the current interval falls to Right side of Given range then Intervals from this index are of no interest.
		return include;
	else if (v[index].first <= P.first && v[index].second >= P.second) //Given Range is totally contained in this range.STOP exploring inclusions and explore only excluded sets
		exclude = findSmallestRangeIncludeExclude(v, P, index + 1); //Explore indices on right if there is a smaller range..
	else if (v[index].first <= P.first && v[index].second >= P.first) //Partial over lap..
		auto temp = findSmallestRangeIncludeExclude(v, { v[index].second, P.second }, index + 1); //Include current range and explore for remaining.
		if (temp.size() != 0) 
			include.insert(include.end(), temp.begin(), temp.end());
		else //This path yielded in a no result..so just clear ou
		exclude = findSmallestRangeIncludeExclude(v, P, index + 1);
	//Check which is having the least coverage and return that..
	if (include.size() == 0)
		return exclude;
	else if (exclude.size() == 0)
		return include;

	if (coverage(include) < coverage(exclude))
		return include;
	return exclude;

Expects a sorted range of Intervals based on starting time.
Call Routine:

sort(v.begin(), v.end(), myComparator);
	auto temp = findSmallestRangeIncludeExclude(v, { 3, 13 }, 0);
	for (auto& pair : temp)
		cout << pair.first << " " << pair.second << endl;

- ysun November 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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1. O(n): Find all the overlapping ranges
2. O(nlogn): Sort the overlapping ranges wrt starting index
3. O(n2 n square): Loop from 1st range to last range. Find if the next range in sequence will satisfy the criteria.
4. At the end find the minimum number of ranges required.

- Aegis November 03, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Here's O(nlogn) solution based on Interval Tree and modified BFS.
The modified BFS is inspired by @kyduke greedy tactics, it does not add a child node if the currently stored node (the queued child) ends past new child, or replaces currently stored otherwise.
Input: list of 'ranges', target range 'r'
- First we add a dummy range [r.hi, max(tree_max, r.hi)] to ranges.
- Sort 'ranges' by 'lo'
- Build Balanced BST from sorted list
- From a dummy range [r.lo,r.lo] do BFS to reach [r.hi, max(tree_max, r.hi)]. (each node is one of the ranges in 'ranges' + the dummy, and edge is connected if 'node.hi' intersects another node which we determine by lookup in the interval tree.

It can be easily proven that any path from dummy start to end covers the whole input range. (by contradiction)
Now, since we use BFS, the output path represents one of the minimal subsets.

The complexity is dominated by sort and tree construction, but it would amortize in case this solution will be used for multiple queries, because dummy can be inserted and removed each time, and sorting/building tree is done only once. Then complexity of each query will be kLogn where k is the output set length (and at most N).

public class FindMinimalSubset {
	private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FindMinimalSubset.class);
	private IntervalNode bbstRoot = null;
	public List<IntervalNode> getMinimalSet(List<IntervalNode> ranges, IntervalNode input) {
		//sort ranges by lo and build balanced binary tree
		//BST is used as interval tree, and it is balanced since the array was sorted
		//prior to building the BST
		//insert the dummy  end, it's 'hi' is max of input.hi and current max in the tree (that of root)
		IntervalNode terminal = new IntervalNode(input.hi, Math.max(bbstRoot.max, input.hi));
		insert(bbstRoot, terminal);
		int left = input.lo;
		int right = input.hi;
		//do modified BFS filtering out ranges with smaller 'hi' than what was already found,
		//from dummy start to dummy end and reconstruct path
		//any path from start to end will contain the given range, and 
		//since it is a BFS, the path is minimal
		IntervalNode bfsNode = doBfs(left, right, terminal);
		//remove dummy end, in case need to be modified to initialize once and then multiple rins with different target range
		List<IntervalNode> path = reconstructPath(bfsNode); 
		return path;
	//return path without last and first (which served as dummy start and end for bfs)
	private List<IntervalNode> reconstructPath(IntervalNode bfsNode) {
		if (bfsNode == null) {
			return Collections.emptyList();
		List<IntervalNode> ranges = new ArrayList<>();
		IntervalNode parent = bfsNode.bfsParent;
		while(parent != null && parent.bfsParent != null) {
			parent = parent.bfsParent;
		return ranges;

