Amazon Interview Question for SDE1s

Country: United States
Interview Type: Written Test

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I was asked to write a program that has time complexity not more than O(n) after sorting O(n^2)

- shylaja23 July 13, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Where is the illustration with blue and grey dots?

- Anonymous July 13, 2013 | Flag Reply
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ht tp://

- shylaja23 July 13, 2013 | Flag Reply
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Sorry, the picture is not clear - unable to figure out blue and grey dots...

- Anonymous July 13, 2013 | Flag
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reedited link. Please check now.

- shylaja23 July 13, 2013 | Flag Reply
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* @param arc sorted the array
* @param angular
* @return sub-array which contains the max elements in the array
public static Queue<Integer> getMaxIntArr(int[] arc , int angular){
Queue<Integer> tempQue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
Queue<Integer> resultQue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
for(int i=1 ; i < arc.length ; i++){
if(getTempQueArcTotal(tempQue) <= angular){
if(resultQue.size() < tempQue.size()){
if(getTempQueArcTotal(tempQue) > angular){

while(getTempQueArcTotal(tempQue) > angular){
return resultQue;

* @description get the sum angular in the queque
* @param que
* @return
public static int getTempQueArcTotal(Queue<Integer> que){
Queue<Integer> tempQ = new LinkedList<Integer>();
int result = 0;
int temp = tempQ.remove();
result+=tempQ.peek() - temp;
temp = tempQ.remove();
return result;

may be this is more than O(n).

- ouyangwanbin July 14, 2013 | Flag Reply
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You can first calculate all the polar angles (btw by arctan2, not arctan ;)) then sort them, then do a "slide window" scan like this: you keep a pointer to the left boundary and a pointer to the right boundary of a region whose opening angle is less than alpha. If the opening angle is less than alpha, increase the right pointer, otherwise increase the left pointer, and keep track of the max number of elements inclosed in this process. The angle of the point pointed by the left pointer in the final max-including cone is your beta.

- Chih.Chiu.19 July 23, 2013 | Flag Reply
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how to calculate the case when alpha >360 and alpha < beta.

- Anonymous July 24, 2013 | Flag
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Nice! I didn't think about it. I actually think the easiest solution is to append the points with angle < alpha to the tail of the polar angle array, then the rest of the algorithm need not to be changed. There is a waste of memory alpha/(2*pi)*N, though...

- Chih.Chiu.19 July 24, 2013 | Flag
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1. Have a method angleFromOrigin(int x, int y) or (Point p) that returns the angle from whatever axis you choose. (if you pass in 3, 4 it will return 30 degrees or whatever). This will allow you to order them from their angle from a given axis.
2. Iterate through the points and put the result in a List<PointWithAngle>

PointWithAngle {

Point p;
int angleFromAxis;


3. Sort the list based on angleFromAxis.
4. Find the largest subset that has a difference less than the alpha angle.
This can be done by having a two index system that runs along the array and increments when the points are outside the alpha angle.

5. Return the last point in the subset's angle (if your reference axis is the beta angle's axis).

Hope that makes sense,

Initializing list by running through points: O(n)
Sorting list: O(nlogn)
Finding the largest subset: O(n)

Runtime: O(nlogn)

- camelCase July 14, 2013 | Flag Reply
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For example if the list of angles corresponding to points was:


and your alpha angle was 30

you would return 30,35,40 since that was the largest subset that didn't exceed the alpha angle

- camelCase July 14, 2013 | Flag
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This is exactly what I thought and here is the implementation of this idea in Visual Basic.

''' 1. Creating an encapusation of information about point

Public Class Point
    Private mvarX As Double
    Public Property X() As Double
        Return mvarX
      End Get
      Set(ByVal value As Double)
        mvarX = value
      End Set
    End Property
    Private mvarY As Double
    Public Property Y() As Double
        Return mvarY
      End Get
      Set(ByVal value As Double)
        mvarY = value
      End Set
    End Property
    Sub New(x As Double, y As Double)
      Me.X = x
      Me.Y = y
    End Sub
  End Class

Public Class Calculate
    Dim srtArry As New SortedList()
    Dim Alpha As New Double
    Dim maxAry As New Dictionary(Of Double, Integer)

''' 2. Creating instances of Point class

    Sub New(ByVal Arry As List(Of Point), ByVal alpha As Double)
      Me.Alpha = alpha
      If Arry.Count > 0 Then
        For Each i As Point In Arry
          Dim angl As Double = (ArcTan(i))
          If (srtArry.ContainsKey(angl)) Then
            srtArry(angl) = srtArry(angl) + 1
            srtArry.Add(angl, 1)
          End If
        Console.WriteLine("No points given!")
      End If
    End Sub

Private Sub RunProgram()
      Dim maxPtsCnt As Integer = GetMaxPtsCnt()
      For j As Integer = 0 To maxAry.Count - 1
        Console.WriteLine("Beta angle can take value " & maxAry.ElementAt(j).Key * (180 / Math.PI) & " to get " & maxAry.ElementAt(j).Value & " points in region")
    End Sub

