Microsoft Interview Question for Software Engineer / Developers

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if u have O(n) space you can do it in O(n) run time

traverse preorder the addresses of the nodes and store it.

then traverse inorder the addresses of the nodes and store it.
eg tree

b c
d e f

have PreOrder:a b d e c f
Inorder: d b e a c f

for two node ptrs eg d and c
mark the positions in inorder array and find first preorder ptr which seprates it into two
different parts of Inorder array

for above example first preorder ptr is a which seprates inorder into dbe and cf
so a is first commom ancester of d and c

- Ravi Kant Pandey March 26, 2007 | Flag Reply
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I forgot to mention that this Binary Tree is not necessary balanced.

- bearlover July 07, 2006 | Flag Reply
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rough algorithm:

store the path of child 1 frm root...
store the path of child 2 frm root...

compare the two paths node by node and output the node after which they differ. this gives the first common ancestor.

- pavan October 11, 2006 | Flag Reply
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It is possible to solve this without building additional queues. The system stack is actually your queue.

Your recursive traverse function must return true if one of the nodes is found, and each instance of this function should pass this result up to the previous callers. The common ancestor is the node that receives true from both left and right branches.

- crontab March 17, 2007 | Flag Reply
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if u have O(n) space one can do it in O(n) run time

traverse preorder the addresses of the nodes and store it.

then traverse inorder the addresses of the nodes and store it.
eg tree

b c
d e f

have PreOrder:a b d e c f
Inorder: d b e a c f

for two node ptrs eg d and c
mark the positions in inorder array and find first preorder ptr which seprates it into two
different parts of Inorder array

for above example first preorder ptr is a which seprates inorder into dbe and cf
so a is first commom ancester of d and c

- Ravi Kant Pandey March 23, 2007 | Flag Reply
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Can be solved in O(logn) space and O(n) time
1. Do DFS
2. During DFS, if you find one of the nodes, store the stack contents(path from the root). Repeat for both nodes. This requires 2logn space
3. Now compare both these paths from root.. the last common node in the path is the first common ancestor. This takes 'logn' time in avg case and 'n' in worst case.

- Vel November 05, 2007 | Flag Reply
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The lowest common ancestor's key value will be in between the two given numbers. Return the first node of this kind you encounter.
The following code will work only if the 2 given nodes in the problem exist in the tree.

typedef struct _node{
  int data;
  struct node *left;
  struct node *right;
} node;
//here num1 and num2 are two given nodes' values whose lowest common //ancestor needs to be found
void* lowestCommonAncestor(node *root,int num1,int num2){
    return NULL;
  if(root->right == NULL || root->left == NULL)
    return NULL;
  node *curnode;
  curnode = root;
    if(num1 < curnode->data && num2 < curnode->data){
    else if(num1 > curnode->data && num2 > curnode->data){
    else if(num1<curnode->data && num2>curnode->data){
       return curnode;

- Raman November 22, 2007 | Flag Reply
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Raman, are u suggesting to do the following?

look at the curNode

If node1->data and node2->data are less than the curNode->data
go to the the left child

If node1->data and node2->data are greater than the curNode->data
go to the right child
The curNode is the lowest common ancestor

- Java Coder November 23, 2007 | Flag
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Yup thats right.

- Raman November 27, 2007 | Flag
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The tree in the question is not a binary search tree.

- wangpidong October 15, 2013 | Flag
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Raman I wonder how this works for a binary tree because the given tree is not a BST

- Vamsi November 30, 2007 | Flag Reply
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You can assign a dewy ID to each node as you scan the tree and then find the common substring between the deweyIDs for the two leaves given. That will give the LCA. Another approach is to label all the nodes based on the level and then find the Euler tour and then determine the LCA. The following link should be useful....