	//do bfs starting with dummy start (lo,lo) and dummy end
	private IntervalNode doBfs(int lo, int hi, IntervalNode terminalRange) {
		Set<IntervalNode> visited = new HashSet<>();
		//Queue<IntervalTNode> queue = new LinkedList<IntervalTNode>();
		IntervalNode start = new IntervalNode(lo, lo); 
		IntervalNode currNode = start;
		while (currNode != null) {
			IntervalNode node = currNode;
			currNode = null;
			int x  = node.hi;
			//search for neighbors that intersect with 'hi' of this node in the interval tree
			List<IntervalNode> containList = query(x);
			if (containList != null) {
				for (IntervalNode child : containList) {
					if (child.equals(terminalRange)) {
						child.bfsParent = node;
						return child;
					if (visited.contains(child) || child == node) {
					if (currNode != null) {
						if (currNode.hi < child.hi) {
							currNode = child;
							child.bfsParent = node;
					} else {
						currNode = child;
						child.bfsParent = node;
		return null;

	private List<IntervalNode> query(int x) {
		return query(bbstRoot, x);
	private List<IntervalNode> query(IntervalNode root, int x) {
		//usual interval tree query, as in wiki for example
               //to find ranges that overlap the given point 

	private void buildIntervalT(List<IntervalNode> ranges) {
		//the usual technique, can be found in wiki, using input[mid].lo as root key
		bbstRoot = ...
	private IntervalNode insert(IntervalNode root, IntervalNode newNode) {
		//usual insert algorithm, can be found in wiki

	public static class IntervalNode implements Comparable<IntervalNode>{
		public int lo;
		public int hi;
		public IntervalNode bfsParent;
		public IntervalNode left;
		public IntervalNode right;
		public int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
		public IntervalNode(int lo, int hi) {
		public boolean intersects(int x) {
			return x>= lo && x<=hi;

		public int compareTo(IntervalNode o) {

		public int hashCode() {

		public boolean equals(Object obj) {

- blckembr November 03, 2015 | Flag Reply
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int A[8][2] = {{1,3},{3,9},{6,7},{8,10},{9,12},{11,14},{20,91},{30,40}}; // sorting th array, Takes O(nlogn)
int R[2] = {3,13};
int i=-1;
int r2 = R[0];
while (A[i][1]<R[1])
while(A[i+1][0]<=r2) i++;
printf("%d %d\n",A[i][0], A[i][1]);


- Anonymous November 04, 2015 | Flag
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public static class Range {
        public int first;
        public int second;

        public Range(int first, int second) {
            this.first = first;
            this.second = second;

    protected static class RangeComparator implements Comparator<Range> {
        public int compare(Range r1, Range r2) {
            if (r1 == r2) return 0;
            if (r1.first > r2.first) return 1;
            else return -1;
    public static List<Range> findOverlapRange(List<Range> givenRange, Range targetRange) {
        List<Range> result = new ArrayList<Range>();
        Collections.sort(givenRange, new RangeComparator());
        int toFind = targetRange.first;
        do {
            Range foundRange = searchClosest(givenRange, toFind, 0, givenRange.size() - 1);
            toFind = foundRange.second;
        } while (toFind < targetRange.second);
        return result;
        //Complexity: )(nlogn)

    protected static Range searchClosest(List<Range> givenRange, int element, int st, int end) {
        int mid = st + (int) Math.floor((end - st) / 2);
        if (st > end) return (end > -1 ? givenRange.get(end) : givenRange.get(st));
        else if (givenRange.get(mid).first == element) return givenRange.get(mid);
        else if (givenRange.get(mid).first < element) return searchClosest(givenRange, element, mid + 1, end);
        else return searchClosest(givenRange, element, st, mid - 1);

