Amazon Interview Question

Country: India
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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1) sort all words by length (if not)
2) sort each word by chars. e.g:
{a, b, ba, bca, bda, bdca} -> {a, b, ab, abc, abd, abcd}
3) dynamic: add each word and check longest chain for all previous words chain

f(n+1 word) = max {f(n) f(n-1) ... f(1)} + 1

{a} - {1, 1}
{a, b} - {1, 1}
{a, b, ab} - {1, 1, 2}
{a, b, ab, abc} - {1, 1, 2, 3}
{a, b, ab, abc, abd} - {1, 1, 2, 3, 3}
{a, b, ab, abc, abd, abcd} - {1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4}

complexity in worst case is O(n^2 k) there n is number of words and k is max len of longest word

- Sergey September 16, 2016 | Flag Reply
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1. Pick all combinations of words one by one. if diff in there size is 1, then find edit distance between two words[consider only deletion scenario]
Now we will create graph and find longest path
2. If Edit distance is 1 between two words then add one directed edge between two words in the Graph.
3. Now we can find the longest path

- Bhupendr September 24, 2016 | Flag Reply
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1. Pick all combinations of words one by one. if diff in there size is 1, then find edit distance between two words[consider only deletion scenario]
Now we will create graph and find longest path
2. If Edit distance is 1 between two words then add one directed edge between two words in the Graph.
3. Now we can find the longest path

- Bhupendr Singh September 24, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public class DictionaryChain {

	public static StringGraph startingPoint = null;
	public static int highestDepth = 0;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] w = {"a", "b", "ba", "bca", "bda", "bdca"};

		String[] w2 = {"a", "b", "ba", "bca", "bda", "bdca", "bdcaf", "f", "bdcafg", "g", "asdsddsdsa", "xyzxyzyxyz"};

	public static String biggestWordChain(String[] words) {
		Map<Integer, ArrayList<StringGraph>> wordSet = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<StringGraph>>();
		int maxLength = Integer.MIN_VALUE, minLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		for(String word : words) {
			if(!wordSet.containsKey(word.length())) {
				wordSet.put(word.length(), new ArrayList<StringGraph>());
			StringGraph newString = new StringGraph(word);
			maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, word.length());
			minLength = Math.min(minLength, word.length());
		for(int i=minLength+1; i<=maxLength; i++) {
			findEveryNeighbors(wordSet, i);
		return printStringGraph();
	public static void findEveryNeighbors(Map<Integer, ArrayList<StringGraph>> wordSet, int index) {
		List<StringGraph> wordLists = wordSet.get(index);
		int depth;
		if(wordLists == null) {
		for(StringGraph wordList : wordLists) {
			depth = addNeighbors(wordList, wordSet.get(index-1));
			if(depth > highestDepth) {
				highestDepth = depth;
				startingPoint = wordList;
	public static int addNeighbors(StringGraph wordGraph, ArrayList<StringGraph> neighborLists) {
		int currentDepth = -1;
		if(neighborLists == null) {
			return currentDepth;
		for(StringGraph neighborList : neighborLists) {
			if(!isDictionaryChain(wordGraph.strName, neighborList.strName)) {
			if(neighborList.strDepth > currentDepth) {
				currentDepth = neighborList.strDepth;
				wordGraph.longestString = neighborList;
		wordGraph.strDepth = (currentDepth > -1)?currentDepth+1:0;
		return wordGraph.strDepth;
	public static boolean isDictionaryChain(String source, String target) {
		boolean alreadyDeleted = false;
		for(int i=0; i<target.length(); i++) {
			if(source.charAt(i) != target.charAt(i)) {
				alreadyDeleted = source.substring(i+1).equals(target.substring(i))?true:false;
				return alreadyDeleted;
		return true;
	public static String printStringGraph() {
		StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
		StringGraph finalGraph = startingPoint;
		while(finalGraph != null) {
			result.append(" -> ");
			finalGraph = finalGraph.longestString;
		return result.toString();

class StringGraph {
	String strName;
	int strDepth;
	StringGraph longestString;
	public StringGraph(String name) {
		strDepth = 0;
		strName = name;
		longestString = null;

bdca -> bca -> ba -> a -> 
bdcafg -> bdcaf -> bdca -> bca -> ba -> a -> 

- SamBen October 10, 2016 | Flag Reply
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public class DictionaryChain {

	public static StringGraph startingPoint = null;
	public static int highestDepth = 0;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] w = {"a", "b", "ba", "bca", "bda", "bdca"};