- gauravk.18 April 10, 2008 | Flag Reply
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1. look for the parent of node1 and node2 , if they are equal then we found the common ancestor other assign the parent value to nodes and start iterating again and till do untill node1 or node2 is not null.

that can be done in O(n) ways and O(1) space complexity

FindCommonAncestor( struct tree *node1 , struct tree *node2, struct tree *common )
common = NULL;

while( node1 |= NULL || node2 != NULL )
if( node1->parent == node2->parent )
common = node1->parent;
node1 = node1->parent;
node2 = node2->parent;


- Anonymous May 25, 2008 | Flag Reply
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nope, man...
first, it's not said that tree structure has 'parent' pointers,
second, your solution only works if leaf nodes have the same depth (which is not true even if the tree were balanced).

here is a simple recursive solution:

node *p1, *p2; 
node *common = 0;

bool common_ancestor(node *t) {

    if(t == 0)
        return false;
    if(t == p1 || t == p2) // match found
        return true;

    bool hit1 = common_ancestor(t->left);
    if(common != 0) // already found
        return false;

    bool hit2 = common_ancestor(t->right);
    if(hit1 & hit2) {
        common = t;
        return false;
    return (hit1 | hit2);

main() {

    // assign p1 and p2 to some leaf nodes

- pavel.em June 09, 2008 | Flag
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go from one of the node, recursive find all of it parents then put them to a hashset.
same for second node, check if the parent is in the hashset. First should be the answer

- lijliy September 19, 2008 | Flag Reply
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crontab and asm's solutions look doable. But I did not check carefully.

- xyz September 22, 2008 | Flag Reply
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another solution:

- XYZ October 02, 2008 | Flag
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Tested. Use two vectors to record the path to 2 nodes:
bool findPath(Node* root, Node* node, vector<Node*>& v)
..if (root==NULL)
....return false;
..else if (root==node){
....return true;
..else if(findPath(root->left, node, v)||findPath(root->right, node, v)){
....return true;
..else return false;

int main()
..Tree tree;
..Node* root=tree.createTree();
..Node* node1=root->left->right;
..Node* node2=root->right->left;
..Node* common;
..vector<Node*> v1, v2;
..findPath(root, node1, v1);
..findPath(root, node2, v2);
..while (v1.back()==v2.back()){

- XYZ October 06, 2008 | Flag Reply
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Test passed. Recursion version:
bool postOrder(Node* root, Node* node1, Node* node2, Node** common)
..if (root==NULL)
....return false;

..//node1 or node2 is current root
...bool isSelf=(root==node1)||(root==node2);
..//left branch of current root has one node;
..bool left= postOrder(root->left, node1, node2, common);
..//right branch of current root has one node;
..bool right=postOrder(root->right, node1, node2, common);

..//case1: node1 and node2 are the same node
..if (node1==node2){
....return true;
..//case2: (left && right): node1 and node2 are one left and right branches of root
..//case3: (isSelf&&left): root is one node, and another node is on the left branch
..//case4: (isSelf&&right): root is one node, and another node is on the right branch
..if ((left && right) || (isSelf&&left) || (isSelf&&right)){
....return true;
..//only one node is detected:
..else if (left || right || isSelf)
....return true;
..//neither node1 nor node2 is detected:
....return false;

int main()
..Tree tree;
..Node* root=tree.createTree();
..Node* node1=root->left->left;
..Node* node2=root->left;
..Node** common=&root;
..postOrder(root, node1, node2, common);

- XYZ October 06, 2008 | Flag Reply
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Using Node*& instead of Node** as parameter common
bool postOrder(Node* root, Node* node1, Node* node2, Node*& common)
..if (root==NULL)
....return false;
..bool isSelf=(root==node1)||(root==node2);
..bool left= postOrder(root->left, node1, node2, common);
..bool right=postOrder(root->right, node1, node2, common);
..if (node1==node2){
....return true;
..if ((left && right) || (isSelf&&left) || (isSelf&&right)){
....return true;
..else if (left || right || isSelf)
....return true;
....return false;

int main()
..Tree tree;
..Node* root=tree.createTree();
..Node* node1=root->left->left;
..Node* node2=root->left;
..Node*& common1=root;
..postOrder(root, node1, node2, common1);

- XYZ October 07, 2008 | Flag Reply
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working code

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

struct node {
	int value;
	struct node *left;
	struct node *right;

	node(int a) {
		value = a;
		left = NULL;
		right = NULL;

node *createBST(std::vector<int> numbers, int low, int high) {
	// create tree from numbers
	if (low > high) return NULL;

	int mid = (low + high) / 2;
	node *root = new node(numbers[mid]);
	root->left = createBST(numbers, low, mid -1);
	root->right = createBST(numbers, mid+1, high);
	return root;


void printHeight(node* root) {
    static int height = 0;
    if(root == NULL) {
    for(int i = 1; i <= height; i++) 
        std::cout << "\t";
    std::cout << root->value << "\n";