- dotblank November 04, 2015 | Flag Reply
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public static class Range {
        public int first;
        public int second;

        public Range(int first, int second) {
            this.first = first;
            this.second = second;

    protected static class RangeComparator implements Comparator<Range> {
        public int compare(Range r1, Range r2) {
            if (r1 == r2) return 0;
            if (r1.first > r2.first) return 1;
            else return -1;
    public static List<Range> findOverlapRange(List<Range> givenRange, Range targetRange) {
        List<Range> result = new ArrayList<Range>();
        Collections.sort(givenRange, new RangeComparator());
        int toFind = targetRange.first;
        do {
            Range foundRange = searchClosest(givenRange, toFind, 0, givenRange.size() - 1);
            toFind = foundRange.second;
        } while (toFind < targetRange.second);
        return result;
        //Complexity: )(nlogn)

    protected static Range searchClosest(List<Range> givenRange, int element, int st, int end) {
        int mid = st + (int) Math.floor((end - st) / 2);
        if (st > end) return (end > -1 ? givenRange.get(end) : givenRange.get(st));
        else if (givenRange.get(mid).first == element) return givenRange.get(mid);
        else if (givenRange.get(mid).first < element) return searchClosest(givenRange, element, mid + 1, end);
        else return searchClosest(givenRange, element, st, mid - 1);


- dotblank November 04, 2015 | Flag Reply
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int A[8][2] = {{1,3},{3,9},{6,7},{8,10},{9,12},{11,14},{20,91},{30,40}}; // sorting done took nlogn
int R[2] = {3,13};
int i=-1;
int r2 = R[0];
while (A[i][1]<R[1])
while(A[i+1][0]<=r2) i++;
printf("%d %d\n",A[i][0], A[i][1]);


- Rahul Vaidya November 04, 2015 | Flag Reply
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int A[8][2] = {{1,3},{3,9},{6,7},{8,10},{9,12},{11,14},{20,91},{30,40}};
	int R[2] = {3,13};
	int i=-1;
	int r2 = R[0];
	while (A[i][1]<R[1])
		while(A[i+1][0]<=r2) i++;
		printf("%d %d\n",A[i][0], A[i][1]);

- Rahul Vaidya November 04, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Will it enter the outer while loop with i=-1? then how this will work "while (A[i][1]<R[1])", or have I missed something?

- blckembr November 04, 2015 | Flag
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int A[8][2] = {{1,3},{3,9},{6,7},{8,10},{9,12},{11,14},{20,91},{30,40}};
    int R[2] = {3,13};
    int i=-1;
    int r2 = R[0];
    while (A[i][1]<R[1])
        while(A[i+1][0]<=r2) i++;
        printf("%d %d\n",A[i][0], A[i][1]);

- Anonymous November 04, 2015 | Flag Reply
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int A[8][2] = {{1,3},{3,9},{6,7},{8,10},{9,12},{11,14},{20,91},{30,40}};
int R[2] = {3,13};
int i=-1;
int r2 = R[0];
while (A[i][1]<R[1])
while(A[i+1][0]<=r2) i++;
printf("%d %d\n",A[i][0], A[i][1]);


- Rahul Vaidya November 04, 2015 | Flag Reply
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A best fit algorithm. This has one iteration through the given list of sets (o(n)) and some nLogn searches through the gaps array and candidates array.

public class SetCoverFB {

    static class SetRange implements Comparable<SetRange> {
        public final int start;
        public final int end;

        public SetRange(int start, int end) {
            assert (start <= end);
            this.start = start;
            this.end = end;

        public int compareTo(SetRange o) {
            return Integer.compare(this.start, o.start);

        public String toString() {
            return "SetRange [start=" + start + ", end=" + end + "]";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final SetRange toCover = new SetRange(3, 13);
        final List<SetRange> availSets = new ArrayList<>();
        availSets.add(new SetRange(1, 4));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(30, 40));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(20, 91));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(8, 10));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(6, 7));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(3, 9));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(9, 12));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(11, 14));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(1, 4));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(30, 40));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(20, 91));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(8, 10));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(6, 7));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(3, 9));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(9, 12));
        availSets.add(new SetRange(11, 14));

        // We find the min covering sets as follows:
        // O(N)
        // Iterate through the sets.
        // Whenever we get a new set it is included If
        // it overlaps / falls inside the toCover range (candidate)
        // it actually covers a previously open area. (filler) OR
        // it replaces two or more sets that were covering that area. (blanket
        // set).
        //      Something to take care of: Ensure you check only the necessary
        //      cover instead of the range of the whole candidate / previous one.
        // To make it easy, we maintain a list of gaps. 
        // We also maintain the current candidates ordered by start for easy
        // comparison.