		String[] w2 = {"a", "b", "ba", "bca", "bda", "bdca", "bdcaf", "f", "bdcafg", "g", "asdsddsdsa", "xyzxyzyxyz"};

	public static String biggestWordChain(String[] words) {
		Map<Integer, ArrayList<StringGraph>> wordSet = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<StringGraph>>();
		int maxLength = Integer.MIN_VALUE, minLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		for(String word : words) {
			if(!wordSet.containsKey(word.length())) {
				wordSet.put(word.length(), new ArrayList<StringGraph>());
			StringGraph newString = new StringGraph(word);
			maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, word.length());
			minLength = Math.min(minLength, word.length());
		for(int i=minLength+1; i<=maxLength; i++) {
			findEveryNeighbors(wordSet, i);
		return printStringGraph();
	public static void findEveryNeighbors(Map<Integer, ArrayList<StringGraph>> wordSet, int index) {
		List<StringGraph> wordLists = wordSet.get(index);
		int depth;
		if(wordLists == null) {
		for(StringGraph wordList : wordLists) {
			depth = addNeighbors(wordList, wordSet.get(index-1));
			if(depth > highestDepth) {
				highestDepth = depth;
				startingPoint = wordList;
	public static int addNeighbors(StringGraph wordGraph, ArrayList<StringGraph> neighborLists) {
		int currentDepth = -1;
		if(neighborLists == null) {
			return currentDepth;
		for(StringGraph neighborList : neighborLists) {
			if(!isDictionaryChain(wordGraph.strName, neighborList.strName)) {
			if(neighborList.strDepth > currentDepth) {
				currentDepth = neighborList.strDepth;
				wordGraph.longestString = neighborList;
		wordGraph.strDepth = (currentDepth > -1)?currentDepth+1:0;
		return wordGraph.strDepth;
	public static boolean isDictionaryChain(String source, String target) {
		boolean alreadyDeleted = false;
		for(int i=0; i<target.length(); i++) {
			if(source.charAt(i) != target.charAt(i)) {
				alreadyDeleted = source.substring(i+1).equals(target.substring(i))?true:false;
				return alreadyDeleted;
		return true;
	public static String printStringGraph() {
		StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
		StringGraph finalGraph = startingPoint;
		while(finalGraph != null) {
			result.append(" -> ");
			finalGraph = finalGraph.longestString;
		return result.toString();

class StringGraph {
	String strName;
	int strDepth;
	StringGraph longestString;
	public StringGraph(String name) {
		strDepth = 0;
		strName = name;
		longestString = null;

bdca -> bca -> ba -> a -> 
bdcafg -> bdcaf -> bdca -> bca -> ba -> a -> 

- SamBen October 10, 2016 | Flag Reply
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Solution with O(max{nlogn, nk}) time complexity (k is length of longest word)

1. sort word by ascending order of lengths.
2. init hash table, to store (word, max_chain_length)
2. for a word w:
- set tmp max_chain_length(w) to 1
- for every char c in w, remove c from w, and call it w'. check in the hash table if w' exists - if yes, set tmp max_chain_length of w to max{tmp_max_chain_length, max_chain_length( w' + 1).
- insert (w, tmp max_chain_length) to hash table.

complexity analysis: we iterate over N words, for each one we iterate over its chars, and perform hash operations in O(1). thus total O(nk). (not including sorting)

- MRLevis21 November 24, 2016 | Flag Reply
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JavaScript implementation. Let's say the longest words is K and we got N words the worst case will be:
1. Sorting O(NlogN)
2. for each word we work on every sub word length k-1 so it's O(K^2) and we do it for all the words so it's O(N*K^2)
Together it's O(NlogN + N*K^2) I add them because we don't know if K^2 > logN.

But in an actual dictionary it will run much faster because I added some optimisation so I don't check substrings if it won't be longer than the current maximum. But there are cases that the running time will still be that of O(NlogN + N*K^2)

    Sort an array of strings from longest to shortest
let reverseSort = (a, b) => {
    return -( a.length - b.length);

Build a dictionary: String to Object
    visited: boolean - Did we already visit this word
    length: number - the length of the maximum chain
    nextWord: string - the index for the next word in the dictionary
let buildDictionary = (arr) => {
    let dictionary = {};
    arr.forEach((item)=> {
        dictionary[item] = {
            visited: false,
            length: 1,
            nextWord: null
    return dictionary;

let findChainForWord = (originContext, originWord, dictionary) => {
    let originWordCharArray = originWord.split('');
    for(let i = 0; i < originWordCharArray.length ; i++){
        //remove char
        let tmpCharArray = originWordCharArray.splice(i,1);

        let currentWord = originWordCharArray.join('');
        let currentContext = dictionary[currentWord];

        // this is a valid word in the dictionary
            //build subchain
                findChainForWord(currentContext, currentWord, dictionary);
            // Change the current maximum to the new one if it's longer
            if(currentContext.length + 1 > originContext.length){
                originContext.length = currentContext.length + 1;
                originContext.nextWord = currentWord;

        //put the char back
        originWordCharArray.splice(i,0, tmpCharArray[0]);
    originContext.visited = true;

 Build a string from a chain node
let buildResultChain = (dictionary, word) => {
    let current = dictionary[word];
    let res = `Length: ${current.length}:  ${word} `;
        res += ` -> ${current.nextWord}`;
        current = dictionary[current.nextWord];
    return res;