bool isInSubTree(const struct node* root, int val) {
	if(root == NULL) {
		return false;
	if(root->value == val) return true;
	return (isInSubTree(root->left, val) || isInSubTree(root->right, val));	

node * findCommonAncestor(struct node* root, int first, int second) {
	if(root == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	if((isInSubTree(root->left, first) && isInSubTree(root->right, second)) ||
		(isInSubTree(root->left, second) && isInSubTree(root->right, first))) {
		return root;

	if(isInSubTree(root->left, first) && isInSubTree(root->left, second)) {
		return findCommonAncestor(root->left, first, second);

	if(isInSubTree(root->right, first) && isInSubTree(root->right, second)) {
		return findCommonAncestor(root->right, first, second);

int main() {

	std::cout << "Enter first and second\n";
	int first;
	int second;
	std::cin >> first;
	std::cin >> second;

	std::vector<int> numbers;
	int temp;
	while(std::cin >> temp) {

	std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());

	node *root = createBST(numbers, 0, numbers.size() - 1);

	std::cout << "\n";

	node *commonAncestor = findCommonAncestor(root, first, second);
	if (!commonAncestor) { 
		std::cout << "No common ancestor found";
	} else {
		std::cout << "Common ancestor is " << commonAncestor->value;

	std::cout << "\n";

	return 0;

- Anonymous April 15, 2013 | Flag Reply
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O(treedepth) algorithm no space (except stack).

int n1 = depth(node1);
int n2 = depth(node2);
while(n1>n2) {
	node1 = node1.parent();
while(n2>n1) {
	node2 = node2.parent();
while(node1 != node2) {
	node1 = node1.parent();
	node2 = node2.parent();
return node1;

- celicom September 29, 2013 | Flag Reply
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A Java solution for this question. It is basically a post-order traversal of the input tree with some early cut-offs (proceeding if we already found the first common ancestor). Time O(n), Space O(1).

public class TreeNode
	public TreeNode left=null;
	public TreeNode right=null;
	int val;
	public TreeNode(int v)
	public String toString()
		return String.format("[TreeNode: val=%d]", val);
	public String toStringAll()
		return String.format("[TreeNode: val=%d, left=%s, right=%s]", val, 
				(left!=null) ? left.toStringAll() : null, 
				(right!=null) ? right.toStringAll() : null);
public class ID2319
	TreeNode ancestor=null;
	boolean done=false;
	public TreeNode firstCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode leaf1, TreeNode leaf2)
		if (root==null || leaf1==null || leaf2==null)
			return null;
		// initialize
		TreeNode result=firstCommonAncestorRecursive(root, leaf1, leaf2);
		if (result==null || result==leaf1 || result==leaf2)
			return null;
			return result;
	public TreeNode firstCommonAncestorRecursive(TreeNode root, TreeNode leaf1, TreeNode leaf2)
	{// post-order traversal with early cut-offs
		if (root==null || root==leaf1 || root==leaf2)
			return root;
		TreeNode left=firstCommonAncestorRecursive(root.left, leaf1, leaf2);
		if (done)
			return ancestor;
		TreeNode right=firstCommonAncestorRecursive(root.right, leaf1, leaf2);
		if (done)
			return ancestor;
		if (left==null)
			return right;
		else if (right==null)
			return left;
		else if (left!=null && right!=null)
			if (ancestor==null)
			return ancestor;
		return ancestor;
	public static void main(String[] args)
		TreeNode root=new TreeNode(1);
		root.left=new TreeNode(2);
		root.right=new TreeNode(3);
		root.left.left=new TreeNode(4);
		root.left.right=new TreeNode(5);
		root.right.left=new TreeNode(6);
		root.right.right=new TreeNode(7);		
		root.left.left.left=new TreeNode(8);
		root.left.left.right=new TreeNode(9);
		root.right.left.left=new TreeNode(10);
		root.right.left.right=new TreeNode(11);
		root.right.right.right=new TreeNode(12);
		ID2319 wpd=new ID2319();
		System.out.println(wpd.firstCommonAncestor(root, root.left.left.right, root.right.right.right));
		System.out.println(wpd.firstCommonAncestor(root, root.left.left.right, root.left.right));
		System.out.println(wpd.firstCommonAncestor(root, root.left.left.right, new TreeNode(14)));
		System.out.println(wpd.firstCommonAncestor(root, root.left.left.right, null));


- wangpidong October 15, 2013 | Flag Reply

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