        // gaps in the toCover range.
        // THIS is a mutually exclusive set - no overlaps
        Set<SetRange> gaps = new TreeSet<>();

        final Set<SetRange> candidates = new TreeSet<>();

        for (SetRange candidate : availSets) {
            System.out.println("candidate " + candidate);
            // check for range
            if (candidate.end < toCover.start) {
            if (candidate.start > toCover.end) {

            boolean isFiller = false;

            // check for filler
            for (SetRange gap : gaps) {
                if (checkOverlap(candidate, gap)) {
                    isFiller = true;
                } else {
                    // since the set is ordered and has no overlaps, we can cut
                    // short if we are past our end
                    if (gap.end < candidate.start) {
                        assert (!isFiller);

            if (isFiller) {
                Set<SetRange> newGaps = new TreeSet<>();
                // adjust gaps.
                for (SetRange gap : gaps) {
                    if (checkOverlap(candidate, gap)) {
                        if (!isCoveredBy(gap, candidate)) {
                            // there is a overlap - but no cover. So only
                            // partial cover.
                            if (gap.start < candidate.start) {
                                newGaps.add(new SetRange(gap.start,
                                                candidate.start - 1));
                                if (candidate.end < gap.end) {
                                    newGaps.add(new SetRange(candidate.end + 1,
                            } else if (gap.start == candidate.start) {
                                assert (gap.end > candidate.end); // no cover
                                newGaps.add(new SetRange(candidate.end + 1,
                            } else {// gap.start > candidate.start
                                assert (candidate.end < gap.end); // no cover
                                newGaps.add(new SetRange(candidate.end + 1,
                    } else {
                gaps = newGaps;
                System.out.println("Gaps adjusted: " + gaps);

            // check for blankets
            // For this to blanket something else, it has to completely
            // cover another set AND provide extra cover.
            // It is also considered covering IF we don't cover only the useless
            // portions.
            Set<SetRange> toBeReplaced = new HashSet<>();
            int lastValidCoverStart = toCover.start;

            for (SetRange prevCandidate : candidates) {
                if (prevCandidate.start > candidate.end) {
                    // our candidate is behind the current range - we can
                    // break out now since candidates is ordered by start.
                    if(! isFiller) {
                        candidate = null;// the candidate doesn't matter any more.

                final SetRange validCoverOfPrevCandidate = getValidCover(
                                lastValidCoverStart, toCover.end,
                assert(validCoverOfPrevCandidate != null);
                final SetRange validCoverOfCandidate = getValidCover(
                                lastValidCoverStart, toCover.end, candidate);
                if(validCoverOfCandidate == null) {
                    // the previous candidate covers us - we are useless.
                    candidate = null;
                if (isCoveredBy(validCoverOfPrevCandidate,
                                validCoverOfCandidate)) {
                lastValidCoverStart = prevCandidate.end;

            if(candidate != null) {
            } else {
                assert (!isFiller);

        if (gaps.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("For Range: " + toCover + ". Min cover: "
                            + candidates);

        } else {
            System.out.println("For Range: " + toCover + ". Min cover: "
                            + candidates + ". With gaps: " + gaps);

    private static SetRange getValidCover(final int validStartPoint,
                    final int maxEndPoint, final SetRange candidate) {