    This is the main method. It will return a string representation of the longest chain
function findLongestChain(words) {
    // Sort the words from the longest word to the shortest
    let dictionary = buildDictionary(words);
    let current    = null;
    words.forEach((word) => {
        let wordObj = dictionary[word];
        // we need to check only unvisited words. If I visit it already it must be part of a chain,
        // meaning it won't be longer than the current longest
        // Also, if current found word is longer than the word length, no need to check. The chain will never be as long
        if (!wordObj.visited && !(current && dictionary[current].length >= word.length)) {
            findChainForWord(wordObj, word, dictionary);
            if(!current || dictionary[current].length < wordObj.length){
                current = word;
    return buildResultChain(dictionary, current);

let words = ['a', 'b', 'bca', 'ba', 'bda', 'bdca'];
//print Length: 4:  bdca  -> bca -> ba -> a

 words = ['a', 'b', 'bca', 'bcdef', 'ba', 'abcd', 'bda', 'bdca', 'abcdef', 'cdef','cde','de','d', 'qqqqq'];
//print Length: 6:  abcdef  -> bcdef -> cdef -> cde -> de -> d

 words = ['a'];
// print Length: 1:  a

words = ['ba', 'agd', 'liuf','lkjda'];
// print Length: 1:  lkjda  (because we sort the dictionary this is the first word)

- benmeiri84 December 27, 2016 | Flag Reply
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

public class Chain {

    static HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> adjecentNode = new HashMap<>();
        ArrayList adjecentNodeList= new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList adjecentNodeList_ = new ArrayList<>();
        adjecentNode.put("bca", adjecentNodeList_);
        ArrayList adjecentNodeList__ = new ArrayList<>();
        adjecentNode.put("bda", adjecentNodeList__);

        ArrayList adjecentNodeList_1 = new ArrayList<>();
        adjecentNode.put("ba", adjecentNodeList_1);
        ArrayList adjecentNodeList_2 = new ArrayList<>();
        adjecentNode.put("ba", adjecentNodeList_2);
    public static void main(String[] str){
    static ArrayList<String> findLongestChain(String word){
        if(adjecentNode.get(word) == null){
            ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<String>();
            return a;
        int previousLength = 0;
        ArrayList<String> prevList = new ArrayList<String>();
        for(String adjecentNode : adjecentNode.get(word)){
            ArrayList<String> list = findLongestChain(adjecentNode);
            if( list.size() > previousLength ){
                previousLength = list.size();
                prevList = list;
        return prevList;

- Anand February 08, 2017 | Flag Reply
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public class BiggestWordChain {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] w = {"a", "b", "ba", "bca", "bda", "bdca"};

		String[] w2 = {"a", "b", "ba", "bca", "bda", "bdca", "bdcaf", "f", "bdcafg", "g", "asdsddsdsa", "xyzxyzyxyz"};

	public static int biggestWordChain(String[] w) {
		int max = 1;
		Map<String, Integer> wordCount = new HashMap<>();
		for (int i = 0; i < w.length; i++) {
			wordCount.put(w[i], wordCount.containsKey(w[i]) ? wordCount.get(w[i]) + 1 : 1);
		// sort by size - start from bigger strings first - greedy aproach
		Arrays.sort(w, new Comparator<String>() {
			public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
				return o1.length() > o2.length() ? -1 : o1.length() < o2.length() ? 1 : 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < w.length; i++) {
			String s = w[i];			
			if (s.length() > max) {
				int currMax = biggestWordChain(wordCount, new StringBuilder(s));	
				max = Math.max(max, currMax);				
		return max;
	public static int biggestWordChain(Map<String,Integer> words, StringBuilder s) {
		int max = 0;
		char[] c = s.toString().toCharArray();
		for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {			
			// try removing char
			String newStr = null;			
			if (i == 0) {
				newStr = s.substring(i+1);
			} else if (i == c.length-1) {
				newStr = s.substring(0, c.length-1);
			} else {
				newStr = s.substring(0, i) + s.substring(i+1);
			if (newStr.equals("")) {
				return 1;
			if (words.containsKey(newStr)) {
				max = 1;
				if (words.get(newStr) > 1) {
					words.put(newStr, words.get(newStr) - 1);
				} else {
				int newMax = 1 + biggestWordChain(words, new StringBuilder(newStr));
				max = Math.max(max, newMax);
				// put back attempted string - backtrack
				words.put(newStr, words.containsKey(newStr) ? words.get(newStr) + 1 : 1);				
		return max;

- guilhebl September 16, 2016 | Flag Reply
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- create a map of word length and words.
- Initiate possible chain size 0 for all the words.
- For every word of length l starting from biggest word, see if they are able to form a chain with words of length l-1.
- if w1 of length l is chainable with word w2 of length l-1, assign possible_chain_size(w2) = possible_chain_size(w1)+1.
- Return maximum of chain size of all words.

For k, the length of the maximum word and n, number of words. It takes O(n^2) comparsions. Each comparision is O(k). So worst case scenario is O(k* n^2).

- ravi September 17, 2016 | Flag Reply

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