Private Function GetMaxPtsCnt() As Integer
      Dim max As Integer = 0
      Dim tmp As Integer = 0
      Dim cnt As Integer = 0
      For i As Integer = 0 To (srtArry.Count - 1)
        Dim currentAngle As Double = srtArry.GetKey(i)
        Dim tmpAngle As Double = srtArry.GetKey(tmp)

        ' Calculating number of max points covered by tmpAngle
		'---***If currentAngle lies outside the beam formed by tmpAngle and Alpha***
        While (tmpAngle + Alpha < currentAngle) 
		'---***Check if cnt is the new max ***
          FinalizeAngle(max, tmp, tmpAngle, cnt) 

          tmp = tmp + 1
		'---***If all Angles in srtArry are calculated exit loop***
          If tmp = srtArry.Count Then Exit For 
		'---***next angle in srtArry after tmpAngle***
          tmpAngle = srtArry.GetKey(tmp) 

          cnt = cnt - srtArry.Item(srtArry.GetKey(tmp - 1))
        End While
		'---***If currentAngle lies in the beam formed by tmpAngle and Alpha***
        If tmpAngle + Alpha >= currentAngle Then 
          cnt = cnt + srtArry.Item(srtArry.GetKey(i))
		   '---***If tmpAngle + Alpha is greater than maximum of all angles i.e. (i = srtArray.Count - 1 && tmpAngle + Alpha > currentAngle)***
          If i = srtArry.Count - 1 Then 
			'---***Loop all angles before currentAngle if tmpAngle beam overflows to FirstQuadrant***
            If tmpAngle + Alpha - (2 * Math.PI) >= 0 Then LoopAgain(cnt, tmpAngle) 
			'---***Check if tmpAngle cnt is the new max***
            FinalizeAngle(max, tmp, tmpAngle, cnt) 
			'---***If all Angles in srtArry are not calculated yet***
            If tmp < i Then 
			'---***Restart for loop from tmp + 1 (Next i increments value)***
              i = tmp 
			  '---***Since tmpAngle is finalized, next angle in srtArry after tmpAngle***
              tmp = tmp + 1 
              cnt = 0
            End If
          End If
        End If
      Next i
      Return max
    End Function

''' Utility Function1 : Find angle of given point

    Private Function ArcTan(ByVal pt As Point) As Double
      Dim Beta As Double = 0
      If pt.X >= 0 And pt.Y < 0 Then
        Beta = Math.Atan(pt.Y / pt.X) + (2 * Math.PI)
      ElseIf pt.X < 0 And pt.Y >= 0 Then
        Beta = Math.Atan(pt.Y / pt.X) + Math.PI
      ElseIf pt.X < 0 And pt.Y <= 0 Then
        Beta = Math.Atan(pt.Y / pt.X) + Math.PI
        Beta = Math.Atan(pt.Y / pt.X)
      End If
      Console.WriteLine("( " & pt.X & "," & pt.Y & ")" & " Angle : " & Beta * 180 / Math.PI)
      Return Beta
    End Function

''' Utility Function2 : Decide if Angle should be added into an array of closest points.
    Private Sub FinalizeAngle(ByRef max As Integer, tmp As Integer, tmpAngle As Double, cnt As Integer)
      If max < cnt Then
        max = cnt
        maxAry.Add(tmpAngle, cnt)
      ElseIf max = cnt Then
        If maxAry.ContainsKey(tmpAngle) Then
          maxAry.Item(tmpAngle) = maxAry(tmpAngle) + 1
          maxAry.Add(tmpAngle, cnt)
        End If
      End If
    End Sub

''' Utility Function3: I doubt if this is the culprit which increased time complexity of my 
'''program. Loop function that loops through all points within alpha range but lies beyond 
'''4th quadrant.
    Private Sub LoopAgain(ByRef cnt As Integer, tmpAngle As Double)
      Dim TmpLowAngle As Double = tmpAngle + Alpha - 2 * Math.PI

      For j As Integer = 0 To srtArry.Count - 1
        Dim currentAngle2 As Double = srtArry.GetKey(j)
        If TmpLowAngle - currentAngle2 >= 0 Then
          cnt = cnt + srtArry.Item(srtArry.GetKey(j))
          Exit For
        End If
    End Sub
''' Initializing some examples 

  Sub Add(ByVal list As List(Of Point), ByVal X As Double, ByVal Y As Double)
    list.Add(New Point(X, Y))
  End Sub

  Sub Main()
    '''Dim pts As New List(Of Point) From {{-2, 0}, {-2, 2}, {-2, 0.5}, {2, -1}, {2, 0}, {2, -0.5}, {-2, 0}}
    Dim pts As New List(Of Point) From {{0, 2}, {-2, 2}, {0, -2}, {2, -2}, {2, 0}, {5, 0.25}, {5, 0.15}}
    '''Dim pts As New List(Of Point) From {{0, 5}, {-3, 3}, {-5, 0}, {4, -2}, {3, -3}, {5, 0.25}}
    Dim obj1 As New Calculate(pts, 45.0 * (Math.PI / 180))
  End Sub

- shylaja23 July 14, 2013 | Flag

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