        // in case validStart is > candidate.end, candidate is useless
        if(validStartPoint > candidate.end) {
            return null;
        final SetRange validCoverOfPrevCandidate = new SetRange(
                        candidate.start < validStartPoint ? validStartPoint
                                        : candidate.start,
                        candidate.end > maxEndPoint ? maxEndPoint
                                        : candidate.end);
        return validCoverOfPrevCandidate;

    static boolean isCoveredBy(SetRange toCheck, SetRange possibleCover) {
        if (possibleCover.compareTo(toCheck) <= 0
                        && possibleCover.end >= toCheck.end) {
            return true;
        return false;

    static boolean checkOverlap(SetRange set1, SetRange set2) {
        // completely outside
        if ((set1.end < set2.start) || (set1.start > set2.end)) {
            return false;

        // some overlap
        // set1 ends AFTER set2 starts
        // AND set1 starts before set2 ends.
        return true;


- MongoLikeCode November 08, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Sort based on start of the ranges (log n) then binary search based on start you got. The search criteria is to find a number with minimum distance from the start but not larger than it. When you found the starting range use the end number of that range to do this binary search again. Repeat until you passed given end number.

- u-11i24223 November 09, 2015 | Flag Reply
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class RangeOverlap {

    static void main(String... args) {
        def ranges = [(1..4),(30..40),(20..91),(8..10),(6..7),(3..9),(9..12),(11..14),(3..5)]
        def toOverlap = (3..13)

        println findRangeSequence(ranges, toOverlap, [])

    static List<IntRange> findRangeSequence(List<IntRange> ranges, IntRange toOverlap, List<IntRange> results) {
        IntRange range = null

        List<IntRange> currentRanges = ranges.findAll({
            it.first() == toOverlap.first()

        currentRanges.each {
            if (!range) { range = it }
            else if (it.size() > range.size()) { range = it }

        if (range) {
            results << range
            if (!range.containsAll(toOverlap)) {
                toOverlap = (range.last()..toOverlap.last())
                findRangeSequence(ranges, toOverlap, results)
            } else
        else {
            if (toOverlap.first() > 1) {
                toOverlap = (toOverlap.first() - 1..toOverlap.last())
                findRangeSequence(ranges, toOverlap, results)
            else null

- simona.valenti.0 December 03, 2015 | Flag Reply
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class RangeOverlap {

    static void main(String... args) {
        def ranges = [(1..4),(30..40),(20..91),(8..10),(6..7),(3..9),(9..12),(11..14),(3..5)]
        def toOverlap = (3..13)

        println findRangeSequence(ranges, toOverlap, [])

    static List<IntRange> findRangeSequence(List<IntRange> ranges, IntRange toOverlap, List<IntRange> results) {
        IntRange range = null

        List<IntRange> currentRanges = ranges.findAll({
            it.first() == toOverlap.first()

        currentRanges.each {
            if (!range) { range = it }
            else if (it.size() > range.size()) { range = it }

        if (range) {
            results << range
            if (!range.containsAll(toOverlap)) {
                toOverlap = (range.last()..toOverlap.last())
                findRangeSequence(ranges, toOverlap, results)
            } else
        else {
            if (toOverlap.first() > 1) {
                toOverlap = (toOverlap.first() - 1..toOverlap.last())
                findRangeSequence(ranges, toOverlap, results)
            else null

- simona.valenti.0 December 03, 2015 | Flag Reply
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sorry I've posted 2 times!

- simona.valenti.0 December 03, 2015 | Flag
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$S = [
  range(1, 4),
  range(30, 40),
  range(20, 91),
  range(8, 10),
  range(6, 7),
  range(3, 9),
  range(9, 12),
  range(11, 14)
$R = range(3, 13);

print_r(findMinSubset($S, $R));

 * @param array $S
 * @param array $R
 * @return array
function findMinSubset(array $S, array $R)
  $result = [];
  while ($S && $R) {
    $bestIndex = 0;
    $bestResult = 0;

    foreach ($S as $i => $s) {
      $intersection = array_intersect($s, $R);
      $cardinality = count($intersection);

      if (0 === $cardinality) {

      if ($cardinality > $bestResult) {
        $bestResult = $cardinality;
        $bestIndex = $i;

    if (empty($S)) {

    $result[] = $S[$bestIndex];
    $R = array_diff($R, $S[$bestIndex]);

  return $result;

- abobola December 30, 2015 | Flag Reply
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I tested this for pessimistic variant (S = {(3,4), (4,5), (5,6), ...}) and I think that it will be O(3^(logâ‚‚n)), it's better than O(n^2), isn't it? In optimistic variant it's O(n).

- abobola December 30, 2015 | Flag
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I have O(N*M) solution,
Where N is the number of pairs in the Set
and M is length of the given Range

in the given example N = 8 ; M = (13-3);
This is better than O(N log N) in the cases where N is scaled exorbitantly and M is a normal range like (3,13).
Its worse when the range is like (2,1000000).

Make an array of integers spanning the given range. (here [3,4,...13]).
For each pair in the given set,
For each int in the array
if (Pair covers the integer && Pair is bigger than the existingPair that covers)
Mark as covered by Pair

Now the array of covered pairs is the answer.

The Code:

public class Ranger {

	private static void doAction(int[] key,pair<Integer,Integer>[] ans,pair<Integer,Integer>[] set)
		int i;
		for(pair<Integer,Integer> s : set)
	private static boolean covers(int k, pair<Integer,Integer> p)
		boolean a = false;
		if(k>(p.first-1) && k<(p.second+1))
			a = true;
		return a;
	public static void main(String args[])
		String set = "(1,4);(30,40);(20,91);(8,10);(6,7);(3,9);(9,12);(11,14)";
		pair<Integer,Integer> range = new pair(3,13);
		pair<Integer,Integer>[] setArray;
		String[] sArray = set.split(";");
		setArray = new pair[sArray.length];
		String[] vals;
		int i =0;
		for(String s : sArray)
			s = s.substring(1, s.length()-1);
			vals = s.split(",");
			setArray[i]= new pair(Integer.parseInt(vals[0]),Integer.parseInt(vals[1]));
		int[] hashArray = new int[range.second-range.first];
		pair[] answer = new pair[range.second-range.first];
		Arrays.fill(answer, new pair(0,0));
		int f = range.first;
		int j;
			if(answer[j].first!=answer[j-1].first &&  answer[j].second!=answer[j-1].first)

- vsounda1@binghamton.edu January 06, 2016 | Flag Reply
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This can be improved,
where N will only the Sets that can potentially cover the range

- vsounda1@binghamton.edu January 06, 2016 | Flag
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Time complexity is O(n log(n)), where n is the number of intervals.

def bins(v, x, key=lambda x: x):
	""" returns the last index i such that x[i] <= v
	    -1 if it does not exist """
	lo = 0
	hi = len(x) - 1
	if lo > hi:
		return -1
	if key(x[lo]) > key(v):
		return -1
	if key(x[hi]) <= key(v):
		return hi
	# invariant x[lo] <= v and v < x[hi]
	while hi - lo > 1:
		md = (lo + hi)/2
		if key(x[md]) <= key(v):
			lo = md
			hi = md
	# (hi == lo or) hi == lo + 1
	# and x[lo] <= v and v < x[hi]
	return lo

def cover(il, i):
	il = sorted(il, key = lambda x: x[1]) # radix sort
	il = sorted(il, key = lambda x: x[0])
	c = []
	k = i
	while k[0] < k[1]:
		idx = bins(k, il, key = lambda x: x[0])
		l = il[idx]
		if idx == -1 or l[1] <= k[0]:
			return []
		k = (l[1], k[1])

	return c

print cover([(1,4), (30,40), (20,91), (8,10), (6,7), (3,9), (9,12), (11,14)], (3, 13))

- Python using radix sort and binary search. March 23, 2016 | Flag Reply
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This can be Solved using BFS to find shortest path. The graph will edge u-v if range u intersects range v i.e. u.start<=v.start<=u.end. The BFS is terminated when we find a range whose v.end >= target.end. Instead of actually creating the graph we can add all ranges into a TreeSet which is ordered based on the start value of the range. Then subset function can easily return all intersecting ranges for a given range.

Below is the implementation. The worst case time complexity in this case is O(nlogn) where n is number of ranges.:

class Solution {
  private static class Range implements Comparable<Range>{
    int start, end;
    Range parent;
    public Range(int st, int ed){
      start = st;
      end = ed;
      parent = null;
    // Order ranges by start
    public int compareTo(Range that){
      return start - that.start;
    public String toString(){
      return "("+start+","+end+")";
  public static void getOverlappingRanges(int[][] ranges, int start, int end){
	  // Add ranges to balanced BST
    TreeSet<Range> ordered_ranges = new TreeSet<Range>();
    for(int i=0;i<ranges.length;i++)
      ordered_ranges.add(new Range(ranges[i][0],ranges[i][1]));
    Queue<Range> Q = new LinkedList<Range>();
    HashSet<Range> visited = new HashSet<Range>();
    Range target = new Range(start,end);
    ArrayList<Range> overlappingRange = new ArrayList<Range>();
	// Add possible start of overlapping ranges to Queue
    for(Range begin : ordered_ranges.headSet(target, true)){
      else if(begin.end>=target.start){
	// No overlapping range found that overlaps start of target range or found single range that overlaps entire target range.
    if(Q.isEmpty() || overlappingRange.size()>0){
        System.out.println("No Solution");
    Range curr = null;
	// Perform BFS on set of overlapping ranges of curr range and terminate as soon as target range end is exceeded (Shortest Path)
	// Also keep track of parent of each Range so that we can backtrack from last node to get the shortest path
      curr = Q.poll();      
      for(Range next : ordered_ranges.subSet(curr, true, new Range(curr.end,-1), true)){
          next.parent = curr;
    if(Q.isEmpty() && curr.end<target.end){
      System.out.println("No Solution");
	// Backtrack to get shortest path
      curr = curr.parent;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[][] ranges = {{1,4},{30,40},{20,91},{8,10},{6,7},{3,9},{9,12},{11,14}};

- Shubhro Roy August 15, 2016 | Flag Reply
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This can be solved using BFS to find shortest path in a graph. The graph will contain an edge u-v when range v intersects range u such that u.start<=v.start<=u.end. We have found the soln when we encounter a range v such that v.end>=target.end.
Instead of actually constructing the graph we can simply add all ranges to a Treeset that is ordered by the start of the range. Then treeset headSet and subset functions can easily return adjacent/intersecting nodes for a range. Note that instead of having one node that starts the BFS here we will need to add all nodes which intersect with start of target range. Below is the implementation based on this logic. The worst case time complexity will be O(nlogn) where n is number of ranges:

class Solution {
  private static class Range implements Comparable<Range>{
    int start, end;
    Range parent;
    public Range(int st, int ed){
      start = st;
      end = ed;
      parent = null;
    // Order ranges by start
    public int compareTo(Range that){
      return start - that.start;
    public String toString(){
      return "("+start+","+end+")";
  public static void getOverlappingRanges(int[][] ranges, int start, int end){
	  // Add ranges to balanced BST
    TreeSet<Range> ordered_ranges = new TreeSet<Range>();
    for(int i=0;i<ranges.length;i++)
      ordered_ranges.add(new Range(ranges[i][0],ranges[i][1]));
    Queue<Range> Q = new LinkedList<Range>();
    HashSet<Range> visited = new HashSet<Range>();
    Range target = new Range(start,end);
    ArrayList<Range> overlappingRange = new ArrayList<Range>();
	// Add possible start of overlapping ranges to Queue
    for(Range begin : ordered_ranges.headSet(target, true)){
      else if(begin.end>=target.start){
	// No overlapping range found that overlaps start of target range or found single range that overlaps entire target range.
    if(Q.isEmpty() || overlappingRange.size()>0){
        System.out.println("No Solution");
    Range curr = null;
	// Perform BFS on set of overlapping ranges of curr range and terminate as soon as target range end is exceeded (Shortest Path)
	// Also keep track of parent of each Range so that we can backtrack from last node to get the shortest path
      curr = Q.poll();      
      for(Range next : ordered_ranges.subSet(curr, true, new Range(curr.end,-1), true)){
          next.parent = curr;
    if(Q.isEmpty() && curr.end<target.end){
      System.out.println("No Solution");
	// Backtrack to get shortest path
      curr = curr.parent;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[][] ranges = {{1,4},{30,40},{20,91},{8,10},{6,7},{3,9},{9,12},{11,14}};

- Shubhro Roy August 15, 2016 | Flag Reply
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This should run in O(nlogn) time. The bottleneck is in sorting the array. The rest of the algorithm runs in O(n).

import java.util.*;

class SmallestRangingSet {
    static class Interval implements Comparable<Interval>{
        Integer min;
        Integer max;
        public Interval(int min, int max) {
            this.min = min;
            this.max = max;

        boolean intersects(int num) {
            return (min <= num && max >= num);

        //Overrides the compareTo method so it will be sorted
        //in order relative to the min value
        public int compareTo(Interval obj) {
            if (min > obj.min) return 1;
            else if (min < obj.min) return -1;
            else return 0;

    public static Set<Interval> smallestIntervalSet(Interval[] set, Interval target) {
        //Bottle neck is here. The array is sorted, giving this algorithm O(nlogn) time

        //Create a set to store our ranges in
        Set<Interval> smallSet = new HashSet<Interval>();
        //Create a variable to keep track of the most optimal range, relative
        //to the range before it, at all times.
        Interval bestOfCurr = null;
        //Keep track of the specific number that any given range will need to
        //intersect with. Initialize it to the target-min-value.
        int currBestNum = target.min;
        //Go through each element in our sorted array.
        for (int i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {
            Interval currInterval = set[i];
            //If we have already passed our target max, break.
            if (currBestNum >= target.max)
            //Otherwise, if the current interval intersects with
            //our currBestNum
            if (currInterval.intersects(currBestNum)) {
                //If the current interval, which intersects currBestNum
                //has a greater max, then our current bestOfCurr
                //Update bestOfCurr to be equal to currInterval.
                if (bestOfCurr == null || currInterval.max >= bestOfCurr.max) {
                    bestOfCurr = currInterval;
            //If our range does not intersect, we can assume that the most recently
            //updated bestOfCurr is probably the most optimal new range to add to 
            //our set. However, if bestOfCurr is null, it means it was never updated,
            //because there is a gap somewhere when trying to fill our target range.
            //So we must check for null first.
            else if (bestOfCurr != null) {
                //If it's not null, add bestOfCurr to our set
                //Update currBestNum to look for intervals that
                //intersect with bestOfCurr.max
                currBestNum = bestOfCurr.max;
                //This line is here because without it, it actually skips over
                //the next Interval, which is problematic if your sorted array
                //has two optimal Intervals next to eachother.
                //set bestOfCurr to null, so that it won't run
                //this section of code twice on the same Interval.
                bestOfCurr = null;


        //Now we should just make sure that we have in fact covered the entire
        //target range. If we haven't, then we are going to return an empty list.
        if (currBestNum < target.max)
        return smallSet;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //{(1, 4), (30, 40), (20, 91) ,(8, 10), (6, 7), (3, 9), (9, 12), (11, 14)}
        Interval[] interv = {
                new Interval(1, 4),
                new Interval(30, 40),
                new Interval(20, 91),
                new Interval(8, 10),
                new Interval(6, 7),
                new Interval(3, 9),
                new Interval(9, 12),
                new Interval(11, 14)
        Set<Interval> newSet = smallestIntervalSet(interv, new Interval(3,14));
        for (Interval intrv : newSet) {
            System.out.print("(" + intrv.min + ", " + intrv.max + ") ");


- effy November 02, 2015 | Flag Reply
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Either the question is wrong or the requirements have to be different given the question

(e.g. S = {(1, 4), (30, 40), (20, 91) ,(8, 10), (6, 7), (3, 9), (9, 12), (11, 14)}. and target 3,13.

Minimum overlapping intervals would be (9,12) and (11,14) and not (3,9), (9,12) and (11,14) because (3,9) does not overlap (11,14) in anyways.

So the question should be find minimum overlapping intervals that fulfills the condition that adjacents overlap and not otherwise.

- kdtest December 04, 2015 | Flag Reply

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